Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an assemby or com reference node given a slector data.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual TEntryPointFileNode CreateFileComponent(VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData)
            // We have a path to a file, it could be anything
            // First see if it is a managed assembly
            bool tryToCreateAnAssemblyReference = true;

            if (File.Exists(selectorData.bstrFile))
                    // We should not load the assembly in the current appdomain.
                    // If we do not do it like that and we load the assembly in the current appdomain then the assembly cannot be unloaded again.
                    // The following problems might arose in that case.
                    // 1. Assume that a user is extending the MPF and  his project is creating a managed assembly dll.
                    // 2. The user opens VS and creates a project and builds it.
                    // 3. Then the user opens VS creates another project and adds a reference to the previously built assembly. This will load the assembly in the appdomain had we been using Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom.
                    // 4. Then he goes back to the first project modifies it an builds it. A build error is issued that the assembly is used.

                    // GetAssemblyName is assured not to load the assembly.
                    tryToCreateAnAssemblyReference = (AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(selectorData.bstrFile) != null);
                catch (BadImageFormatException)
                    // We have found the file and it is not a .NET assembly; no need to try to
                    // load it again.
                    tryToCreateAnAssemblyReference = false;
                catch (FileLoadException)
                    // We must still try to load from here because this exception is thrown if we want
                    // to add the same assembly refererence from different locations.
                    tryToCreateAnAssemblyReference = true;

            TEntryPointFileNode node = null;

            if (tryToCreateAnAssemblyReference)
                // This might be a candidate for an assembly reference node. Try to load it.
                // CreateAssemblyReferenceNode will suppress BadImageFormatException if the node cannot be created.
                node = this.CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(selectorData.bstrFile);

            // If no node has been created try to create a com reference node.
            if (node == null)
                if (!File.Exists(selectorData.bstrFile))
                node = this.CreateComReferenceNode(selectorData);
Esempio n. 2
        public IList <TEntryPointFileNode> EnumReferences()
            List <TEntryPointFileNode> refs = new List <TEntryPointFileNode>();

            for (HierarchyNode node = this.FirstChild; node != null; node = node.NextSibling)
                TEntryPointFileNode refNode = node as TEntryPointFileNode;
                if (refNode != null)

Esempio n. 3
        protected virtual TEntryPointFileNode CreateReferenceNode(string referenceType, ProjectElement element)
            TEntryPointFileNode node = null;

            if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.COMReference)
                node = this.CreateComReferenceNode(element);
            else if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference)
                node = this.CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(element);
            else if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.ProjectReference)
                node = this.CreateProjectReferenceNode(element);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds references to this container from a MSBuild project.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadReferencesFromBuildProject(MSBuild.Project buildProject)
            foreach (string referenceType in SupportedReferenceTypes)
                MSBuild.BuildItemGroup refererncesGroup = buildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(referenceType);

                bool isAssemblyReference = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference;
                if (isAssemblyReference && this.ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences) != MSBuildResult.Sucessful)

                foreach (MSBuild.BuildItem item in refererncesGroup)
                    ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, item, false);

                    TEntryPointFileNode node = CreateReferenceNode(referenceType, element);

                    if (node != null)
                        // Make sure that we do not want to add the item twice to the ui hierarchy
                        // We are using here the UI representation of the Node namely the Caption to find that out, in order to
                        // avoid different representation problems.
                        // Example :<Reference Include="EnvDTE80, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
                        //		  <Reference Include="EnvDTE80" />
                        bool found = false;
                        for (HierarchyNode n = this.FirstChild; n != null && !found; n = n.NextSibling)
                            if (String.Compare(n.Caption, node.Caption, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                found = true;

                        if (!found)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a reference is already added. The method parses all references and compares the Url.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the assembly has already been added.</returns>
        protected virtual bool IsAlreadyAdded()
            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = this.ProjectMgr.FindChild(ReferenceContainerNode.ReferencesNodeVirtualName) as ReferenceContainerNode;

            Debug.Assert(referencesFolder != null, "Could not find the References node");

            for (HierarchyNode n = referencesFolder.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                TEntryPointFileNode refererenceNode = n as TEntryPointFileNode;
                if (null != refererenceNode)
                    // We check if the Url of the assemblies is the same.
                    if (NativeMethods.IsSamePath(refererenceNode.Url, this.Url))

Esempio n. 6
        protected virtual TEntryPointFileNode CreateReferenceNode(VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData)
            TEntryPointFileNode node = null;

            switch (selectorData.type)
                node = this.CreateProjectReferenceNode(selectorData);

            // This is the case for managed assembly
                node = this.CreateFileComponent(selectorData);

                node = this.CreateComReferenceNode(selectorData);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a reference to this container using the selector data structure to identify it.
        /// </summary>
        public TEntryPointFileNode AddReferenceFromSelectorData(VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData)
            if (!this.ProjectMgr.QueryEditProjectFile(false))
                throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED);

            TEntryPointFileNode node = CreateReferenceNode(selectorData);

            if (node != null)
                // This call will find if the reference is in the project and, in this case
                // will not add it again, so the parent node will not be set.
                if (null == node.Parent)
                    // The reference was not added, so we can not return this item because it
                    // is not inside the project.
