public String GetJSONData(String Intent, List<Entity> Entities) { String Results = null; try { // To determine what kind of search we need to do, look at the Intent String ISBNUriStr = string.Empty; TextInfo Info = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; if (Intent == LUISConstants.SearchByAuthorForBooks) { foreach (var Item in Entities) { if (Item.type == LUISConstants.Author) { ISBNUriStr = String.Format("{0}", Info.ToTitleCase(Item.entity)); break; } } } else if (Intent == LUISConstants.SearchByBookForAuthor || Intent == LUISConstants.SearchByBookForSynopsis) { foreach (var Item in Entities) { if (Item.type == LUISConstants.Book) { ISBNUriStr = String.Format("{0}", Info.ToTitleCase(Item.entity)); break; } } } // Format the webrequest for the ISBN database. Uri Uri = new Uri(ISBNUriStr); WebRequest Http = WebRequest.Create(Uri); Http.Method = "GET"; Http.ContentType = "application/json"; Http.Headers["X-API-KEY"] = Keys.ISBNdBAccessKey; WebResponse Response = Http.GetResponse(); Stream Stream = Response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Stream); Results = Reader.ReadToEnd(); // For some unknown reason, when searching for books written by an author, some of the books will have synopsis or overview // details available, but when a book is searched these details are always absent. So if the intent is SearchByBookForSynopsis // there must be another database search. // This seems to be an issue with the database itself, and the way it chooses to return data. if (Intent == LUISConstants.SearchByBookForSynopsis) { // Grab the author of the book. DataParser Data = new DataParser(Results); Data.DBParse(Intent); // Have to do this because the author data can be incomplete on some books. foreach (var Book in Data.BooksReturned.books) { if (Book.authors.Count != 0) { ISBNUriStr = String.Format("{0}", Book.authors[0]); break; } } // Now do the search for the author. Uri = new Uri(ISBNUriStr); Http = WebRequest.Create(Uri); Http.Method = "GET"; Http.ContentType = "application/json"; Http.Headers["X-API-KEY"] = Keys.ISBNdBAccessKey; Response = Http.GetResponse(); Stream = Response.GetResponseStream(); Reader = new StreamReader(Stream); Results = Reader.ReadToEnd(); } return Results; } catch (Exception e) { string exception = e.Message; return exception; } }
public async Task PostBookCard(IDialogContext Context, List <Entity> Entities, DataParser ISBNData, TextInfo Info) { // First get the book name. string BookName = GrabEntity(Entities, LUISConstants.Book, Info); // Now look through the returned books for the searched book. if (ISBNData.BooksReturned != null) { Book FoundBook = new Book(); foreach (var Book in ISBNData.BooksReturned.books) { // Must make the cases identical to ensure accurate comparison if (Info.ToTitleCase(Book.title_long).Contains(BookName)) { // Here we found the book, so lets grab the necessary info. FoundBook = Book; break; } } // Make sure we found the book. Don't have to clean the title here. if (FoundBook.title_long != null) { // Now that we have the info, lets make a card to post. var Hero = new HeroCard { Title = FoundBook.title_long, Subtitle = String.Format("Written by {0}", FoundBook.authors[0]), Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(FoundBook.image) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "Book details.", null, String.Format("Details of {0}", FoundBook.title_long), null, null), new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "More books by this author.", null, String.Format("Books by {0}", FoundBook.authors[0]), null, null) } }; // Now we post the card. await PostCard(Context, Hero); } else { await Context.PostAsync("Sorry I could not find that book in my database."); } } else { await Context.PostAsync("Sorry that book does not exist in my database."); } }
public async Task PostSynopsisCard(IDialogContext Context, List <Entity> Entities, DataParser ISBNData, TextInfo Info) { // First get the book name. string BookSearch = GrabEntity(Entities, LUISConstants.Book, Info); // Search for the book in the Author data. string BookName = string.Empty; if (ISBNData.BooksReturned != null) { foreach (var Book in ISBNData.BooksReturned.books) { // Clean up the title first since they always have '-' and '_' in them. BookName = Book.CleanTitle(Info); // Try to get the synopsis, but it isn't always available. // Otherwise grab the overview. if (BookName.Contains(BookSearch)) { string PlotText = string.Empty; if (Book.synopsys != null) { PlotText = ISBNData.StripHTML(Book.synopsys); } else if (Book.overview != null) { PlotText = ISBNData.StripHTML(Book.overview); } else { await Context.PostAsync("Sorry the database does not have info for that book."); break; } // Now lets make a card to return the info. var Hero = new HeroCard { Title = BookName, Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(Book.image) }, Text = PlotText }; // Post the card. await PostCard(Context, Hero); break; } } } }
public async Task PostAuthorCard(IDialogContext Context, List <Entity> Entities, DataParser ISBNData, TextInfo Info) { // Grab the Author name. string Author = GrabEntity(Entities, LUISConstants.Author, Info); string CardTitle = String.Format("Books by {0}", Author); // Grab all the titles the author has written List <CardAction> CardActions = new List <CardAction>(); List <string> BookCheck = new List <string>(); if (ISBNData.AuthorsReturned[0].books.Count > 0) { foreach (var Book in ISBNData.AuthorsReturned[0].books) { // Have to clean up the title since all books in the database have '-' and '_' in them. string Title = Book.CleanTitle(Info); // Check to make sure its not a repeat. if (!BookCheck.Contains(Title)) { // Add the book title to a list. BookCheck.Add(Title); // Now lets make a card action. if (Book.image != null) { var Action = new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, Title, Book.image, "details of " + Title, null, null); CardActions.Add(Action); } } } // Now that we have the list of books by the author, lets make the response card. var Hero = new HeroCard { Title = CardTitle, Text = "Click on a button for more information.", Buttons = CardActions }; // Now we post the card. await PostCard(Context, Hero); } else { await Context.PostAsync("Sorry that author does not exist in my database."); } }