Esempio n. 1
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer render, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            const string BlockQuoteStartString = "> ";
            const string BlockQuoteJoinString = "\n" + BlockQuoteStartString;

            var content = StringBuffer.Empty;
            foreach (var t in token.Tokens)
                content += render.Render(t);
            var contents = content.ToString().Split('\n');
            content = StringBuffer.Empty;
            foreach (var item in contents)
                if (content == StringBuffer.Empty)
                    content += BlockQuoteStartString;
                    content += item;
                    content += BlockQuoteJoinString;
                    content += item;
            return content;
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer render, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            const string BlockQuoteStartString = "> ";
            const string BlockQuoteJoinString  = "\n" + BlockQuoteStartString;

            var content = StringBuffer.Empty;

            foreach (var t in token.Tokens)
                content += render.Render(t);
            var contents = content.ToString().Split('\n');

            content = StringBuffer.Empty;
            foreach (var item in contents)
                if (content == StringBuffer.Empty)
                    content += BlockQuoteStartString;
                    content += item;
                    content += BlockQuoteJoinString;
                    content += item;
            return(content + "\n\n");
Esempio n. 3
 public override StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer engine, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
     StringBuffer content = string.Empty;
     var splitTokens = DfmRendererHelper.SplitBlockquoteTokens(token.Tokens);
     foreach (var splitToken in splitTokens)
         if (splitToken.Token is DfmSectionBlockToken)
             var sectionToken = splitToken.Token as DfmSectionBlockToken;
             content += $"<div{sectionToken.Attributes}>";
             content += RenderTokens(engine, splitToken.InnerTokens.ToImmutableArray(), context, true, token.Rule);
             content += "</div>\n";
         else if (splitToken.Token is DfmNoteBlockToken)
             var noteToken = splitToken.Token as DfmNoteBlockToken;
             content += $"<div class=\"{noteToken.NoteType}\"><h5>{noteToken.NoteType}</h5>" + RenderTokens(engine, splitToken.InnerTokens.ToImmutableArray(), context, true, token.Rule) + "</div>\n";
             content += "<blockquote>";
             content += RenderTokens(engine, splitToken.InnerTokens.ToImmutableArray(), context, true, token.Rule);
             content += "</blockquote>\n";
     return content;
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer engine, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            StringBuffer content = "<blockquote>\n";

            content += RenderTokens(engine, token.Tokens, context, true, token.Rule);
            return(content + "</blockquote>\n");
Esempio n. 5
 public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
     StringBuffer content = "<blockquote>\n";
     foreach (var item in token.Tokens)
         content += renderer.Render(item);
     return content + "</blockquote>\n";
Esempio n. 6
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            StringBuffer content = "<blockquote>\n";

            foreach (var item in token.Tokens)
                content += renderer.Render(item);
            return(content + "</blockquote>\n");
Esempio n. 7
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            var childContent = StringBuffer.Empty;

            foreach (var item in token.Tokens)
                childContent += renderer.Render(item);
            return(Insert(token, ExposeTokenName(token), childContent));
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            var childContent = StringBuffer.Empty;

            foreach (var item in token.Tokens)
                childContent += renderer.Render(item);
            return(this.Insert("Blockquote", childContent, Type.NonLeaf));
Esempio n. 9
        public virtual StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            StringBuffer result = "<blockquote";

