Esempio n. 1
        }         //CanConvertFrom

        // Performs the conversion from string to a HtmlFontProperty (only)
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
            if (value is string)
                // define a new font property
                string           fontString = (string)value;
                HtmlFontProperty font       = new HtmlFontProperty(string.Empty);;
                    // parse the contents of the given string using a regex
                    string fontName   = string.Empty;
                    string fontSize   = string.Empty;
                    Regex  expression = new Regex(FONT_PARSE_EXPRESSION, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
                    Match  match      = expression.Match(fontString);
                    // see if a match was found
                    if (match.Success)
                        // extract the content type elements
                        fontName = match.Result(FONT_PARSE_NAME);
                        fontSize = match.Result(FONT_PARSE_SIZE);
                        // set the fontname
                        TextInfo text = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
                        font.Name = text.ToTitleCase(fontName);
                        // determine size from given string using Small if blank
                        if (fontSize == string.Empty)
                            fontSize = "Small";
                        font.Size = (HtmlFontSize)Enum.Parse(typeof(HtmlFontSize), fontSize, true);
                catch (Exception)
                    // do nothing but ensure font is a null font
                    font.Name = string.Empty;
                if (HtmlFontProperty.IsNull(font))
                    // error performing the string conversion so throw exception given possible format
                    string error = string.Format(@"Cannot convert '{0}' to Type HtmlFontProperty. Format: 'FontName, HtmlSize', Font Size values: {1}", fontString, string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(HtmlFontSize))));
                    throw new ArgumentException(error);
                    // return the font
                return(base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value));
        } //ConvertFrom
Esempio n. 2
        }         //CanConvertTo

        // Performs the conversion from HtmlFontProperty to a string (only)
        public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
            // ensure working with the intented type HtmlFontProperty
            if (value is HtmlFontProperty)
                HtmlFontProperty font = (HtmlFontProperty)value;
                if (destinationType == typeof(string))
                if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor))
                    // define array to hold the properties and values
                    Object[] properties = new Object[8];
                    Type[]   types      = new Type[8];
                    // Name property
                    properties[0] = font.Name;
                    types[0]      = typeof(string);
                    // Size property
                    properties[1] = font.Size;
                    types[1]      = typeof(HtmlFontSize);
                    // Bold property
                    properties[2] = font.Bold;
                    types[2]      = typeof(bool);
                    // Italic property
                    properties[3] = font.Italic;
                    types[3]      = typeof(bool);
                    // Underline property
                    properties[4] = font.Underline;
                    types[4]      = typeof(bool);
                    // Strikeout property
                    properties[5] = font.Strikeout;
                    types[5]      = typeof(bool);
                    // Subscript property
                    properties[6] = font.Subscript;
                    types[6]      = typeof(bool);
                    // Superscript property
                    properties[7] = font.Superscript;
                    types[7]      = typeof(bool);
                    // create the instance constructor to return
                    ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(HtmlFontProperty).GetConstructor(types);
                    return(new InstanceDescriptor(ci, properties));

            // have something other than InstanceDescriptor or sting
            return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
        }         //ConvertTo
Esempio n. 3
        }         //ToString

        // compares two Html Fonts for equality
        // equality opertors not defined (Design Time issue with override of Equals)
        public static bool IsEqual(HtmlFontProperty font1, HtmlFontProperty font2)
            // assume not equal
            bool equals = false;

            // perform the comparsion
            if (HtmlFontProperty.IsNotNull(font1) && HtmlFontProperty.IsNotNull(font2))
                if (font1.Name == font2.Name &&
                    font1.Size == font2.Size &&
                    font1.Bold == font2.Bold &&
                    font1.Italic == font2.Italic &&
                    font1.Underline == font2.Underline &&
                    font1.Strikeout == font2.Strikeout &&
                    font1.Subscript == font2.Subscript &&
                    font1.Superscript == font2.Superscript)
                    equals = true;

