Esempio n. 1
        public void ConvertFeed(Uri relativeODataUri, Uri relativeSodaUri, JsonPayload jsonPayload,
		                        DateTimeOffset feedUpdateTime)
            var jsonObject = jsonPayload.JsonObject;

            var entries = jsonObject.PropertyValue<JArray>("entries");
            var meta = jsonObject.PropertyValue<JObject>("meta");
            var view = meta.PropertyValue<JObject>("view");

            IList<string> fieldsToIgnore;
            var model = BuildModel(view, out fieldsToIgnore);

            var entitySet = model.EntityContainers.Single().EntitySets().Single();

            var settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings
                           		Indent = true,

            using (var writer = new ODataMessageWriter(Message, settings, model))
                var feedWriter = writer.CreateODataFeedWriter();

                var feed = new ODataFeed();

                feed.SetAnnotation(new AtomFeedMetadata
                                   		Updated = feedUpdateTime,

                feed.Id = new Uri(ODataEndpointUri, relativeODataUri.OriginalString).OriginalString;

                foreach (var entry in entries.Cast<JObject>())
                    var entryMetadata = new ODataEntry();
                    entryMetadata.Id = (string) ((JValue) entry.Property("id").Value).Value;
                    entryMetadata.TypeName = entitySet.ElementType.FullName();

                    entryMetadata.Properties = ConvertProperties(entry, fieldsToIgnore);

                    entryMetadata.SetAnnotation(new AtomEntryMetadata
                                                        Updated = ConvertDateTimeOffset(entry.PrimitivePropertyValue<long>("updated_at")),
                                                        Published = ConvertDateTimeOffset(entry.PrimitivePropertyValue<long>("created_at")),


Esempio n. 2
 public static MaterializerFeed CreateFeed(ODataFeed feed, IEnumerable<ODataEntry> entries)
     if (entries == null)
         entries = Enumerable.Empty<ODataEntry>();
     return new MaterializerFeed(feed, entries);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the start of a feed; this includes feed-level properties if the version permits it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feed">The <see cref="ODataFeed"/> instance to fill with the data read.</param>
        /// <param name="isResultsWrapperExpected">A flag indicating whether we expect the results wrapper for feeds to be present.</param>
        /// <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartArray:    for a feed without 'results' wrapper
        ///                 JsonNodeType.StartObject:   for a feed wrapped with 'results' wrapper
        /// Post-Condition: Any start node              The first item in the feed
        ///                 JsonNodeType.EndArray:      The end of the feed
        /// </remarks>
        internal void ReadFeedStart(ODataFeed feed, bool isResultsWrapperExpected, bool isExpandedLinkContent)
            Debug.Assert(feed != null, "feed != null");
                isResultsWrapperExpected && this.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.StartObject ||
                !isResultsWrapperExpected && this.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.StartArray,
                "Pre-Condition: expected JsonNodeType.StartObject or JsonNodeType.StartArray");

            if (isResultsWrapperExpected)
                this.JsonReader.ReadNext();  // skip over the StartObject node

                // read all the properties until we get to the 'results' property
                while (true)
                    if (this.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.Property)
                        Debug.Assert(this.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndObject, "Only properties and end-of-object should be returned here.");

                        // we only expect properties until we find the 'results' property
                        throw new ODataException(o.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ExpectedFeedResultsPropertyNotFound);

                    // read the property name and move the reader onto the start of the property value
                    string propertyName = this.JsonReader.ReadPropertyName();

                    if (string.CompareOrdinal(JsonConstants.ODataResultsName, propertyName) == 0)

                    this.ReadFeedProperty(feed, propertyName, isExpandedLinkContent);

                // At this point the reader is guaranteed to be positioned over the value of the 'results' property

