Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the provider implements IConcurrencyProvider, then this method passes the etag values
        /// to the provider, otherwise compares the etag itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceCookie">etag values for the given resource.</param>
        /// <param name="container">container for the given resource.</param>
        internal void SetETagValues(object resourceCookie, ResourceSetWrapper container)
            Debug.Assert(resourceCookie != null, "resourceCookie != null");
            Debug.Assert(container != null, "container != null");
            AstoriaRequestMessage host = this.service.OperationContext.RequestMessage;

            Debug.Assert(String.IsNullOrEmpty(host.GetRequestIfNoneMatchHeader()), "IfNoneMatch header cannot be specified for Update/Delete operations");

            // Resolve the cookie first to the actual resource type
            object actualEntity = this.ResolveResource(resourceCookie);

            Debug.Assert(actualEntity != null, "actualEntity != null");

            ResourceType resourceType = WebUtil.GetNonPrimitiveResourceType(this.service.Provider, actualEntity);

            Debug.Assert(resourceType != null, "resourceType != null");

            IList <ResourceProperty> etagProperties = this.service.Provider.GetETagProperties(container.Name, resourceType);

            if (etagProperties.Count == 0)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader()))
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.Serializer_NoETagPropertiesForType);

                // If the type has no etag properties, then we do not need to do any etag checks

            // If the provider implements IConcurrencyProvider, then we need to call the provider
            // and pass the etag values. Else, we need to compare the etag values ourselves.
            IDataServiceUpdateProvider concurrencyProvider = this.updateProvider as IDataServiceUpdateProvider;

            if (concurrencyProvider != null)
                bool?checkForEquality = null;
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > etagValues;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader()))
                    checkForEquality = true;
                    etagValues       = ParseETagValue(etagProperties, host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader());
                    etagValues = WebUtil.EmptyKeyValuePairStringObject;

                concurrencyProvider.SetConcurrencyValues(resourceCookie, checkForEquality, etagValues);
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader()))
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.DataService_CannotPerformOperationWithoutETag(resourceType.FullName));
            else if (host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader() != XmlConstants.HttpAnyETag)
                // Compare If-Match header value with the current etag value, if the If-Match header value is not equal to '*'
                string etagValue = WebUtil.GetETagValue(resourceCookie, resourceType, etagProperties, this.service, false /*getMethod*/);
                Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(etagValue), "etag value can never be null");

                if (etagValue != host.GetRequestIfMatchHeader())
                    throw DataServiceException.CreatePreConditionFailedError(Strings.Serializer_ETagValueDoesNotMatch);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// update the request version header, if it is not specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxProtocolVersion">protocol version as specified in the config.</param>
        internal void InitializeRequestVersionHeaders(Version maxProtocolVersion)
            if (this.requestVersionHeadersInitialized)

            this.requestVersionHeadersInitialized = true;

            Debug.Assert(this.requestVersion == null, "this.requestVersion == null");
            Debug.Assert(this.RequestMaxVersion == null, "this.RequestMaxVersion == null");

            Version maxRequestVersionAllowed = GetMaxRequestVersionAllowed(maxProtocolVersion);

            // read the request version headers from the underlying host
            this.requestVersionString =;
            this.RequestVersion       = ValidateVersionHeader(XmlConstants.HttpODataVersion, this.requestVersionString);
            this.RequestMaxVersion    = ValidateVersionHeader(XmlConstants.HttpODataMaxVersion,;

            // If the request version is not specified.
            if (this.requestVersion == null)
                // In request headers, if the OData-Version header is not specified and OData-MaxVersion is specified,
                // we should ideally set the OData-Version header to whatever the value was specified in OData-MaxVersion
                // header has.
                if (this.RequestMaxVersion != null)
                    // set the OData-Version to minimum of OData-MaxVersion and ProtocolVersion.
                    this.RequestVersion = (this.RequestMaxVersion < maxProtocolVersion) ? this.RequestMaxVersion : maxProtocolVersion;
                    // If both request DSV and request MaxDSV is not specified, then set the request DSV to the MPV
                    this.RequestVersion = maxProtocolVersion;

                this.requestVersionString = this.RequestVersion.ToString(2);
                if (this.RequestVersion > maxRequestVersionAllowed)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.DataService_RequestVersionMustBeLessThanMPV(this.RequestVersion, maxProtocolVersion));

                // Verify that the request DSV is a known version number.
                if (!VersionUtil.IsKnownRequestVersion(this.RequestVersion))
                    string message = Strings.DataService_InvalidRequestVersion(
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(message);

