Esempio n. 1
        public void GenerateColumnForVirtualInput(ConnectionManager conMgrDestination,
                                                  IDTSComponentMetaData100 flatFileDestination, string ColumnDelimeter, bool UniCode)
            // Add columns to the FlatFileConnectionManager
            wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 fileConnection = null;
            fileConnection         = conMgrDestination.InnerObject as wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100;
            fileConnection.Unicode = UniCode;
            if (fileConnection == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid file connection");
            // Get the upstream columns
            IDTSVirtualInputColumnCollection100 vColumns = flatFileDestination.InputCollection[0].GetVirtualInput().VirtualInputColumnCollection;

            for (int cols = 0; cols < vColumns.Count; cols++)
                wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 col = fileConnection.Columns.Add();

                // If this is the last column, set the delimiter to CRLF.
                // Otherwise keep the delimiter as ",".
                if (cols == vColumns.Count - 1)
                    col.ColumnDelimiter = "\r\n";
                    if (ColumnDelimeter == "\\t" || ColumnDelimeter == "Tab {t}")
                        col.ColumnDelimiter = "\t";
                        col.ColumnDelimiter = ColumnDelimeter;
                    col.ColumnDelimiter = "\t";
                col.ColumnType    = "Delimited";
                col.DataType      = vColumns[cols].DataType;
                col.DataPrecision = vColumns[cols].Precision;
                col.DataScale     = vColumns[cols].Scale;
                wrap.IDTSName100 name = col as wrap.IDTSName100;
                name.Name = vColumns[cols].Name;
        public override ConnectionManager AddConnectionManager(Package package)
            if (colNames.Length != colTypes.Length ||
                colTypes.Length != colLengths.Length ||
                colLengths.Length != colPrecisions.Length ||
                colPrecisions.Length != colScales.Length ||
                colNames.Length <= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The number of elements in the colNames, colTypes, colLengths, colPrecisions and colScales are not equal or empty");

            ConnectionManager connMgr = package.Connections.Add("FLATFILE");

            connMgr.Name             = ConnectionMgrName;
            connMgr.ConnectionString = filePath;

            ///	Set the custom properties for flat file connection mgr
            wrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 ffConMgr = connMgr.InnerObject as wrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100;
            ffConMgr.Format = "Delimited";  // can be parameterized, use "Delimited" for simplicity
            ffConMgr.ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow = columnNamesinFirstRow;
            ffConMgr.RowDelimiter = "\r\n"; // can be parameterized, use "\r\n" for simplicity

            wrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumns100 ffCols = ffConMgr.Columns;

            int numCols = colTypes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                wrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 ffCol = ffCols.Add();
                ffCol.ColumnType      = "Delimited";
                ffCol.ColumnDelimiter = columnDelimiter;
                ffCol.DataType        = colTypes[i];
                ffCol.MaximumWidth    = colLengths[i]; // this sets the OutputColumnWidth
                ffCol.DataPrecision   = colPrecisions[i];
                ffCol.DataScale       = colScales[i];
                wrapper.IDTSName100 colName = ffCol as wrapper.IDTSName100;
                colName.Name = colNames[i];
            ffCols[numCols - 1].ColumnDelimiter = ffConMgr.RowDelimiter; // last col use row delimiter

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor that accepts the parent flat file connection manager and a name for the flat file column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        public ISFlatFileColumn(ISBaseFlatFileConnectionManager fileConnection, string name)
            bool exists = false;

            _parentConnectionManager = fileConnection;
            foreach (runTimeWrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 column in fileConnection.Columns_m)
                if (((runTimeWrapper.IDTSName100)column).Name == name)
                    exists         = true;
                    FlatFileColumn = column;
            if (!(exists))
                FlatFileColumn = fileConnection.Columns_m.Add();
                Name           = name;
        public FlatFileConnectionManager AddAdvancedColumn(FlatFileColumn flatFileColumn)
            Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 newColumn = FlatFileConnection.Columns.Add();
            newColumn.MaximumWidth    = flatFileColumn.OutputColumnWidth;
            newColumn.ColumnDelimiter = Convert(ColumnDelimiter);
            newColumn.TextQualified   = flatFileColumn.TextQualified;
            newColumn.ColumnType      = flatFileColumn.ColumnType;
            if (flatFileColumn.InputColumnWidth > 0)
                newColumn.ColumnWidth = flatFileColumn.InputColumnWidth;
                newColumn.ColumnWidth = flatFileColumn.OutputColumnWidth;
            newColumn.DataType      = (Wrapper.DataType)flatFileColumn.DataType;
            newColumn.DataScale     = flatFileColumn.DataScale;
            newColumn.DataPrecision = flatFileColumn.DataPrecision;

