Esempio n. 1
File: Binder.cs Progetto: zooba/wix3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the MSI/MSM/PCP database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output">Output to create database for.</param>
        /// <param name="databaseFile">The database file to create.</param>
        /// <param name="keepAddedColumns">Whether to keep columns added in a transform.</param>
        /// <param name="useSubdirectory">Whether to use a subdirectory based on the <paramref name="databaseFile"/> file name for intermediate files.</param>
        internal void GenerateDatabase(Output output, string databaseFile, bool keepAddedColumns, bool useSubdirectory)
            // add the _Validation rows
            if (!this.suppressAddingValidationRows)
                Table validationTable = output.EnsureTable(this.core.TableDefinitions["_Validation"]);

                foreach (Table table in output.Tables)
                    if (!table.Definition.IsUnreal)
                        // add the validation rows for this table

            // set the base directory
            string baseDirectory = this.TempFilesLocation;
            if (useSubdirectory)
                string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(databaseFile);
                baseDirectory = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, filename);

                // make sure the directory exists

                OpenDatabase type = OpenDatabase.CreateDirect;

                // set special flag for patch files
                if (OutputType.Patch == output.Type)
                    type |= OpenDatabase.OpenPatchFile;

                // try to create the database
                using (Database db = new Database(databaseFile, type))
                    // localize the codepage if a value was specified by the localizer
                    if (null != this.Localizer && -1 != this.Localizer.Codepage)
                        output.Codepage = this.Localizer.Codepage;

                    // if we're not using the default codepage, import a new one into our
                    // database before we add any tables (or the tables would be added
                    // with the wrong codepage)
                    if (0 != output.Codepage)
                        this.SetDatabaseCodepage(db, output);

                    // insert substorages (like transforms inside a patch)
                    if (0 < output.SubStorages.Count)
                        using (View storagesView = new View(db, "SELECT `Name`, `Data` FROM `_Storages`"))
                            foreach (SubStorage subStorage in output.SubStorages)
                                string transformFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, String.Concat(subStorage.Name, ".mst"));

                                // bind the transform
                                if (this.BindTransform(subStorage.Data, transformFile))
                                    // add the storage
                                    using (Record record = new Record(2))
                                        record.SetString(1, subStorage.Name);
                                        record.SetStream(2, transformFile);
                                        storagesView.Modify(ModifyView.Assign, record);

                        // some empty transforms may have been excluded
                        // we need to remove these from the final patch summary information
                        if (OutputType.Patch == output.Type && this.AllowEmptyTransforms)
                            Table patchSummaryInfo = output.EnsureTable(this.core.TableDefinitions["_SummaryInformation"]);
                            for (int i = patchSummaryInfo.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                Row row = patchSummaryInfo.Rows[i];
                                if ((int)SummaryInformation.Patch.ProductCodes == (int)row[0])
                                    if (nonEmptyProductCodes.Count > 0)
                                        string[] productCodes = new string[nonEmptyProductCodes.Count];
                                        nonEmptyProductCodes.CopyTo(productCodes, 0);
                                        row[1] = String.Join(";", productCodes);
                                        row[1] = Binder.NullString;
                                else if ((int)SummaryInformation.Patch.TransformNames == (int)row[0])
                                    if (nonEmptyTransformNames.Count > 0)
                                        string[] transformNames = new string[nonEmptyTransformNames.Count];
                                        nonEmptyTransformNames.CopyTo(transformNames, 0);
                                        row[1] = String.Join(";", transformNames);
                                        row[1] = Binder.NullString;

                    foreach (Table table in output.Tables)
                        Table importTable = table;
                        bool hasBinaryColumn = false;

                        // skip all unreal tables other than _Streams
                        if (table.Definition.IsUnreal && "_Streams" != table.Name)

                        // Do not put the _Validation table in patches, it is not needed
                        if (OutputType.Patch == output.Type && "_Validation" == table.Name)

                        // The only way to import binary data is to copy it to a local subdirectory first.
                        // To avoid this extra copying and perf hit, import an empty table with the same
                        // definition and later import the binary data from source using records.
                        foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in table.Definition.Columns)
                            if (ColumnType.Object == columnDefinition.Type)
                                importTable = new Table(table.Section, table.Definition);
                                hasBinaryColumn = true;

                        // create the table via IDT import
                        if ("_Streams" != importTable.Name)
                                db.ImportTable(output.Codepage, this.core, importTable, baseDirectory, keepAddedColumns);
                            catch (WixInvalidIdtException)
                                // If ValidateRows finds anything it doesn't like, it throws

                                // Otherwise we rethrow the InvalidIdt

                        // insert the rows via SQL query if this table contains object fields
                        if (hasBinaryColumn)
                            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

                            // build the query for the view
                            bool firstColumn = true;
                            foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in table.Definition.Columns)
                                if (!firstColumn)
                                query.AppendFormat(" `{0}`", columnDefinition.Name);
                                firstColumn = false;
                            query.AppendFormat(" FROM `{0}`", table.Name);

