Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is called by the node loggers to forward the events to cenral logger
 /// </summary>
 void IEventRedirector.ForwardEvent(BuildEventArgs buildEvent)
     // Don't allow forwarding loggers to forward build started
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(!(buildEvent is BuildStartedEventArgs), "DontForwardBuildStarted");
     // Don't allow forwarding loggers to forward build finished
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(!(buildEvent is BuildFinishedEventArgs), "DontForwardBuildFinished");
     // Mark the event with the logger id metadata and post it to the queue
     NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId loggingEvent = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(buildEvent, loggerId);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by the node loggers to forward the events to cenral logger
        /// </summary>
        void IEventRedirector.ForwardEvent(BuildEventArgs buildEvent)
            // Don't allow forwarding loggers to forward build started
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(!(buildEvent is BuildStartedEventArgs), "DontForwardBuildStarted");
            // Don't allow forwarding loggers to forward build finished
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(!(buildEvent is BuildFinishedEventArgs), "DontForwardBuildFinished");
            // Mark the event with the logger id metadata and post it to the queue
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId loggingEvent = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(buildEvent, loggerId);

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs that the build has finished to a particular logger Id
        /// </summary>
        virtual internal void LogBuildFinished(bool success, int loggerId)
            // If we're only logging critical events, don't risk causing all the resources to load by formatting
            // a string that won't get emitted anyway.
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (!OnlyLogCriticalEvents)
                message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(success ? "BuildFinishedSuccess" : "BuildFinishedFailure");

            BuildFinishedEventArgs e = new BuildFinishedEventArgs(message, null /* no help keyword */, success);

            // Wrap the BuildFinished event so it is only sent to the loggers to
            // the specified logger id
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEvent =
                new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(e, loggerId);

         * WARNING: Do not add overloads that allow raising events without specifying a file. In general ALL events should have a
         * file associated with them. We've received a LOT of feedback from dogfooders about the lack of information in our
         * events. If an event TRULY does not have an associated file, then String.Empty can be passed in for the file. However,
         * that burden should lie on the caller -- these wrapper methods should NOT make it easy to skip the filename.

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs that the build has started with all loggers (only called on the main node)
        /// </summary>
        virtual internal void LogBuildStarted()
            // If we're only logging critical events, don't risk causing all the resources to load by formatting
            // a string that won't get emitted anyway.
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (!OnlyLogCriticalEvents)
                message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("BuildStarted");

            BuildStartedEventArgs e = new BuildStartedEventArgs(message, null /* no help keyword */);


            // Wrap the event to be sent to central loggers
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEventToCentralLoggers =
                new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(e, EngineLoggingServicesInProc.ALL_PRIVATE_EVENTSOURCES);

Esempio n. 5
        internal void CreateFromStream(BinaryReader reader, Hashtable loggingTypeCache)

            int numberOfNodeEvents = reader.ReadInt32();

            buildEvents = new NodeLoggingEvent[numberOfNodeEvents];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodeEvents; i++)
                NodeLoggingEvent e;
                if (reader.ReadByte() == 0)
                    e = new NodeLoggingEvent();
                    e = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId();
                e.CreateFromStream(reader, loggingTypeCache);
                buildEvents[i] = e;
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestLoggingEventWithIdCustomerSerialization()
            Hashtable loggingTypeCacheWrites = new Hashtable();
            GenericCustomBuildEventArg genericEvent = new GenericCustomBuildEventArg("FooFighter");
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEvent = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(genericEvent, 4);
            stream.Position = 0;
            nodeEvent.WriteToStream(writer, loggingTypeCacheWrites);
            long streamWriteEndPosition = stream.Position;

            stream.Position = 0;
            Hashtable loggingTypeCacheReads = new Hashtable();

            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEvent2 = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(null,-1);
            nodeEvent2.CreateFromStream(reader, loggingTypeCacheReads);
            long streamReadEndPosition = stream.Position;
            Assert.IsTrue(streamWriteEndPosition == streamReadEndPosition, "Stream end positions should be equal");

            // Only checking loggingId because the serialization of the events are checked in the above test
            Assert.AreEqual(nodeEvent.LoggerId, nodeEvent2.LoggerId, "Expected LoggerId to match");
            Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(((GenericCustomBuildEventArg)nodeEvent.BuildEvent).customField, ((GenericCustomBuildEventArg)nodeEvent2.BuildEvent).customField, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
Esempio n. 7
        internal void CreateFromStream(BinaryReader reader, Hashtable loggingTypeCache)

            int numberOfNodeEvents = reader.ReadInt32();
            buildEvents = new NodeLoggingEvent[numberOfNodeEvents];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodeEvents; i++)
                NodeLoggingEvent e = null;
                if (reader.ReadByte() == 0)
                    e = new NodeLoggingEvent();
                    e = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId();
                e.CreateFromStream(reader, loggingTypeCache);
                buildEvents[i] = e;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs that the build has finished to a particular logger Id
        /// </summary>
        virtual internal void LogBuildFinished(bool success, int loggerId)
            // If we're only logging critical events, don't risk causing all the resources to load by formatting
            // a string that won't get emitted anyway.
            string message = String.Empty;
            if (!OnlyLogCriticalEvents)
                message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(success ? "BuildFinishedSuccess" : "BuildFinishedFailure");

            BuildFinishedEventArgs e = new BuildFinishedEventArgs(message, null /* no help keyword */, success);

            // Wrap the BuildFinished event so it is only sent to the loggers to
            // the specified logger id
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEvent =
                new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(e, loggerId);
Esempio n. 9
         * WARNING: Do not add overloads that allow raising events without specifying a file. In general ALL events should have a
         * file associated with them. We've received a LOT of feedback from dogfooders about the lack of information in our
         * events. If an event TRULY does not have an associated file, then String.Empty can be passed in for the file. However,
         * that burden should lie on the caller -- these wrapper methods should NOT make it easy to skip the filename.

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs that the build has started with all loggers (only called on the main node)
        /// </summary>
        virtual internal void LogBuildStarted()
            // If we're only logging critical events, don't risk causing all the resources to load by formatting
            // a string that won't get emitted anyway.
            string message = String.Empty;
            if (!OnlyLogCriticalEvents)
                message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("BuildStarted");

            BuildStartedEventArgs e = new BuildStartedEventArgs(message, null /* no help keyword */);

            // Wrap the event to be sent to central loggers
            NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId nodeEventToCentralLoggers =
                new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId(e, EngineLoggingServicesInProc.ALL_PRIVATE_EVENTSOURCES);