Inheritance: SymWithType
Esempio n. 1
 public EXPRFIELD CreateField(EXPRFLAG nFlags, CType pType, EXPR pOptionalObject, uint nOffset, FieldWithType FWT, EXPR pOptionalLHS)
     Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~(EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY)));
     EXPRFIELD rval = new EXPRFIELD();
     rval.kind = ExpressionKind.EK_FIELD;
     rval.type = pType;
     rval.flags = nFlags;
     if (FWT != null)
         rval.fwt = FWT;
     Debug.Assert(rval != null);
     return (rval);
        public EXPRFIELD CreateField(EXPRFLAG nFlags, CType pType, EXPR pOptionalObject, uint nOffset, FieldWithType FWT, EXPR pOptionalLHS)
            Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~(EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY)));
            EXPRFIELD rval = new EXPRFIELD();

            rval.kind  = ExpressionKind.EK_FIELD;
            rval.type  = pType;
            rval.flags = nFlags;
            if (FWT != null)
                rval.fwt = FWT;
            Debug.Assert(rval != null);
Esempio n. 3
 public ExprField CreateField(CType type, Expr optionalObject, FieldWithType field, bool isLValue) =>
 new ExprField(type, optionalObject, field, isLValue);
Esempio n. 4
        public ExprField CreateField(EXPRFLAG nFlags, CType pType, Expr pOptionalObject, uint nOffset, FieldWithType FWT, Expr pOptionalLHS)
            Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~(EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY)));
            ExprField rval = new ExprField();

            rval.Kind           = ExpressionKind.EK_FIELD;
            rval.Type           = pType;
            rval.Flags          = nFlags;
            rval.OptionalObject = pOptionalObject;
            if (FWT != null)
                rval.FieldWithType = FWT;
            Debug.Assert(rval != null);
Esempio n. 5

            private static EXPR GenerateOptionalArgument(
                    SymbolLoader symbolLoader,
                    ExprFactory exprFactory,
                    MethodOrPropertySymbol methprop,
                    CType type,
                    int index)
                CType pParamType = type;
                CType pRawParamType = type.IsNullableType() ? type.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType() : type;

                EXPR optionalArgument = null;
                if (methprop.HasDefaultParameterValue(index))
                    CType pConstValType = methprop.GetDefaultParameterValueConstValType(index);
                    CONSTVAL cv = methprop.GetDefaultParameterValue(index);

                    if (pConstValType.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DATETIME) &&
                        (pRawParamType.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DATETIME) || pRawParamType.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT) || pRawParamType.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE)))
                        // This is the specific case where we want to create a DateTime
                        // but the constval that stores it is a long.

                        AggregateType dateTimeType = symbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DATETIME);
                        optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateConstant(dateTimeType, new CONSTVAL(DateTime.FromBinary(cv.longVal)));
                    else if (pConstValType.isSimpleOrEnumOrString())
                        // In this case, the constval is a simple type (all the numerics, including
                        // decimal), or an enum or a string. This covers all the substantial values,
                        // and everything else that can be encoded is just null or default(something).

                        // For enum parameters, we create a constant of the enum type. For everything
                        // else, we create the appropriate constant.

                        if (pRawParamType.isEnumType() && pConstValType == pRawParamType.underlyingType())
                            optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateConstant(pRawParamType, cv);
                            optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateConstant(pConstValType, cv);
                    else if ((pParamType.IsRefType() || pParamType.IsNullableType()) && cv.IsNullRef())
                        // We have an "= null" default value with a reference type or a nullable type.

                        optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateNull();
                        // We have a default value that is encoded as a nullref, and that nullref is
                        // interpreted as default(something). For instance, the pParamType could be
                        // a type parameter type or a non-simple value type.

                        optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateZeroInit(pParamType);
                    // There was no default parameter specified, so generally use default(T),
                    // except for some cases when the parameter type in metatdata is object.

                    if (pParamType.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT))
                        if (methprop.MarshalAsObject(index))
                            // For [opt] parameters of type object, if we have marshal(iunknown),
                            // marshal(idispatch), or marshal(interface), then we emit a null.

                            optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateNull();
                            // Otherwise, we generate Type.Missing

                            AggregateSymbol agg = symbolLoader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_MISSING);
                            Name name = symbolLoader.GetNameManager().GetPredefinedName(PredefinedName.PN_CAP_VALUE);
                            FieldSymbol field = symbolLoader.LookupAggMember(name, agg, symbmask_t.MASK_FieldSymbol).AsFieldSymbol();
                            FieldWithType fwt = new FieldWithType(field, agg.getThisType());
                            EXPRFIELD exprField = exprFactory.CreateField(0, agg.getThisType(), null, 0, fwt, null);

                            if (agg.getThisType() != type)
                                optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateCast(0, type, exprField);
                                optionalArgument = exprField;
                        // Every type aside from object that doesn't have a default value gets
                        // its default value.

                        optionalArgument = exprFactory.CreateZeroInit(pParamType);

                Debug.Assert(optionalArgument != null);
                optionalArgument.IsOptionalArgument = true;
                return optionalArgument;
Esempio n. 6

        private EXPR CreateField(
            SymWithType swt,
            EXPR callingObject)
            // For a field, simply create the EXPRFIELD and our caller takes care of the rest.

