/// <summary>
        /// Method to send nested frames
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface that the frames belong to</param>
        /// <param name="colors">The color to fill the surface</param>
        /// <param name="rects">The rectangles to be filled in the surface</param>
        public void SendNestedFrames(Surface surf, RDPGFX_COLOR32[] colors, RDPGFX_RECT16[] rects)
            uint fid1 = MakeStartFramePdu();
            uint fid2 = MakeStartFramePdu();
            MakeSolidFillPdu(surf.Id, colors[0], new RDPGFX_RECT16[] { rects[0] });
            MakeSolidFillPdu(surf.Id, colors[1], new RDPGFX_RECT16[] { rects[1] });

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode bitmap data by RFX Progressive codec (one tile in one rfx_progressive_datablock frame).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"> The bitmap image to be sent </param>
        /// <param name="surf"> The surface that bitmap image is sent to </param>
        /// <param name="pixFormat">The pixel format to draw surface.</param>
        /// <param name="hasSync">Indicates if sync block exists in FRX Progressive bitmap stream.</param>
        /// <param name="hasContext">Indicates if context block exists in FRX Progressive bitmap stream.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">The target encoded quality.</param>
        /// <param name="bProg">Indicates if encode progressively</param>
        /// <param name="bSubDiff">Indicates if sub-diffing with last frame of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="bReduceExtrapolate">Indicates if use Reduce Extrapolate method in DWT step.</param>
        /// <returns> A list of layer byte stream, each layer is built by a dictionary with frameId and byte stream frame pair </returns>
        public List<Dictionary<uint, byte[]>> RfxProgressiveCodecEncode(Surface surf, Image image, PixelFormat pixFormat, bool hasSync, bool hasContext,                                                  
            ImageQuality_Values quality, bool bProg, bool bSubDiff, bool bReduceExtrapolate)
            bool multipleTileInRegion = true;
            List<Dictionary<TileIndex, EncodedTile>> layerTileList = new List<Dictionary<TileIndex,EncodedTile>>();

            if (image == null)  return null;

            uint fid = 0;
            List<Dictionary<uint, byte[]>> layerDataList = new List<Dictionary<uint, byte[]>>();  // To save different layer data encoded by RFX Prog Codec.
            RdpegfxRfxProgCodecBlockManagerDecorator blockMngr = new RdpegfxRfxProgCodecBlockManagerDecorator(currentTestType);

            Dictionary<TileIndex, EncodedTile[]> tileDict = surf.ProgressiveEncode(quality, bProg, bSubDiff, bReduceExtrapolate, false);
                layerTileList = ConvertTileDictToLayer(tileDict);

            if (this.bcgrAdapter.SimulatedScreen != null)
                this.bcgrAdapter.SimulatedScreen.RenderProgressiveCodec(surf.Id, tileDict, (ushort)image.Width, (ushort)image.Height);

            if (bProg)  // Progressive codec is enabled

                for (int i = 0; i < layerTileList.Count; i++)
                    Dictionary<uint, byte[]> tileFrameDict = new Dictionary<uint, byte[]>();

                    fid = MakeStartFramePdu();
                    RFXProgCodecBlockType blockType = i == 0 ? RFXProgCodecBlockType.WBT_TILE_PROGRESSIVE_FIRST : RFXProgCodecBlockType.WBT_TILE_PROGRESSIVE_UPGRADE;
                    byte[] tileUpgradeData = blockMngr.PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock(hasSync, hasContext, bSubDiff, bReduceExtrapolate, layerTileList[i], blockType);
                    MakeWireToSurfacePdu2(surf.Id, pixFormat, tileUpgradeData);


                    // Save frame into encoded tile first frame Dictionary
                    tileFrameDict.Add(fid, EncodePdusToSent());

                    // Add tile first frames into layer data list
            else  // Non-progressive encoding(i.e. tile_simple)

                Dictionary<uint, byte[]> tileSimpleFrameDict = new Dictionary<uint, byte[]>();
                fid = MakeStartFramePdu();

                foreach (Dictionary<TileIndex, EncodedTile> layerTileDict in layerTileList)
                    byte[] tileUpgradeData = blockMngr.PackRfxProgCodecDataBlock(hasSync, hasContext, bSubDiff, bReduceExtrapolate, layerTileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType.WBT_TILE_SIMPLE);
                    MakeWireToSurfacePdu2(surf.Id, pixFormat, tileUpgradeData);