                            using (View tableView = db.OpenExecuteView(query.ToString()))
                                // import each row containing a stream
                                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                                    using (Record record = new Record(table.Definition.Columns.Count))
                                        StringBuilder streamName = new StringBuilder();
                                        bool needStream = false;

                                        // the _Streams table doesn't prepend the table name (or a period)
                                        if ("_Streams" != table.Name)

                                        for (int i = 0; i < table.Definition.Columns.Count; i++)
                                            ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = table.Definition.Columns[i];

                                            switch (columnDefinition.Type)
                                                case ColumnType.Localized:
                                                case ColumnType.Preserved:
                                                case ColumnType.String:
                                                    if (columnDefinition.IsPrimaryKey)
                                                        if (0 < streamName.Length)

                                                    record.SetString(i + 1, (string)row[i]);
                                                case ColumnType.Number:
                                                    record.SetInteger(i + 1, Convert.ToInt32(row[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                                case ColumnType.Object:
                                                    if (null != row[i])
                                                        needStream = true;
                                                            record.SetStream(i + 1, (string)row[i]);
                                                        catch (Win32Exception e)
                                                            if (0xA1 == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME
                                                                throw new WixException(WixErrors.FileNotFound(row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)row[i]));
                                                                throw new WixException(WixErrors.Win32Exception(e.NativeErrorCode, e.Message));

                                        // stream names are created by concatenating the name of the table with the values
                                        // of the primary key (delimited by periods)
                                        // check for a stream name that is more than 62 characters long (the maximum allowed length)
                                        if (needStream && MsiInterop.MsiMaxStreamNameLength < streamName.Length)
                                            this.core.OnMessage(WixErrors.StreamNameTooLong(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, streamName.ToString(), streamName.Length));
                                        else // add the row to the database
                                            tableView.Modify(ModifyView.Assign, record);

                            // Remove rows from the _Streams table for wixpdbs.
                            if ("_Streams" == table.Name)

                    // we're good, commit the changes to the new MSI
            catch (IOException)
                // TODO: this error message doesn't seem specific enough
                throw new WixFileNotFoundException(SourceLineNumberCollection.FromFileName(databaseFile), databaseFile);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates database with signatures from external cabinets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseFile">Path to MSI database.</param>
        /// <param name="outputFile">Ouput for updated MSI database.</param>
        /// <param name="tidy">Clean up files.</param>
        /// <returns>True if database is updated.</returns>
        public bool InscribeDatabase(string databaseFile, string outputFile, bool tidy)
            // Keeps track of whether we've encountered at least one signed cab or not - we'll throw a warning if no signed cabs were encountered
            bool foundUnsignedExternals = false;
            bool shouldCommit = false;

            FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(databaseFile);
            if (FileAttributes.ReadOnly == (attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly))
                return shouldCommit;

            using (Database database = new Database(databaseFile, OpenDatabase.Transact))
                // Just use the English codepage, because the tables we're importing only have binary streams / MSI identifiers / other non-localizable content
                int codepage = 1252;

                // list of certificates for this database (hash/identifier)
                Dictionary<string, string> certificates = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                // Reset the in-memory tables for this new database
                Table digitalSignatureTable = new Table(null, this.tableDefinitions["MsiDigitalSignature"]);
                Table digitalCertificateTable = new Table(null, this.tableDefinitions["MsiDigitalCertificate"]);

                // If any digital signature records exist that are not of the media type, preserve them
                if (database.TableExists("MsiDigitalSignature"))
                    using (View digitalSignatureView = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Table`, `SignObject`, `DigitalCertificate_`, `Hash` FROM `MsiDigitalSignature` WHERE `Table` <> 'Media'"))
                        while (true)
                            using (Record digitalSignatureRecord = digitalSignatureView.Fetch())
                                if (null == digitalSignatureRecord)

                                Row digitalSignatureRow = null;
                                digitalSignatureRow = digitalSignatureTable.CreateRow(null);

                                string table = digitalSignatureRecord.GetString(0);
                                string signObject = digitalSignatureRecord.GetString(1);

                                digitalSignatureRow[0] = table;
                                digitalSignatureRow[1] = signObject;
                                digitalSignatureRow[2] = digitalSignatureRecord.GetString(2);

                                if (false == digitalSignatureRecord.IsNull(3))
                                    // Export to a file, because the MSI API's require us to provide a file path on disk
                                    string hashPath = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "MsiDigitalSignature");
                                    string hashFileName = string.Concat(table,".", signObject, ".bin");

                                    hashPath = Path.Combine(hashPath, hashFileName);

                                    using (FileStream fs = File.Create(hashPath))
                                        int bytesRead;
                                        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 4];

                                        while (0 != (bytesRead = digitalSignatureRecord.GetStream(3, buffer, buffer.Length)))
                                            fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                                    digitalSignatureRow[3] = hashFileName;

