internal void CreateObstaclePorts(Obstacle obstacle) {
     // Create ObstaclePorts for all Ports of this obstacle.  This just creates the
     // ObstaclePort object; we don't add its edges/vertices to the graph until we
     // do the actual routing.
     foreach (var port in obstacle.Ports) {
         CreateObstaclePort(obstacle, port);
 protected override bool InsertParallelReflectionSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle,
         BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicReflectionEvent action) {
     // See notes in InsertPerpendicularReflectionSegment for comments about an existing segment.
     // Here, we call AddSegment which adds the segment and continues the reflection staircase.
     if (null != ParallelScanSegments.Find(start, end)) {
         return false;
     return AddSegment(start, end, eventObstacle, lowNborSide, highNborSide, action, ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight);
 internal BasicObstacleSide(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint startVertex, ScanDirection scanDir, bool traverseClockwise)
     : base(startVertex)
     Obstacle = obstacle;
     endVertex = traverseClockwise ? startVertex.NextOnPolyline : startVertex.PrevOnPolyline;
     if (!scanDir.IsPerpendicular(startVertex.Point, endVertex.Point))
         Slope = StaticGraphUtility.Slope(startVertex.Point, endVertex.Point, scanDir);
         SlopeInverse = 1.0 / Slope;
        internal GroupBoundaryCrossing AddIntersection(Point intersection, Obstacle group, Directions dirToInside) {
            List<GroupBoundaryCrossing> crossings;
            if (!pointCrossingMap.TryGetValue(intersection, out crossings)) {
                crossings = new List<GroupBoundaryCrossing>();
                pointCrossingMap[intersection] = crossings;

            // We may hit the same point on neighbor traversal in multiple directions.  We will have more than one item
            // in this list only if there are multiple group boundaries at this point, which should be unusual.
            var crossingsCount = crossings.Count;       // cache for perf
            for (int ii = 0; ii < crossingsCount; ++ii) {
                var crossing = crossings[ii];
                if (crossing.Group == group) {
                    // At a given location for a given group, there is only one valid dirToInside.
                    Debug.Assert(dirToInside == crossing.DirectionToInside, "Mismatched dirToInside");
                    return crossing;
            var newCrossing = new GroupBoundaryCrossing(group, dirToInside);
            return newCrossing;
        private ObstaclePort CreateObstaclePort(Obstacle obstacle, Port port) {
            // This will replace any previous specification for the port (last one wins).
            Debug.Assert(!obstaclePortMap.ContainsKey(port), "Port is used by more than one obstacle");

            if (null == port.Curve) {
                return null;

            var roundedLocation = ApproximateComparer.Round(port.Location);
            if (PointLocation.Outside == Curve.PointRelativeToCurveLocation(roundedLocation, obstacle.InputShape.BoundaryCurve)) {
                // Obstacle.Port is outside Obstacle.Shape; handle it as a FreePoint.
                return null;

            if ((obstacle.InputShape.BoundaryCurve != port.Curve) 
                && (PointLocation.Outside == Curve.PointRelativeToCurveLocation(roundedLocation, port.Curve))) {
                // Obstacle.Port is outside port.Curve; handle it as a FreePoint.
                return null;

            var oport = new ObstaclePort(port, obstacle);
            obstaclePortMap[port] = oport;
            return oport;
Esempio n. 6
 internal BasicVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base(p)
     this.Obstacle = obstacle;
 internal static bool ObstaclesIntersect(Obstacle first, Obstacle second) 
     if (first == second) 
         return false;
     return Curve.CurvesIntersect(first.VisibilityPolyline, second.VisibilityPolyline);    
 private void CreatePaddedObstacle(Shape shape) {
     var obstacle = new Obstacle(shape, this.UseObstacleRectangles, this.Padding);
     this.ShapeToObstacleMap[shape] = obstacle;
Esempio n. 9
 internal CloseVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base(obstacle, p)
 internal HighObstacleSide(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint startVertex, ScanDirection scanDir)
     : base(obstacle, startVertex, scanDir, scanDir.IsVertical /*traverseClockwise*/)
Esempio n. 11
        protected override bool InsertParallelReflectionSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle,
                                                                BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicReflectionEvent action)
            Debug.Assert(false, "base.wantReflections is false in Sparse mode so this should never be called");
// ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode
// ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode
 // If true, we have a staircase situation.
 internal bool IsStaircaseStep(Obstacle reflectionTarget) {
     return (this.InitialObstacle == reflectionTarget);
Esempio n. 13
        // obstacleToIgnore is the event obstacle if we're looking at intersections along its boundary.
        private bool IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(BasicObstacleSide side, Obstacle eventObstacle, Point intersect)
            // See if the intersection with an obstacle side is inside another obstacle (that encloses
            // at least the part of side.Obstacle containing the intersection).  This will only happen
            // if side.Obstacle is overlapped and in the same clump (if it's not the same clump, we must
            // be hitting it from the outside).
            if (!side.Obstacle.IsOverlapped)