                // Save frame into encoded tile simple frame Dictionary
                tileSimpleFrameDict.Add(fid, EncodePdusToSent());

                // Add tile first frames into layer data list
            return layerDataList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Send clearcodec encoded glyph in batch (make sure glyphnum + startGlyphRect.right is not bigger than surf.width)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">This is used to indicate the target surface id.</param>
        /// <param name="startGlyphIdx">This is used to indicate the start index of graph batch to be put in client graph cache.</param>
        /// <param name="startGlyphPos">The start position of glyph batch, which will be sent in clearcodec, relative to the surface. </param>
        /// <param name="glyphNum"> The glyph number in batch. </param>
        /// <param name="glyph"> The residual layer image to be sent. </param>
        /// <returns> Frame Id </returns>
        public uint SendClearCodecGlyphInBatch(Surface surf, ushort startGlyphIdx, RDPGFX_POINT16 startGlyphPos, ushort glyphNum, Image glyph)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();

            ushort glyphIdx = startGlyphIdx;
            RDPGFX_RECT16 glyphRect = new RDPGFX_RECT16(startGlyphPos.x, startGlyphPos.y,
                                            (ushort)(startGlyphPos.x + glyph.Width),
                                            (ushort)(startGlyphPos.y + glyph.Height));

            // Pack multiple w2s_1 PDU into a frame.
            for (ushort i = 0; i < glyphNum; i++)
                ClearCodec_BitmapStream ccStream = new ClearCodec_BitmapStream(ClearCodec_BitmapStream.CLEARCODEC_FLAG_GLYPH_INDEX, glyphIdx);
                ccStream.seqNumber = egfxServer.Get_ClearCodecBitmapStream_SeqNum();
                MakeWireToSurfacePdu1(surf.Id, CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_CLEARCODEC, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888,
                                        glyphRect, ccStream.Encode());



            if (this.bcgrAdapter.SimulatedScreen != null)
                this.bcgrAdapter.SimulatedScreen.RenderClearCodecBatch(surf.Id, startGlyphIdx, startGlyphPos, glyphNum, glyph);

            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to copy bitmap of a rectangle in surface to other position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The source surface where the rectangle to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="srcRect">The rectangle to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="destPos">The position array that rectangle is copied to.</param>
        /// <returns> Frame Id </returns>
        public uint IntraSurfaceCopy(Surface surf, RDPGFX_RECT16 srcRect, RDPGFX_POINT16[] destPos)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();
            MakeSurfaceToSurfacePdu(surf.Id, surf.Id, srcRect, destPos);


            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to implement SurfaceToCache functionality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheRect">The rectangle to be cached on the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheKey">The cacheKey of rectangle bitmap data on client.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheSlot">Specify a cacheslot</param>
        /// <param name="fillColor">The color that rectangle to be filled.</param>
        public uint CacheSurface(Surface surf, RDPGFX_RECT16 cacheRect, ulong cacheKey, ushort? cacheSlot, RDPGFX_COLOR32? fillColor = null)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();

            if (fillColor != null)
                // Send solid fill request to client to fill cacheRect of surface with color.
                RDPGFX_RECT16[] rects = { cacheRect };
                MakeSolidFillPdu(surf.Id, fillColor.Value, rects);

            if (cacheSlot == null)
                cacheSlot = 1;

