EcDoRpcExt2() private method

private EcDoRpcExt2 ( IntPtr &pcxh, uint &pulFlags, IntPtr rgbIn, uint inputRopSize, IntPtr rgbOut, uint &pcbOut, IntPtr rgbAuxIn, uint inputAuxSize, IntPtr rgbAuxOut, uint &pcbAuxOut, uint &pulTransTime ) : uint
pcxh System.IntPtr
pulFlags uint
rgbIn System.IntPtr
inputRopSize uint
rgbOut System.IntPtr
pcbOut uint
rgbAuxIn System.IntPtr
inputAuxSize uint
rgbAuxOut System.IntPtr
pcbAuxOut uint
pulTransTime uint
return uint
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// It calls native method EcDoRpcExt2 that sends remote operation (ROP) commands to the server with a Session Context Handle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcxh">On input, the client MUST pass a valid Session Context Handle that was created by calling EcDoConnectEx.
        /// The server uses the Session Context Handle to identify the Session Context to use for this call. On output, the server MUST return the same Session Context Handle on success.</param>
        /// <param name="pulFlags">On input, this parameter contains flags that tell the server how to build the rgbOut parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="rgbIn">This buffer contains the ROP request payload. </param>
        /// <param name="ropRequestLength">This parameter contains the length of the ROP request payload passed in the rgbIn parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="rgbOut">On success, this buffer contains the ROP response payload.</param>
        /// <param name="pcbOut">On input, this parameter contains the maximum size of the rgbOut buffer.On output,
        /// this parameter contains the size of the ROP response payload.</param>
        /// <param name="rgbAuxIn"> This parameter contains an auxiliary payload buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="auxInLength">On input, this parameter contains the length of the auxiliary payload buffer passed in the rgbAuxIn parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="rgbAuxOut">On output, the server can return auxiliary payload data to the client.</param>
        /// <param name="pcbAuxOut">On input, this parameter contains the maximum length of the rgbAuxOut buffer.
        /// On output, this parameter contains the size of the data to be returned in the rgbAuxOut buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="pulTransTime">On output, the server stores the number of milliseconds the call took to execute.</param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, the return value is 0. If the method fails, return RPC error code RPC exception code.</returns>
        private uint RpcExt2(
            ref IntPtr pcxh,
            ref uint pulFlags,
            byte[] rgbIn,
            uint ropRequestLength,
            out byte[] rgbOut,
            ref uint pcbOut,
            byte[] rgbAuxIn,
            uint auxInLength,
            out byte[] rgbAuxOut,
            ref uint pcbAuxOut,
            out uint pulTransTime)
   <IntPtr>(IntPtr.Zero, pcxh, "Session Context should not be empty.");
   <uint>(ropRequestLength, (uint)rgbIn.Length, "Passed in buffer rgbIn length should be equal to cbIn.");
   <uint>(auxInLength, (uint)rgbAuxIn.Length, "Passed in buffer rgbAuxIn length should be equal to cbAuxIn.");

            IntPtr rgbInPtr    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rgbIn.Length);
            IntPtr rgbAuxInPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rgbAuxIn.Length);

                Marshal.Copy(rgbIn, 0, rgbInPtr, rgbIn.Length);
                Marshal.Copy(rgbAuxIn, 0, rgbAuxInPtr, rgbAuxIn.Length);
                IntPtr rgbOutPtr    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)pcbOut);
                IntPtr rgbAuxOutPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)pcbAuxOut);
                uint   ret          = NativeMethods.EcDoRpcExt2(
                    ref pcxh,
                    ref pulFlags,
                    ref pcbOut,
                    ref pcbAuxOut,
                    out pulTransTime);

                rgbOut = new byte[(int)pcbOut];
                Marshal.Copy(rgbOutPtr, rgbOut, 0, (int)pcbOut);

                rgbAuxOut = new byte[(int)pcbAuxOut];
                Marshal.Copy(rgbAuxOutPtr, rgbAuxOut, 0, (int)pcbAuxOut);

                if (ret != 0)
          , "EcDoRpcExt2 returns error code {0}. Refers to [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.4 for more information.", ret);

            catch (SEHException e)
                rgbOut       = null;
                rgbAuxOut    = null;
                pulTransTime = 0;
                uint errorCode = RpcExceptionCode(e);

      , "EcDoRpcExt2 throws exception, system error code is {0}, the error message is: {1}", errorCode, (new Win32Exception((int)errorCode)).ToString());
