Esempio n. 1
        internal EENamedTypeSymbol(
            NamespaceSymbol container,
            NamedTypeSymbol baseType,
            MethodSymbol currentFrame,
            string typeName,
            Func <MethodSymbol, EENamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray <MethodSymbol> > getMethods
            _container = container;
            _baseType  = baseType;
            _name      = typeName;

            // What we want is to map all original type parameters to the corresponding new type parameters
            // (since the old ones have the wrong owners).  Unfortunately, we have a circular dependency:
            //   1) Each new type parameter requires the entire map in order to be able to construct its constraint list.
            //   2) The map cannot be constructed until all new type parameters exist.
            // Our solution is to pass each new type parameter a lazy reference to the type map.  We then
            // initialize the map as soon as the new type parameters are available - and before they are
            // handed out - so that there is never a period where they can require the type map and find
            // it uninitialized.

            var sourceType = currentFrame.ContainingType;

            this.SourceTypeParameters = sourceType.GetAllTypeParameters();

            TypeMap typeMap    = null;
            var     getTypeMap = new Func <TypeMap>(() => typeMap);

            _typeParameters = this.SourceTypeParameters.SelectAsArray(
                (tp, i, arg) =>
                (TypeParameterSymbol) new EETypeParameterSymbol(this, tp, i, getTypeMap),

            typeMap = new TypeMap(this.SourceTypeParameters, _typeParameters);

            VerifyTypeParameters(this, _typeParameters);

            this.SubstitutedSourceType = typeMap.SubstituteNamedType(sourceType);
            TypeParameterChecker.Check(this.SubstitutedSourceType, _typeParameters);

            _methods = getMethods(currentFrame, this);
Esempio n. 2
        internal EEMethodSymbol(
            EENamedTypeSymbol container,
            string name,
            Location location,
            MethodSymbol sourceMethod,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> sourceLocals,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> sourceLocalsForBinding,
            ImmutableDictionary <string, DisplayClassVariable> sourceDisplayClassVariables,
            GenerateMethodBody generateMethodBody)
            Debug.Assert(sourceMethod.ContainingSymbol == container.SubstitutedSourceType.OriginalDefinition);
            Debug.Assert(sourceLocals.All(l => l.ContainingSymbol == sourceMethod));

            _container = container;
            _name      = name;
            _locations = ImmutableArray.Create(location);

            // What we want is to map all original type parameters to the corresponding new type parameters
            // (since the old ones have the wrong owners).  Unfortunately, we have a circular dependency:
            //   1) Each new type parameter requires the entire map in order to be able to construct its constraint list.
            //   2) The map cannot be constructed until all new type parameters exist.
            // Our solution is to pass each new type parameter a lazy reference to the type map.  We then
            // initialize the map as soon as the new type parameters are available - and before they are
            // handed out - so that there is never a period where they can require the type map and find
            // it uninitialized.

            var sourceMethodTypeParameters = sourceMethod.TypeParameters;
            var allSourceTypeParameters    = container.SourceTypeParameters.Concat(sourceMethodTypeParameters);

            var getTypeMap = new Func <TypeMap>(() => this.TypeMap);

            _typeParameters = sourceMethodTypeParameters.SelectAsArray(
                (tp, i, arg) => (TypeParameterSymbol) new EETypeParameterSymbol(this, tp, i, getTypeMap),
            _allTypeParameters = container.TypeParameters.Concat(_typeParameters);
            this.TypeMap       = new TypeMap(allSourceTypeParameters, _allTypeParameters);

            EENamedTypeSymbol.VerifyTypeParameters(this, _typeParameters);

            var substitutedSourceType = container.SubstitutedSourceType;

            this.SubstitutedSourceMethod = sourceMethod.AsMember(substitutedSourceType);
            if (sourceMethod.Arity > 0)
                this.SubstitutedSourceMethod = this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.Construct(_typeParameters.As <TypeSymbol>());
            TypeParameterChecker.Check(this.SubstitutedSourceMethod, _allTypeParameters);