            if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_Default_ExceedMaxCacheSlot)
                // 25600 is the max cache slots number for default cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 25601; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
                    if (index % 100 == 0)
            else if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_SmallCache_ExceedMaxCacheSlot)
                // 12800 is the max cache slots number for small cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 12801; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
                    if (index % 100 == 0)
            else if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_ThinCient_ExceedMaxCacheslot)
                // 4096 is the max cache slots number for thin client cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 4097; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
                    if (index % 100 == 0)
            else if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_Default_ExceedMaxCacheSize)
                // Every cache slot has the size of 1MB here,
                // 100MB is the max cache size for default flag, cache 101 MB here which exceeds max cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 101; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
            else if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_SmallCache_ExceedMaxCacheSize)
                // Every cache slot has the size of 1MB here,
                // 50MB is the max cache size for SmallCache flag, cache 51 MB here which exceeds max cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 51; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
            else if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_ThinClient_ExceedMaxCacheSize)
                // Every cache slot has the size of 1MB here,
                // 16MB is the max cache size for SmallCache flag, cache 17 MB here which exceeds max cache size.
                for (ushort index = 1; index <= 17; ++index)
                    cacheSlot = index;
                    MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);
                MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);

            if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_Delete_InexistentCacheSlot)
                // Delete an inexistent cache slot.
                MakeEvictCacheEntryPdu(0xfefe);    // 0xfefe is an inexistent cache slot.

            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to implement SurfaceToCache and CacheToSurface functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheRect">The rectangle to be cached on the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheKey">The cacheKey of rectangle bitmap data on client.</param>
        /// <param name="destPoints">This is used to specify destination points of source rectangle bitmap to be copied </param>
        /// <param name="cacheSlot">Specify a cacheslot</param>
        /// <param name="fillColor">The color that rectangle to be filled.</param>
        /// <returns> Frame Id </returns>
        public uint FillSurfaceByCachedBitmap(Surface surf, RDPGFX_RECT16 cacheRect, ulong cacheKey, RDPGFX_POINT16[] destPoints, ushort? cacheSlot, RDPGFX_COLOR32? fillColor = null)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();

            if (fillColor != null)
                // Send solid fill request to client to fill cacheRect of surface with color
                RDPGFX_RECT16[] rects = { cacheRect };
                MakeSolidFillPdu(surf.Id, fillColor.Value, rects);

            // Copy a rectangle bitmap data to cache and move it from cache to other positions of surface.
            if (cacheSlot == null)
                cacheSlot = 1;  //set slot# to 1
            MakeSurfaceToCachePdu(surf.Id, cacheKey, cacheSlot.Value, cacheRect);

            if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_CacheToSurface_InexistentCacheSlot)
                cacheSlot = (ushort)(cacheSlot.Value + 1);
            ushort sid = surf.Id;
            if (currentTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.CacheManagement_CacheToSurface_InexistentSurface)
            MakeCacheToSurfacePdu(cacheSlot.Value, sid, destPoints);


            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to copy bitmap of a rectangle in a surface to other position in another surface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The source surface where the rectangle to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="srcRect">The rectangle to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="fillColor">The color of rectangle to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="surfDest">The destination surface where the rectangle is copied to.</param>
        /// <param name="destPos">The position array that rectangle is copied to.</param>
        /// <returns> Frame Id </returns>
        public uint InterSurfaceCopy(Surface surfSrc, RDPGFX_RECT16 srcRect, RDPGFX_COLOR32 fillColor, Surface surfDest, RDPGFX_POINT16[] destPos)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();
            RDPGFX_RECT16[] rects = { srcRect };
            MakeSolidFillPdu(surfSrc.Id, fillColor, rects);
            MakeSurfaceToSurfacePdu(surfSrc.Id, surfDest.Id, srcRect, destPos);
            if (currentTestType != RdpegfxNegativeTypes.SurfaceManagement_InterSurfaceCopy_DestPtsCount_Mismatch)


            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to solidfill a surface with color
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color to fill the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="rects">The rectangles to be filled in the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="frameId">Specify the frame Id.</param>
        /// <returns> Frame Id </returns>
        public uint SolidFillSurface(Surface surf, RDPGFX_COLOR32 color, RDPGFX_RECT16[] rects, uint? frameId = null)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu(frameId);
            MakeSolidFillPdu(surf.Id, color, rects);

            return fid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to implement CacheToSurface functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheSlot">Cache slot of bitmap</param>
        /// <param name="destPoints">This is used to specify destination points of source rectangle bitmap to be copied</param>
        /// <returns>Frame Id</returns>
        public uint FillSurfaceByCachedBitmap(Surface surf, ushort cacheSlot, RDPGFX_POINT16[] destPoints)
            uint fid = MakeStartFramePdu();
            MakeCacheToSurfacePdu(cacheSlot, surf.Id, destPoints);


            return fid;
        public void RDPEGFX_SurfaceToScreen_PositiveTest_MultiSurfaceOverlap()
            uint fid;

