/// <summary>
        /// Substitute the numeric numbers in translated message with their orignal format in source message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="translatedDocument">Translated document.</param>
        private void SubstituteNumericPattern(TranslatedDocument translatedDocument)
            var numericMatches = Regex.Matches(translatedDocument.SourceMessage, @"\d+", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            foreach (Match numericMatch in numericMatches)
                var srcIndex = Array.FindIndex(translatedDocument.SourceTokens, row => row == numericMatch.Groups[0].Value);
                translatedDocument.TranslatedTokens = PostProcessingUtilities.KeepSourceWordInTranslation(translatedDocument.IndexedAlignment, translatedDocument.SourceTokens, translatedDocument.TranslatedTokens, srcIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Substitutes matched no translate pattern with the original token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="translatedDocument">Translated document.</param>
        /// <param name="pattern">The no translate pattern.</param>
        private void SubstituteNoTranslatePattern(TranslatedDocument translatedDocument, string pattern)
            // get the matched no translate pattern
            var matchNoTranslate = Regex.Match(translatedDocument.SourceMessage, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // calculate the boundaries of the pattern match
            // ex : "mon nom est l'etat
            // start index = 12
            // length = 6
            var noTranslateStartChrIndex = matchNoTranslate.Groups[1].Index;

            // the length of the matched pattern without spaces , which will be used in determining the translated tokens that will be replaced by their original values
            var noTranslateMatchLength = matchNoTranslate.Groups[1].Value.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Length;
            var wrdIndx = 0;
            var chrIndx = 0;
            var newChrLengthFromMatch = 0;
            var srcIndex = -1;
            var newNoTranslateArrayLength = 1;
            var sourceMessageCharacters   = translatedDocument.SourceMessage.ToCharArray();

            foreach (var wrd in translatedDocument.SourceTokens)
                // if the beginning of the current word equals the beginning of the matched no trasnalate word, then assign the current word index to srcIndex
                if (chrIndx == noTranslateStartChrIndex)
                    srcIndex = wrdIndx;

                // the following code block does the folowing :
                // - checks if a match wsa found
                // - checks if this match length equals the starting matching token length, if yes then this is the only token to process,
                // otherwise continue the loop and add the next token to the list of tokens to be processed
                // ex : "mon nom est l'etat"
                // tokens = {"mon", "nom", "est", "l'", "etat"}
                // when the loop reaches the token "l'" then srcIndex will = 3, but we don't want to consider only the token "l'" as the no translate token,
                // instead we want to match the whole "l'etat" string regardless how many tokens it contains ie regardless that "l'etat" is actually composed of 2 tokens "l'" and "etat"
                // so what these condition is trying to do is make the necessary checks that we got all the matched pattern not just a part of it's tokens!

                // checks if match was found or not, because srcIndex value changes only in case a match was found !
                if (srcIndex != -1)
                    // checks if we found all the tokens that matches the pattern
                    if (newChrLengthFromMatch + translatedDocument.SourceTokens[wrdIndx].Length >= noTranslateMatchLength)

                    // if the previous condition fails it means that the next token is also matched in the pattern, so we increase the size of the no translate words array by 1
                    newNoTranslateArrayLength += 1;

                    // increment newChrLengthFromMatch with the found word size
                    newChrLengthFromMatch += translatedDocument.SourceTokens[wrdIndx].Length;

                // the following block of code is used to calculate the next token starting index which could have two cases
                // the first case is that the current token is followed by a space in this case we increment the next chrIndx by 1 to get the next character after the space
                // the second case is that the token is followed by the next token without spaces , in this case we calculate chrIndx as chrIndx += wrd.Length without incrementing
                // assumption : The provided sourceMessage and sourceMessageCharacters doesn't contain any consecutive white spaces,
                // in our use case this handling is done using the translator output itself using the following line of code in PreprocessMessage function:
                // textToTranslate = Regex.Replace(textToTranslate, @"\s+", " ");//used to remove multiple spaces in input user message
                if (chrIndx + wrd.Length < sourceMessageCharacters.Length && sourceMessageCharacters[chrIndx + wrd.Length] == ' ')
                    chrIndx += wrd.Length + 1;
                    chrIndx += wrd.Length;


            // if the loop ends and srcIndex then no match was found
            if (srcIndex == -1)

            // add the no translate words to a new array
            var wrdNoTranslate = new string[newNoTranslateArrayLength];

            Array.Copy(translatedDocument.SourceTokens, srcIndex, wrdNoTranslate, 0, newNoTranslateArrayLength);

            // loop for each of the no translate words and replace it's translation with it's origin
            foreach (var srcWrd in wrdNoTranslate)
                translatedDocument.TranslatedTokens = PostProcessingUtilities.KeepSourceWordInTranslation(translatedDocument.IndexedAlignment, translatedDocument.SourceTokens, translatedDocument.TranslatedTokens, srcIndex);