IsAggregateType() public method

public IsAggregateType ( ) : bool
return bool
Esempio n. 1
        public virtual ACCESSERROR CheckAccess2(Symbol symCheck, AggregateType atsCheck, Symbol symWhere, CType typeThru)
            Debug.Assert(symCheck != null);
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck == null || symCheck.parent == atsCheck.getAggregate());
            Debug.Assert(typeThru == null ||
                   typeThru.IsAggregateType() ||
                   typeThru.IsTypeParameterType() ||
                   typeThru.IsArrayType() ||
                   typeThru.IsNullableType() ||


            switch (symCheck.getKind())
                case SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol:
                case SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol:
                case SYMKIND.SK_FieldSymbol:
                case SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol:
                    Debug.Assert(atsCheck != null);

#endif // DEBUG

            ACCESSERROR error = CheckAccessCore(symCheck, atsCheck, symWhere, typeThru);
                return error;

            // Check the accessibility of the return CType.
            CType CType = symCheck.getType();
            if (CType == null)

            // For members of AGGSYMs, atsCheck should always be specified!
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck != null);

            if (atsCheck.getAggregate().IsSource())
                // We already check the "at least as accessible as" rules.
                // Does this always work for generics?
                // Could we get a bad CType argument in typeThru?
                // Maybe call CheckTypeAccess on typeThru?

            // Substitute on the CType.
            if (atsCheck.GetTypeArgsAll().size > 0)
                CType = SymbolLoader.GetTypeManager().SubstType(CType, atsCheck);

Esempio n. 2
        public bool HasBaseConversion(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            // By a "base conversion" we mean:
            // * an identity conversion
            // * an implicit reference conversion
            // * an implicit boxing conversion
            // * an implicit type parameter conversion
            // In other words, these are conversions that can be made to a base
            // class, base interface or co/contravariant type without any change in
            // representation other than boxing.  A conversion from, say, int to double,
            // is NOT a "base conversion", because representation is changed.  A conversion
            // from, say, lambda to expression tree is not a "base conversion" because
            // do not have a type.
            // The existence of a base conversion depends solely upon the source and
            // destination types, not the source expression.
            // This notion is not found in the spec but it is useful in the implementation.

            if (pSource.IsAggregateType() && pDest.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT))
                // If we are going from any aggregate type (class, struct, interface, enum or delegate)
                // to object, we immediately return true. This may seem like a mere optimization --
                // after all, if we have an aggregate then we have some kind of implicit conversion
                // to object.
                // However, it is not a mere optimization; this introduces a control flow change
                // in error reporting scenarios for unresolved type forwarders. If a type forwarder
                // cannot be resolved then the resulting type symbol will be an aggregate, but
                // we will not be able to classify it into class, struct, etc.
                // We know that we will have an error in this case; we do not wish to compound
                // that error by giving a spurious "you cannot convert this thing to object"
                // error, which, after all, will go away when the type forwarding problem is
                // fixed.

            if (HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(pSource, pDest))
            if (HasImplicitBoxingConversion(pSource, pDest))
            if (pSource.IsTypeParameterType() &&
                HasImplicitTypeParameterBaseConversion(pSource.AsTypeParameterType(), pDest))
Esempio n. 3
            private AggCastResult bindExplicitConversionBetweenAggregates(AggregateType aggTypeDest)
                // 13.2.3
                // The explicit reference conversions are:
                // * From object to any reference-type.
                // * From any class-type S to any class-type T, provided S is a base class of T.
                // * From any class-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not sealed and
                //   provided S does not implement T.
                // * From any interface-type S to any class-type T, provided T is not sealed or provided
                //   T implements S.
                // * From any interface-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not derived from T.

                Debug.Assert(_typeSrc != null);
                Debug.Assert(aggTypeDest != null);

                if (!_typeSrc.IsAggregateType())

                AggregateSymbol aggSrc  = _typeSrc.AsAggregateType().getAggregate();
                AggregateSymbol aggDest = aggTypeDest.getAggregate();

                if (GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(aggTypeDest, _typeSrc.AsAggregateType()))
                    if (_needsExprDest)
                        if (aggDest.IsValueType() && aggSrc.getThisType().fundType() == FUNDTYPE.FT_REF)
                            _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, _exprTypeDest, out _exprDest, EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOX);
                            _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, _exprTypeDest, out _exprDest, EXPRFLAG.EXF_REFCHECK | (_exprSrc?.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_CANTBENULL ?? 0));

                if ((aggSrc.IsClass() && !aggSrc.IsSealed() && aggDest.IsInterface()) ||
                    (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsClass() && !aggDest.IsSealed()) ||
                    (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsInterface()) ||
                    CConversions.HasGenericDelegateExplicitReferenceConversion(GetSymbolLoader(), _typeSrc, aggTypeDest))
                    if (_needsExprDest)
                        _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, _exprTypeDest, out _exprDest, EXPRFLAG.EXF_REFCHECK | (_exprSrc?.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_CANTBENULL ?? 0));
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual ACCESSERROR CheckAccess2(Symbol symCheck, AggregateType atsCheck, Symbol symWhere, CType typeThru)
            Debug.Assert(symCheck != null);
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck == null || symCheck.parent == atsCheck.getAggregate());
            Debug.Assert(typeThru == null ||
                         typeThru.IsAggregateType() ||
                         typeThru.IsTypeParameterType() ||
                         typeThru.IsArrayType() ||
                         typeThru.IsNullableType() ||

            switch (symCheck.getKind())

            case SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol:
            case SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol:
            case SYMKIND.SK_FieldSymbol:
            case SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol:
                Debug.Assert(atsCheck != null);
#endif // DEBUG

            ACCESSERROR error = CheckAccessCore(symCheck, atsCheck, symWhere, typeThru);

            // Check the accessibility of the return CType.
            CType CType = symCheck.getType();
            if (CType == null)

            // For members of AGGSYMs, atsCheck should always be specified!
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck != null);

            // Substitute on the CType.
            if (atsCheck.GetTypeArgsAll().Count > 0)
                CType = SymbolLoader.GetTypeManager().SubstType(CType, atsCheck);

Esempio n. 5
 public static IEnumerable <CType> AllPossibleInterfaces(this CType type)
     Debug.Assert(type != null);
     if (type.IsAggregateType())
         foreach (CType t in type.AsAggregateType().TypeAndBaseClassInterfaces())
             yield return(t);
     else if (type.IsTypeParameterType())
         foreach (CType t in type.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass().TypeAndBaseClassInterfaces())
             yield return(t);
         foreach (CType t in type.AsTypeParameterType().GetInterfaceBounds().AllConstraintInterfaces())
             yield return(t);
Esempio n. 6
        private bool IsBaseClass(CType pDerived, CType pBase)
            Debug.Assert(pDerived != null);
            Debug.Assert(pBase != null);
            // A base class has got to be a class. The derived type might be a struct.

            if (!pBase.isClassType())
            if (pDerived.IsNullableType())
                pDerived = pDerived.AsNullableType().GetAts(ErrorContext);
                if (pDerived == null)

            if (!pDerived.IsAggregateType())