            // Initialize the request OData-MaxVersion if not specified.
            if (this.RequestMaxVersion == null)
                this.RequestMaxVersion = maxProtocolVersion;
            else if (this.RequestMaxVersion < VersionUtil.DataServiceDefaultResponseVersion)
                // We need to make sure the MaxDSV is at least 1.0. This was the V1 behavior.
                // Verified that this was checked both in batch and non-batch cases.
                string message = Strings.DataService_MaxDSVTooLow(
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(message);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>Creates a new exception to indicate a syntax error.</summary>
 /// <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
 /// <returns>A new exception to indicate a syntax error.</returns>
 internal static DataServiceException CreateSyntaxError(string message)
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>Creates a new "Bad Request" exception for recursion limit exceeded.</summary>
 /// <returns>A new exception to indicate that the request is rejected.</returns>
 internal static DataServiceException CreateDeepRecursion_General()
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>Creates a new "Bad Request" exception for recursion limit exceeded.</summary>
 /// <param name="recursionLimit">Recursion limit that was reaced.</param>
 /// <returns>A new exception to indicate that the request is rejected.</returns>
 internal static DataServiceException CreateDeepRecursion(int recursionLimit)
        /// <summary>Creates an <see cref="SegmentInfo"/> list for the given <paramref name="path"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="path">Segments to process.</param>
        /// <returns>Segment information describing the given <paramref name="path"/>.</returns>
        internal IList <SegmentInfo> ConvertPath(ODataPath path)
            Debug.Assert(path != null, "path != null");

            SegmentInfo        previous     = null;
            List <SegmentInfo> segmentInfos = new List <SegmentInfo>();
            bool crossReferencingUri        = false;

            foreach (ODataPathSegment segment in path)
                crossReferencingUri |= segment is BatchReferenceSegment;

                SegmentInfo segmentInfo;
                if (previous == null)
                    segmentInfo = this.CreateFirstSegment(segment);

                    var keySegment = segment as KeySegment;
                    if (keySegment != null)
                        // All service operations other than those returning IQueryable MUST NOT have a key expression.
                        if (!IsSegmentComposable(previous))
                            throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.RequestUriProcessor_SegmentDoesNotSupportKeyPredicates(previous.Identifier));


                        if (crossReferencingUri)
                            throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BadRequest_ResourceCanBeCrossReferencedOnlyForBindOperation);

                        previous.SingleResult = true;
                        previous.Key          = keySegment;

                    if (segment is NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)
                        segmentInfo = CreateEntityReferenceLinkSegment(previous);
        #if DEBUG

                        previous = segmentInfo;

                    segmentInfo = this.CreateNextSegment(previous, segment);

                Debug.Assert(segmentInfo != null, "segment != null");

                // we need to copy the segment over (even if it was an escape marker) as decisions will be made about it the next time through the loop.
                previous = segmentInfo;

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the paths from the request's $select query option to the sets/types/properties from the metadata provider of the service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestDescription">The request description.</param>
        /// <param name="dataService">The data service.</param>
        /// <param name="selectQueryOption">The raw value of the $select query option.</param>
        /// <returns>The bound select segments.</returns>
        internal static IList <IList <SelectItem> > BindSelectSegments(RequestDescription requestDescription, IDataService dataService, string selectQueryOption)
            Debug.Assert(requestDescription != null, "requestDescription != null");
            Debug.Assert(dataService != null, "dataService != null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectQueryOption))
                return(new List <IList <SelectItem> >());

            // Throw if $select requests have been disabled by the user
            Debug.Assert(dataService.Configuration != null, "dataService.Configuration != null");
            if (!dataService.Configuration.DataServiceBehavior.AcceptProjectionRequests)
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.DataServiceConfiguration_ProjectionsNotAccepted);

            IList <IList <string> > selectPathsAsText = SplitSelect(selectQueryOption, dataService.Provider);

            Debug.Assert(selectPathsAsText != null, "selectPathsAsText != null");

            List <IList <SelectItem> > boundSegments = new List <IList <SelectItem> >(selectPathsAsText.Count);

            if (selectPathsAsText.Count == 0)


            MetadataProviderEdmModel metadataProviderEdmModel = dataService.Provider.GetMetadataProviderEdmModel();

            for (int i = selectPathsAsText.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                IList <string>    path             = selectPathsAsText[i];
                List <SelectItem> boundSegmentPath = new List <SelectItem>(path.Count);

                ResourceType       targetResourceType = requestDescription.TargetResourceType;
                ResourceSetWrapper targetResourceSet  = requestDescription.TargetResourceSet;