            result  = AppendSourceInfo(result, renderer, token);
            result += ">\n";
            foreach (var item in token.Tokens)
                result += renderer.Render(item);
            return(result + "</blockquote>\n");
Esempio n. 10
 public override StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
     StringBuffer content = string.Empty;
     var splitTokens = DfmRendererHelper.SplitBlockquoteTokens(token.Tokens);
     foreach (var splitToken in splitTokens)
         if (splitToken.Token is DfmSectionBlockToken)
             content += "<div";
             content += ((DfmSectionBlockToken)splitToken.Token).Attributes;
             content += ">";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</div>\n";
         else if (splitToken.Token is DfmNoteBlockToken)
             var noteToken = (DfmNoteBlockToken)splitToken.Token;
             content += "<div class=\"";
             content += noteToken.NoteType;
             content += "\"><h5>";
             content += noteToken.NoteType;
             content += "</h5>";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</div>\n";
             content += "<blockquote>";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</blockquote>\n";
     return content;
Esempio n. 11
        public override StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
            StringBuffer content = StringBuffer.Empty;
            var splitTokens = DfmBlockquoteHelper.SplitBlockquoteTokens(token.Tokens);
            foreach (var splitToken in splitTokens)
                var sectionToken = splitToken.Token as DfmSectionBlockToken;
                if (sectionToken != null)
                    content += Insert(sectionToken, ExposeTokenNameInDfm(sectionToken));
                    foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                        content += renderer.Render(item);

                var noteToken = splitToken.Token as DfmNoteBlockToken;
                if (noteToken != null)
                    var type = noteToken.NoteType.ToUpper();
                    content += Insert(noteToken, type);
                    foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                        content += renderer.Render(item);

                var videoToken = splitToken.Token as DfmVideoBlockToken;
                if (videoToken != null)
                    content += Insert(videoToken, $"{ExposeTokenNameInDfm(videoToken)}>{videoToken.Link}");

                foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                    content += renderer.Render(item);
            return Insert(token, ExposeTokenNameInDfm(token), content);
Esempio n. 12
 public override StringBuffer Render(IMarkdownRenderer renderer, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
     StringBuffer content = string.Empty;
     var splitTokens = DfmBlockquoteHelper.SplitBlockquoteTokens(token.Tokens);
     foreach (var splitToken in splitTokens)
         if (splitToken.Token is DfmSectionBlockToken)
             if (!splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.Markdown.EndsWith("\n"))
                 Logger.LogWarning("The content part of [!div] syntax is suggested to start in a new line.", file: splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.File, line: splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.LineNumber.ToString());
             content += "<div";
             content += ((DfmSectionBlockToken)splitToken.Token).Attributes;
             content = AppendSourceInfo(content, renderer, splitToken.Token);
             content += ">";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</div>\n";
         else if (splitToken.Token is DfmNoteBlockToken)
             if (!splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.Markdown.EndsWith("\n"))
                 Logger.LogWarning("The content part of NOTE/WARNING/CAUTION/IMPORTANT syntax is suggested to start in a new line.", file: splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.File, line: splitToken.Token.SourceInfo.LineNumber.ToString());
             var noteToken = (DfmNoteBlockToken)splitToken.Token;
             content += "<div class=\"";
             content += noteToken.NoteType.ToUpper();
             content += "\"";
             content = AppendSourceInfo(content, renderer, splitToken.Token);
             content += ">";
             string heading;
             if (Tokens != null && Tokens.TryGetValue(noteToken.NoteType.ToLower(), out heading))
                 content += heading;
                 content += "<h5>";
                 content += noteToken.NoteType.ToUpper();
                 content += "</h5>";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</div>\n";
         else if (splitToken.Token is DfmVideoBlockToken)
             var videoToken = splitToken.Token as DfmVideoBlockToken;
             content += "<div class=\"embeddedvideo\"><iframe src=\"";
             content += videoToken.Link;
             content += "\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"";
             content = AppendSourceInfo(content, renderer, splitToken.Token);
             content += "></iframe></div>\n";
             content += "<blockquote";
             content = AppendSourceInfo(content, renderer, splitToken.Token);
             content += ">";
             foreach (var item in splitToken.InnerTokens)
                 content += renderer.Render(item);
             content += "</blockquote>\n";
     return content;
Esempio n. 13
 public virtual StringBuffer Render(MarkdownEngine engine, MarkdownBlockquoteBlockToken token, MarkdownBlockContext context)
     StringBuffer content = "<blockquote>\n";
     content += RenderTokens(engine, token.Tokens, context, true, token.Rule);
     return content + "</blockquote>\n";