Copy() public method

Returns a deep copy of the given addition.
public Copy ( IAddition addition ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Addition
addition IAddition
return Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Addition
Esempio n. 1
 public CciModuleSource(ProjectFilesClone filesClone) : this()
     foreach (var assembliesPath in filesClone.Assemblies)
         var sss = new CodeDeepCopier(Host);
         var m = DecompileFile(assembliesPath.Path);
         var copied = sss.Copy(m.Module);
         m.Module = copied;
Esempio n. 2
    public static Bpl.Program/*?*/ TranslateAssembly(List<string> assemblyNames, HeapFactory heapFactory, Options options, List<Regex> exemptionList, bool whiteList) {
      Contract.Requires(assemblyNames != null);
      Contract.Requires(heapFactory != null);

      var libPaths = options.libpaths;
      var wholeProgram = options.wholeProgram;
      var/*?*/ stubAssemblies = options.stub;
      var phoneControlsConfigFile = options.phoneControls;
      var doPhoneNav = options.phoneNavigationCode;
      var doPhoneFeedback = options.phoneFeedbackCode;

      var host = new CodeContractAwareHostEnvironment(libPaths != null ? libPaths : Enumerable<string>.Empty, true, true);
      Host = host;

      Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Install(new Bpl.CommandLineOptions());

      #region Assemlies to translate (via cmd line)
      modules = new List<IModule>();
      var contractExtractors = new Dictionary<IUnit, IContractProvider>();
      var pdbReaders = new Dictionary<IUnit, PdbReader>();
      #region Load *all* of the assemblies before doing anything else so that they can all vote on unification matters
      foreach (var a in assemblyNames) {
        var module = host.LoadUnitFrom(a) as IModule;
        if (module == null || module == Dummy.Module || module == Dummy.Assembly) {
          Console.WriteLine(a + " is not a PE file containing a CLR module or assembly, or an error occurred when loading it.");
          Console.WriteLine("Skipping it, continuing with other input assemblies");
      #region Decompile all of the assemblies
      var decompiledModules = new List<IModule>();
      foreach (var m in modules) {
        PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader = null;
        string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(m.Location, "pdb");
        if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) {
          Stream pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile);
          pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
        var m2 = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, m, pdbReader, DecompilerOptions.Unstack) as IModule;
        // The decompiler does not turn calls to Assert/Assume into Code Model nodes
        m2 = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractExtractor.AssertAssumeExtractor(host, pdbReader).Rewrite(m2);
        contractExtractors.Add(m2, host.GetContractExtractor(m2.UnitIdentity));
        pdbReaders.Add(m2, pdbReader);
      modules = decompiledModules;

      #region Assemblies to translate (stubs)
      if (stubAssemblies != null) {
        foreach (var s in stubAssemblies) {
          var module = host.LoadUnitFrom(s) as IModule;
          if (module == null || module == Dummy.Module || module == Dummy.Assembly) {
            Console.WriteLine(s + " is not a PE file containing a CLR module or assembly, or an error occurred when loading it.");
            Console.WriteLine("Skipping it, continuing with other input assemblies");
          PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader = null;
          string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(module.Location, "pdb");
          if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) {
            Stream pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile);
            pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
          module = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, module, pdbReader, DecompilerOptions.Unstack) as IModule;

          var copier = new CodeDeepCopier(host);
          var mutableModule = copier.Copy(module);

          var mscorlib = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(host.PlatformType.SystemObject.ResolvedType);

          //var mutator = new ReparentModule(host, mscorlib, mutableModule);
          //module = mutator.Rewrite(mutableModule);
          //modules.Add(Tuple.Create(module, pdbReader));

          RewriteUnitReferences renamer = new RewriteUnitReferences(host, mutableModule);
          var mscorlibAssembly = (IAssembly)mscorlib;
          renamer.targetAssembly = mscorlibAssembly;
          renamer.originalAssemblyIdentity = mscorlibAssembly.AssemblyIdentity;
          contractExtractors.Add(module, host.GetContractExtractor(module.UnitIdentity));
          pdbReaders.Add(module, pdbReader);

      if (modules.Count == 0) {
        throw new TranslationException("No input assemblies to translate.");

      var primaryModule = modules[0];
      Sink sink= new Sink(host, heapFactory, options, exemptionList, whiteList);
      TranslationHelper.tmpVarCounter = 0;

