Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Execute()
            var splash = MauiSplashScreen[0];

            var info = ResizeImageInfo.Parse(splash);

            var outputFileName = info.OutputName;
            var image          = outputFileName + ".png";

            var   color = info.Color ?? SKColors.White;
            float r     = color.Red / (float)byte.MaxValue;
            float g     = color.Green / (float)byte.MaxValue;
            float b     = color.Blue / (float)byte.MaxValue;
            float a     = color.Alpha / (float)byte.MaxValue;

            var rStr = r.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var gStr = g.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var bStr = b.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var aStr = a.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputFile);


            using (var writer = File.CreateText(OutputFile))
                SubstituteStoryboard(writer, image, rStr, gStr, bStr, aStr);

Esempio n. 2
        public override bool Execute()
            var splash = MauiSplashScreen[0];

            var img = ResizeImageInfo.Parse(splash);


            var appTool = new SkiaSharpAppIconTools(img, this);

            Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Splash Screen: Intermediate Path " + IntermediateOutputPath);

            foreach (var dpi in DpiPath.Windows.SplashScreen)
                Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Splash Screen: " + dpi);

                var destination = Resizer.GetFileDestination(img, dpi, IntermediateOutputPath);

                Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Splash Screen Destination: " + destination);

                appTool.Resize(dpi, Path.ChangeExtension(destination, ".png"));

Esempio n. 3
        void UpdateSharedResources(XNamespace xmlns, XElement manifestElement)
            var uiApplicationElement = manifestElement.Element(xmlns + UiApplicationName);
            var appIconInfo          = AppIcon?.Length > 0 ? ResizeImageInfo.Parse(AppIcon[0]) : null;

            if (appIconInfo != null)
                var xiconName    = xmlns + IconName;
                var iconElements = uiApplicationElement.Elements(xiconName);

                var iconPlaceholderElements = iconElements.Where(d => d.Value == AppIconPlaceholder);
                foreach (var icon in iconPlaceholderElements)
                    if (icon.Attribute(DpiName) == null)
                        var defaultDpi = DpiPath.Tizen.AppIcon.Where(n => n.Path.EndsWith(IconDefaultDpiType)).FirstOrDefault();
                        icon.Value = IconDefaultDpiType + "/" + appIconInfo.OutputName + defaultDpi.FileSuffix + IconImageExtension;
                        string dpiValue   = icon.Attribute(DpiName).Value;
                        string fileSuffix = dpiValue == IconDefaultDpiType ? "xhigh" : "high";
                        icon.Value = dpiValue + "/" + appIconInfo.OutputName + fileSuffix + IconImageExtension;
            var splashInfo = SplashScreen?.Length > 0 ? ResizeImageInfo.Parse(SplashScreen[0]) : null;

            if (splashInfo != null)
                var splashscreensElement = uiApplicationElement.Element(xmlns + SplashScreensName);
                if (splashscreensElement == null)
                    splashscreensElement = new XElement(xmlns + SplashScreensName);

                foreach (var image in TizenSplashUpdater.splashDpiMap)
                    var splashElements = splashscreensElement.Elements(xmlns + SplashScreenName).Where(
                        d => d.Attribute("type")?.Value == "img" &&
                        d.Attribute(DpiName)?.Value == image.Key.Resolution &&
                        d.Attribute("orientation")?.Value == image.Key.Orientation &&
                        d.Attribute("indicator-display")?.Value == "false");
                    if (splashElements.Count() == 0)
                        var splashscreenElement = new XElement(xmlns + SplashScreenName);
                        splashscreenElement.SetAttributeValue("src", image.Value);
                        splashscreenElement.SetAttributeValue("type", "img");
                        splashscreenElement.SetAttributeValue(DpiName, image.Key.Resolution);
                        splashscreenElement.SetAttributeValue("orientation", image.Key.Orientation);
                        splashscreenElement.SetAttributeValue("indicator-display", "false");
        public override bool Execute()
            var splash = MauiSplashScreen[0];

            var info = ResizeImageInfo.Parse(splash);