            // Create a map from original parameter to target parameter.
            var parameterBuilder = ArrayBuilder <ParameterSymbol> .GetInstance();

            var substitutedSourceThisParameter    = this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.ThisParameter;
            var substitutedSourceHasThisParameter = (object)substitutedSourceThisParameter != null;

            if (substitutedSourceHasThisParameter)
                _thisParameter = MakeParameterSymbol(0, GeneratedNames.ThisProxyFieldName(), substitutedSourceThisParameter);
                Debug.Assert(_thisParameter.Type == this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.ContainingType);

            var ordinalOffset = (substitutedSourceHasThisParameter ? 1 : 0);

            foreach (var substitutedSourceParameter in this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.Parameters)
                var ordinal = substitutedSourceParameter.Ordinal + ordinalOffset;
                Debug.Assert(ordinal == parameterBuilder.Count);
                var parameter = MakeParameterSymbol(ordinal, substitutedSourceParameter.Name, substitutedSourceParameter);

            _parameters = parameterBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            var localsBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

            var localsMap = PooledDictionary <LocalSymbol, LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

            foreach (var sourceLocal in sourceLocals)
                var local = sourceLocal.ToOtherMethod(this, this.TypeMap);
                localsMap.Add(sourceLocal, local);
            this.Locals   = localsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
            localsBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

            foreach (var sourceLocal in sourceLocalsForBinding)
                LocalSymbol local;
                if (!localsMap.TryGetValue(sourceLocal, out local))
                    local = sourceLocal.ToOtherMethod(this, this.TypeMap);
                    localsMap.Add(sourceLocal, local);
            this.LocalsForBinding = localsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            // Create a map from variable name to display class field.
            var displayClassVariables = PooledDictionary <string, DisplayClassVariable> .GetInstance();

            foreach (var pair in sourceDisplayClassVariables)
                var variable = pair.Value;
                var oldDisplayClassInstance = variable.DisplayClassInstance;

                // Note: we don't call ToOtherMethod in the local case because doing so would produce
                // a new LocalSymbol that would not be ReferenceEquals to the one in this.LocalsForBinding.
                var oldDisplayClassInstanceFromLocal = oldDisplayClassInstance as DisplayClassInstanceFromLocal;
                var newDisplayClassInstance          = (oldDisplayClassInstanceFromLocal == null) ?
                                                       oldDisplayClassInstance.ToOtherMethod(this, this.TypeMap) :
                                                       new DisplayClassInstanceFromLocal((EELocalSymbol)localsMap[oldDisplayClassInstanceFromLocal.Local]);

                variable = variable.SubstituteFields(newDisplayClassInstance, this.TypeMap);
                displayClassVariables.Add(pair.Key, variable);

            _displayClassVariables = displayClassVariables.ToImmutableDictionary();

            _generateMethodBody = generateMethodBody;
Esempio n. 3
        internal override void GenerateMethodBody(TypeCompilationState compilationState, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> declaredLocalsArray;
            var body        = _generateMethodBody(this, diagnostics, out declaredLocalsArray);
            var compilation = compilationState.Compilation;

            _lazyReturnType = CalculateReturnType(compilation, body);

            // Can't do this until the return type has been computed.
            TypeParameterChecker.Check(this, _allTypeParameters);

            if (diagnostics.HasAnyErrors())

            DiagnosticsPass.IssueDiagnostics(compilation, body, diagnostics, this);
            if (diagnostics.HasAnyErrors())

            // Check for use-site diagnostics (e.g. missing types in the signature).
            DiagnosticInfo useSiteDiagnosticInfo = null;

            this.CalculateUseSiteDiagnostic(ref useSiteDiagnosticInfo);
            if (useSiteDiagnosticInfo != null && useSiteDiagnosticInfo.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
                diagnostics.Add(useSiteDiagnosticInfo, this.Locations[0]);

                var declaredLocals = PooledHashSet <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

                    // Rewrite local declaration statement.
                    body = (BoundStatement)LocalDeclarationRewriter.Rewrite(compilation, _container, declaredLocals, body, declaredLocalsArray);

                    // Verify local declaration names.
                    foreach (var local in declaredLocals)
                        Debug.Assert(local.Locations.Length > 0);
                        var name = local.Name;
                        if (name.StartsWith("$", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedCharacter, local.Locations[0], name[0]);

                    // Rewrite references to placeholder "locals".
                    body = (BoundStatement)PlaceholderLocalRewriter.Rewrite(compilation, _container, declaredLocals, body, diagnostics);

                    if (diagnostics.HasAnyErrors())

                var syntax            = body.Syntax;
                var statementsBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