            if (!side.Obstacle.IsGroup && !eventObstacle.IsGroup && (side.Obstacle.Clump != eventObstacle.Clump))

            return(ObstacleTree.IntersectionIsInsideAnotherObstacle(side.Obstacle, eventObstacle, intersect, ScanDirection));
Esempio n. 14
        // Return value is whether or not we added a new segment.
        bool AddSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle
                        , BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide
                        , SweepEvent action, double weight)
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(1, "Adding Segment [{0} -> {1} {2}] weight {3}", start, end, weight);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "     side {0}", lowNborSide);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "  -> side {0}", highNborSide);
            if (PointComparer.Equal(start, end))

            // See if the new segment subsumes or can be subsumed by the last one.  gbcList may be null.
            PointAndCrossingsList gbcList = CurrentGroupBoundaryCrossingMap.GetOrderedListBetween(start, end);
            bool extendStart, extendEnd;
            bool wasSubsumed = ScanSegment.Subsume(ref hintScanSegment, start, end, weight, gbcList, ScanDirection
                                                   , ParallelScanSegments, out extendStart, out extendEnd);

            if (!wasSubsumed)
                Debug.Assert((weight != ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight) || (ParallelScanSegments.Find(start, end) == null),
                             "Reflection segments already in the ScanSegmentTree should should have been detected before calling AddSegment");
                hintScanSegment = ParallelScanSegments.InsertUnique(new ScanSegment(start, end, weight, gbcList)).Item;
            else if (weight == ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight)
                // Do not continue this; it is probably a situation where a side is at a tiny angle from the axis,
                // resulting in an initial reflection segment that is parallel and very close to the extreme-vertex-derived
                // segment, so as the staircase progresses they eventually converge due to floating-point rounding.
                // See RectilinearFilesTest.ReflectionStaircasesConverge.

            // Do reflections only if the new segment is not overlapped.
            if (ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight != weight)
                // If these fire, it's probably an indication that isOverlapped is not correctly set
                // and one of the neighbors is an OverlapSide from CreateScanSegments.
                Debug.Assert(lowNborSide is HighObstacleSide, "lowNbor is not HighObstacleSide");
                Debug.Assert(highNborSide is LowObstacleSide, "highNbor is not LowObstacleSide");

                // If we are closing the obstacle then the initial Obstacles of the reflections (the ones it
                // will bounce between) are the opposite neighbors.  Otherwise, the OpenVertexEvent obstacle
                // is the ReflectionEvent initial obstacle.
                if (action is CloseVertexEvent)
                    // If both neighbor sides reflect upward, they can't intersect, so we don't need
                    // to store a lookahead site (if neither reflect upward, StoreLookaheadSite no-ops).
                    if (!SideReflectsUpward(lowNborSide) || !SideReflectsUpward(highNborSide))
                        // Try to store both; only one will "take" (for the upward-reflecting side).
                        // The initial Obstacle is the opposite neighbor.
                        if (extendStart)
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(highNborSide.Obstacle, lowNborSide, start, wantExtreme: false);

                        if (extendEnd)
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(lowNborSide.Obstacle, highNborSide, end, wantExtreme: false);
                    if (extendStart)
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, LowNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeLowNeighbor, lowNborSide, start);

                    if (extendEnd)
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, HighNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeHighNeighbor, highNborSide, end);

