Esempio n. 1
 private void AdvanceToSnapshot(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     if ((_searchSpans != null) && (_searchSpans.Count > 0) && (_searchSpans[0].Snapshot != snapshot))
         NormalizedSpanCollection newSpans = TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(_searchSpans[0].Snapshot, _searchSpans, snapshot);
         this.SearchSpans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(snapshot, newSpans);
Esempio n. 2
        internal ITextSnapshot AdvanceToCurrentSnapshot()
            //We don't need to take a snapshot of the results because the results are only modified on this thread.
            ITextSnapshot oldSnapshot = _results.Snapshot;
            ITextSnapshot newSnapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            if (oldSnapshot != newSnapshot)
                //The results are all on an old snapshot. We need to project them forward (even though that might cause some stale and incorrect
                NormalizedSpanCollection newMatches       = TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(oldSnapshot, _results.Matches, newSnapshot);
                NormalizedSpanCollection newSearchedSpans = NormalizedSpanCollection.Empty;

                if ((_results.SearchedSpans.Count != 0) && !_options.HasFlag(FindOptions.Multiline))
                    //Advance our record of the spans that have already been searched to the new snapshot as well.
                    newSearchedSpans = BackgroundSearch <T> .TranslateToAndExtend(oldSnapshot, _results.SearchedSpans, newSnapshot);

                    //But remove anything on a TextSnapshotLine that was modified by the change.
                    List <Span>  changedSpansOnNewSnapshot = new List <Span>();
                    ITextVersion version = oldSnapshot.Version;
                    while (version != newSnapshot.Version)
                        foreach (var change in version.Changes)
                            changedSpansOnNewSnapshot.Add(BackgroundSearch <T> .Extend(newSnapshot, Tracking.TrackSpanForwardInTime(SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive, change.NewSpan,
                                                                                                                                    version.Next, newSnapshot.Version)));

                        version = version.Next;

                    if (changedSpansOnNewSnapshot.Count > 0)
                        NormalizedSpanCollection changes = new NormalizedSpanCollection(changedSpansOnNewSnapshot);

                        //Remove the spans touched by changes from the spans we've searched
                        newSearchedSpans = NormalizedSpanCollection.Difference(newSearchedSpans, changes);

                _results = new SearchResults(newSnapshot, newMatches, newSearchedSpans);

Esempio n. 3
        public bool Replace()
            if (this.ReplaceTerm == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't replace with a null value. Set ReplaceTerm before performing a replace operation.");

            if (!this.CurrentResult.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Need to have a current result before being able to replace. Perform a FindNext or FindPrevious operation first.");

            bool forward = (this.SearchOptions & FindOptions.SearchReverse) != FindOptions.SearchReverse;
            bool regEx   = (this.SearchOptions & FindOptions.UseRegularExpressions) == FindOptions.UseRegularExpressions;

            //This may not be the text buffer's current snapshot but that is the desired behavior. We're replacing the current result
            //with the replace tuern.
            SnapshotSpan  result          = this.CurrentResult.Value;
            ITextSnapshot replaceSnapshot = result.Snapshot;

            SnapshotPoint searchStart = forward ? result.Start : result.End;

            SnapshotSpan searchSpan;
            NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection searchSpans = this.SearchSpans;

            if ((searchSpans != null) && (searchSpans.Count > 0))
                //There could be a version skew here.
                if (searchSpans[0].Snapshot != replaceSnapshot)
                    searchSpans = new  NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(replaceSnapshot, TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(searchSpans[0].Snapshot, searchSpans, replaceSnapshot));

                int index;
                if (!TextSearchNavigator.TryGetIndexOfContainingSpan(searchSpans, searchStart, out index))
                    // If the match is outside of the search range, then we should noop
                searchSpan = searchSpans[index];
                searchSpan = new SnapshotSpan(replaceSnapshot, 0, replaceSnapshot.Length);

            searchSpan = forward ? new SnapshotSpan(searchStart, searchSpan.End) : new SnapshotSpan(searchSpan.Start, searchStart);

            //Ask the search engine to find the actual span we need to replace (& the corresponding replacement string).
            string       replacementValue = null;
            SnapshotSpan?toReplace        = _textSearchService.FindForReplace(searchSpan, this.SearchTerm, this.ReplaceTerm, this.SearchOptions, out replacementValue);

            if (toReplace.HasValue)
                using (ITextEdit edit = _buffer.CreateEdit())
                    Span replacementSpan = toReplace.Value.TranslateTo(edit.Snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);

                    if (!edit.Replace(replacementSpan, replacementValue))
                        // The edit failed for some reason, perhaps read-only regions?


                    if (edit.Canceled)
                        // The edit failed, most likely a handler of the changed event forced the edit to be canceled.


        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <T> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection requestedSpans)
            //We should always be called with a non-empty span.
            if (requestedSpans != null && requestedSpans.Count > 0)
                ITextSnapshot searchSnapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                requestedSpans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(searchSnapshot, TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(requestedSpans[0].Snapshot, requestedSpans, searchSnapshot));

                if ((_searchSpans != null) && (_searchSpans.Count > 0))
                    //The search has been narrowed via _searchSpan ... limit the request to the search range (after making sure it is on the correct snapshot).
                    if (_searchSpans[0].Snapshot != searchSnapshot)
                        NormalizedSpanCollection newSpans = TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(_searchSpans[0].Snapshot, _searchSpans, searchSnapshot);
                        _searchSpans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(searchSnapshot, newSpans);

                    requestedSpans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(searchSnapshot, NormalizedSpanCollection.Intersection(requestedSpans, _searchSpans));

                    if (requestedSpans.Count == 0)
                        yield break;

                foreach (var search in _searchTerms)
                    //Queue up a search if we need one.

                    //Report any results from the search (if we've got them)
                    var results = search.Results;
                    if (results.Count > 0)
                        //Results could be on an old snapshot (and, if so, a new search has already been queued up) but we need to get the results on the current snapshot.
                        if (results[0].Snapshot != searchSnapshot)
                            results = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(searchSnapshot, TextSearchNavigator.TranslateTo(results[0].Snapshot, results, searchSnapshot));

                        if (_searchSpans != null)
                            results = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(searchSnapshot, NormalizedSpanCollection.Intersection(results, _searchSpans));

                        int start = 0;
                        foreach (var span in requestedSpans)
                            start = TextSearchTagger <T> .IndexOfContainingSpan(results, span.Start, start, false);

                            if (start >= results.Count)
                                break;      //All done.
                            int end = TextSearchTagger <T> .IndexOfContainingSpan(results, span.End, start, true);

                            while (start < end)
                                T tag = search.TagFactory.Invoke(results[start]);

                                if (tag != null)
                                    yield return(new TagSpan <T>(results[start], tag));
