Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Media.Imaging ChainedBitmap in C# (CSharp): 2 esempi trovati. Questi sono i migliori esempi reali in C# (CSharp) per Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Media.Imaging.ChainedBitmap, estratti da progetti open source. Li puoi valutare, per aiutarci a migliorare la qualità dei nostri esempi.
The ChainedBitmap class is the base class for custom bitmaps that processes the content of another source.
The default implementation of the BitmapSource virtuals is to delegate to the source. This makes sense for most properties like DpiX, DpiY, PixelWidth, PixelHeight, etc, as in many scenarios these properties are the same for the entire chain of bitmap sources. However, derived classes should pay special attention to the Format property. Many bitmap processors only support a limited number of pixel formats, and they should return this for the Format property. ChainedBitmap will take care of converting the pixel format as needed in the base implementation of CopyPixels.