                // Insert an implicit return statement if necessary.
                if (body.Kind != BoundKind.ReturnStatement)
                    statementsBuilder.Add(new BoundReturnStatement(syntax, RefKind.None, expressionOpt: null));

                var localsBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

                var localsSet = PooledHashSet <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

                foreach (var local in this.LocalsForBinding)
                foreach (var local in this.Locals)
                    if (!localsSet.Contains(local))

                body = new BoundBlock(syntax, localsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), statementsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree())
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true


                bool sawLambdas;
                bool sawLocalFunctions;
                bool sawAwaitInExceptionHandler;
                ImmutableArray <SourceSpan> dynamicAnalysisSpans = ImmutableArray <SourceSpan> .Empty;
                body = LocalRewriter.Rewrite(
                    compilation: this.DeclaringCompilation,
                    method: this,
                    methodOrdinal: _methodOrdinal,
                    containingType: _container,
                    statement: body,
                    compilationState: compilationState,
                    previousSubmissionFields: null,
                    allowOmissionOfConditionalCalls: false,
                    instrumentForDynamicAnalysis: false,
                    debugDocumentProvider: null,
                    dynamicAnalysisSpans: ref dynamicAnalysisSpans,
                    diagnostics: diagnostics,
                    sawLambdas: out sawLambdas,
                    sawLocalFunctions: out sawLocalFunctions,
                    sawAwaitInExceptionHandler: out sawAwaitInExceptionHandler);

                Debug.Assert(dynamicAnalysisSpans.Length == 0);

                if (body.HasErrors)

                // Variables may have been captured by lambdas in the original method
                // or in the expression, and we need to preserve the existing values of
                // those variables in the expression. This requires rewriting the variables
                // in the expression based on the closure classes from both the original
                // method and the expression, and generating a preamble that copies
                // values into the expression closure classes.
                // Consider the original method:
                // static void M()
                // {
                //     int x, y, z;
                //     ...
                //     F(() => x + y);
                // }
                // and the expression in the EE: "F(() => x + z)".
                // The expression is first rewritten using the closure class and local <1>
                // from the original method: F(() => <1>.x + z)
                // Then lambda rewriting introduces a new closure class that includes
                // the locals <1> and z, and a corresponding local <2>: F(() => <2>.<1>.x + <2>.z)
                // And a preamble is added to initialize the fields of <2>:
                //     <2> = new <>c__DisplayClass0();
                //     <2>.<1> = <1>;
                //     <2>.z = z;

                // Rewrite "this" and "base" references to parameter in this method.
                // Rewrite variables within body to reference existing display classes.
                body = (BoundStatement)CapturedVariableRewriter.Rewrite(
                    this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.IsStatic ? null : _parameters[0],

                if (body.HasErrors)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Please add a test case capturing whatever caused this assert.");

                if (diagnostics.HasAnyErrors())

                if (sawLambdas || sawLocalFunctions)
                    var closureDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder <ClosureDebugInfo> .GetInstance();

                    var lambdaDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LambdaDebugInfo> .GetInstance();

                    body = LambdaRewriter.Rewrite(
                        loweredBody: body,
                        thisType: this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.ContainingType,
                        thisParameter: _thisParameter,
                        method: this,
                        methodOrdinal: _methodOrdinal,
                        substitutedSourceMethod: this.SubstitutedSourceMethod.OriginalDefinition,
                        closureDebugInfoBuilder: closureDebugInfoBuilder,
                        lambdaDebugInfoBuilder: lambdaDebugInfoBuilder,
                        slotAllocatorOpt: null,
                        compilationState: compilationState,
                        diagnostics: diagnostics,
                        assignLocals: true);

                    // we don't need this information:

                // Insert locals from the original method,
                // followed by any new locals.
                var block        = (BoundBlock)body;
                var localBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

                foreach (var local in this.Locals)
                    Debug.Assert(!(local is EELocalSymbol) || (((EELocalSymbol)local).Ordinal == localBuilder.Count));
                foreach (var local in block.Locals)
                    var oldLocal = local as EELocalSymbol;
                    if (oldLocal != null)
                        Debug.Assert(localBuilder[oldLocal.Ordinal] == oldLocal);

                body = block.Update(localBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), block.LocalFunctions, block.Statements);
                TypeParameterChecker.Check(body, _allTypeParameters);
                compilationState.AddSynthesizedMethod(this, body);
            catch (BoundTreeVisitor.CancelledByStackGuardException ex)