            Wrapper.IDTSName100 columnName = newColumn as Wrapper.IDTSName100;
            columnName.Name = flatFileColumn.Name;
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Exec()
                UIHierarchy       solExplorer = this.ApplicationObject.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer;
                UIHierarchyItem   hierItem    = ((UIHierarchyItem)((System.Array)solExplorer.SelectedItems).GetValue(0));
                ProjectItem       pi          = (ProjectItem)hierItem.Object;
                Window            win         = pi.Document.ActiveWindow;
                IDesignerHost     designer    = (IDesignerHost)pi.Document.ActiveWindow.Object;
                Package           package     = null;
                ConnectionManager conn        = GetSelectedConnectionManager(designer, out package);

                BIDSHelper.SSIS.FixedWidthColumnsForm form = new BIDSHelper.SSIS.FixedWidthColumnsForm();
                if (conn != null && conn.Properties["Format"].GetValue(conn).ToString() == "FixedWidth")
                    //hiding properties for ragged right
                    form.dataGridView1.Height            = form.dataGridView1.Height + 50 + 26;
                    form.dataGridView1.Top              -= 50;
                    form.label1.Height                  -= 50;
                    form.cboRaggedRightDelimiter.Visible = false;
                    form.lblRaggedRight.Visible          = false;

                DialogResult dialogResult = form.ShowDialog();

                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
#if KATMAI || DENALI || SQL2014
                    wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 ff = conn.InnerObject as wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100;
                    wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90 ff = conn.InnerObject as wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90;

                    while (ff.Columns.Count > 0)

                    List <string> listUsedNames = new List <string>();

                    //JCW - Added counter to identify the last column
                    int columnCount = 1;

                    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in form.dataGridView1.Rows)
                        string sName         = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim();
                        string sOriginalName = sName;
                        int    i             = 1;
                        while (listUsedNames.Contains(sName)) //find a unique name for the column
                            sName = sOriginalName + (++i);

#if KATMAI || DENALI || SQL2014
                        wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 col = ff.Columns.Add();
                        wrap.IDTSName100 name = col as wrap.IDTSName100;
                        wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn90 col = ff.Columns.Add();
                        wrap.IDTSName90 name = col as wrap.IDTSName90;

                        name.Name        = sName;
                        col.MaximumWidth = int.Parse(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                        col.DataType     = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.DataType.DT_STR;

                        if (columnCount == form.dataGridView1.Rows.Count && form.cboRaggedRightDelimiter.Text != "[None]")
                            col.ColumnWidth     = 0;
                            col.ColumnType      = "Delimited";
                            col.ColumnDelimiter = DecodeDelimiter(form.cboRaggedRightDelimiter.Text);
                            col.ColumnWidth = int.Parse(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                            col.ColumnType  = "FixedWidth";


                    //mark package object as dirty
                    IComponentChangeService changesvc = (IComponentChangeService)designer.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));
                    changesvc.OnComponentChanging(package, null);
                    changesvc.OnComponentChanged(package, null, null, null); //marks the package designer as dirty
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 6
        private void SetDtsColumnProperties(wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 flatFileColumn,
                                            SqlDataReader reader, string ColumnDelimeter, bool AllowFlatFileTruncate)
            flatFileColumn.ColumnType = "Delimited";

            if (ColumnDelimeter == "\\t" || ColumnDelimeter == "Tab {t}")
                flatFileColumn.ColumnDelimiter = "\t";
                flatFileColumn.ColumnDelimiter = ColumnDelimeter;

            switch (Convert.ToInt16(reader["xtype"]))
            case 104:      // DT_BOOL  bit
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_BOOL;