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Do capability exchange.");
            // Init for capability exchange

            RDPGFX_RECT16 verifyRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);

            // Init Data for test
            RDPGFX_POINT16[] positions = new RDPGFX_POINT16[4];
            positions[0] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[1] = new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth/2), RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[2] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2));
            positions[3] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);

            ushort[] widths = new ushort[4];
            widths[0] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[1] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);
            widths[2] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[3] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);

            ushort[] heights = new ushort[4];
            heights[0] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[1] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;
            heights[2] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[3] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;

            Color[] colors = new Color[4];
            colors[0] = Color.Green;
            colors[1] = Color.Blue;
            colors[2] = Color.Red;
            colors[3] = Color.Yellow;

            Surface[] surfaces = new Surface[4];
            // Test the overlap
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Create a surface and fill it with color: {0}.", colors[i]);
                // Create & output a surface
                RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(positions[i], widths[i], heights[i]);
                surfaces[i] = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888);
                this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surfaces[i], "Surface {0} is created", surfaces[i].Id);

                // Send solid fill request to client to fill surface with green color
                RDPGFX_RECT16 fillSurfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, widths[i], heights[i]);
                RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects = { fillSurfRect };  // Relative to surface
                fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surfaces[i], RdpegfxTestUtility.ToRdpgfx_Color32(colors[i]), fillRects);
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}", fid);

                // Expect the client to send a frame acknowledge pdu
                // If the server receives the message, it indicates that the client has been successfully decoded the logical frame of graphics commands

                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
                this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, verifyRect);
            // Delete the surface
            for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Length; i++)
                if (surfaces[i] != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surfaces[i].Id);
        Dictionary<ushort, Surface> surfList = new Dictionary<ushort, Surface>(); // surfList includes the previous and current surfaces for RFX progressive encoding

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new surface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">Width</param>
        /// <param name="h">Heigth</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceId">Specify the surface ID, if this value is null, the method will use a self-generated ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Surface CreateSurface(ushort w, ushort h, ushort? surfaceId = null)
            if (surfList.Count >= 0xff)  // too much surface is created!
                return null;

            if (surfaceId == null)
                surfaceId = maxId;
                while (surfList.ContainsKey(maxId))
            Surface newSuf = new Surface(surfaceId.Value, w, h);
            surfList.Add(newSuf.Id, newSuf);

            return newSuf;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Surface
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surfaceId"></param>
 /// <param name="width"></param>
 /// <param name="height"></param>
 public void CreateSurface(ushort surfaceId, ushort width, ushort height, PixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888)
     Surface sur = new Surface(this, surfaceId, width, height, pixelFormat);
     this.surfaceDic.Add(surfaceId, sur);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw an image for surface, which has a bitmap in surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf"> Indicate the size of surface image </param>
        /// <param name="bgcolor"> Indicate the background color of surface image </param>
        /// <param name="pic"> The bitmap to be drawn in surface image </param>
        /// <param name="picPos"> The bitmap position in surface </param>
        /// <returns> A surface image </returns>
        public static Bitmap DrawSurfImage(Surface surf, Color bgcolor, Bitmap pic, RDPGFX_POINT16 picPos)
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(surf.Width, surf.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            SolidBrush pixelBrush = new SolidBrush(bgcolor);
            g.FillRectangle(pixelBrush, 0, 0, surf.Width, surf.Height);
            for (int x = picPos.x; (x < surf.Width) && (x < (picPos.x + pic.Width)); x++)
                for (int y = picPos.y; (y < surf.Height) && (y < (picPos.y + pic.Height)); y++)
                    Color c = pic.GetPixel(x - picPos.x, y - picPos.y);
                    bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, c);

            return bitmap;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface">The surface contains this tile</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of this tile in surface</param>
 public TileState(Surface surface, TileIndex index)
     NewFrame = surface.CurrentFrame;
     LastFrame = surface.LastFrame;
     Index = index;