// This gets called when the project has finished building.
        public int UpdateProjectCfg_Done(IVsHierarchy pHierProj, IVsCfg pCfgProj, IVsCfg pCfgSln, uint dwAction, int fSuccess, int fCancel)
            var projectPath = _projectService.GetProjectPath(pHierProj);

            // Get the corresponding roslyn project by matching the project name and the project path.
            foreach (var projectSnapshot in _projectManager.Projects)
                if (string.Equals(projectPath, projectSnapshot.FilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

        // This gets called when the project has finished building.
        public int UpdateProjectCfg_Done(IVsHierarchy pHierProj, IVsCfg pCfgProj, IVsCfg pCfgSln, uint dwAction, int fSuccess, int fCancel)
            var projectPath = _projectService.GetProjectPath(pHierProj);
            var project     = _projectManager.GetLoadedProject(projectPath);

            if (project != null && project.WorkspaceProject != null)
                var workspaceProject = _projectManager.Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(project.WorkspaceProject.Id);
                if (workspaceProject != null)
                    // Trigger a tag helper update by forcing the project manager to see the workspace Project
                    // from the current solution.

        // This gets called when the project has finished building.
        public int UpdateProjectCfg_Done(IVsHierarchy pHierProj, IVsCfg pCfgProj, IVsCfg pCfgSln, uint dwAction, int fSuccess, int fCancel)
            var projectPath     = _projectService.GetProjectPath(pHierProj);
            var projectSnapshot = _projectManager.GetLoadedProject(projectPath);

            if (projectSnapshot != null)
                var workspaceProject = _projectManager.Workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(
                    wp => FilePathComparer.Instance.Equals(wp.FilePath, projectSnapshot.FilePath));
                if (workspaceProject != null)
                    // Trigger a tag helper update by forcing the project manager to see the workspace Project
                    // from the current solution.
                    _workspaceStateGenerator.Update(workspaceProject, projectSnapshot, CancellationToken.None);

        internal Task OnProjectBuiltAsync(IVsHierarchy projectHierarchy, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var projectFilePath = _projectService.GetProjectPath(projectHierarchy);

            return(_projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher.RunOnDispatcherThreadAsync(() =>
                var projectSnapshot = _projectManager.GetLoadedProject(projectFilePath);
                if (projectSnapshot != null)
                    var workspaceProject = _projectManager.Workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(
                        wp => FilePathComparer.Instance.Equals(wp.FilePath, projectSnapshot.FilePath));
                    if (workspaceProject != null)
                        // Trigger a tag helper update by forcing the project manager to see the workspace Project
                        // from the current solution.
                        _workspaceStateGenerator.Update(workspaceProject, projectSnapshot, cancellationToken);
            }, cancellationToken));