A class contains all helper methods used in test cases.
Esempio n. 1
        public void MSASHTTP_S03_TC03_SetPolicyKeyRequestHeader()
            #region Change the query value type to PlainText.
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to set the QueryValueType to PlainText.
            IDictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefix = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
            requestPrefix.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType, QueryValueType.PlainText.ToString());

            #region Call Provision command without setting X-MS-PolicyKey header.
            SendStringResponse provisionResponse = this.CallProvisionCommand(string.Empty);

            // Get the policy key from the response of Provision command.
            string policyKey = TestSuiteHelper.GetPolicyKeyFromSendString(provisionResponse);

            #region Call Provision command with setting X-MS-PolicyKey header of the PlainText encoded query value type.
            // Set the X-MS-PolicyKey header.
            requestPrefix.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PolicyKey, policyKey);


            // Reset the X-MS-PolicyKey header.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PolicyKey] = string.Empty;

            #region Change the query value type to Base64.
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to set the QueryValueType to Base64.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType] = QueryValueType.Base64.ToString();

            #region Call Provision command without setting Policy key field.
            provisionResponse = this.CallProvisionCommand(string.Empty);

            // Get the policy key from the response of Provision command.
            policyKey = TestSuiteHelper.GetPolicyKeyFromSendString(provisionResponse);

            #region Call Provision command with setting Policy key field of the base64 encoded query value type.
            // Set the Policy key field.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PolicyKey] = policyKey;


            // Reset the Policy key field.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PolicyKey] = string.Empty;

            #region Reset the query value type.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType] = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("HeaderEncodingType", this.Site);
Esempio n. 2
        public void MSASHTTP_S02_TC05_Verify501StatusCode()
            #region Call a command which is not supported by server.
            string          statusCode            = string.Empty;
            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse       = null;
            string          folderSyncRequestBody = Common.CreateFolderSyncRequest("0").GetRequestDataSerializedXML();
            Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefixFields = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>
                    HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType, QueryValueType.PlainText.ToString()

                // Call HTTP POST using a NotExist command.
                this.HTTPAdapter.HTTPPOST(CommandName.NotExist, null, folderSyncRequestBody);
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 501 Not Implemented exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                requestPrefixFields[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType] = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("HeaderEncodingType", this.Site);

            bool is501StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented) && statusCode.Equals("501");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R186");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R186
            // If the caught status code is 501 Not Implemented, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 501 Not Implemented [is described as] the server does not support the functionality that is required to fulfill the request.");

            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(465, this.Site))
                // Add the debug information
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R465");

                // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R465
                // If the caught status code is 501 Not Implemented, this requirement can be captured.
                    @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] Implementation does return 501 Not Implemented status code when implementation does not recognize the request method [or is not able to support it for any resource].(Exchange 2007 SP1 and above follow this behavior.)");
Esempio n. 3
        public void MSASHTTP_S02_TC03_Verify403StatusCode()
            Site.Assume.AreEqual <string>("HTTPS", Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("TransportType", this.Site), "The status code 403 is verified in HTTPS transport type.");

            #region Call SUT Control adapter to enable the SSL setting.
            string sutComputerName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutComputerName", Site);
            string userName        = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User4Name", Site);
            string password        = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User4Password", Site);

            // Use the user who is in Administrator group to enable the SSL setting.
            bool isSSLUpdated = this.HTTPSUTControlAdapter.ConfigureSSLSetting(sutComputerName, userName, password, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Domain", Site), true);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSSLUpdated, "The SSL setting of protocol web service should be enabled.");

            #region Call FolderSync command with HTTP transport type.
            string          statusCode            = string.Empty;
            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse       = null;
            string          folderSyncRequestBody = Common.CreateFolderSyncRequest("0").GetRequestDataSerializedXML();
            Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefixFields = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
                // Change the prefix of URI to make it disagree with the configuration of server.
                requestPrefixFields.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PrefixOfURI, ProtocolTransportType.HTTP.ToString());

                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                this.HTTPAdapter.HTTPPOST(CommandName.FolderSync, null, folderSyncRequestBody);
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 403 Forbidden exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                // Reset the PrefixOfURI.
                requestPrefixFields[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.PrefixOfURI] = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("TransportType", this.Site);