            // at this point the reader is positioned on the start array node for the feed contents;
            if (this.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartArray)
                throw new ODataException(o.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadFeedContentStart(this.JsonReader.NodeType));


            this.AssertJsonCondition(JsonNodeType.EndArray, JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.StartObject, JsonNodeType.StartArray);
        private void WriteFeed(object graph, ODataWriter writer, ODataSerializerContext writeContext)
            ODataSerializer entrySerializer = SerializerProvider.GetEdmTypeSerializer(_edmCollectionType.ElementType());
            if (entrySerializer == null)
                throw Error.NotSupported(SRResources.TypeCannotBeSerialized, _edmCollectionType.ElementType(), typeof(ODataMediaTypeFormatter).Name);

            Contract.Assert(entrySerializer.ODataPayloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.Entry);

            IEnumerable enumerable = graph as IEnumerable; // Data to serialize
            if (enumerable != null)
                ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();

                if (writeContext.EntitySet != null)
                    IEntitySetLinkBuilder linkBuilder = SerializerProvider.EdmModel.GetEntitySetLinkBuilder(writeContext.EntitySet);
                    Uri feedSelfLink = linkBuilder.BuildFeedSelfLink(new FeedContext(writeContext.EntitySet, writeContext.UrlHelper, graph));
                    if (feedSelfLink != null)
                        feed.SetAnnotation(new AtomFeedMetadata() { SelfLink = new AtomLinkMetadata() { Relation = SelfLinkRelation, Href = feedSelfLink } });

                // TODO: Bug 467590: remove the hardcoded feed id. Get support for it from the model builder ?
                feed.Id = FeedNamespace + _edmCollectionType.FullName();

                // If we have more OData format specific information apply it now.
                ODataResult odataFeedAnnotations = graph as ODataResult;
                if (odataFeedAnnotations != null)
                    feed.Count = odataFeedAnnotations.Count;
                    feed.NextPageLink = odataFeedAnnotations.NextPageLink;


                foreach (object entry in enumerable)
                    entrySerializer.WriteObjectInline(entry, writer, writeContext);

Esempio n. 5
 protected override void EndFeed(ODataFeed feed)
     if ((base.ParentNavigationLink == null) || this.jsonOutputContext.WritingResponse)
         Uri nextPageLink = feed.NextPageLink;
         if ((this.jsonOutputContext.Version >= ODataVersion.V2) && this.jsonOutputContext.WritingResponse)
             if (nextPageLink != null)
        ODataResponse IODataView.CreateView()
            var oDataResponse = new ODataResponse();
            var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(oDataResponse);

            var entryWriter = messageWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter();
            var feed = new ODataFeed() { Count = Videos.Count, Id = "Hypermedia-Learning" };
            var atomFeed = feed.Atom();
            atomFeed.Title = "Hypermedia API - " + PageTitle;

            foreach (var video in Videos)
                var oDataEntry = new ODataEntry() {};
                var atom = oDataEntry.Atom();

                atom.Title = "Video : " + video.Link.Title;
                atom.Summary = video.Description;



            foreach (var item in Community)
                var oDataEntry = new ODataEntry() { };
                var atom = oDataEntry.Atom();

                atom.Title = "Community : " + item.Link.Title;
                atom.Summary = item.Description;



            oDataResponse.GetStream().Position = 0;
            return oDataResponse;
        public void WriteObjectInline_Sets_InlineCount_OnWriteStart()
            // Arrange
            IEnumerable instance = new object[0];
            ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed { Count = 1000 };
            Mock<ODataFeedSerializer> serializer = new Mock<ODataFeedSerializer>(new DefaultODataSerializerProvider());
            serializer.CallBase = true;
            serializer.Setup(s => s.CreateODataFeed(instance, _customersType, _writeContext)).Returns(feed);
            var mockWriter = new Mock<ODataWriter>();

            mockWriter.Setup(m => m.WriteStart(It.Is<ODataFeed>(f => f.Count == 1000))).Verifiable();

            // Act
            serializer.Object.WriteObjectInline(instance, _customersType, mockWriter.Object, _writeContext);