Esempio n. 5
        void UpdateManifest(XDocument appx)
            var appIconInfo    = AppIcon?.Length > 0 ? ResizeImageInfo.Parse(AppIcon[0]) : null;
            var splashInfo     = SplashScreen?.Length > 0 ? ResizeImageInfo.Parse(SplashScreen[0]) : null;
            var imageExtension = ".png";

            var xmlns = appx.Root !.GetDefaultNamespace();

            // <Identity Name="" Version="" />
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationId) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationDisplayVersion) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationVersion))
                // <Identity>
                var xidentity = xmlns + "Identity";
                var identity  = appx.Root.Element(xidentity);
                if (identity == null)
                    identity = new XElement(xidentity);

                // Name=""
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationId))
                    var xname = "Name";
                    var attr  = identity.Attribute(xname);
                    if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PackageNamePlaceholder)
                        if (!Guid.TryParse(ApplicationId, out _))
                            Log.LogError(ErrorInvalidApplicationId, ApplicationId);

                        identity.SetAttributeValue(xname, ApplicationId);

                // Version=""
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationDisplayVersion) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationVersion))
                    var xname = "Version";
                    var attr  = identity.Attribute(xname);
                    if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PackageVersionPlaceholder)
                        if (!TryMergeVersionNumbers(ApplicationDisplayVersion, ApplicationVersion, out var finalVersion))
                            Log.LogError(ErrorVersionNumberCombination, ApplicationDisplayVersion, ApplicationVersion);

                        identity.SetAttributeValue(xname, finalVersion);

            // <Properties>
            //   <DisplayName />
            //   <Logo />
            // </Properties>
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationTitle) || appIconInfo != null)
                // <Properties>
                var xproperties = xmlns + "Properties";
                var properties  = appx.Root.Element(xproperties);
                if (properties == null)
                    properties = new XElement(xproperties);

                // <DisplayName>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationTitle))
                    var xname = xmlns + "DisplayName";
                    var xelem = properties.Element(xname);
                    if (xelem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(xelem.Value) || xelem.Value == DefaultPlaceholder)
                        properties.SetElementValue(xname, ApplicationTitle);

                // <Logo>
                if (appIconInfo != null)
                    var xname = xmlns + "Logo";
                    var xelem = properties.Element(xname);
                    if (xelem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(xelem.Value) || xelem.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                        var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.StoreLogo[0];
                        var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                        properties.SetElementValue(xname, path);

            // <Applications>
            //   <Application>
            //     <uap:VisualElements DisplayName="" Description="" BackgroundColor="" Square150x150Logo="" Square44x44Logo="">
            //       <uap:DefaultTile Wide310x150Logo="" Square71x71Logo="" Square310x310Logo="" ShortName="">
            //         <uap:ShowNameOnTiles>
            //           <uap:ShowOn />
            //         </uap:ShowNameOnTiles>
            //       </uap:DefaultTile>
            //       <uap:SplashScreen Image="" />
            //     </uap:VisualElements>
            //   </Application>
            // </Applications>
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationTitle) || appIconInfo != null || splashInfo != null)
                // <Applications>
                var xapplications = xmlns + "Applications";
                var applications  = appx.Root.Element(xapplications);
                if (applications == null)
                    applications = new XElement(xapplications);

                // <Application>
                var xapplication = xmlns + "Application";
                var application  = applications.Element(xapplication);
                if (application == null)
                    application = new XElement(xapplication);

                // <uap:VisualElements>
                var xvisual = xmlnsUap + "VisualElements";
                var visual  = application.Element(xvisual);
                if (visual == null)
                    visual = new XElement(xvisual);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationTitle))
                    // DisplayName=""
                        var xname = "DisplayName";
                        var attr  = visual.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == DefaultPlaceholder)
                            visual.SetAttributeValue(xname, ApplicationTitle);

                    // Description=""
                        var xname = "Description";
                        var attr  = visual.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == DefaultPlaceholder)
                            visual.SetAttributeValue(xname, ApplicationTitle);

                // BackgroundColor=""
                    var xname = "BackgroundColor";
                    var attr  = visual.Attribute(xname);
                    if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value))
                        visual.SetAttributeValue(xname, "transparent");

                if (appIconInfo != null)
                    // Square150x150Logo=""
                        var xname = "Square150x150Logo";
                        var attr  = visual.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.MediumTile[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            visual.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);