                // If any digital certificates exist, extract and preserve them
                if (database.TableExists("MsiDigitalCertificate"))
                    using (View digitalCertificateView = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT * FROM `MsiDigitalCertificate`"))
                        while (true)
                            using (Record digitalCertificateRecord = digitalCertificateView.Fetch())
                                if (null == digitalCertificateRecord)

                                string certificateId = digitalCertificateRecord.GetString(1); // get the identifier of the certificate

                                // Export to a file, because the MSI API's require us to provide a file path on disk
                                string certPath = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "MsiDigitalCertificate");
                                certPath = Path.Combine(certPath, string.Concat(certificateId, ".cer"));

                                using (FileStream fs = File.Create(certPath))
                                    int bytesRead;
                                    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 4];

                                    while (0 != (bytesRead = digitalCertificateRecord.GetStream(2, buffer, buffer.Length)))
                                        fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                                // Add it to our "add to MsiDigitalCertificate" table dictionary
                                Row digitalCertificateRow = digitalCertificateTable.CreateRow(null);
                                digitalCertificateRow[0] = certificateId;

                                // Now set the file path on disk where this binary stream will be picked up at import time
                                digitalCertificateRow[1] = string.Concat(certificateId, ".cer");

                                // Load the cert to get it's thumbprint
                                X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(certPath);
                                X509Certificate2 cert2 = new X509Certificate2(cert);

                                certificates.Add(cert2.Thumbprint, certificateId);

                using (View mediaView = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT * FROM `Media`"))
                    while (true)
                        using (Record mediaRecord = mediaView.Fetch())
                            if (null == mediaRecord)

                            X509Certificate2 cert2 = null;
                            Row digitalSignatureRow = null;

                            string cabName = mediaRecord.GetString(4); // get the name of the cab
                            // If there is no cabinet or it's an internal cab, skip it.
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cabName) || cabName.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal))

                            string cabId = mediaRecord.GetString(1); // get the ID of the cab
                            string cabPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(databaseFile), cabName);

                            // If the cabs aren't there, throw an error but continue to catch the other errors
                            if (!File.Exists(cabPath))

                                // Get the certificate from the cab
                                X509Certificate signedFileCert = X509Certificate.CreateFromSignedFile(cabPath);
                                cert2 = new X509Certificate2(signedFileCert);
                            catch (System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException e)
                                uint HResult = unchecked((uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(e));

                                // If the file has no cert, continue, but flag that we found at least one so we can later give a warning
                                if (0x80092009 == HResult) // CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH
                                    foundUnsignedExternals = true;

                                // todo: exactly which HRESULT corresponds to this issue?
                                // If it's one of these exact platforms, warn the user that it may be due to their OS.
                                if ((5 == Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major && 2 == Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) || // W2K3
                                        (5 == Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major && 1 == Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor)) // XP
                                    this.OnMessage(WixErrors.UnableToGetAuthenticodeCertOfFileDownlevelOS(cabPath, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "HRESULT: 0x{0:x8}", HResult)));
                                else // otherwise, generic error
                                    this.OnMessage(WixErrors.UnableToGetAuthenticodeCertOfFile(cabPath, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "HRESULT: 0x{0:x8}", HResult)));

                            // If we haven't added this cert to the MsiDigitalCertificate table, set it up to be added
                            if (!certificates.ContainsKey(cert2.Thumbprint))
                                // generate a stable identifier
                                string certificateGeneratedId = Common.GenerateIdentifier("cer", true, cert2.Thumbprint);

                                // Add it to our "add to MsiDigitalCertificate" table dictionary
                                Row digitalCertificateRow = digitalCertificateTable.CreateRow(null);
                                digitalCertificateRow[0] = certificateGeneratedId;

                                // Export to a file, because the MSI API's require us to provide a file path on disk
                                string certPath = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "MsiDigitalCertificate");
                                certPath = Path.Combine(certPath, string.Concat(cert2.Thumbprint, ".cer"));

                                using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(certPath, FileMode.Create)))

                                // Now set the file path on disk where this binary stream will be picked up at import time
                                digitalCertificateRow[1] = string.Concat(cert2.Thumbprint, ".cer");

                                certificates.Add(cert2.Thumbprint, certificateGeneratedId);

                            digitalSignatureRow = digitalSignatureTable.CreateRow(null);

                            digitalSignatureRow[0] = "Media";
                            digitalSignatureRow[1] = cabId;
                            digitalSignatureRow[2] = certificates[cert2.Thumbprint];

                if (digitalCertificateTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    database.ImportTable(codepage, (IMessageHandler)this, digitalCertificateTable, this.TempFilesLocation, true);
                    shouldCommit = true;

                if (digitalSignatureTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    database.ImportTable(codepage, (IMessageHandler)this, digitalSignatureTable, this.TempFilesLocation, true);
                    shouldCommit = true;

                // TODO: if we created the table(s), then we should add the _Validation records for them.

                certificates = null;

                // If we did find external cabs but none of them were signed, give a warning
                if (foundUnsignedExternals)

                if (shouldCommit)

            return shouldCommit;