            AggregateType atsDer  = pDerived.AsAggregateType();
            AggregateType atsBase = pBase.AsAggregateType();
            AggregateType atsCur  = atsDer.GetBaseClass();

            while (atsCur != null)
                if (atsCur == atsBase)
                atsCur = atsCur.GetBaseClass();
Esempio n. 7
            Determine whether there is an explicit or implicit reference conversion (or identity conversion)
            from typeSrc to typeDst. This is when:
         13.2.3 Explicit reference conversions
        The explicit reference conversions are:
        *   From object to any reference-type.
        *   From any class-type S to any class-type T, provided S is a base class of T.
        *   From any class-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not sealed and provided S does not implement T.
        *   From any interface-type S to any class-type T, provided T is not sealed or provided T implements S.
        *   From any interface-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not derived from T.
        *   From an array-type S with an element type SE to an array-type T with an element type TE, provided all of the following are true:
            o   S and T differ only in element type. (In other words, S and T have the same number of dimensions.)
            o   An explicit reference conversion exists from SE to TE.
        *   From System.Array and the interfaces it implements, to any array-type.
        *   From System.Delegate and the interfaces it implements, to any delegate-type.
        *   From a one-dimensional array-type S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces, provided there is an explicit reference conversion from S to T.
        *   From a generic delegate type S to generic delegate type  T, provided all of the follow are true:
            o Both types are constructed generic types of the same generic delegate type, D<X1,... Xk>.That is, 
              S is D<S1,... Sk> and T is D<T1,... Tk>.
            o S is not compatible with or identical to T.
            o If type parameter Xi is declared to be invariant then Si must be identical to Ti.
            o If type parameter Xi is declared to be covariant ("out") then Si must be convertible 
              to Ti via an identify conversion,  implicit reference conversion, or explicit reference conversion.
            o If type parameter Xi is declared to be contravariant ("in") then either Si must be identical to Ti, 
               or Si and Ti must both be reference types.
        *   From System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces to a one-dimensional array-type S[], provided there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> or System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>. This is precisely when either S and T are the same type or there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S to T.
        For a type-parameter T that is known to be a reference type (§25.7), the following explicit reference conversions exist:
        *   From the effective base class C of T to T and from any base class of C to T.
        *   From any interface-type to T.
        *   From T to any interface-type I provided there isn’t already an implicit reference conversion from T to I.
        *   From a type-parameter U to T provided that T depends on U (§25.7). [Note: Since T is known to be a reference type, within the scope of T, the run-time type of U will always be a reference type, even if U is not known to be a reference type at compile-time. end note]
            * Both src and dst are reference types and there is a builtin explicit conversion from
              src to dst.
            * Or src is a reference type and dst is a base type of src (in which case the conversion is
              implicit as well).
            * Or dst is a reference type and src is a base type of dst.
            The latter two cases can happen with type variables even though the other type variable is not
            a reference type.
        public static bool FExpRefConv(SymbolLoader loader, CType typeSrc, CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeDst != null);
            if (typeSrc.IsRefType() && typeDst.IsRefType())
                // is there an implicit reference conversion in either direction?
                // this handles the bulk of the cases ...
                if (loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeSrc, typeDst) ||
                    loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeDst, typeSrc))
                    return true;

                // For a type-parameter T that is known to be a reference type (§25.7), the following explicit reference conversions exist:
                // •    From any interface-type to T.
                // •    From T to any interface-type I provided there isn’t already an implicit reference conversion from T to I.
                if (typeSrc.isInterfaceType() && typeDst.IsTypeParameterType())
                    return true;
                if (typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType() && typeDst.isInterfaceType())
                    return true;

                // * From any class-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not sealed
                // * From any interface-type S to any class-type T, provided T is not sealed
                // * From any interface-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not derived from T.
                if (typeSrc.IsAggregateType() && typeDst.IsAggregateType())
                    AggregateSymbol aggSrc = typeSrc.AsAggregateType().getAggregate();
                    AggregateSymbol aggDest = typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate();

                    if ((aggSrc.IsClass() && !aggSrc.IsSealed() && aggDest.IsInterface()) ||
                        (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsClass() && !aggDest.IsSealed()) ||
                        (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsInterface()))
                        return true;

                // *    From an array-type S with an element type SE to an array-type T with an element type TE, provided all of the following are true:
                //     o    S and T differ only in element type. (In other words, S and T have the same number of dimensions.)
                //     o    An explicit reference conversion exists from SE to TE.
                if (typeSrc.IsArrayType() && typeDst.IsArrayType())
                    return typeSrc.AsArrayType().rank == typeDst.AsArrayType().rank && FExpRefConv(loader, typeSrc.AsArrayType().GetElementType(), typeDst.AsArrayType().GetElementType());

                // *    From a one-dimensional array-type S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> 
                //      and their base interfaces, provided there is an explicit reference conversion from S to T.
                if (typeSrc.IsArrayType())
                    if (typeSrc.AsArrayType().rank != 1 ||
                        !typeDst.isInterfaceType() || typeDst.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll().Size != 1)
                        return false;

                    AggregateSymbol aggIList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_ILIST);
                    AggregateSymbol aggIReadOnlyList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_IREADONLYLIST);

                    if ((aggIList == null ||
                        !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIList, typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate())) &&
                        (aggIReadOnlyList == null ||
                        !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIReadOnlyList, typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate())))
                        return false;

                    return FExpRefConv(loader, typeSrc.AsArrayType().GetElementType(), typeDst.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll().Item(0));

                if (typeDst.IsArrayType() && typeSrc.IsAggregateType())
                    // * From System.Array and the interfaces it implements, to any array-type.
                    if (loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(loader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY), typeSrc))
                        return true;

                    // *    From System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces to a 
                    //      one-dimensional array-type S[], provided there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S[] to 
                    //      System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> or System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>. This is precisely when either S and T
                    //      are the same type or there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S to T.
                    ArrayType arrayDest = typeDst.AsArrayType();
                    AggregateType aggtypeSrc = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                    if (arrayDest.rank != 1 || !typeSrc.isInterfaceType() ||
                        aggtypeSrc.GetTypeArgsAll().Size != 1)
                        return false;

                    AggregateSymbol aggIList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_ILIST);
                    AggregateSymbol aggIReadOnlyList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_IREADONLYLIST);

                    if ((aggIList == null ||
                        !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIList, aggtypeSrc.getAggregate())) &&
                        (aggIReadOnlyList == null ||
                        !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIReadOnlyList, aggtypeSrc.getAggregate())))
                        return false;