            // return the calculated value
        }         //IsEquals
Esempio n. 4
 // Performs the conversion from string to a HtmlFontProperty (only)
 public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
     if (value is string)
         // define a new font property
         string fontString = (string)value;
         HtmlFontProperty font = new HtmlFontProperty(string.Empty);;
             // parse the contents of the given string using a regex
             string fontName = string.Empty;
             string fontSize = string.Empty;
             Regex expression = new Regex(FONT_PARSE_EXPRESSION,  RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
             Match match = expression.Match(fontString);
             // see if a match was found
             if (match.Success)
                 // extract the content type elements
                 fontName = match.Result(FONT_PARSE_NAME);
                 fontSize = match.Result(FONT_PARSE_SIZE);
                 // set the fontname
                 TextInfo text = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
                 font.Name = text.ToTitleCase(fontName);
                 // determine size from given string using Small if blank
                 if (fontSize == string.Empty) fontSize = "Small";
                 font.Size = (HtmlFontSize)Enum.Parse(typeof(HtmlFontSize), fontSize, true);
         catch (Exception)
             // do nothing but ensure font is a null font
             font.Name = string.Empty;
         if (HtmlFontProperty.IsNull(font))
             // error performing the string conversion so throw exception given possible format
             string error = string.Format(@"Cannot convert '{0}' to Type HtmlFontProperty. Format: 'FontName, HtmlSize', Font Size values: {1}", fontString, string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(HtmlFontSize))));
             throw new ArgumentException(error);
             // return the font
             return font;
         return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value);
Esempio n. 5
 // based on a font name being null the font can be assumed to be null
 // default constructor will give a null object
 public static bool IsNull(HtmlFontProperty font)
     return (font.Name == null || font.Name.Trim() == string.Empty);
Esempio n. 6
 // based on a font name being null the font can be assumed to be null
 // default constructor will give a null object
 public static bool IsNotNull(HtmlFontProperty font)
     return (!HtmlFontProperty.IsNull(font));
Esempio n. 7
 // compares two Html Fonts for equality
 // equality opertors not defined (Design Time issue with override of Equals)
 public static bool IsNotEqual(HtmlFontProperty font1, HtmlFontProperty font2)
     return (!HtmlFontProperty.IsEqual(font1, font2));
Esempio n. 8
        // compares two Html Fonts for equality
        // equality opertors not defined (Design Time issue with override of Equals)
        public static bool IsEqual(HtmlFontProperty font1, HtmlFontProperty font2)
            // assume not equal
            bool equals = false;

            // perform the comparsion
            if (HtmlFontProperty.IsNotNull(font1) && HtmlFontProperty.IsNotNull(font2))
                if (font1.Name == font2.Name &&
                    font1.Size == font2.Size &&
                    font1.Bold == font2.Bold &&
                    font1.Italic == font2.Italic &&
                    font1.Underline == font2.Underline &&
                    font1.Strikeout == font2.Strikeout &&
                    font1.Subscript == font2.Subscript &&
                    font1.Superscript == font2.Superscript)
                    equals = true;

            // return the calculated value
            return equals;
Esempio n. 9
        }         //IsNull

        // based on a font name being null the font can be assumed to be null
        // default constructor will give a null object
        public static bool IsNotNull(HtmlFontProperty font)
        } //IsNull
Esempio n. 10
        }         //IsNotEqual

        // based on a font name being null the font can be assumed to be null
        // default constructor will give a null object
        public static bool IsNull(HtmlFontProperty font)
            return(font.Name == null || font.Name.Trim() == string.Empty);
        }         //IsNull
Esempio n. 11
        }         //IsEquals

        // compares two Html Fonts for equality
        // equality opertors not defined (Design Time issue with override of Equals)
        public static bool IsNotEqual(HtmlFontProperty font1, HtmlFontProperty font2)
            return(!HtmlFontProperty.IsEqual(font1, font2));
        }         //IsNotEqual
Esempio n. 12
        public HtmlEditorControl()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            // define the context menu for format commands

            // define the default values
            // browser constants and commands
            EMPTY_PARAMETER = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            // default values used to reset values
            _defaultBackColor = Color.White;
            _defaultForeColor = Color.Black;
            _defaultFont = new HtmlFontProperty(this.Font);

            // set browser default values to hide IE items
            this.editorWebBrowser.AddressBar = false;
            this.editorWebBrowser.MenuBar = false;
            this.editorWebBrowser.StatusBar = false;

            // obtain the underlying web browser and set options
            // SHDocVw.WebBrowser webBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)this.editorWebBrowser.GetOcx();

            // define the default values of the properties
            _readOnly = false;
            _toolbarVisible = false;
            _enableVisualStyles = false;
            _toolbarDock = DockStyle.Bottom;
            _bodyText = DEFAULT_HTML_TEXT;
            _bodyHtml = DEFAULT_HTML_TEXT;
            _bodyBackColor = _defaultBackColor;
            _bodyForeColor = _defaultForeColor;
            _bodyFont = _defaultFont;
            _scrollBars = DisplayScrollBarOption.Auto;
            _imageDirectory = string.Empty;
            _htmlDirectory = string.Empty;
            _navigateWindow = NavigateActionOption.Default;
            _baseHref = string.Empty;
            _autoWordWrap = true;
            stylesheet = null;
            script = null;