            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "HintScanSegment {0}{1}", hintScanSegment, wasSubsumed ? " (subsumed)" : "");
Esempio n. 15
 internal LowObstacleSide(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint startVertex, ScanDirection scanDir)
     : base(obstacle, startVertex, scanDir, scanDir.IsHorizontal /*traverseClockwise*/)
 internal HighObstacleSide(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint startVertex, ScanDirection scanDir)
     : base(obstacle, startVertex, scanDir, scanDir.IsVertical /*traverseClockwise*/)
 internal LowObstacleSide(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint startVertex, ScanDirection scanDir)
     : base(obstacle, startVertex, scanDir, scanDir.IsHorizontal /*traverseClockwise*/)
 internal BasicVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base (p) {
     this.Obstacle = obstacle;
 internal ObstaclePort(Port port, Obstacle obstacle) {
     this.Port = port;
     this.Obstacle = obstacle;
     this.PortEntrances = new List<ObstaclePortEntrance>();
     this.Location = ApproximateComparer.Round(this.Port.Location);
        private static bool ObstaclesAreCloseEnoughToBeConsideredTouching(Obstacle a, Obstacle b, bool aIsInsideB, bool bIsInsideA)
            // This is only called when the obstacle.VisibilityPolylines don't intersect, thus one is inside the other
            // or both are outside. If both are outside then either one's LooseVisibilityPolyline may be used.
            if (!aIsInsideB && !bIsInsideA)
                return(Curve.CurvesIntersect(a.LooseVisibilityPolyline, b.VisibilityPolyline));

            // Otherwise see if the inner one is close enough to the outer border to consider them touching.
            var innerLoosePolyline = aIsInsideB ? a.LooseVisibilityPolyline : b.LooseVisibilityPolyline;
            var outerPolyline      = aIsInsideB ? b.VisibilityPolyline : a.VisibilityPolyline;

            foreach (Point innerPoint in innerLoosePolyline)
                if (Curve.PointRelativeToCurveLocation(innerPoint, outerPolyline) == PointLocation.Outside)
                    var outerParamPoint = Curve.ClosestPoint(outerPolyline, innerPoint);
                    if (!ApproximateComparer.CloseIntersections(innerPoint, outerParamPoint))
Esempio n. 21
 internal HighBendVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base(obstacle, p)
Esempio n. 22
        // As described in the document, we currently don't create ScanSegments where a flat top/bottom boundary may have
        // intervals that are embedded within overlapped segments:
        //      obstacle1 |  |obstacle2  | obstacle3 |          | obstacle4 | obstacle2|  |
        //                |  +-----------|===========|??????????|===========|----------+  | obstacle5
        //   ...__________|              |___________|          |___________|             |__________...
        // Here, there will be no ScanSegment created at ??? along the border of obstacle2 between obstacle3
        // and obstacle4.  This is not a concern because that segment is useless anyway; a path from outside
        // obstacle2 will not be able to see it unless there is another obstacle in that gap, and then that
        // obstacle's side-derived ScanSegments will create non-overlapped edges; and there are already edges
        // from the upper/lower extreme vertices of obstacle 3 and obstacle4 to ensure a connected graph.
        // If there is a routing from an obstacle outside obstacle2 to one embedded within obstacle2, the
        // port visibility will create the necessary edges.
        // We don't try to determine nesting depth and create different VisibilityEdge weights to prevent spurious
        // nested-obstacle crossings; we just care about overlapped vs. not-overlapped.
        // If this changes, we would have to: Find the overlap depth at the lowNborSide intersection,
        // then increment/decrement according to side type as we move from low to high, then create a different
        // ScanSegment at each obstacle-side crossing, making ScanSegment.IsOverlapped a depth instead of bool.
        // Then pass that depth through to VisibilityEdge as an increased weight.  (This would also automatically
        // handle the foregoing situation of non-overlapped intervals in the middle of a flat top/bottom border,
        // not that it would really gain anything).
        void CreateScanSegments(Obstacle obstacle, HighObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide lowOverlapSide,
                                BasicObstacleSide highOverlapSide, LowObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicVertexEvent vertexEvent)
            // If we have either of the high/low OverlapSides, we'll need to see if they're inside
            // another obstacle.  If not, they end the overlap.
            if ((null == highOverlapSide) || IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(highOverlapSide, vertexEvent))
                highOverlapSide = highNborSide;

            if ((null == lowOverlapSide) || IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(lowOverlapSide, vertexEvent))
                lowOverlapSide = lowNborSide;