                    CType typeArr = arrayDest.GetElementType();
                    CType typeLst = aggtypeSrc.GetTypeArgsAll().Item(0);

                    return typeArr == typeLst || FExpRefConv(loader, typeArr, typeLst);
                if (HasGenericDelegateExplicitReferenceConversion(loader, typeSrc, typeDst))
                    return true;
            else if (typeSrc.IsRefType())
                // conversion of T . U, where T : class, U
                // .. these constraints implies where U : class
                return loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeSrc, typeDst);
            else if (typeDst.IsRefType())
                // conversion of T . U, where U : class, T 
                // .. these constraints implies where T : class
                return loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeDst, typeSrc);
            return false;
Esempio n. 8
 public CType SubstType(CType typeSrc, CType typeCls, TypeArray typeArgsMeth)
     return SubstType(typeSrc, typeCls.IsAggregateType() ? typeCls.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll() : null, typeArgsMeth);
Esempio n. 9
 public bool IsBaseInterface(CType pDerived, CType pBase)
     Debug.Assert(pDerived != null);
     Debug.Assert(pBase != null);
     if (!pBase.isInterfaceType())
         return false;
     if (!pDerived.IsAggregateType())
         return false;
     AggregateType atsDer = pDerived.AsAggregateType();
     while (atsDer != null)
         TypeArray ifacesAll = atsDer.GetIfacesAll();
         for (int i = 0; i < ifacesAll.Size; i++)
             if (AreTypesEqualForConversion(ifacesAll.Item(i), pBase))
                 return true;
         atsDer = atsDer.GetBaseClass();
     return false;
Esempio n. 10

            public static MethodOrPropertySymbol FindMostDerivedMethod(
                    SymbolLoader symbolLoader,
                    MethodOrPropertySymbol pMethProp,
                    CType pType)
                MethodSymbol method;
                bool bIsIndexer = false;

                if (pMethProp.IsMethodSymbol())
                    method = pMethProp.AsMethodSymbol();
                    PropertySymbol prop = pMethProp.AsPropertySymbol();
                    method = prop.methGet != null ? prop.methGet : prop.methSet;
                    if (method == null)
                        return null;
                    bIsIndexer = prop.isIndexer();

                if (!method.isVirtual)
                    return method;

                if (pType == null)
                    // This must be a static call.
                    return method;

                // Now get the slot method.
                if (method.swtSlot != null && method.swtSlot.Meth() != null)
                    method = method.swtSlot.Meth();

                if (!pType.IsAggregateType())
                    // Not something that can have overrides anyway.
                    return method;

                for (AggregateSymbol pAggregate = pType.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate();
                        pAggregate != null && pAggregate.GetBaseAgg() != null;
                        pAggregate = pAggregate.GetBaseAgg())
                    for (MethodOrPropertySymbol meth = symbolLoader.LookupAggMember(, pAggregate, symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol | symbmask_t.MASK_PropertySymbol).AsMethodOrPropertySymbol();
                            meth != null;
                            meth = symbolLoader.LookupNextSym(meth, pAggregate, symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol | symbmask_t.MASK_PropertySymbol).AsMethodOrPropertySymbol())
                        if (!meth.isOverride)
                        if (meth.swtSlot.Sym != null && meth.swtSlot.Sym == method)
                            if (bIsIndexer)
                                return meth.AsMethodSymbol().getProperty();
                                return meth;

                // If we get here, it means we can have two cases: one is that we have 
                // a delegate. This is because the delegate invoke method is virtual and is 
                // an override, but we wont have the slots set up correctly, and will 
                // not find the base type in the inheritance hierarchy. The second is that
                // we're calling off of the base itself.
                return method;
Esempio n. 11

        private bool UpperBoundConstructedInference(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            if (!pSource.IsAggregateType())
                return false;

            AggregateType pConstructedSource = pSource.AsAggregateType();
            TypeArray pSourceArgs = pConstructedSource.GetTypeArgsAll();
            if (pSourceArgs.size == 0)
                return false;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is a constructed CType C<V1...Vk> and U is
            // SPEC:   C<U1...Uk> then an exact inference,
            // SPEC:   lower bound inference or upper bound inference
            // SPEC:   is made from each Ui to the corresponding Vi.

            if (pDest.IsAggregateType() &&
                pConstructedSource.GetOwningAggregate() == pDest.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate())
                if (pDest.isInterfaceType() || pDest.isDelegateType())
                    UpperBoundTypeArgumentInference(pConstructedSource, pDest.AsAggregateType());
                    ExactTypeArgumentInference(pConstructedSource, pDest.AsAggregateType());
                return true;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if U is a class CType C<U1...Uk> and V is a class CType which
            // SPEC:   inherits directly or indirectly from C<V1...Vk> then an exact ...

            if (UpperBoundClassInference(pConstructedSource, pDest))
                return true;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if U is an interface CType C<U1...Uk> and V is a class CType
            // SPEC:   or struct CType and there is a unique set V1...Vk such that V directly 
            // SPEC:   or indirectly implements C<V1...Vk> then an exact ...
            // SPEC:  ... and U is an interface CType ...

            if (UpperBoundInterfaceInference(pConstructedSource, pDest))
                return true;

            return false;
Esempio n. 12
            Lookup must be called before anything else can be called.
            typeSrc - Must be an AggregateType or TypeParameterType.
            obj - the expression through which the member is being accessed. This is used for accessibility
                of protected members and for constructing a MEMGRP from the results of the lookup.
                It is legal for obj to be an EK_CLASS, in which case it may be used for accessibility, but
                will not be used for MEMGRP construction.
            symWhere - the symbol from with the name is being accessed (for checking accessibility).
            name - the name to look for.
            arity - the number of type args specified. Only members that support this arity are found.
                Note that when arity is zero, all methods are considered since we do type argument
            flags - See MemLookFlags.
                TypeVarsAllowed only applies to the most derived type (not base types).
        public bool Lookup(CSemanticChecker checker, CType typeSrc, EXPR obj, ParentSymbol symWhere, Name name, int arity, MemLookFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert((flags & ~MemLookFlags.All) == 0);
            Debug.Assert(obj == null || obj.type != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.IsAggregateType() || typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType());
            Debug.Assert(checker != null);

            _prgtype = _rgtypeStart;

            // Save the inputs for error handling, etc.
            _pSemanticChecker = checker;
            _pSymbolLoader = checker.GetSymbolLoader();
            _typeSrc = typeSrc;
            _obj = (obj != null && !obj.isCLASS()) ? obj : null;
            _symWhere = symWhere;
            _name = name;
            _arity = arity;
            _flags = flags;

            if ((_flags & MemLookFlags.BaseCall) != 0)
                _typeQual = null;
            else if ((_flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) != 0)
                _typeQual = _typeSrc;
            else if (obj != null)
                _typeQual = (CType)obj.type;
                _typeQual = null;

            // Determine what to search.
            AggregateType typeCls1 = null;
            AggregateType typeIface = null;
            TypeArray ifaces = BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray();
            AggregateType typeCls2 = null;

            if (typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType())
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall | MemLookFlags.TypeVarsAllowed)) == 0);
                _flags &= ~MemLookFlags.TypeVarsAllowed;
                ifaces = typeSrc.AsTypeParameterType().GetInterfaceBounds();
                typeCls1 = typeSrc.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass();
                if (ifaces.size > 0 && typeCls1.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT))
                    typeCls1 = null;
            else if (!typeSrc.isInterfaceType())
                typeCls1 = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();

                if (typeCls1.IsWindowsRuntimeType())
                    ifaces = typeCls1.GetWinRTCollectionIfacesAll(GetSymbolLoader());
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall)) == 0);
                typeIface = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                ifaces = typeIface.GetIfacesAll();

            if (typeIface != null || ifaces.size > 0)
                typeCls2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT);