                // Reset the SSL setting.
                isSSLUpdated = this.HTTPSUTControlAdapter.ConfigureSSLSetting(sutComputerName, userName, password, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Domain", this.Site), false);
                Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSSLUpdated, "The SSL setting of protocol web service should be disabled.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R180");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R180
            // If the caught status code is 403 Forbidden, this requirement can be captured.
                (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) && statusCode.Equals("403"),
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 403 Forbidden [is described as] the user is not enabled for ActiveSync synchronization.");
Esempio n. 4
        public void MSASHTTP_S02_TC04_Verify404StatusCode()
            #region Call FolderSync command with invalid URI.
            string          statusCode            = string.Empty;
            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse       = null;
            string          folderSyncRequestBody = Common.CreateFolderSyncRequest("0").GetRequestDataSerializedXML();
            string          sutComputerName       = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutComputerName", Site);
            Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefixFields = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
                // Change the Host property to make the URI unsupported.
                requestPrefixFields.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.Host, sutComputerName + "/NotSupport");

                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                this.HTTPAdapter.HTTPPOST(CommandName.FolderSync, null, folderSyncRequestBody);
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 404 Not Found exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                // Reset the Host.
                requestPrefixFields[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.Host] = sutComputerName;

            bool is404StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) && statusCode.Equals("404");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R182");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R182
            // If the caught status code is 404 Not Found, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 404 Not Found [is described as] the specified URI could not be found [or the server is not a valid server with ActiveSync].");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R441");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R441
            // If the caught status code is 404 Not Found, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 404 Not Found [is described as] [the specified URI could not be found or] the server is not a valid server with ActiveSync.");
Esempio n. 5
        public void MSASHTTP_S02_TC01_Verify400StatusCode()
            #region Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to set the ActiveSyncProtocolVersion to 191.
            IDictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefix = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
            requestPrefix.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.ActiveSyncProtocolVersion, "191");

            #region Synchronize the collection hierarchy via FolderSync command.
            string          statusCode        = string.Empty;
            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse   = null;
            string          folderSyncRequest = Common.CreateFolderSyncRequest("0").GetRequestDataSerializedXML();

                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                this.HTTPAdapter.HTTPPOST(CommandName.FolderSync, null, folderSyncRequest);
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 400 Bad Request exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);

            bool is400StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) && statusCode.Equals("400");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R176");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R176
            // If the caught status code is 400 Bad Request, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 400 Bad Request [is described as] the request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R188");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R188
            // If the caught status code is 400 Bad Request, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] In the case of other malformed requests, the server returns status code 400.");

            #region Synchronize the collection hierarchy again via FolderSync command.
                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                this.HTTPAdapter.HTTPPOST(CommandName.FolderSync, null, folderSyncRequest);
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 400 Bad Request exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                // Reset the ActiveSyncProtocolVersion.
                string activeSyncProtocolVersion = Common.ConvertActiveSyncProtocolVersion(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", Site), Site);

                requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.ActiveSyncProtocolVersion] = activeSyncProtocolVersion;

            is400StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) && statusCode.Equals("400");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R177");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R177
            // If the caught status code is 400 Bad Request, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 400 Bad Request [is described as] if the client repeats the request without modifications, then the same error [400 Bad Request] occurs.");
Esempio n. 6
        public void MSASHTTP_S02_TC02_Verify401StatusCode()
            #region Call FolderSync command with no credential.
            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = null;
            string          statusCode      = string.Empty;
                // Switch the user to an invalid user.
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserName     = null;
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserPassword = null;
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserDomain   = null;
                this.SwitchUser(this.InvalidUserInformation, false);

                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command  to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 401 Unauthorized exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                // Reset the user credential.
                this.SwitchUser(this.UserOneInformation, false);

            bool is401StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) && statusCode.Equals("401");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R178");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R178
            // If the caught status code is 401 Unauthorized, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 401 Unauthorized [is described as] the resource requires authorization [or authorization was refused].");