            // There may be up to 3 segments; for a simple diagram, |# means low-side border of
            // obstacle '#' and #| means high-side, with 'v' meaning our event vertex.  Here are
            // the two cases where we create a single non-overlapped ScanSegment (from the Low
            // side in the diagram, but the same logic works for the High side).
            //  - non-overlapped:   1|  v  |2
            //                 ...---+     +---...
            //  - non-overlapped to an "inner" highNbor on a flat border:   1|  vLow  |2   vHigh
            //                                                          ...---+  +-----+=========...
            // This may be the low side of a flat bottom or top border, so lowNbor or highNbor
            // may be in the middle of the border.
            Point lowNborIntersect            = ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, lowNborSide);
            Point highNborIntersect           = ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, highNborSide);
            bool  lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped = IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(lowNborSide,
                                                                                          vertexEvent.Obstacle /*obstacleToIgnore*/, lowNborIntersect);

            if (!lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped && (lowNborSide == lowOverlapSide))
                // Nothing is overlapped so create one segment.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,

            // Here are the different interval combinations for overlapped cases.
            //  - non-overlapped, overlapped:  1|  |2  v  |3
            //                            ...---+  +------+===...
            //  - non-overlapped, overlapped, non-overlapped:  1|  |2  v  2|  |3
            //                                                ==+  +-------+  +--...
            //  - overlapped:   |1  2|  v  |3  ...1|
            //            ...---+====+-----+===...-+
            //  - overlapped, non-overlapped:  |1  2|  v  1|  |3
            //                           ...---+====+------+  +---...
            // We will not start overlapped and then go to non-overlapped and back to overlapped,
            // because we would have found the overlap-ending/beginning sides as nearer neighbors.

            // Get the other intersections we'll want.
            Point highOverlapIntersect = (highOverlapSide == highNborSide) ? highNborIntersect
                                            : ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, highOverlapSide);
            Point lowOverlapIntersect = (lowOverlapSide == lowNborSide) ? lowNborIntersect
                                            : ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, lowOverlapSide);

            // Create the segments.
            if (!lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped)
                // First interval is non-overlapped; there is a second overlapped interval, and may be a
                // third non-overlapping interval if another obstacle surrounded this vertex.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, lowOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, lowOverlapSide, vertexEvent,
                AddSegment(lowOverlapIntersect, highOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowOverlapSide, highOverlapSide, vertexEvent,
                if (highOverlapSide != highNborSide)
                    AddSegment(highOverlapIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, highOverlapSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,
                // Starts off overlapped so ignore lowOverlapSide.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, highOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, highOverlapSide, vertexEvent,
                if (highOverlapSide != highNborSide)
                    AddSegment(highOverlapIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, highOverlapSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,
 internal static bool IsFirstObstacleEntirelyWithinSecond(Obstacle first, Obstacle second, bool touchingOk) 
     return IsFirstPolylineEntirelyWithinSecond(first.VisibilityPolyline, second.VisibilityPolyline, touchingOk);   
Esempio n. 24
        protected override bool InsertParallelReflectionSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle,
                                                                BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicReflectionEvent action)
            // See notes in InsertPerpendicularReflectionSegment for comments about an existing segment.
            // Here, we call AddSegment which adds the segment and continues the reflection staircase.
            if (null != ParallelScanSegments.Find(start, end))