            // Search the class first (except possibly object).
            if (typeCls1 == null || LookupInClass(typeCls1, ref typeCls2))
                // Search the interfaces.
                if ((typeIface != null || ifaces.size > 0) && LookupInInterfaces(typeIface, ifaces) && typeCls2 != null)
                    // Search object last.
                    Debug.Assert(typeCls2 != null && typeCls2.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT));

                    AggregateType result = null;
                    LookupInClass(typeCls2, ref result);

            // if we are requested with extension methods
            _results = new CMemberLookupResults(GetAllTypes(), _name);

            return !FError();
Esempio n. 13
        // SymbolLoader forwarders (end)

        // Utility methods
        protected ACCESSERROR CheckAccessCore(Symbol symCheck, AggregateType atsCheck, Symbol symWhere, CType typeThru)
            Debug.Assert(symCheck != null);
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck == null || symCheck.parent == atsCheck.getAggregate());
            Debug.Assert(typeThru == null ||
                         typeThru.IsAggregateType() ||
                         typeThru.IsTypeParameterType() ||
                         typeThru.IsArrayType() ||
                         typeThru.IsNullableType() ||

            switch (symCheck.GetAccess())
                throw Error.InternalCompilerError();

            case ACCESS.ACC_UNKNOWN:

            case ACCESS.ACC_PUBLIC:

            case ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE:
            case ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED:
                if (symWhere == null)

            case ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL:
            case ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED:       // Check internal, then protected.

                if (symWhere == null)
                if (symWhere.SameAssemOrFriend(symCheck))
                if (symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL)

            // Should always have atsCheck for private and protected access check.
            // We currently don't need it since access doesn't respect instantiation.
            // We just use symWhere.parent.AsAggregateSymbol() instead.
            AggregateSymbol aggCheck = symCheck.parent.AsAggregateSymbol();

            // Find the inner-most enclosing AggregateSymbol.
            AggregateSymbol aggWhere = null;

            for (Symbol symT = symWhere; symT != null; symT = symT.parent)
                if (symT.IsAggregateSymbol())
                    aggWhere = symT.AsAggregateSymbol();
                if (symT.IsAggregateDeclaration())
                    aggWhere = symT.AsAggregateDeclaration().Agg();

            if (aggWhere == null)

            // First check for private access.
            for (AggregateSymbol agg = aggWhere; agg != null; agg = agg.GetOuterAgg())
                if (agg == aggCheck)

            if (symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE)

            // Handle the protected case - which is the only real complicated one.
            Debug.Assert(symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED || symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED);

            // Check if symCheck is in aggWhere or a base of aggWhere,
            // or in an outer agg of aggWhere or a base of an outer agg of aggWhere.

            AggregateType atsThru = null;

            if (typeThru != null && !symCheck.isStatic)
                atsThru = SymbolLoader.GetAggTypeSym(typeThru);

            // Look for aggCheck among the base classes of aggWhere and outer aggs.
            bool found = false;

            for (AggregateSymbol agg = aggWhere; agg != null; agg = agg.GetOuterAgg())
                Debug.Assert(agg != aggCheck); // We checked for this above.

                // Look for aggCheck among the base classes of agg.
                if (agg.FindBaseAgg(aggCheck))
                    found = true;
                    // aggCheck is a base class of agg. Check atsThru.
                    // For non-static protected access to be legal, atsThru must be an instantiation of
                    // agg or a CType derived from an instantiation of agg. In this case
                    // all that matters is that agg is in the base AggregateSymbol chain of atsThru. The
                    // actual AGGTYPESYMs involved don't matter.
                    if (atsThru == null || atsThru.getAggregate().FindBaseAgg(agg))

            // the CType in whice the method is being called has no relationship with the
            // CType on which the method is defined surely this is NOACCESS and not NOACCESSTHRU
            if (found == false)

Esempio n. 14

        private bool ExactConstructedInference(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is a constructed CType C<V1...Vk> and U is a constructed
            // SPEC:   CType C<U1...Uk> then an exact inference 
            // SPEC:   is made from each Ui to the corresponding Vi.

            if (!pSource.IsAggregateType() || !pDest.IsAggregateType())
                return false;
            AggregateType pConstructedSource = pSource.AsAggregateType();
            AggregateType pConstructedDest = pDest.AsAggregateType();
            if (pConstructedSource.GetOwningAggregate() != pConstructedDest.GetOwningAggregate())
                return false;
            ExactTypeArgumentInference(pConstructedSource, pConstructedDest);
            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        *   Determine whether there is an explicit or implicit reference conversion (or identity conversion)
        *   from typeSrc to typeDst. This is when:
        *  13.2.3 Explicit reference conversions
        *  The explicit reference conversions are:
        *   From object to any reference-type.
        *   From any class-type S to any class-type T, provided S is a base class of T.
        *   From any class-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not sealed and provided S does not implement T.
        *   From any interface-type S to any class-type T, provided T is not sealed or provided T implements S.
        *   From any interface-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not derived from T.
        *   From an array-type S with an element type SE to an array-type T with an element type TE, provided all of the following are true:
        *   o   S and T differ only in element type. (In other words, S and T have the same number of dimensions.)
        *   o   An explicit reference conversion exists from SE to TE.
        *   From System.Array and the interfaces it implements, to any array-type.
        *   From System.Delegate and the interfaces it implements, to any delegate-type.
        *   From a one-dimensional array-type S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces, provided there is an explicit reference conversion from S to T.
        *   From a generic delegate type S to generic delegate type  T, provided all of the follow are true:
        *   o Both types are constructed generic types of the same generic delegate type, D<X1,... Xk>.That is,
        *     S is D<S1,... Sk> and T is D<T1,... Tk>.
        *   o S is not compatible with or identical to T.
        *   o If type parameter Xi is declared to be invariant then Si must be identical to Ti.
        *   o If type parameter Xi is declared to be covariant ("out") then Si must be convertible
        *     to Ti via an identify conversion,  implicit reference conversion, or explicit reference conversion.
        *   o If type parameter Xi is declared to be contravariant ("in") then either Si must be identical to Ti,
        *      or Si and Ti must both be reference types.
        *   From System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces to a one-dimensional array-type S[], provided there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> or System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>. This is precisely when either S and T are the same type or there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S to T.
        *  For a type-parameter T that is known to be a reference type (§25.7), the following explicit reference conversions exist:
        *   From the effective base class C of T to T and from any base class of C to T.
        *   From any interface-type to T.
        *   From T to any interface-type I provided there isn’t already an implicit reference conversion from T to I.
        *   From a type-parameter U to T provided that T depends on U (§25.7). [Note: Since T is known to be a reference type, within the scope of T, the run-time type of U will always be a reference type, even if U is not known to be a reference type at compile-time. end note]
        * Both src and dst are reference types and there is a builtin explicit conversion from
        *     src to dst.
        * Or src is a reference type and dst is a base type of src (in which case the conversion is
        *     implicit as well).
        * Or dst is a reference type and src is a base type of dst.
        *   The latter two cases can happen with type variables even though the other type variable is not
        *   a reference type.
        public static bool FExpRefConv(SymbolLoader loader, CType typeSrc, CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeDst != null);
            if (typeSrc.IsRefType() && typeDst.IsRefType())
                // is there an implicit reference conversion in either direction?
                // this handles the bulk of the cases ...
                if (loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeSrc, typeDst) ||
                    loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeDst, typeSrc))