      // TODO move away, get all plugin and translators from a config file or alike
      #region Plugged translators
      List<Translator> translatorsPlugged = new List<Translator>();
      ITranslationPlugin bctPlugin= new BytecodeTranslatorPlugin(wholeProgram);
      Translator bcTranslator = bctPlugin.getTranslator(sink, contractExtractors, pdbReaders);

      if (phoneControlsConfigFile != null && phoneControlsConfigFile != "") {
        // TODO this should be part of the translator initialziation
        PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin = new PhoneControlsPlugin(phoneControlsConfigFile);

        if (doPhoneNav) {
          // TODO this should be part of the translator initialziation
          PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneNavigationToggled = true;

          ITranslationPlugin phoneInitPlugin = new PhoneInitializationPlugin();
          ITranslationPlugin phoneNavPlugin = new PhoneNavigationPlugin();
          Translator phInitTranslator = phoneInitPlugin.getTranslator(sink, contractExtractors, pdbReaders);
          Translator phNavTranslator = phoneNavPlugin.getTranslator(sink, contractExtractors, pdbReaders);

        if (doPhoneFeedback) {
          // TODO this should be part of the translator initialziation
          PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneFeedbackToggled = true;

          ITranslationPlugin phoneFeedbackPlugin = new PhoneFeedbackPlugin();
          Translator phFeedbackTranslator = phoneFeedbackPlugin.getTranslator(sink, contractExtractors, pdbReaders);
      sink.TranslationPlugins = translatorsPlugged;

      if (phoneControlsConfigFile != null && phoneControlsConfigFile != "") {
        // TODO send this all way to initialization of phone plugin translator
        PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin = new PhoneControlsPlugin(phoneControlsConfigFile);
        // TODO these parameters will eventually form part of plugin configuration
        if (doPhoneNav) {
          PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneNavigationToggled = true;
          PhoneInitializationMetadataTraverser initTr = new PhoneInitializationMetadataTraverser(host);
          PhoneNavigationMetadataTraverser navTr = new PhoneNavigationMetadataTraverser(host);

        if (doPhoneFeedback) {
          PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneFeedbackToggled = true;
          PhoneControlFeedbackMetadataTraverser fbMetaDataTraverser= new PhoneControlFeedbackMetadataTraverser(host);

      // TODO replace the whole translation by a translator initialization and an orchestrator calling back for each element
      // TODO for the current BC translator it will possibly just implement onMetadataElement(IModule)
      // TODO refactor this away, handle priorities between plugged translators
      IOrderedEnumerable<Translator> prioritizedTranslators = translatorsPlugged.OrderBy(t => t.getPriority());
      foreach (Translator t in prioritizedTranslators) {
        if (t.isOneShot())

      foreach (var pair in sink.delegateTypeToDelegates.Values) {
        CreateDispatchMethod(sink, pair.Item1, pair.Item2);
        CreateDelegateCreateMethod(sink, pair.Item1, pair.Item2);
        CreateDelegateAddMethod(sink, pair.Item1, pair.Item2);
        CreateDelegateRemoveMethod(sink, pair.Item1, pair.Item2);

      // Subtyping for extern types
      if(sink.Options.typeInfo > 0) sink.DeclareExternTypeSubtyping();

      string outputFileName = primaryModule.Name + ".bpl";
      callPostTranslationTraversers(modules, sink, phoneControlsConfigFile, outputFileName);
      if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneNavigationToggled) {
        finalizeNavigationAnalysisAndBoogieCode(phoneControlsConfigFile, sink, outputFileName);