            return(AddSegment(start, end, eventObstacle, lowNborSide, highNborSide, action, ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight));
 internal LowBendVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base(obstacle, p) { }
Esempio n. 26
 internal void Insert(Obstacle obstacle) 
 // Called by StoreLookaheadSite only.
 internal BasicReflectionEvent(Obstacle initialObstacle, Obstacle reflectingObstacle, Point site) {
     this.InitialObstacle = initialObstacle;
     this.ReflectingObstacle = reflectingObstacle; = site;
 private void StoreLookaheadSite(Obstacle eventObstacle, BasicObstacleSide interveningGroupSide, BasicObstacleSide neighborSide, Point siteOnSide) {
     // For reflections, NeighborSides won't be set, so there won't be an intervening group.  Otherwise,
     // this is on an OpenVertexEvent, so we'll either reflect of the intervening group if any, or neighborSide.
     if (null == interveningGroupSide) {
         this.StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, neighborSide, siteOnSide, wantExtreme: false);
     } else {
         var siteOnGroup = ScanLineIntersectSide(siteOnSide, interveningGroupSide, this.ScanDirection);
         this.StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, interveningGroupSide, siteOnGroup, wantExtreme: false);
 internal GroupBoundaryCrossing(Obstacle group, Directions dirToInside) {
     Debug.Assert(CompassVector.IsPureDirection(dirToInside), "Impure direction");
     this.Group = group;
     this.DirectionToInside = dirToInside;
 // obstacleToIgnore is the event obstacle if we're looking at intersections along its boundary.
 private bool IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(BasicObstacleSide side, Obstacle eventObstacle, Point intersect) {
     // See if the intersection with an obstacle side is inside another obstacle (that encloses
     // at least the part of side.Obstacle containing the intersection).  This will only happen
     // if side.Obstacle is overlapped and in the same clump (if it's not the same clump, we must
     // be hitting it from the outside).
     if (!side.Obstacle.IsOverlapped) {
         return false;
     if (!side.Obstacle.IsGroup && !eventObstacle.IsGroup && (side.Obstacle.Clump != eventObstacle.Clump)) {
         return false;
     return ObstacleTree.IntersectionIsInsideAnotherObstacle(side.Obstacle, eventObstacle, intersect, ScanDirection);
 internal void RemoveObstaclePorts(Obstacle obstacle) {
     foreach (var port in obstacle.Ports) {
         // Since we remove the port from the visibility graph after each routing, all we
         // have to do here is remove it from the dictionary.
        // As described in the document, we currently don't create ScanSegments where a flat top/bottom boundary may have
        // intervals that are embedded within overlapped segments:
        //      obstacle1 |  |obstacle2  | obstacle3 |          | obstacle4 | obstacle2|  |
        //                |  +-----------|===========|??????????|===========|----------+  | obstacle5
        //   ...__________|              |___________|          |___________|             |__________...
        // Here, there will be no ScanSegment created at ??? along the border of obstacle2 between obstacle3
        // and obstacle4.  This is not a concern because that segment is useless anyway; a path from outside
        // obstacle2 will not be able to see it unless there is another obstacle in that gap, and then that
        // obstacle's side-derived ScanSegments will create non-overlapped edges; and there are already edges
        // from the upper/lower extreme vertices of obstacle 3 and obstacle4 to ensure a connected graph.
        // If there is a routing from an obstacle outside obstacle2 to one embedded within obstacle2, the
        // port visibility will create the necessary edges.
        // We don't try to determine nesting depth and create different VisibilityEdge weights to prevent spurious
        // nested-obstacle crossings; we just care about overlapped vs. not-overlapped.
        // If this changes, we would have to: Find the overlap depth at the lowNborSide intersection,
        // then increment/decrement according to side type as we move from low to high, then create a different
        // ScanSegment at each obstacle-side crossing, making ScanSegment.IsOverlapped a depth instead of bool.
        // Then pass that depth through to VisibilityEdge as an increased weight.  (This would also automatically
        // handle the foregoing situation of non-overlapped intervals in the middle of a flat top/bottom border,
        // not that it would really gain anything).
        void CreateScanSegments(Obstacle obstacle, HighObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide lowOverlapSide, 
                                BasicObstacleSide highOverlapSide, LowObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicVertexEvent vertexEvent) {
            // If we have either of the high/low OverlapSides, we'll need to see if they're inside
            // another obstacle.  If not, they end the overlap.
            if ((null == highOverlapSide) || IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(highOverlapSide, vertexEvent)) {
                highOverlapSide = highNborSide;
            if ((null == lowOverlapSide) || IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(lowOverlapSide, vertexEvent)) {
                lowOverlapSide = lowNborSide;

            // There may be up to 3 segments; for a simple diagram, |# means low-side border of
            // obstacle '#' and #| means high-side, with 'v' meaning our event vertex.  Here are
            // the two cases where we create a single non-overlapped ScanSegment (from the Low
            // side in the diagram, but the same logic works for the High side).
            //  - non-overlapped:   1|  v  |2
            //                 ...---+     +---...
            //  - non-overlapped to an "inner" highNbor on a flat border:   1|  vLow  |2   vHigh
            //                                                          ...---+  +-----+=========...
            // This may be the low side of a flat bottom or top border, so lowNbor or highNbor 
            // may be in the middle of the border.
            Point lowNborIntersect = ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, lowNborSide);
            Point highNborIntersect = ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, highNborSide);
            bool lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped = IntersectionAtSideIsInsideAnotherObstacle(lowNborSide,
                        vertexEvent.Obstacle /*obstacleToIgnore*/, lowNborIntersect);

            if (!lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped && (lowNborSide == lowOverlapSide)) {
                // Nothing is overlapped so create one segment.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,

            // Here are the different interval combinations for overlapped cases.
            //  - non-overlapped, overlapped:  1|  |2  v  |3
            //                            ...---+  +------+===...
            //  - non-overlapped, overlapped, non-overlapped:  1|  |2  v  2|  |3
            //                                                ==+  +-------+  +--...
            //  - overlapped:   |1  2|  v  |3  ...1|
            //            ...---+====+-----+===...-+
            //  - overlapped, non-overlapped:  |1  2|  v  1|  |3
            //                           ...---+====+------+  +---...
            // We will not start overlapped and then go to non-overlapped and back to overlapped,
            // because we would have found the overlap-ending/beginning sides as nearer neighbors.