                // For a type-parameter T that is known to be a reference type (§25.7), the following explicit reference conversions exist:
                // •    From any interface-type to T.
                // •    From T to any interface-type I provided there isn’t already an implicit reference conversion from T to I.
                if (typeSrc.isInterfaceType() && typeDst.IsTypeParameterType())
                if (typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType() && typeDst.isInterfaceType())

                // * From any class-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not sealed
                // * From any interface-type S to any class-type T, provided T is not sealed
                // * From any interface-type S to any interface-type T, provided S is not derived from T.
                if (typeSrc.IsAggregateType() && typeDst.IsAggregateType())
                    AggregateSymbol aggSrc  = typeSrc.AsAggregateType().getAggregate();
                    AggregateSymbol aggDest = typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate();

                    if ((aggSrc.IsClass() && !aggSrc.IsSealed() && aggDest.IsInterface()) ||
                        (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsClass() && !aggDest.IsSealed()) ||
                        (aggSrc.IsInterface() && aggDest.IsInterface()))

                // *    From an array-type S with an element type SE to an array-type T with an element type TE, provided all of the following are true:
                //     o    S and T differ only in element type. (In other words, S and T have the same number of dimensions.)
                //     o    An explicit reference conversion exists from SE to TE.
                if (typeSrc.IsArrayType() && typeDst.IsArrayType())
                    return(typeSrc.AsArrayType().rank == typeDst.AsArrayType().rank&& FExpRefConv(loader, typeSrc.AsArrayType().GetElementType(), typeDst.AsArrayType().GetElementType()));

                // *    From a one-dimensional array-type S[] to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>
                //      and their base interfaces, provided there is an explicit reference conversion from S to T.
                if (typeSrc.IsArrayType())
                    if (typeSrc.AsArrayType().rank != 1 ||
                        !typeDst.isInterfaceType() || typeDst.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll().Size != 1)

                    AggregateSymbol aggIList         = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_ILIST);
                    AggregateSymbol aggIReadOnlyList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_IREADONLYLIST);

                    if ((aggIList == null ||
                         !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIList, typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate())) &&
                        (aggIReadOnlyList == null ||
                         !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIReadOnlyList, typeDst.AsAggregateType().getAggregate())))

                    return(FExpRefConv(loader, typeSrc.AsArrayType().GetElementType(), typeDst.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll().Item(0)));

                if (typeDst.IsArrayType() && typeSrc.IsAggregateType())
                    // * From System.Array and the interfaces it implements, to any array-type.
                    if (loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(loader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY), typeSrc))

                    // *    From System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T> and their base interfaces to a
                    //      one-dimensional array-type S[], provided there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S[] to
                    //      System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> or System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>. This is precisely when either S and T
                    //      are the same type or there is an implicit or explicit reference conversion from S to T.
                    ArrayType     arrayDest  = typeDst.AsArrayType();
                    AggregateType aggtypeSrc = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                    if (arrayDest.rank != 1 || !typeSrc.isInterfaceType() ||
                        aggtypeSrc.GetTypeArgsAll().Size != 1)

                    AggregateSymbol aggIList         = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_ILIST);
                    AggregateSymbol aggIReadOnlyList = loader.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_G_IREADONLYLIST);

                    if ((aggIList == null ||
                         !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIList, aggtypeSrc.getAggregate())) &&
                        (aggIReadOnlyList == null ||
                         !loader.IsBaseAggregate(aggIReadOnlyList, aggtypeSrc.getAggregate())))

                    CType typeArr = arrayDest.GetElementType();
                    CType typeLst = aggtypeSrc.GetTypeArgsAll().Item(0);

                    return(typeArr == typeLst || FExpRefConv(loader, typeArr, typeLst));
                if (HasGenericDelegateExplicitReferenceConversion(loader, typeSrc, typeDst))
            else if (typeSrc.IsRefType())
                // conversion of T . U, where T : class, U
                // .. these constraints implies where U : class
                return(loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeSrc, typeDst));
            else if (typeDst.IsRefType())
                // conversion of T . U, where U : class, T
                // .. these constraints implies where T : class
                return(loader.HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(typeDst, typeSrc));
Esempio n. 16
        // For a base call we need to remap from the virtual to the specific override 
        // to invoke.  This is also used to map a virtual on pObject (like ToString) to 
        // the specific override when the pObject is a simple type (int, bool, char, 
        // etc). In these cases it is safe to assume that any override won't later be 
        // removed.... We start searching from "typeObj" up the superclass hierarchy 
        // until we find a method with an exact signature match.

        public static void RemapToOverride(SymbolLoader symbolLoader, SymWithType pswt, CType typeObj)
            // For a property/indexer we remap the accessors, not the property/indexer.
            // Since every event has both accessors we remap the event instead of the accessors.
            Debug.Assert(pswt && (pswt.Sym.IsMethodSymbol() || pswt.Sym.IsEventSymbol() || pswt.Sym.IsMethodOrPropertySymbol()));
            Debug.Assert(typeObj != null);

            // Don't remap static or interface methods.
            if (typeObj.IsNullableType())
                typeObj = typeObj.AsNullableType().GetAts(symbolLoader.GetErrorContext());
                if (typeObj == null)
                    VSFAIL("Why did GetAts return null?");

            // Don't remap non-virtual members
            if (!typeObj.IsAggregateType() || typeObj.isInterfaceType() || !pswt.Sym.IsVirtual())

            symbmask_t mask = pswt.Sym.mask();

            AggregateType atsObj = typeObj.AsAggregateType();

            // Search for an override version of the method.
            while (atsObj != null && atsObj.getAggregate() != pswt.Sym.parent)
                for (Symbol symT = symbolLoader.LookupAggMember(, atsObj.getAggregate(), mask);
                     symT != null;
                     symT = symbolLoader.LookupNextSym(symT, atsObj.getAggregate(), mask))
                    if (symT.IsOverride() && (symT.SymBaseVirtual() == pswt.Sym || symT.SymBaseVirtual() == pswt.Sym.SymBaseVirtual()))
                        pswt.Set(symT, atsObj);
                atsObj = atsObj.GetBaseClass();
Esempio n. 17
        public bool HasBaseConversion(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            // By a "base conversion" we mean:
            // * an identity conversion
            // * an implicit reference conversion
            // * an implicit boxing conversion
            // * an implicit type parameter conversion
            // In other words, these are conversions that can be made to a base
            // class, base interface or co/contravariant type without any change in
            // representation other than boxing.  A conversion from, say, int to double, 
            // is NOT a "base conversion", because representation is changed.  A conversion
            // from, say, lambda to expression tree is not a "base conversion" because 
            // do not have a type.
            // The existence of a base conversion depends solely upon the source and
            // destination types, not the source expression.
            // This notion is not found in the spec but it is useful in the implementation.