                    // Square44x44Logo=""
                        var xname = "Square44x44Logo";
                        var attr  = visual.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.Logo[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            visual.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);

                // <uap:DefaultTile>
                var xtile = xmlnsUap + "DefaultTile";
                var tile  = visual.Element(xtile);
                if (tile == null)
                    tile = new XElement(xtile);

                if (appIconInfo != null)
                    // Wide310x150Logo=""
                        var xname = "Wide310x150Logo";
                        var attr  = tile.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.WideTile[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            tile.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);

                    // Square71x71Logo=""
                        var xname = "Square71x71Logo";
                        var attr  = tile.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.SmallTile[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            tile.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);

                    // Square310x310Logo=""
                        var xname = "Square310x310Logo";
                        var attr  = tile.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.LargeTile[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, appIconInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            tile.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);

                // ShortName=""
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationTitle))
                    var xname = "ShortName";
                    var attr  = tile.Attribute(xname);
                    if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value))
                        tile.SetAttributeValue(xname, ApplicationTitle);

                // <uap:ShowNameOnTiles>
                var xshowname = xmlnsUap + "ShowNameOnTiles";
                var showname  = tile.Element(xshowname);
                if (showname == null)
                    showname = new XElement(xshowname);

                // <ShowOn>
                var xshowon = xmlnsUap + "ShowOn";
                var showons = showname.Elements(xshowon).ToArray();
                if (showons.All(x => x.Attribute("Tile")?.Value != "square150x150Logo"))
                    showname.Add(new XElement(xshowon, new XAttribute("Tile", "square150x150Logo")));
                if (showons.All(x => x.Attribute("Tile")?.Value != "wide310x150Logo"))
                    showname.Add(new XElement(xshowon, new XAttribute("Tile", "wide310x150Logo")));

                if (splashInfo != null)
                    // <uap:SplashScreen>
                    var xsplash = xmlnsUap + "SplashScreen";
                    var splash  = visual.Element(xsplash);
                    if (splash == null)
                        splash = new XElement(xsplash);

                    // Image=""
                        var xname = "Image";
                        var attr  = splash.Attribute(xname);
                        if (attr == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value) || attr.Value == PngPlaceholder)
                            var dpi  = DpiPath.Windows.SplashScreen[0];
                            var path = Path.Combine(dpi.Path, splashInfo.OutputName + dpi.NameSuffix + imageExtension);
                            splash.SetAttributeValue(xname, path);
Esempio n. 6
        public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteAsync()
            Svg.SvgDocument.SkipGdiPlusCapabilityCheck = true;

            var images = ResizeImageInfo.Parse(Images);

            var dpis = DpiPath.GetDpis(PlatformType);

            if (dpis == null || dpis.Length <= 0)

            var originalScaleDpi = DpiPath.GetOriginal(PlatformType);

            var resizedImages = new ConcurrentBag <ResizedImageInfo>();

            this.ParallelForEach(images, img =>
                    var opStopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                    string op;

                    if (img.IsAppIcon)
                        // App icons are special
                        ProcessAppIcon(img, resizedImages);

                        op = "App Icon";
                        // By default we resize, but let's make sure
                        if (img.Resize)
                            ProcessImageResize(img, dpis, resizedImages);

                            op = "Resize";
                            // Otherwise just copy the thing over to the 1.0 scale
                            ProcessImageCopy(img, originalScaleDpi, resizedImages);

                            op = "Copy";


                    LogDebugMessage($"{op} took {opStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogWarning("MAUI0000", ex.ToString());


            var copiedResources = new List <TaskItem>();

            foreach (var img in resizedImages)
                var    attr     = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string itemSpec = Path.GetFullPath(img.Filename);

                // Fix the item spec to be relative for mac
                if (bool.TryParse(IsMacEnabled, out bool isMac) && isMac)
                    itemSpec = img.Filename;

                // Add DPI info to the itemspec so we can use it in the targets
                attr.Add("_ResizetizerDpiPath", img.Dpi.Path);
                attr.Add("_ResizetizerDpiScale", img.Dpi.Scale.ToString("0.0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                copiedResources.Add(new TaskItem(itemSpec, attr));

            CopiedResources = copiedResources.ToArray();