            // Get the other intersections we'll want.
            Point highOverlapIntersect = (highOverlapSide == highNborSide) ? highNborIntersect
                                            : ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, highOverlapSide);
            Point lowOverlapIntersect = (lowOverlapSide == lowNborSide) ? lowNborIntersect
                                            : ScanLineIntersectSide(vertexEvent.Site, lowOverlapSide);

            // Create the segments.
            if (!lowNborEndpointIsOverlapped) {
                // First interval is non-overlapped; there is a second overlapped interval, and may be a 
                // third non-overlapping interval if another obstacle surrounded this vertex.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, lowOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, lowOverlapSide, vertexEvent,
                AddSegment(lowOverlapIntersect, highOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowOverlapSide, highOverlapSide, vertexEvent,
                if (highOverlapSide != highNborSide) {
                    AddSegment(highOverlapIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, highOverlapSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,
            else {
                // Starts off overlapped so ignore lowOverlapSide.
                AddSegment(lowNborIntersect, highOverlapIntersect, obstacle, lowNborSide, highOverlapSide, vertexEvent, 
                if (highOverlapSide != highNborSide) {
                    AddSegment(highOverlapIntersect, highNborIntersect, obstacle, highOverlapSide, highNborSide, vertexEvent,
 void CreateScanSegments(Obstacle obstacle, NeighborSides neighborSides, BasicVertexEvent vertexEvent) {
     this.CreateScanSegments(obstacle, (HighObstacleSide)neighborSides.LowNeighbor.Item
                             , (null == neighborSides.LowOverlapEnd) ? null : neighborSides.LowOverlapEnd.Item
                             , (null == neighborSides.HighOverlapEnd) ? null : neighborSides.HighOverlapEnd.Item
                             , (LowObstacleSide)neighborSides.HighNeighbor.Item, vertexEvent);
 private bool AddParallelReflectionSegment(Obstacle eventObstacle, BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide
                         , BasicObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicReflectionEvent action) {
     // If this is reflecting to a low neighbor, then that intersect is 'start' in the low-to-high
     // sequence, and the event site is the end; otherwise we start at the event site and end at
     // the high neighbor.
     Point intersect = ScanLineIntersectSide(action.Site, lowNborSide ?? highNborSide);
     Point start = (null != lowNborSide) ? intersect : action.Site;
     Point end = (null != lowNborSide) ? action.Site : intersect;
     // Now get the opposite neighbors so AddSegment can continue the reflection chain.
     if (null == lowNborSide) {
         lowNborSide = scanLine.NextLow(highNborSide).Item;
     else {
         highNborSide = scanLine.NextHigh(lowNborSide).Item;
     return InsertParallelReflectionSegment(start, end, eventObstacle, lowNborSide, highNborSide, action);
        private static void GrowGroupAroundLoosePolyline(Obstacle group, Polyline loosePolyline)
            var points = group.VisibilityPolyline.Select(p => p).Concat(loosePolyline.Select(p => p));

            group.SetConvexHull(new OverlapConvexHull(ConvexHull.CreateConvexHullAsClosedPolyline(points), new[] { group }));
 protected bool ScanLineCrossesObstacle(Point eventSite, Obstacle obstacle) {
     // An inner or outer neighbor's side is only an overlap start/stop candidate if its obstacle 
     // brackets the open/close event's Perpendicular Scan coord.
     return (ScanDirection.ComparePerpCoord(eventSite, obstacle.VisibilityBoundingBox.LeftBottom) > 0)
         && (ScanDirection.ComparePerpCoord(eventSite, obstacle.VisibilityBoundingBox.RightTop) < 0);
Esempio n. 37
 public bool IsInSameClump(Obstacle other)
     return(this.IsOverlapped && (this.Clump == other.Clump));
 // Called by StoreLookaheadSite only.
 internal BasicReflectionEvent(Obstacle initialObstacle, Obstacle reflectingObstacle, Point site)
     this.InitialObstacle    = initialObstacle;
     this.ReflectingObstacle = reflectingObstacle; = site;
        // Calculate reflections from the lines, depending on line side (Low vs. High) and slope.
        // Because the low neighbor intersection is on a high side of its obstacle
        // and vice-versa, then the "side" of a lowNbor is a highSide, and vice versa.
        protected void StoreLookaheadSite(Obstacle initialObstacle, BasicObstacleSide reflectingSide, Point reflectionSite, bool wantExtreme) {
            if (!this.wantReflections) {