            // define context menu state
            this.menuDocumentToolbar.Checked = true;
            this.menuDocumentScrollbar.Checked = true;
            this.menuDocumentWordwrap.Checked = true;

            // load the blank Html page to load the MsHtml object model

            // after load ensure document marked as editable
            this.ReadOnly = _readOnly;
Esempio n. 13
        // once an html docuemnt has been loaded define the internal values
        private void DefineBodyAttributes()
            // define the body colors based on the new body html
            if (body.bgColor == null)
                _bodyBackColor = _defaultBackColor;
                _bodyBackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml((string)body.bgColor);
            if (body.text == null)
                _bodyForeColor = _defaultForeColor;
                _bodyForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml((string)body.text);

            // define the font object based on current font of new document
            // deafult used unless a style on the body modifies the value
            HtmlStyle bodyStyle =;
            if (bodyStyle != null)
                string fontName = _bodyFont.Name;
                HtmlFontSize fontSize = _bodyFont.Size;
                bool fontBold = _bodyFont.Bold;
                bool fontItalic = _bodyFont.Italic;
                bool fontUnderline = _bodyFont.Underline;
                // define the font name if defined in the style
                if (bodyStyle.fontFamily != null) fontName = bodyStyle.fontFamily;
                if (bodyStyle.fontSize != null) fontSize = HtmlFontConversion.StyleSizeToHtml(bodyStyle.fontSize.ToString());
                if (bodyStyle.fontWeight != null) fontBold = HtmlFontConversion.IsStyleBold(bodyStyle.fontWeight);
                if (bodyStyle.fontStyle != null) fontItalic = HtmlFontConversion.IsStyleItalic(bodyStyle.fontStyle);
                fontUnderline = bodyStyle.textDecorationUnderline;
                // define the new font object and set the property
                _bodyFont = new HtmlFontProperty(fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItalic, fontUnderline);
                this.BodyFont = _bodyFont;

            // define the content based on the current value
            this.ReadOnly = _readOnly;
            this.ScrollBars = _scrollBars;
            this.AutoWordWrap = _autoWordWrap;
Esempio n. 14
        // using the exec command define font properties for the selected text
        public void FormatFontAttributes(HtmlFontProperty font)
            // obtain the selected range object
            HtmlTextRange range = GetTextRange();

            if (range != null && HtmlFontProperty.IsNotNull(font))
                // Use the FONT object to set the properties
                // FontName, FontSize, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout
                ExecuteCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_FONT_NAME, font.Name);
                // set the font size provide set to a value
                if (font.Size != HtmlFontSize.Default) ExecuteCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_FONT_SIZE, (int)font.Size);
                // determine the BOLD property and correct as neccessary
                object currentBold = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_BOLD);
                bool fontBold = (currentBold is System.Boolean)? fontBold = (bool)currentBold : false;
                if (font.Bold != fontBold) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_BOLD, null);
                // determine the UNDERLINE property and correct as neccessary
                object currentUnderline = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_UNDERLINE);
                bool fontUnderline = (currentUnderline is System.Boolean) ? fontUnderline = (bool)currentUnderline : false;
                if (font.Underline != fontUnderline) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_UNDERLINE, null);
                // determine the ITALIC property and correct as neccessary
                object currentItalic = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_ITALIC);
                bool fontItalic = (currentItalic is System.Boolean) ? fontItalic = (bool)currentItalic : false;
                if (font.Italic != fontItalic) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_ITALIC, null);
                // determine the STRIKEOUT property and correct as neccessary
                object currentStrikeout = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_STRIKE_THROUGH);
                bool fontStrikeout = (currentStrikeout is System.Boolean) ? fontStrikeout = (bool)currentStrikeout : false;
                if (font.Strikeout != fontStrikeout) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_STRIKE_THROUGH, null);
                // determine the SUPERSCRIPT property and correct as neccessary
                object currentSuperscript = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_SUPERSCRIPT);
                bool fontSuperscript = (currentSuperscript is System.Boolean) ? fontSuperscript = (bool)currentSuperscript : false;
                if (font.Superscript != fontSuperscript) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_SUPERSCRIPT, null);
                // determine the SUBSCRIPT property and correct as neccessary
                object currentSubscript = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_SUBSCRIPT);
                bool fontSubscript = (currentSubscript is System.Boolean) ? fontSubscript = (bool)currentSubscript : false;
                if (font.Subscript != fontSubscript) ExecuteCommandRange(HTML_COMMAND_SUBSCRIPT, null);
                // do not have text selected or a valid font class
                throw new HtmlEditorException("Invalid Text selection made or Invalid Font selection.", "FormatFont");