            #region Call FolderSync command with invalid credential.
                // Switch the user to an invalid user.
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserName     = this.UserOneInformation.UserName;
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserPassword = this.UserOneInformation.UserPassword + "InvalidPassword";
                this.InvalidUserInformation.UserDomain   = this.UserOneInformation.UserDomain;
                this.SwitchUser(this.InvalidUserInformation, false);

                // Call HTTP POST using FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
                Site.Assert.Fail("The server should throw 401 Unauthorized exception.");
            catch (WebException exception)
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Caught exception message is:" + exception.Message.ToString());
                httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)exception.Response;
                statusCode      = TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCodeFromException(exception);
                // Reset the user credential.
                this.SwitchUser(this.UserOneInformation, false);

            is401StatusCode = (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) && statusCode.Equals("401");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R523");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R523
            // If the caught status code is 401 Unauthorized, this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Status Line] [Status code] 401 Unauthorized [is described as] the [resource requires authorization or] authorization was refused.");
        public void MSASHTTP_S01_TC10_CommandParameter_Occurrence_PlainText()
            #region User3 calls SendMail to send a meeting request to User2
            IDictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefix = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
            string sendMailSubject   = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, "SendMail");
            string smartReplySubject = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, "SmartReply");

            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to change the QueryValueType.
            requestPrefix.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType, QueryValueType.PlainText.ToString());

            // Switch the current user to user3 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserThreeInformation, true);

            // Call SendMail command to send the meeting request to User2.

            #region User2 calls SmartReply command to reply the request to User3 with Occurrence command parameter
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to switch the credential to User2 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserTwoInformation, true);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the received meeting request.
            string itemServerId = this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserTwoInformation.InboxCollectionId, sendMailSubject, true);

            // Add the received item to the item collection of User2.
            CreatedItems inboxItemForUserTwo = new CreatedItems
                CollectionId = this.UserTwoInformation.InboxCollectionId

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the calendar item.
            string calendarItemServerId = this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId, sendMailSubject, true);

            CreatedItems calendarItemForUserTwo = new CreatedItems
                CollectionId = this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId

            // Call SmartReply command with the Occurrence command parameter.
            string startTime               = (string)this.GetElementValueFromSyncResponse(this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId, calendarItemServerId, Response.ItemsChoiceType8.StartTime);
            string occurrence              = TestSuiteHelper.ConvertInstanceIdFormat(startTime);
            string userTwoMailboxAddress   = Common.GetMailAddress(this.UserTwoInformation.UserName, this.UserTwoInformation.UserDomain);
            string userThreeMailboxAddress = Common.GetMailAddress(this.UserThreeInformation.UserName, this.UserThreeInformation.UserDomain);
            this.CallSmartReplyCommand(userTwoMailboxAddress, userThreeMailboxAddress, itemServerId, smartReplySubject, null, null, occurrence);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R513");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R513
            // SmartReply command executed successfully with setting Occurrence command parameter, so this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Command-Specific URI Parameters] [Parameter] Occurrence [is described as] A string that specifies the ID of a particular occurrence in a recurring meeting.");


            #region User3 gets the reply mail
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to switch the credential to User3 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserThreeInformation, false);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the received the reply.
            this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserThreeInformation.InboxCollectionId, smartReplySubject, true);
            this.AddCreatedItemToCollection("User3", this.UserThreeInformation.InboxCollectionId, smartReplySubject);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R529");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R529
            // SmartReply command executed successfully with setting Occurrence command parameter, so this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Command-Specific URI Parameters] [Parameter] Occurrence [is used by] SmartReply.");

            #region Reset the query value type and user credential.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType] = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("HeaderEncodingType", this.Site);
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserOneInformation, false);
        public void MSASHTTP_S01_TC09_CommandParameter_Occurrence_Base64()
            #region User3 calls SendMail to send a meeting request to User2.
            IDictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string> requestPrefix = new Dictionary <HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField, string>();
            string sendMailSubject     = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, "SendMail");
            string smartForwardSubject = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, "SmartForward");

            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to change the QueryValueType to Base64.
            requestPrefix.Add(HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType, QueryValueType.Base64.ToString());

            // Switch the current user to user3 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserThreeInformation, true);

            // Call SendMail command to send the meeting request to User2.