            // If the line is perpendicular, we won't generate reflections (they'd be redundant).
            if (!IsPerpendicular(reflectingSide)) {
                // If this is hitting an extreme vertex in the forward direction, we will (or already did) create a normal
                // ScanSegment in the perpendicular direction.
                if (!wantExtreme && !StaticGraphUtility.PointIsInRectangleInterior(reflectionSite, reflectingSide.Obstacle.VisibilityBoundingBox)) {

                // We can only do upward reflections, which fortunately is all we need.
                if (SideReflectsUpward(reflectingSide)) {
                    // We defer actually creating the perpendicular line until we've processed
                    // the reflection event we're about to enqueue, so we may legitimately encounter
                    // two (or more) reflections at the same point along the parallel-to-scanline
                    // coordinate, if we have a side that is nearly but not quite perpendicular to
                    // the scanline.  For example:
                    //      \
                    //       \----------------------------- line2
                    //        \---------------------------- line1
                    // Assume the vertical side is very close to perpendicular; then as we process
                    // the horizontal lines in the upward direction, we may generate two lookahead
                    // reflections at coordinates that are sufficiently far apart in the vertical
                    // coordinate (in this example, Y) that the lines are not subsumed, but are
                    // sufficiently close in the horizontal coordinate (in this example, X) that
                    // the perpendicular lines would be subsumed. In that case, we look here to see
                    // if there is an active lookahead scan for the reflecting site's parallel coordinate;
                    // if so, then because we know that the side reflects upward, we also know that
                    // the perpendicular line from the lowest segment's reflection site will intersect
                    // the higher segments here, providing the VisibilityVertices we need, so we can
                    // safely ignore the duplicate lookahead.

                    // Don't worry about enqueueing a reflection at the extreme scanline-parallel
                    // vertex because we'll MergeSegments to handle that.
                    if (null == lookaheadScan.Find(reflectionSite)) {
                        lookaheadScan.Add(new BasicReflectionEvent(initialObstacle, reflectingSide.Obstacle, reflectionSite));
                        DevTraceInfoVgGen(1, "Storing reflection lookahead site {0}", reflectionSite);
                    else {
                        DevTraceInfoVgGen(1, "Reflection lookahead site {0} already exists", reflectionSite);
        } // end StoreLookaheadSite()
 // Called by LowReflectionEvent or HighReflectionEvent ctors, which are called out of 
 // AddReflectionEvent, which in turn is called by LoadLookaheadIntersections.
 // In this case we know the eventObstacle and initialObstacle are the same obstacle (the
 // one that the reflected ray bounced off of, to generate the Left/HighReflectionEvent).
 internal BasicReflectionEvent(BasicReflectionEvent previousSite, Obstacle reflectingObstacle, Point site) {
     this.InitialObstacle = previousSite.ReflectingObstacle;
     this.ReflectingObstacle = reflectingObstacle; = site;
     this.PreviousSite = previousSite;
 protected abstract bool InsertParallelReflectionSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle,
         BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide, BasicReflectionEvent action);
        // Return value is whether or not we added a new segment.
        bool AddSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle
                                , BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide
                                , SweepEvent action, double weight) {
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(1, "Adding Segment [{0} -> {1} {2}] weight {3}", start, end, weight);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "     side {0}", lowNborSide);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "  -> side {0}", highNborSide);
            if (PointComparer.Equal(start, end)) {
                return false;