            if (pSource.IsAggregateType() && pDest.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT))
                // If we are going from any aggregate type (class, struct, interface, enum or delegate)
                // to object, we immediately return true. This may seem like a mere optimization --
                // after all, if we have an aggregate then we have some kind of implicit conversion
                // to object.
                // However, it is not a mere optimization; this introduces a control flow change
                // in error reporting scenarios for unresolved type forwarders. If a type forwarder
                // cannot be resolved then the resulting type symbol will be an aggregate, but
                // we will not be able to classify it into class, struct, etc.
                // We know that we will have an error in this case; we do not wish to compound
                // that error by giving a spurious "you cannot convert this thing to object"
                // error, which, after all, will go away when the type forwarding problem is
                // fixed.
                return true;

            if (HasIdentityOrImplicitReferenceConversion(pSource, pDest))
                return true;
            if (HasImplicitBoxingConversion(pSource, pDest))
                return true;
            if (pSource.IsTypeParameterType() &&
                HasImplicitTypeParameterBaseConversion(pSource.AsTypeParameterType(), pDest))
                return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 18
 private bool HasAnyBaseInterfaceConversion(CType pDerived, CType pBase)
     if (!pBase.isInterfaceType())
         return false;
     if (!pDerived.IsAggregateType())
         return false;
     AggregateType atsDer = pDerived.AsAggregateType();
     while (atsDer != null)
         TypeArray ifacesAll = atsDer.GetIfacesAll();
         for (int i = 0; i < ifacesAll.size; i++)
             if (HasInterfaceConversion(ifacesAll.Item(i).AsAggregateType(), pBase.AsAggregateType()))
                 return true;
         atsDer = atsDer.GetBaseClass();
     return false;
Esempio n. 19
        public bool IsBaseClass(CType pDerived, CType pBase)
            Debug.Assert(pDerived != null);
            Debug.Assert(pBase != null);
            // A base class has got to be a class. The derived type might be a struct.

            if (!pBase.isClassType())
                return false;
            if (pDerived.IsNullableType())
                pDerived = pDerived.AsNullableType().GetAts(ErrorContext);
                if (pDerived == null)
                    return false;

            if (!pDerived.IsAggregateType())
                return false;

            AggregateType atsDer = pDerived.AsAggregateType();
            AggregateType atsBase = pBase.AsAggregateType();
            AggregateType atsCur = atsDer.GetBaseClass();
            while (atsCur != null)
                if (atsCur == atsBase)
                    return true;
                atsCur = atsCur.GetBaseClass();
            return false;
Esempio n. 20
 public bool SubstEqualTypes(CType typeDst, CType typeSrc, CType typeCls, TypeArray typeArgsMeth)
     return SubstEqualTypes(typeDst, typeSrc, typeCls.IsAggregateType() ? typeCls.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll() : null, typeArgsMeth, SubstTypeFlags.NormNone);
Esempio n. 21
        // Check the constraints of any type arguments in the given Type.
        public static bool CheckConstraints(CSemanticChecker checker, ErrorHandling errHandling, CType type, CheckConstraintsFlags flags)
            type = type.GetNakedType(false);

            if (type.IsNullableType())
                CType typeT = type.AsNullableType().GetAts(checker.GetErrorContext());
                if (typeT != null)
                    type = typeT;
                    type = type.GetNakedType(true);

            if (!type.IsAggregateType())

            AggregateType ats = type.AsAggregateType();

            if (ats.GetTypeArgsAll().Count == 0)
                // Common case: there are no type vars, so there are no constraints.
                ats.fConstraintsChecked = true;
                ats.fConstraintError    = false;

            if (ats.fConstraintsChecked)
                // Already checked.
                if (!ats.fConstraintError || (flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.NoDupErrors) != 0)
                    // No errors or no need to report errors again.

            TypeArray typeVars     = ats.getAggregate().GetTypeVars();
            TypeArray typeArgsThis = ats.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeArgsAll  = ats.GetTypeArgsAll();

            Debug.Assert(typeVars.Count == typeArgsThis.Count);

            if (!ats.fConstraintsChecked)
                ats.fConstraintsChecked = true;
                ats.fConstraintError    = false;

            // Check the outer type first. If CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer is not specified and the
            // outer type has already been checked then don't bother checking it.
            if (ats.outerType != null && ((flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer) != 0 || !ats.outerType.fConstraintsChecked))
                CheckConstraints(checker, errHandling, ats.outerType, flags);
                ats.fConstraintError |= ats.outerType.fConstraintError;

            if (typeVars.Count > 0)
                ats.fConstraintError |= !CheckConstraintsCore(checker, errHandling, ats.getAggregate(), typeVars, typeArgsThis, typeArgsAll, null, (flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors));

            // Now check type args themselves.
            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgsThis.Count; i++)
                CType arg = typeArgsThis[i].GetNakedType(true);
                if (arg.IsAggregateType() && !arg.AsAggregateType().fConstraintsChecked)
                    CheckConstraints(checker, errHandling, arg.AsAggregateType(), flags | CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer);
                    if (arg.AsAggregateType().fConstraintError)
                        ats.fConstraintError = true;
Esempio n. 22
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal bool GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, CType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it. This is the terminal point of the recursion.
                typeDst = typeSrc;
                return true;

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!typeSrc.IsVoidType() && !typeSrc.IsErrorType() && !typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType());

            if (typeSrc.IsParameterModifierType() || typeSrc.IsPointerType())
                // We cannot vary these.
                return false;

            CType intermediateType;
            if ((typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType()) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsAggregateType(), out intermediateType))
                // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType() && TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsArrayType(), out intermediateType))
                // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsNullableType())
                // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.
                typeDst = this.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType())
                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.
                typeDst = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;


            if (typeSrc.IsAggregateType())
                // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                AggregateType aggType = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                AggregateType baseType = aggType.GetBaseClass();

                if (baseType == null)
                    // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                    // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                    // and so we will use it.
                    baseType = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT).getThisType();

                return GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, baseType, out typeDst);

            return false;
Esempio n. 23
 protected void ErrAppendParentType(CType pType, SubstContext pctx)
     if (pType.IsErrorType())
         if (pType.AsErrorType().HasTypeParent())
             ErrAppendType(pType.AsErrorType().GetTypeParent(), null);
             ErrAppendParentCore(pType.AsErrorType().GetNSParent(), pctx);
     else if (pType.IsAggregateType())
         ErrAppendParentCore(pType.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate(), pctx);
     else if (pType.GetBaseOrParameterOrElementType() != null)
         ErrAppendType(pType.GetBaseOrParameterOrElementType(), null);
Esempio n. 24

        bool LowerBoundNullableInference(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            // SPEC ISSUE: As noted above, the spec does not clearly call out how
            // SPEC ISSUE: to do CType inference to a nullable target. I propose the
            // SPEC ISSUE: following:
            // SPEC ISSUE:
            // SPEC ISSUE:  Otherwise, if V is nullable CType V1? and U is a 
            // SPEC ISSUE:   non-nullable struct CType then an exact inference is made from U to V1.

            if (!pDest.IsNullableType() || !pSource.isStructType() || pSource.IsNullableType())
                return false;
            ExactInference(pSource, pDest.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType());
            return true;
         * */


        private bool LowerBoundConstructedInference(CType pSource, CType pDest)
            if (!pDest.IsAggregateType())
                return false;

            AggregateType pConstructedDest = pDest.AsAggregateType();
            TypeArray pDestArgs = pConstructedDest.GetTypeArgsAll();
            if (pDestArgs.size == 0)
                return false;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is a constructed class or struct CType C<V1...Vk> 
            // SPEC:   and U is C<U1...Uk> then an exact inference
            // SPEC:   is made from each Ui to the corresponding Vi.