            #region User2 calls MeetingResponse command to accept the received meeting request and forward it to User1.
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to switch the credential to User2 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserTwoInformation, true);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the received meeting request.
            string itemServerId = this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserTwoInformation.InboxCollectionId, sendMailSubject, true);

            // Add the received item to the item collection of User2.
            CreatedItems inboxItemForUserTwo = new CreatedItems
                CollectionId = this.UserTwoInformation.InboxCollectionId

            // Check the calendar item if is exist.
            string calendarItemServerId = this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId, sendMailSubject, true);

            CreatedItems calendarItemForUserTwo = new CreatedItems
                CollectionId = this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId

            // Call MeetingResponse command to accept the received meeting request.
            this.CallMeetingResponseCommand(this.UserTwoInformation.InboxCollectionId, itemServerId);

            // The accepted meeting request will be moved to Delete Items folder.
            itemServerId = this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserTwoInformation.DeletedItemsCollectionId, sendMailSubject, true);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R432");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R432
            // MeetingResponse command is executed successfully, so this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Command Codes] [Command] MeetingResponse [is] used to accept [, tentatively accept , or decline] a meeting request in the user's Inbox folder.");

            // Remove the inboxItemForUserTwo object from the clean up list since it has been moved to Delete Items folder.
            this.AddCreatedItemToCollection("User2", this.UserTwoInformation.DeletedItemsCollectionId, sendMailSubject);

            // Call SmartForward command to forward the meeting to User1
            string startTime             = (string)this.GetElementValueFromSyncResponse(this.UserTwoInformation.CalendarCollectionId, calendarItemServerId, Response.ItemsChoiceType8.StartTime);
            string occurrence            = TestSuiteHelper.ConvertInstanceIdFormat(startTime);
            string userOneMailboxAddress = Common.GetMailAddress(this.UserOneInformation.UserName, this.UserOneInformation.UserDomain);
            string userTwoMailboxAddress = Common.GetMailAddress(this.UserTwoInformation.UserName, this.UserTwoInformation.UserDomain);
            this.CallSmartForwardCommand(userTwoMailboxAddress, userOneMailboxAddress, itemServerId, smartForwardSubject, null, null, occurrence);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R513");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R513
            // SmartForward command executed successfully with setting Occurrence command parameter, so this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Command-Specific URI Parameters] [Parameter] Occurrence [is described as] A string that specifies the ID of a particular occurrence in a recurring meeting.");

            this.AddCreatedItemToCollection("User3", this.UserThreeInformation.DeletedItemsCollectionId, "Meeting Forward Notification: " + smartForwardSubject);

            #region User1 gets the forwarded meeting request
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to switch the credential to User1 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserOneInformation, true);

            this.AddCreatedItemToCollection("User1", this.UserOneInformation.InboxCollectionId, smartForwardSubject);
            this.AddCreatedItemToCollection("User1", this.UserOneInformation.CalendarCollectionId, smartForwardSubject);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the received meeting request.
            this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserOneInformation.InboxCollectionId, smartForwardSubject, true);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the calendar item.
            this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserOneInformation.CalendarCollectionId, smartForwardSubject, true);

            #region User3 gets the Meeting Forward Notification email in the Deleted Items folder.
            // Call ConfigureRequestPrefixFields to switch the credential to User3 and synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            this.SwitchUser(this.UserThreeInformation, false);

            // Call Sync command to get the ServerId of the received meeting request and the notification email.
            this.LoopToSyncItem(this.UserThreeInformation.DeletedItemsCollectionId, "Meeting Forward Notification: " + smartForwardSubject, true);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASHTTP_R119");

            // Verify MS-ASHTTP requirement: MS-ASHTTP_R119
            // SmartForward command executed successfully with setting Occurrence command parameter, so this requirement can be captured.
                @"[In Command-Specific URI Parameters] [Parameter] Occurrence [is used by] SmartForward.");

            #region Reset the query value type.
            requestPrefix[HTTPPOSTRequestPrefixField.QueryValueType] = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("HeaderEncodingType", this.Site);