      //var rc = new Bpl.ResolutionContext((Bpl.IErrorSink)null);
      //foreach (var decl in sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations) {
      //  decl.Register(rc);
      //var goodDecls = new List<Bpl.Declaration>();
      //var tc = new Bpl.TypecheckingContext(null);
      //foreach (var decl in sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations) {
      //  var impl = decl as Bpl.Implementation;
      //  if (impl == null) {
      //    goodDecls.Add(decl);
      //    continue;
      //  }
      //  try {
      //    //var tc = new Bpl.TypecheckingContext(null);
      //    impl.Typecheck(tc);
      //    goodDecls.Add(impl);
      //  } catch {
      //    Console.WriteLine("Deleting implementation for: " + impl.Name);
      //    // nothing to do, just continue
      //  }
      //sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations = goodDecls;
      return sink.TranslatedProgram;
        public void Test00()
            const string code =
    @"using System;
namespace Ns
    public class Test
        public int Method1(int a, int b)
            return a + b;
            var cci = new CciModuleSource(TestProjects.DsaPath);
            var cci2 = new CciModuleSource(TestProjects.DsaPath);
            var type = cci.Modules.Single().Module.GetAllTypes().Single(t => t.Name.Value == "Deque") as NamedTypeDefinition;
            var method = type.Methods.Single(m => m.Name.Value == "EnqueueFront");

               var cci3 = MutationTestsHelper.CreateModuleFromCode(code);
            var choices = new MutationSessionChoices
                Filter = new MutationFilter(
                                  new List<TypeIdentifier>(),
                                  new MethodIdentifier(method).InList()),
                //Filter = MutationFilter.AllowAll(),
                SelectedOperators = new AOR_ArithmeticOperatorReplacement().InList<IMutationOperator>(),

            //   var type = cci.Modules.Single().Module.GetAllTypes().Single(t => t.Name.Value == "Test") as NamedTypeDefinition;
            //  var method = type.Methods.Single(m => m.Name.Value == "Method1");

            var exec = new MutationExecutor(null, choices, null);
            var container = new MutantsContainer(exec, new OriginalCodebase(cci.InList(), new List<string>()));
            IList<AssemblyNode> assemblies = container.InitMutantsForOperators(ProgressCounter.Inactive());

            var mut = assemblies.Cast<CheckedNode>()
                .SelectManyRecursive(n => n.Children ?? new NotifyingCollection<CheckedNode>())


            MutationResult executeMutation = exec.ExecuteMutation(mut, cci2).Result;

            var c = new CodeDeepCopier(cci.Host);
            MethodDefinition methodDefinition = c.Copy(mut.MutationTarget.MethodRaw);

            var vis = new CodeVisualizer(null, null);
            var s = vis.Visualize(CodeLanguage.CSharp, cci2);

            var v = new MutantsCache.Viss(cci2.Host, methodDefinition);
            var modClean = v.Rewrite(cci2.Modules.Single().Module);

            var debug = new DebugOperatorCodeVisitor();
            var debug2 = new DebugOperatorCodeVisitor();
            new DebugCodeTraverser(debug).Traverse(cci.Modules.Single().Module);
            new DebugCodeTraverser(debug2).Traverse(cci2.Modules.Single().Module);
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\PLIKI\tree1.txt", debug.ToString());
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\PLIKI\tree2.txt", debug2.ToString());
           //   Console.WriteLine(debug);
           //  Console.WriteLine(debug2);
            //  cci.ReplaceWith(executeMutation.MutatedModules.Modules.Single().Module);

        //    var s2 = vis.Visualize(CodeLanguage.CSharp, cci2);
          //  Console.WriteLine(s);
           // Console.WriteLine(s2);
            //       var viss = new Viss(cci2.Host, sourceMethod);
            //     IModule newMod = viss.Rewrite(executeMutation.MutatedModules.Modules.Single().Module);

            // cci2.ReplaceWith(executeMutation.MutatedModules.Modules.Single().Module);

          //  MutationResult executeMutation2 = exec.ExecuteMutation(mut, cci2).Result;
Esempio n. 4
    bool isEnumerable; // true if return type of method is IEnumerable, false if return type of method is IEnumerator

    /// <summary>
    /// Compile the method body, represented by <paramref name="block"/>. It creates the closure class and all its members
    /// and creates a new body for the iterator method. 
    /// </summary>
    internal BlockStatement CompileIterator(IBlockStatement block) {
      var copier = new CodeDeepCopier(, this.sourceLocationProvider);
      var copiedBlock = copier.Copy(block);
      var localCollector = new LocalCollector();
      new CodeTraverser() { PreorderVisitor = localCollector }.Traverse(copiedBlock);
      this.allLocals = localCollector.allLocals;
      IteratorClosureInformation iteratorClosure = this.CreateIteratorClosure(copiedBlock);
      var result = this.CreateNewIteratorMethodBody(iteratorClosure);
      return result;