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is a constructed interface or delegate CType C<V1...Vk> 
            // SPEC:   and U is C<U1...Uk> then an exact inference,
            // SPEC:   lower bound inference or upper bound inference
            // SPEC:   is made from each Ui to the corresponding Vi.

            if (pSource.IsAggregateType() &&
                pSource.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate() == pConstructedDest.GetOwningAggregate())
                if (pSource.isInterfaceType() || pSource.isDelegateType())
                    LowerBoundTypeArgumentInference(pSource.AsAggregateType(), pConstructedDest);
                    ExactTypeArgumentInference(pSource.AsAggregateType(), pConstructedDest);
                return true;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is a class CType C<V1...Vk> and U is a class CType which
            // SPEC:   inherits directly or indirectly from C<U1...Uk> then an exact ...
            // SPEC:  ... and U is a CType parameter with effective base class ...
            // SPEC:  ... and U is a CType parameter with an effective base class which inherits ...

            if (LowerBoundClassInference(pSource, pConstructedDest))
                return true;

            // SPEC:  Otherwise, if V is an interface CType C<V1...Vk> and U is a class CType
            // SPEC:   or struct CType and there is a unique set U1...Uk such that U directly 
            // SPEC:   or indirectly implements C<U1...Uk> then an exact ...
            // SPEC:  ... and U is an interface CType ...
            // SPEC:  ... and U is a CType parameter ...

            if (LowerBoundInterfaceInference(pSource, pConstructedDest))
                return true;

            return false;
Esempio n. 25
        // Determine whether the arg type satisfies the typeBnd constraint. Note that 
        // typeBnd could be just about any type (since we added naked type parameter
        // constraints).

        private static bool SatisfiesBound(CSemanticChecker checker, CType arg, CType typeBnd)
            if (typeBnd == arg)
                return true;

            switch (typeBnd.GetTypeKind())
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected type.");
                    return false;

                case TypeKind.TK_VoidType:
                case TypeKind.TK_PointerType:
                case TypeKind.TK_ErrorType:
                    return false;

                case TypeKind.TK_ArrayType:
                case TypeKind.TK_TypeParameterType:

                case TypeKind.TK_NullableType:
                    typeBnd = typeBnd.AsNullableType().GetAts(checker.GetErrorContext());
                    if (null == typeBnd)
                        return true;

                case TypeKind.TK_AggregateType:

            Debug.Assert(typeBnd.IsAggregateType() || typeBnd.IsTypeParameterType() || typeBnd.IsArrayType());

            switch (arg.GetTypeKind())
                    return false;
                case TypeKind.TK_ErrorType:
                case TypeKind.TK_PointerType:
                    return false;
                case TypeKind.TK_NullableType:
                    arg = arg.AsNullableType().GetAts(checker.GetErrorContext());
                    if (null == arg)
                        return true;
                    // Fall through.
                    goto case TypeKind.TK_TypeParameterType;
                case TypeKind.TK_TypeParameterType:
                case TypeKind.TK_ArrayType:
                case TypeKind.TK_AggregateType:
                    return checker.GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(arg, typeBnd);
Esempio n. 26
        // SymbolLoader forwarders (end)

        // Utility methods
        protected ACCESSERROR CheckAccessCore(Symbol symCheck, AggregateType atsCheck, Symbol symWhere, CType typeThru)
            Debug.Assert(symCheck != null);
            Debug.Assert(atsCheck == null || symCheck.parent == atsCheck.getAggregate());
            Debug.Assert(typeThru == null ||
                   typeThru.IsAggregateType() ||
                   typeThru.IsTypeParameterType() ||
                   typeThru.IsArrayType() ||
                   typeThru.IsNullableType() ||

            switch (symCheck.GetAccess())
                    throw Error.InternalCompilerError();

                case ACCESS.ACC_UNKNOWN:
                    return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESS;

                case ACCESS.ACC_PUBLIC:
                    return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR;

                case ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE:
                case ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED:
                    if (symWhere == null)
                        return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESS;

                case ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL:
                case ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED:   // Check internal, then protected.

                    if (symWhere == null)
                        return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESS;
                    if (symWhere.SameAssemOrFriend(symCheck))
                        return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR;
                    if (symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL)
                        return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESS;

            // Should always have atsCheck for private and protected access check.
            // We currently don't need it since access doesn't respect instantiation.
            // We just use symWhere.parent.AsAggregateSymbol() instead.
            AggregateSymbol aggCheck = symCheck.parent.AsAggregateSymbol();

            // Find the inner-most enclosing AggregateSymbol.
            AggregateSymbol aggWhere = null;

            for (Symbol symT = symWhere; symT != null; symT = symT.parent)
                if (symT.IsAggregateSymbol())
                    aggWhere = symT.AsAggregateSymbol();
                if (symT.IsAggregateDeclaration())
                    aggWhere = symT.AsAggregateDeclaration().Agg();

            if (aggWhere == null)

            // First check for private access.
            for (AggregateSymbol agg = aggWhere; agg != null; agg = agg.GetOuterAgg())
                if (agg == aggCheck)
                    return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR;

            if (symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE)

            // Handle the protected case - which is the only real complicated one.
            Debug.Assert(symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED || symCheck.GetAccess() == ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED);

            // Check if symCheck is in aggWhere or a base of aggWhere,
            // or in an outer agg of aggWhere or a base of an outer agg of aggWhere.

            AggregateType atsThru = null;

            if (typeThru != null && !symCheck.isStatic)
                atsThru = SymbolLoader.GetAggTypeSym(typeThru);

            // Look for aggCheck among the base classes of aggWhere and outer aggs.
            bool found = false;
            for (AggregateSymbol agg = aggWhere; agg != null; agg = agg.GetOuterAgg())
                Debug.Assert(agg != aggCheck); // We checked for this above.

                // Look for aggCheck among the base classes of agg.
                if (agg.FindBaseAgg(aggCheck))
                    found = true;
                    // aggCheck is a base class of agg. Check atsThru.
                    // For non-static protected access to be legal, atsThru must be an instantiation of
                    // agg or a CType derived from an instantiation of agg. In this case
                    // all that matters is that agg is in the base AggregateSymbol chain of atsThru. The
                    // actual AGGTYPESYMs involved don't matter.
                    if (atsThru == null || atsThru.getAggregate().FindBaseAgg(agg))
                        return ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR;

            // the CType in which the method is being called has no relationship with the 
            // CType on which the method is defined surely this is NOACCESS and not NOACCESSTHRU
            if (found == false)

Esempio n. 27
            private bool DoesTypeArgumentsContainErrorSym(CType var)
                if (!var.IsAggregateType())
                    return false;

                TypeArray typeVars = var.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll();
                for (int i = 0; i < typeVars.size; i++)
                    CType type = typeVars.Item(i);
                    if (type.IsErrorType())
                        return true;
                    else if (type.IsAggregateType())
                        // If we have an agg type sym, check if its type args have errors.
                        if (DoesTypeArgumentsContainErrorSym(type))
                            return true;
                return false;
Esempio n. 28
        public virtual bool CheckTypeAccess(CType type, Symbol symWhere)
            Debug.Assert(type != null);