            case 173:       // DT_BYTES binary, varbinary, timestamp

            case 165:
            case 189:
                flatFileColumn.DataType    = wrap.DataType.DT_BYTES;
                flatFileColumn.ColumnWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]);
                if (!AllowFlatFileTruncate)
                    flatFileColumn.MaximumWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]);

            case 60:       // DT_CY smallmoney, money
            case 122:
                flatFileColumn.DataType      = wrap.DataType.DT_CY;
                flatFileColumn.DataPrecision = Convert.ToInt32(reader["prec"]);
                flatFileColumn.DataScale     = (int)reader["scale"];

            case 61:       // DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime, smalldatetime
            case 58:
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_DBTIMESTAMP;

            case 36:       // DT_GUID uniqueidentifier
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_GUID;

            case 52:        // DT_I2 smallint
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_I2;

            case 56:        // DT_I4 int
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_I4;

            case 127:        // DT_I8 bigint
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_I8;

            case 106:      // DT_NUMERIC decimal, numeric
            case 108:
                flatFileColumn.DataType      = wrap.DataType.DT_NUMERIC;
                flatFileColumn.DataPrecision = Convert.ToInt32(reader["prec"]);
                flatFileColumn.DataScale     = (int)reader["scale"];

            case 59:        // DT_R4 real
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_R4;

            case 62:        // DT_R8 float
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_R8;

            case 175:        // DT_STR char, varchar
            case 167:
                flatFileColumn.DataType    = wrap.DataType.DT_STR;
                flatFileColumn.ColumnWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]);
                if (!AllowFlatFileTruncate)
                    flatFileColumn.MaximumWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]);

            case 48:        // DT_UI1 tinyint
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_UI1;

            case 239:        // DT_WSTR nchar, nvarchar, sql_variant, xml
            case 231:
            case 98:
            case 241:
                flatFileColumn.DataType    = wrap.DataType.DT_WSTR;
                flatFileColumn.ColumnWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]) / 2;
                if (!AllowFlatFileTruncate)
                    flatFileColumn.MaximumWidth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["length"]) / 2;

            case 34:        // DT_IMAGE image
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_IMAGE;

            case 99:        // DT_NTEXT ntext
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_NTEXT;

            case 35:        // DT_TEXT text
                flatFileColumn.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_TEXT;
            wrap.IDTSName100 columnName = flatFileColumn as wrap.IDTSName100;
            columnName.Name = reader["name"].ToString();
Esempio n. 7
        public void AddVirtualColumnsFromTarget(ConnectionManager conMgrSource, IDTSComponentMetaData100 sourceTask,
                                                string TargetName, string ColumnDelimeter, bool IsColumnNamesInFirstDataRow, bool AllowFlatFileTruncate, bool UniCode, string strConn)
            // Get native flat file connection
            string serverName    = string.Empty;
            string databaseName  = string.Empty;
            string password      = string.Empty;
            string userID        = string.Empty;
            string sqlConnection = string.Empty;

            foreach (string connString in strConn.Split(';'))
                if (connString.Contains("Data Source"))
                    serverName = connString.Substring(connString.IndexOf("=") + 1);
                else if (connString.Contains("Initial Catalog"))
                    databaseName = connString.Substring(connString.IndexOf("=") + 1);
                else if (connString.Contains("User ID"))
                    userID = connString.Substring(connString.IndexOf("=") + 1);
                else if (connString.Contains("Password"))
                    password = connString.Substring(connString.IndexOf("=") + 1);
            if (userID != null && userID != string.Empty)
                sqlConnection = string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};User ID={2};Password={3};", serverName, databaseName, userID, password);
                sqlConnection = string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=SSPI;", serverName, databaseName);
            conMgrSource.Properties["Format"].SetValue(conMgrSource, "Delimited");
            conMgrSource.Properties["ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow"].SetValue(conMgrSource, IsColumnNamesInFirstDataRow);
            wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 connectionFlatFile = conMgrSource.InnerObject as wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100;
            connectionFlatFile.Unicode = UniCode;
            // Connect to SQL server and examine metadata of target table, but must exclude
            // extra Flat File FileNameColumnName (FileName) column as that is added by source

            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnection);