            // Assert
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Start writing a feed - implementation of the actual functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
        private void WriteStartFeedImplementation(ODataFeed feed)
            this.EnterScope(WriterState.Feed, feed);

            if (!this.SkipWriting)
                this.InterceptException(() =>

                    // Verify inline count
                    if (feed.Count.HasValue)
                        // Check that Count is not set for expanded links
                        if (!this.IsTopLevel)
                            throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataWriterCore_OnlyTopLevelFeedsSupportInlineCount);

                        // Check that Count is not set for requests
                        if (!this.outputContext.WritingResponse)
                            this.ThrowODataException(Strings.ODataWriterCore_InlineCountInRequest, feed);

                        // Verify version requirements

Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new feed scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
 /// <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
 protected abstract FeedScope CreateFeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting);
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Start writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
 protected abstract void StartFeed(ODataFeed feed);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Start writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
 public sealed override void WriteStart(ODataFeed feed)
     this.VerifyCanWriteStartFeed(true, feed);
Esempio n. 12
 private void ReadFeedStart(bool isExpandedLinkContent)
     ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
     if ((this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartObject) && (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartArray))
         throw new ODataException(Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadFeedStart(this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType));
     bool isResultsWrapperExpected = this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.StartObject;
     this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedStart(feed, isResultsWrapperExpected, isExpandedLinkContent);
     this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, feed, base.CurrentEntityType);
     this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper = isResultsWrapperExpected;
Esempio n. 13
 protected abstract void EndFeed(ODataFeed feed);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the start of a feed and sets up the reader state correctly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Pre-Condition:  The first node of the feed; this method will throw if the node is not
        ///                 JsonNodeType.StartArray:    a feed without 'results' wrapper
        ///                 JsonNodeType.StartObject:   a feed with 'results' wrapper
        /// Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first item in the feed, or on the end array of the feed.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ReadFeedStart(bool isExpandedLinkContent)
                this.jsonInputContext.ReadingResponse || this.State != ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart,
                "Expanded navigation links in requests should not call this method.");

            ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();

            if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartObject && this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartArray)
                throw new ODataException(o.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadFeedStart(this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType));

            bool feedHasResultsWrapper = this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.StartObject;

            // read the start of the feed until we determine the next item not belonging to the feed
            this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedStart(feed, feedHasResultsWrapper, isExpandedLinkContent);

            this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, feed, this.CurrentEntityType);

            // set the flag so that we know whether to also read '}' when reading the end of the feed
            this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper = feedHasResultsWrapper;

            this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AssertJsonCondition(JsonNodeType.EndArray, JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.StartObject, JsonNodeType.StartArray);
Esempio n. 15
 internal FeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting) : base(ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Feed, feed, skipWriting)
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="ODataFeedWithEntries"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The wrapped item.</param>
 public ODataFeedWithEntries(ODataFeed item)
     : base(item)
     Entries = new List<ODataEntryWithNavigationLinks>();
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an OData feed response containing a list of entries for a particular type of entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultsGraph">The RDF graph containing the SPARQL results</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The fully qualified domain name for the type of entity to be written</param>
        /// <param name="resultsCount">The count of the total number of results that the server can provide</param>
        /// <param name="originalQueryModel">The SPARQL query that was executed to generate this graph</param>
        public void CreateFeedFromGraph(IGraph resultsGraph, string entityType, int resultsCount, SparqlModel originalQueryModel = null)
            var msgWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(_response, _writerSettings, _map.Model);
            var feedWriter = msgWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter();
            var entries = new List<ODataEntry>();