            // See if the new segment subsumes or can be subsumed by the last one.  gbcList may be null.
            PointAndCrossingsList gbcList = CurrentGroupBoundaryCrossingMap.GetOrderedListBetween(start, end);
            bool extendStart, extendEnd;
            bool wasSubsumed = ScanSegment.Subsume(ref hintScanSegment, start, end, weight, gbcList, ScanDirection
                                        , ParallelScanSegments, out extendStart, out extendEnd);
            if (!wasSubsumed) {
                Debug.Assert((weight != ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight) || (ParallelScanSegments.Find(start, end) == null),
                            "Reflection segments already in the ScanSegmentTree should should have been detected before calling AddSegment");
                hintScanSegment = ParallelScanSegments.InsertUnique(new ScanSegment(start, end, weight, gbcList)).Item;
            } else if (weight == ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight) {
                // Do not continue this; it is probably a situation where a side is at a tiny angle from the axis,
                // resulting in an initial reflection segment that is parallel and very close to the extreme-vertex-derived
                // segment, so as the staircase progresses they eventually converge due to floating-point rounding.
                // See RectilinearFilesTest.ReflectionStaircasesConverge.
                return false;

            // Do reflections only if the new segment is not overlapped.
            if (ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight != weight) {
                // If these fire, it's probably an indication that isOverlapped is not correctly set
                // and one of the neighbors is an OverlapSide from CreateScanSegments.
                Debug.Assert(lowNborSide is HighObstacleSide, "lowNbor is not HighObstacleSide");
                Debug.Assert(highNborSide is LowObstacleSide, "highNbor is not LowObstacleSide");

                // If we are closing the obstacle then the initial Obstacles of the reflections (the ones it
                // will bounce between) are the opposite neighbors.  Otherwise, the OpenVertexEvent obstacle
                // is the ReflectionEvent initial obstacle.
                if (action is CloseVertexEvent) {
                    // If both neighbor sides reflect upward, they can't intersect, so we don't need
                    // to store a lookahead site (if neither reflect upward, StoreLookaheadSite no-ops).
                    if (!SideReflectsUpward(lowNborSide) || !SideReflectsUpward(highNborSide)) {
                        // Try to store both; only one will "take" (for the upward-reflecting side).
                        // The initial Obstacle is the opposite neighbor.
                        if (extendStart) {
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(highNborSide.Obstacle, lowNborSide, start, wantExtreme:false);
                        if (extendEnd) {
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(lowNborSide.Obstacle, highNborSide, end, wantExtreme: false);
                else {
                    if (extendStart) {
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, LowNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeLowNeighbor, lowNborSide, start);
                    if (extendEnd) {
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, HighNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeHighNeighbor, highNborSide, end);

            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "HintScanSegment {0}{1}", hintScanSegment, wasSubsumed ? " (subsumed)" : "");
            return true;
 internal GroupBoundaryCrossing(Obstacle group, Directions dirToInside)
     Debug.Assert(CompassVector.IsPureDirection(dirToInside), "Impure direction");
     this.Group             = group;
     this.DirectionToInside = dirToInside;
 internal OpenVertexEvent(Obstacle obstacle, PolylinePoint p) : base(obstacle, p) { }
 // If true, we have a staircase situation.
 internal bool IsStaircaseStep(Obstacle reflectionTarget)
     return(this.InitialObstacle == reflectionTarget);
        private void AddGroupIntersectionsToRestrictedRay(Obstacle obstacle, IList<IntersectionInfo> intersections) {
            // We'll let the lines punch through any intersections with groups, but track the location so we can enable/disable crossing.
            foreach (var intersectionInfo in intersections) {
                var intersect = SpliceUtility.RawIntersection(intersectionInfo, currentRestrictedRay.Start);

                // Skip intersections that are past the end of the restricted segment (though there may still be some
                // there if we shorten it later, but we'll skip them later).
                var distSquared = (intersect - currentRestrictedRay.Start).LengthSquared;
                if (distSquared > restrictedRayLengthSquared) {

                var dirTowardIntersect = PointComparer.GetPureDirection(currentRestrictedRay.Start, currentRestrictedRay.End);
                var polyline = (Polyline)intersectionInfo.Segment1; // this is the second arg to GetAllIntersections
                var dirsOfSide = CompassVector.VectorDirection(polyline.Derivative(intersectionInfo.Par1));

                // The derivative is always clockwise, so if the side contains the rightward rotation of the
                // direction from the ray origin, then we're hitting it from the inside; otherwise from the outside.
                var dirToInsideOfGroup = dirTowardIntersect;
                if (0 != (dirsOfSide & CompassVector.RotateRight(dirTowardIntersect))) {
                    dirToInsideOfGroup = CompassVector.OppositeDir(dirToInsideOfGroup);
                CurrentGroupBoundaryCrossingMap.AddIntersection(intersect, obstacle, dirToInsideOfGroup);