                // if we get to here, we're building a partial selection
                List <TypeSegment> typeSegments   = new List <TypeSegment>();
                bool previousSegmentIsTypeSegment = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < path.Count; j++)
                    string pathSegment     = path[j];
                    bool   lastPathSegment = (j == path.Count - 1);

                    // '*' is special, it means "Project all immediate properties on this level."
                    if (pathSegment == "*")
                        Debug.Assert(lastPathSegment, "A wildcard select segment must be the last one. This should have been checked already when splitting appart the paths.");

                    bool   nameIsContainerQualified;
                    string nameFromContainerQualifiedName = dataService.Provider.GetNameFromContainerQualifiedName(pathSegment, out nameIsContainerQualified);
                    if (nameFromContainerQualifiedName == "*")
                        Debug.Assert(lastPathSegment, "A wildcard select segment must be the last one.  This should have been checked already when splitting appart the paths.");
                        Debug.Assert(nameIsContainerQualified, "nameIsContainerQualified == true");

                    ResourceProperty property = targetResourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(pathSegment);
                    if (property == null)
                        ResourceType resolvedResourceType = WebUtil.ResolveTypeIdentifier(dataService.Provider, pathSegment, targetResourceType, previousSegmentIsTypeSegment);
                        if (resolvedResourceType != null)
                            previousSegmentIsTypeSegment = true;
                            if (lastPathSegment)
                                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.RequestQueryProcessor_QueryParametersPathCannotEndInTypeIdentifier(XmlConstants.HttpQueryStringSelect, resolvedResourceType.FullName));

                            targetResourceType = resolvedResourceType;

                            // Whenever we encounter the type segment, we need to only verify that the MPV is set to 3.0 or higher.
                            // There is no need to check for request DSV, request MinDSV or request MaxDSV since there are no protocol changes in
                            // the payload for uri's with type identifier.
                            requestDescription.VerifyProtocolVersion(VersionUtil.Version3Dot0, dataService);

                            IEdmSchemaType edmType     = metadataProviderEdmModel.EnsureSchemaType(targetResourceType);
                            TypeSegment    typeSegment = new TypeSegment(edmType);

                        previousSegmentIsTypeSegment = false;

                        // If the currentResourceType is an open type, we require the service action name to be fully qualified or else we treat it as an open property name.
                        if (!targetResourceType.IsOpenType || nameIsContainerQualified)
                            // Note that if the service does not implement IDataServiceActionProvider and the MaxProtocolVersion < V3,
                            // GetActionsBoundToAnyTypeInResourceSet() would simply return an empty ServiceOperationWrapper collection.
                            Debug.Assert(dataService.ActionProvider != null, "dataService.ActionProvider != null");
                            IEnumerable <OperationWrapper> allOperationsInSet     = dataService.ActionProvider.GetActionsBoundToAnyTypeInResourceSet(targetResourceSet);
                            List <OperationWrapper>        selectedServiceActions = allOperationsInSet.Where(o => o.Name == nameFromContainerQualifiedName).ToList();

                            if (selectedServiceActions.Count > 0)
                                if (!lastPathSegment)
                                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.RequestQueryProcessor_ServiceActionMustBeLastSegmentInSelect(pathSegment));

                                boundSegmentPath.Add(CreateOperationSelection(metadataProviderEdmModel, selectedServiceActions, typeSegments));

                        if (!targetResourceType.IsOpenType)
                            throw DataServiceException.CreateSyntaxError(Strings.RequestUriProcessor_PropertyNotFound(targetResourceType.FullName, pathSegment));

                        if (!lastPathSegment)
                            // Open navigation properties are not supported on OpenTypes.
                            throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(pathSegment));

                        boundSegmentPath.Add(CreateOpenPropertySelection(pathSegment, typeSegments));
                        previousSegmentIsTypeSegment = false;

                        ValidateSelectedProperty(targetResourceType, property, lastPathSegment);

                        boundSegmentPath.Add(CreatePropertySelection(metadataProviderEdmModel, targetResourceType, property, typeSegments));

                        if (property.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                            targetResourceSet  = dataService.Provider.GetResourceSet(targetResourceSet, targetResourceType, property);
                            targetResourceType = property.ResourceType;

                // Note that this check is also covering cases where a type segment is followed by a wildcard.
                if (previousSegmentIsTypeSegment)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.RequestQueryProcessor_QueryParametersPathCannotEndInTypeIdentifier(XmlConstants.HttpQueryStringSelect, targetResourceType.FullName));