            var typeUri = _map.GetUriForType(entityType);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeUri))
                var predNode = resultsGraph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(RdfConstants.RdfType));
                var objNode = resultsGraph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(typeUri));
                if (originalQueryModel == null || originalQueryModel.Ordering == null)
                    // No sorting required, just iterate all instances
                    foreach (var instanceTriple in resultsGraph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(predNode, objNode))
                        var instanceUri = (instanceTriple.Subject as IUriNode).Uri;
                        entries.Add(CreateODataEntry(resultsGraph, instanceUri.ToString(), entityType));
                    // We need to apply the same sort criteria to this graph to ensure
                    // that the ODATA results are properly sorted.
                    // NOTE: This will only work if all the properties used in the original query
                    // are present in the graph - this could be a problem with more complex traversals
                    // and the query may instead need to be rewritten / regenerated to extract only
                    // the required sort properties.
                    originalQueryModel.IsDescribe = false;
                    var resultsTable =
                        resultsGraph.ExecuteQuery(originalQueryModel.GetSparqlRepresentation()) as SparqlResultSet;
                    var targetVariable= originalQueryModel.SelectVariables[0];
                    foreach (var result in resultsTable.Results)
                        var instanceUriNode = result[targetVariable] as IUriNode;
                        if (instanceUriNode != null)
                            entries.Add(CreateODataEntry(resultsGraph, instanceUriNode.Uri.ToString(), entityType));

            var feed = new ODataFeed {Id = _baseUri + _map.GetTypeSet(entityType)};
            if (_writerSettings.Version >= ODataVersion.V2)
                feed.Count = resultsCount;
            if (originalQueryModel != null)
                feed.NextPageLink = GetNextPageLink(originalQueryModel);
            foreach (var entry in entries)
Esempio n. 18
 public sealed override void WriteStart(ODataFeed feed)
     this.VerifyCanWriteStartFeed(true, feed);
Esempio n. 19
 protected abstract FeedScope CreateFeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the next node in the content of an expanded navigation link which represents a collection and is in a request payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method deals with all the special cases in request payload expanded navigation link for collections.
        /// It should be called when the array start of the content of such a link was already read.
        /// It should be called in these cases:
        /// - Start of the navigation link (to report the first content item of it)
        /// - Entity reference link was reported (to report the next item of the navigation link content)
        /// - Feed end was reported, to report the next non-entry item in the navigation link content
        /// - Entry end was reported, to determine if the next entry should be reported, or if the feed should be closed.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ReadExpandedCollectionNavigationLinkContentInRequest()
            Debug.Assert(!this.jsonInputContext.ReadingResponse, "This method should only be called for requests.");

            // We are positioned on the next item in the feed array, so it can be either an entity reference link, or expanded entry
            if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.IsEntityReferenceLink())
                if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
                        "Feed inside an expanded navigation link in request is expected here.");

                    // If it's an entity reference link and we are currently inside a feed (which is the expanded feed), we need to close that feed first
                    // If we're not in feed, we must be at the navigation link level
                    Debug.Assert(this.State == ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart, "Entity reference link can only occur inside a feed or inside a navigation link.");
                    this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;

                    // In this case we read the entity reference link and report it
                    // read the entity reference link
                    ODataEntityReferenceLink entityReferenceLink = this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink();
                    this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink, entityReferenceLink, null);
            else if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndArray || this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndObject)
                // End of the expanded navigation link array
                if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
                    // If we are inside one of the expanded feeds, end that feed first
                        "Feed inside an expanded navigation link in request is expected here.");

                        this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndArray,
                        "End of array expected");

                    this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd(this.CurrentFeed, this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper, true);
                    Debug.Assert(this.State == ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart, "We should be in a navigation link state.");
                    if (!this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent)
                        // If we haven't found and reported any content for the link yet, we need to report an empty feed.
                        // This is to avoid reporting the link without any content which would be treated as a deferred link
                        // which is invalid in requests.
                        this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;
                        this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, new ODataFeed(), this.CurrentEntityType);
                        this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedInExpandedNavigationLinkInRequest = true;
                        // If the expanded feed ended with entity reference link the information whether the feed was wrapped with 
                        // 'results' wrapper will be stored in the NavigationLinkStart scope which is current scope. Here we use it 
                        // to know whether to skip only ']' before we skip the character closing the extended feed.
                        if (this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper)
                            // note that ODataFeed instance passed here is a dummy feed that is not being used anywhere else. 
                            var feed = new ODataFeed();
                            this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd(feed, true, true);
                                feed.Count == null && feed.NextPageLink == null && feed.Id == null,
                                "No feed properties should be set when closing a feed");