            FieldSymbol fieldSymbol = swt.Field();
            CType returnType = fieldSymbol.GetType();
            AggregateType fieldType = swt.GetType();
            FieldWithType fwt = new FieldWithType(fieldSymbol, fieldType);

            EXPR field = _binder.BindToField(callingObject.isCLASS() ? null : callingObject, fwt, 0);
            return field;
Esempio n. 7

        internal EXPR BindToField(EXPR pOptionalObject, FieldWithType fwt, BindingFlag bindFlags, EXPR pOptionalLHS)
            Debug.Assert(fwt.GetType() != null && fwt.Field().getClass() == fwt.GetType().getAggregate());

            CType pFieldType = GetTypes().SubstType(fwt.Field().GetType(), fwt.GetType());
            if (pOptionalObject != null && !pOptionalObject.isOK())
                EXPRFIELD pField = GetExprFactory().CreateField(0, pFieldType, pOptionalObject, 0, fwt, pOptionalLHS);
                return pField;

            EXPR pOriginalObject = pOptionalObject;
            bool bIsMatchingStatic;
            bool pfConstrained;
            pOptionalObject = AdjustMemberObject(fwt, pOptionalObject, out pfConstrained, out bIsMatchingStatic);

            checkUnsafe(pFieldType); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops

            EXPRFIELD pResult;
                bool isLValue = false;
                if ((pOptionalObject != null && pOptionalObject.type.IsPointerType()) || objectIsLvalue(pOptionalObject))
                    isLValue = true;
                // Exception: a readonly field is not an lvalue unless we're in the constructor/static constructor appropriate
                // for the field.
                if (RespectReadonly() && fwt.Field().isReadOnly)
                    if (ContainingAgg() == null ||
                        !InMethod() || !InConstructor() ||
                        fwt.Field().getClass() != ContainingAgg() ||
                        InStaticMethod() != fwt.Field().isStatic ||
                        (pOptionalObject != null && !isThisPointer(pOptionalObject)) ||
                        isLValue = false;

                pResult = GetExprFactory().CreateField(isLValue ? EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE : 0, pFieldType, pOptionalObject, 0, fwt, pOptionalLHS);
                if (!bIsMatchingStatic)

                if (pFieldType.IsErrorType())
                Debug.Assert(BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET == (BindingFlag)EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET);
                pResult.flags |= (EXPRFLAG)(bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET);

            // If this field is the backing field of a WindowsRuntime event then we need to bind to its
            // invocationlist property which is a delegate containing all the handlers.
            if (pResult.isFIELD() &&
                fwt.Field().isEvent &&
                fwt.Field().getEvent(GetSymbolLoader()) != null &&
                CType fieldType = fwt.Field().GetType();
                if (fieldType.IsAggregateType())
                    // Access event backing field (EventRegistrationTokenTable<T>) using
                    // EventRegistrationTokenTable<T>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable()
                    // to ensure non-null
                    pResult.setType(GetTypes().GetParameterModifier(pResult.type, false));

                    Name getOrCreateMethodName = GetSymbolLoader().GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_GETORCREATEEVENTREGISTRATIONTOKENTABLE);
                    GetSymbolLoader().RuntimeBinderSymbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(getOrCreateMethodName.Text, null, fieldType.AssociatedSystemType);
                    MethodSymbol getOrCreateMethod = GetSymbolLoader().LookupAggMember(getOrCreateMethodName, fieldType.getAggregate(), symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol).AsMethodSymbol();

                    MethPropWithInst getOrCreatempwi = new MethPropWithInst(getOrCreateMethod, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPRMEMGRP getOrCreateGrp = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, getOrCreatempwi);

                    EXPR getOrCreateCall = BindToMethod(new MethWithInst(getOrCreatempwi),

                    AggregateSymbol fieldTypeSymbol = fieldType.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate();
                    Name invocationListName = GetSymbolLoader().GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_INVOCATIONLIST);

                    // InvocationList might not be populated in the symbol table as no one would have called it.
                    GetSymbolLoader().RuntimeBinderSymbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(invocationListName.Text, null, fieldType.AssociatedSystemType);
                    PropertySymbol invocationList = GetSymbolLoader().LookupAggMember(

                    MethPropWithInst mpwi = new MethPropWithInst(invocationList, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPRMEMGRP memGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(getOrCreateCall, mpwi);

                    PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(invocationList, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPR propertyExpr = BindToProperty(getOrCreateCall, pwt, bindFlags, null, null, memGroup);
                    return propertyExpr;

            return pResult;
Esempio n. 8
        // Construct the EXPR node which corresponds to a field expression
        // for a given field and pObject pointer.

        internal EXPR BindToField(EXPR pObject, FieldWithType fwt, BindingFlag bindFlags)
            return BindToField(pObject, fwt, bindFlags, null/*OptionalLHS*/);
Esempio n. 9
        public ExprField CreateField(EXPRFLAG nFlags, CType pType, Expr pOptionalObject, FieldWithType FWT)
            Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~(EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY)));
            ExprField rval = new ExprField(pType);

            rval.Flags          = nFlags;
            rval.OptionalObject = pOptionalObject;
            rval.FieldWithType  = FWT;