            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT name, xtype, length, scale, prec FROM sys.syscolumns " + "WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@OBJECT_NAME) AND name <> 'FileName'", connection);

            command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@OBJECT_NAME", TargetName));
            using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                // Create Flat File columns based on SQL columns
                while (reader.Read())
                    // Create Flat File column to match SQL target column
                    wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 flatFileColumn =
                        connectionFlatFile.Columns.Add() as wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100;
                    SetDtsColumnProperties(flatFileColumn, reader, ColumnDelimeter, AllowFlatFileTruncate);
            // Check we have columns
            if (connectionFlatFile.Columns.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No flat file columns have been created, " +
                                                          "check that the destination table '{0}' exists.", TargetName));
            //Correct the last Flat File column delimiter, needs to be NewLine not Comma
            connectionFlatFile.Columns[connectionFlatFile.Columns.Count - 1].ColumnDelimiter = Environment.NewLine;
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper Method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fc"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 private void SetFlatFileColumnName(runTimeWrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 fc, string name)
     ((runTimeWrapper.IDTSName100)fc).Name = name;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal ctor that accepts a IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputColumn"></param>
 internal ISFlatFileColumn(runTimeWrapper.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 inputColumn)
     FlatFileColumn = inputColumn;
Esempio n. 10
        //automatically define flat file columns from connection string and
        public void DefineColumnsInCM(FlatFileFormat format = FlatFileFormat.Delimited, bool reinitmetadata = false)
            string strline = string.Empty;

            string[]   strVal        = null;
            string[]   strSamples    = null;
            int        intCount      = 0;
            List <int> ColumnsLength = new List <int>();

            if (ConnectionString == null)

            using (System.IO.StreamReader csStreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(ConnectionString))
                while (csStreamReader.EndOfStream == false)
                    strline = csStreamReader.ReadLine();

                    if (strVal == null)
                        strVal = strline.Split(this.ColumnDelimiter.ToCharArray());

                        int intColumnLength = 0;
                        while (intColumnLength <= strVal.Length - 1)
                            intColumnLength = intColumnLength + 1;
                    else if (intCount <= 100)
                        strSamples = null;
                        strSamples = strline.Split(this.ColumnDelimiter.ToCharArray());

                        intCount = intCount + 1;

                        int intColumnLength = 0;
                        while (intColumnLength <= ColumnsLength.Count - 1)
                            if (strSamples[intColumnLength].Length > ColumnsLength[intColumnLength])
                                ColumnsLength[intColumnLength] = strSamples[intColumnLength].Length;

                            intColumnLength = intColumnLength + 1;

            int intLength = 0;

            foreach (string strColumn in strVal)
                RunWrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 fc = null;
                if (fc == null)
                    fc = this.Columns.Add();
                fc.DataType      = RunWrap.DataType.DT_STR;
                fc.DataPrecision = 0;
                fc.DataScale     = 0;
                fc.ColumnWidth   = ColumnsLength[intLength];
                fc.MaximumWidth  = ColumnsLength[intLength];
                (fc as RunWrap.IDTSName100).Name = strColumn;
                intLength = intLength + 1;

            this.ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow = true;
            this.RowDelimiter = "\r\n";

            switch (format)
            case FlatFileFormat.Delimited:
                this.ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.Delimited;
                this.ColumnDelimiter = ",";

            case FlatFileFormat.FixedWidth:
                this.ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.FixedWidth;
                this.ColumnDelimiter = null;

            case FlatFileFormat.Mixed:     // "FixedWidth with row delimiters"
                this.ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.FixedWidth;
                this.ColumnDelimiter = null;

                RunWrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 fc = this.Columns.Add();
                fc.DataType        = RunWrap.DataType.DT_WSTR;
                fc.ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.Delimited.ToString();
                fc.ColumnDelimiter = "\r\n";
                fc.ColumnWidth     = 0;
                (fc as RunWrap.IDTSName100).Name = "Row delimiter column";

            case FlatFileFormat.RaggedRight:
                this.ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.FixedWidth;
                this.ColumnDelimiter = null;

                // update the last column to be delimited
                this.Columns[this.Columns.Count - 1].ColumnType      = FlatFileColumnType.Delimited.ToString();
                this.Columns[this.Columns.Count - 1].ColumnDelimiter = "\r\n";

            if (reinitmetadata)