                        // Here we are reading either the closing ']' of an unwrapped expanded feed or the closing '}' of an 
                        // wrapped expanded feed or the closing '}' of a navigation property contents.
                        // End the navigation link
                // The thing we're looking at is not an entity reference link
                if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
                        "Feed inside an expanded navigation link in request is expected here.");

                    if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartObject)
                        throw new ODataException(o.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadEntriesOfFeed(this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType));

                    // If we're already in a feed, read the item as an entry directly
                    Debug.Assert(this.State == ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart, "Entity reference link can only occur inside a feed or inside a navigation link.");
                    this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;

                    // If we're not yet in a feed, start a new feed, note that this feed has no payload counterpart, it's just necessary for our API
                    this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, new ODataFeed(), this.CurrentEntityType);
                    this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedInExpandedNavigationLinkInRequest = true;
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new feed scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
 /// <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
 protected override FeedScope CreateFeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting)
     return new AtomFeedScope(feed, skipWriting);
Esempio n. 22
 private void ReadExpandedCollectionNavigationLinkContentInRequest()
     if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.IsEntityReferenceLink())
         if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
             this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;
             ODataEntityReferenceLink item = this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink();
             this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink, item, null);
     else if ((this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndArray) || (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType == JsonNodeType.EndObject))
         if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
             this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd(base.CurrentFeed, this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper, true);
         else if (!this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent)
             this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;
             this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, new ODataFeed(), base.CurrentEntityType);
             this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedInExpandedNavigationLinkInRequest = true;
             if (this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper)
                 ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
                 this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd(feed, true, true);
     else if (this.State == ODataReaderState.FeedStart)
         if (this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType != JsonNodeType.StartObject)
             throw new ODataException(Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadEntriesOfFeed(this.jsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.JsonReader.NodeType));
         this.CurrentJsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent = true;
         this.EnterScope(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, new ODataFeed(), base.CurrentEntityType);
         this.CurrentJsonScope.FeedInExpandedNavigationLinkInRequest = true;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to create a new feed scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
 /// <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
 internal AtomFeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting)
     : base(feed, skipWriting)
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to create a new feed scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
 /// <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
 internal FeedScope(ODataFeed feed, bool skipWriting)
     : base(WriterState.Feed, feed, skipWriting)
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Start writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
 public abstract void WriteStart(ODataFeed feed);
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously start writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
 /// <returns>A task instance that represents the asynchronous write operation.</returns>
 public sealed override Task WriteStartAsync(ODataFeed feed)
     this.VerifyCanWriteStartFeed(false, feed);
     return TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.WriteStartFeedImplementation(feed));
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously start writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
 /// <returns>A task instance that represents the asynchronous write operation.</returns>
 public abstract Task WriteStartAsync(ODataFeed feed);
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Finish writing a feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
 protected abstract void EndFeed(ODataFeed feed);
 internal void WriteFeedNextPageLink(ODataFeed feed)
     Uri nextPageLink = feed.NextPageLink;
     if (nextPageLink != null)
         AtomFeedMetadata annotation = feed.GetAnnotation<AtomFeedMetadata>();
         AtomLinkMetadata linkMetadata = ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils.MergeLinkMetadata((annotation == null) ? null : annotation.NextPageLink, "next", nextPageLink, null, null);
         this.atomFeedMetadataSerializer.WriteAtomLink(linkMetadata, null);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that calling WriteStart feed is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
        private void VerifyCanWriteStartFeed(bool synchronousCall, ODataFeed feed)
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(feed, "feed");

