/// <summary>
        /// Method removes DPC from powered on servers
        /// </summary>
        private static void RemoveAllBladeDpc()
            for (int bladeIndex = 0; bladeIndex < ConfigLoaded.Population; bladeIndex++)
                byte bladeId = (byte)(bladeIndex + 1);

                if (ChassisState.BladePower[bladeIndex].GetCachedBladePowerState().BladePowerState == 0x01) // PowerState.On
                    // Spec 1.86 adds optimization there by current state of PsuAlert
                    // does not need to be queried to disable
                    PsuAlert psuAlert = WcsBladeFacade.GetPsuAlert(bladeId);

                    if (psuAlert.CompletionCode == 0x00)
                        BmcPsuAlertAction bmcAction = BmcPsuAlertAction.DpcOnly;

                        if (psuAlert.BmcProchotEnabled)
                            bmcAction = BmcPsuAlertAction.ProcHotAndDpc;

                        // disable DPC.
                        WcsBladeFacade.ActivatePsuAlert(bladeId, psuAlert.AutoProchotEnabled, bmcAction, true);
        private static void EnableDisableDefaultBladeOperations(int bladeId)
            // TODO: Check blade type etc and Kill any serial session
            // TODO: Add trace log messages

            // Check to see if the blade is hard powered off
            BladePowerStatePacket response = ChassisState.BladePower[bladeId - 1].GetBladePowerState();

            if (response.CompletionCode != CompletionCode.Success)
                // Log error here, and proceed to check blade state since we still want to check BMC soft power status
                // even if blade enable read failed for whatever reason
                Tracer.WriteError("EnableDisableDefaultBladeOperations: Blade {0} Power Enable state read failed (Completion Code: {1:X})",
                                  bladeId, response.CompletionCode);
            else if (response.BladePowerState == (byte)Contracts.PowerState.OFF)
                // If blade is hard powered off, no further processing is necessary

            // If the blade is a Jbod, return since the operations done in this method do not apply for Jbods
            if (ChassisState.GetBladeType((byte)bladeId) == (byte)BladeType.Jbod)
                Tracer.WriteInfo("EnableDisableDefaultBladeOperations (Blade#{0}): Ignoring since it is a Jbod", bladeId);

            DatasafeOperationSupport.ProcessDatasafeAction(bladeId, ConfigLoaded.DatasafeOperationsEnabled ? DatasafeActions.EnableDatasafe :

            if (ConfigLoaded.PsuAlertMonitorEnabled)
                WcsBladeFacade.ActivatePsuAlert((byte)bladeId, true, BmcPsuAlertAction.ProcHotAndDpc, true);
                WcsBladeFacade.ActivatePsuAlert((byte)bladeId, false, BmcPsuAlertAction.NoAction, true);