            // Array, Ptr, Nub, etc don't matter.
            type = type.GetNakedType(true);

            if (!type.IsAggregateType())
                Debug.Assert(type.IsVoidType() || type.IsErrorType() || type.IsTypeParameterType());
                return true;

            for (AggregateType ats = type.AsAggregateType(); ats != null; ats = ats.outerType)
                if (ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR != CheckAccessCore(ats.GetOwningAggregate(), ats.outerType, symWhere, null))
                    return false;

            TypeArray typeArgs = type.AsAggregateType().GetTypeArgsAll();
            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.size; i++)
                if (!CheckTypeAccess(typeArgs.Item(i), symWhere))
                    return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 29
        // It would be nice to make this a virtual method on typeSym.
        public AggregateType GetAggTypeSym(CType typeSym)
            Debug.Assert(typeSym != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSym.IsAggregateType() ||
                   typeSym.IsTypeParameterType() ||
                   typeSym.IsArrayType() ||

            switch (typeSym.GetTypeKind())
                case TypeKind.TK_AggregateType:
                    return typeSym.AsAggregateType();
                case TypeKind.TK_ArrayType:
                    return GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY);
                case TypeKind.TK_TypeParameterType:
                    return typeSym.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass();
                case TypeKind.TK_NullableType:
                    return typeSym.AsNullableType().GetAts(ErrorContext);
            Debug.Assert(false, "Bad typeSym!");
            return null;
Esempio n. 30
        *   Lookup must be called before anything else can be called.
        *   typeSrc - Must be an AggregateType or TypeParameterType.
        *   obj - the expression through which the member is being accessed. This is used for accessibility
        *       of protected members and for constructing a MEMGRP from the results of the lookup.
        *       It is legal for obj to be an EK_CLASS, in which case it may be used for accessibility, but
        *       will not be used for MEMGRP construction.
        *   symWhere - the symbol from with the name is being accessed (for checking accessibility).
        *   name - the name to look for.
        *   arity - the number of type args specified. Only members that support this arity are found.
        *       Note that when arity is zero, all methods are considered since we do type argument
        *       inferencing.
        *   flags - See MemLookFlags.
        *       TypeVarsAllowed only applies to the most derived type (not base types).
        public bool Lookup(CSemanticChecker checker, CType typeSrc, EXPR obj, ParentSymbol symWhere, Name name, int arity, MemLookFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert((flags & ~MemLookFlags.All) == 0);
            Debug.Assert(obj == null || obj.type != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.IsAggregateType() || typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType());
            Debug.Assert(checker != null);

            _prgtype = _rgtypeStart;

            // Save the inputs for error handling, etc.
            _pSemanticChecker = checker;
            _pSymbolLoader    = checker.GetSymbolLoader();
            _typeSrc          = typeSrc;
            _obj      = (obj != null && !obj.isCLASS()) ? obj : null;
            _symWhere = symWhere;
            _name     = name;
            _arity    = arity;
            _flags    = flags;

            if ((_flags & MemLookFlags.BaseCall) != 0)
                _typeQual = null;
            else if ((_flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) != 0)
                _typeQual = _typeSrc;
            else if (obj != null)
                _typeQual = (CType)obj.type;
                _typeQual = null;

            // Determine what to search.
            AggregateType typeCls1  = null;
            AggregateType typeIface = null;
            TypeArray     ifaces    = BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray();
            AggregateType typeCls2  = null;

            if (typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType())
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall | MemLookFlags.TypeVarsAllowed)) == 0);
                _flags  &= ~MemLookFlags.TypeVarsAllowed;
                ifaces   = typeSrc.AsTypeParameterType().GetInterfaceBounds();
                typeCls1 = typeSrc.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass();
                if (ifaces.size > 0 && typeCls1.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT))
                    typeCls1 = null;
            else if (!typeSrc.isInterfaceType())
                typeCls1 = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();

                if (typeCls1.IsWindowsRuntimeType())
                    ifaces = typeCls1.GetWinRTCollectionIfacesAll(GetSymbolLoader());
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall)) == 0);
                typeIface = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                ifaces    = typeIface.GetIfacesAll();

            if (typeIface != null || ifaces.size > 0)
                typeCls2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT);

            // Search the class first (except possibly object).
            if (typeCls1 == null || LookupInClass(typeCls1, ref typeCls2))
                // Search the interfaces.
                if ((typeIface != null || ifaces.size > 0) && LookupInInterfaces(typeIface, ifaces) && typeCls2 != null)
                    // Search object last.
                    Debug.Assert(typeCls2 != null && typeCls2.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT));

                    AggregateType result = null;
                    LookupInClass(typeCls2, ref result);

            // if we are requested with extension methods
            _results = new CMemberLookupResults(GetAllTypes(), _name);

Esempio n. 31
        // Check the constraints of any type arguments in the given Type.
        public static bool CheckConstraints(CSemanticChecker checker, ErrorHandling errHandling, CType type, CheckConstraintsFlags flags)
            type = type.GetNakedType(false);

            if (type.IsNullableType())
                CType typeT = type.AsNullableType().GetAts(checker.GetErrorContext());
                if (typeT != null)
                    type = typeT;
                    type = type.GetNakedType(true);

            if (!type.IsAggregateType())
                return true;

            AggregateType ats = type.AsAggregateType();

            if (ats.GetTypeArgsAll().size == 0)
                // Common case: there are no type vars, so there are no constraints.
                ats.fConstraintsChecked = true;
                ats.fConstraintError = false;
                return true;

            if (ats.fConstraintsChecked)
                // Already checked.
                if (!ats.fConstraintError || (flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.NoDupErrors) != 0)
                    // No errors or no need to report errors again.
                    return !ats.fConstraintError;

            TypeArray typeVars = ats.getAggregate().GetTypeVars();
            TypeArray typeArgsThis = ats.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeArgsAll = ats.GetTypeArgsAll();

            Debug.Assert(typeVars.size == typeArgsThis.size);

            if (!ats.fConstraintsChecked)
                ats.fConstraintsChecked = true;
                ats.fConstraintError = false;

            // Check the outer type first. If CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer is not specified and the
            // outer type has already been checked then don't bother checking it.
            if (ats.outerType != null && ((flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer) != 0 || !ats.outerType.fConstraintsChecked))
                CheckConstraints(checker, errHandling, ats.outerType, flags);
                ats.fConstraintError |= ats.outerType.fConstraintError;

            if (typeVars.size > 0)
                ats.fConstraintError |= !CheckConstraintsCore(checker, errHandling, ats.getAggregate(), typeVars, typeArgsThis, typeArgsAll, null, (flags & CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors));

            // Now check type args themselves.
            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgsThis.size; i++)
                CType arg = typeArgsThis.Item(i).GetNakedType(true);
                if (arg.IsAggregateType() && !arg.AsAggregateType().fConstraintsChecked)
                    CheckConstraints(checker, errHandling, arg.AsAggregateType(), flags | CheckConstraintsFlags.Outer);
                    if (arg.AsAggregateType().fConstraintError)
                        ats.fConstraintError = true;
            return !ats.fConstraintError;