 internal void WriteFeedMetadata(ODataFeed feed, string updatedTime, out bool authorWritten)
     AtomFeedMetadata annotation = feed.GetAnnotation<AtomFeedMetadata>();
     if (annotation == null)
         base.WriteElementWithTextContent("", "id", "", feed.Id);
         base.WriteEmptyElement("", "title", "");
         base.WriteElementWithTextContent("", "updated", "", updatedTime);
         authorWritten = false;
         this.atomFeedMetadataSerializer.WriteFeedMetadata(annotation, feed, updatedTime, out authorWritten);
        public void WriteObjectInline_Writes_CreateODataFeedOutput()
            // Arrange
            IEnumerable instance = new object[0];
            ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
            Mock<ODataFeedSerializer> serializer = new Mock<ODataFeedSerializer>(new DefaultODataSerializerProvider());
            serializer.CallBase = true;
            serializer.Setup(s => s.CreateODataFeed(instance, _customersType, _writeContext)).Returns(feed);
            Mock<ODataWriter> writer = new Mock<ODataWriter>();
            writer.Setup(s => s.WriteStart(feed)).Verifiable();

            // Act
            serializer.Object.WriteObjectInline(instance, _customersType, writer.Object, _writeContext);

            // Assert
Esempio n. 33
 public abstract void WriteStart(ODataFeed feed);
        public void WriteObjectInline_Sets_NextPageLink_OnWriteEnd()
            // Arrange
            IEnumerable instance = new object[0];
            ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed { NextPageLink = new Uri("") };
            Mock<ODataFeedSerializer> serializer = new Mock<ODataFeedSerializer>(new DefaultODataSerializerProvider());
            serializer.CallBase = true;
            serializer.Setup(s => s.CreateODataFeed(instance, _customersType, _writeContext)).Returns(feed);
            var mockWriter = new Mock<ODataWriter>();

            mockWriter.Setup(m => m.WriteStart(It.Is<ODataFeed>(f => f.NextPageLink == null))).Verifiable();
                .Setup(m => m.WriteEnd())
                .Callback(() =>
                    Assert.Equal("", feed.NextPageLink.AbsoluteUri);

            // Act
            serializer.Object.WriteObjectInline(instance, _customersType, mockWriter.Object, _writeContext);

            // Assert
Esempio n. 35
 public abstract Task WriteStartAsync(ODataFeed feed);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the <see cref="ODataFeed"/> to be written for the given feed instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feedInstance">The instance representing the feed being written.</param>
        /// <param name="writeContext">The serializer context.</param>
        /// <returns>The created <see cref="ODataFeed"/> object.</returns>
        public virtual ODataFeed CreateODataFeed(IEnumerable feedInstance, ODataSerializerContext writeContext)
            ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();

            if (writeContext.EntitySet != null)
                IEdmModel model = writeContext.Model;
                EntitySetLinkBuilderAnnotation linkBuilder = model.GetEntitySetLinkBuilder(writeContext.EntitySet);
                FeedContext feedContext = new FeedContext
                    Request = writeContext.Request,
                    EntitySet = writeContext.EntitySet,
                    Url = writeContext.Url,
                    FeedInstance = feedInstance

                Uri feedSelfLink = linkBuilder.BuildFeedSelfLink(feedContext);
                if (feedSelfLink != null)
                    feed.SetAnnotation(new AtomFeedMetadata() { SelfLink = new AtomLinkMetadata() { Relation = "self", Href = feedSelfLink } });

            // TODO: Bug 467590: remove the hardcoded feed id. Get support for it from the model builder ?
            feed.Id = "" + EntityCollectionType.FullName();

            // If we have more OData format specific information apply it now, only if we are the root feed.
            if (!writeContext.IsNested)
                PageResult odataFeedAnnotations = feedInstance as PageResult;
                if (odataFeedAnnotations != null)
                    feed.Count = odataFeedAnnotations.Count;
                    feed.NextPageLink = odataFeedAnnotations.NextPageLink;
                else if (writeContext.Request != null)
                    feed.NextPageLink = writeContext.Request.GetNextPageLink();

                    long? inlineCount = writeContext.Request.GetInlineCount();
                    if (inlineCount.HasValue)
                        feed.Count = inlineCount.Value;

            return feed;
Esempio n. 37
 protected abstract void StartFeed(ODataFeed feed);