Esempio n. 1
         * PerformYieldTypeChecking :
         * 3.1 Input parameters :
         * 3.1.1 MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker :
         * 3.2 Action : This function is called in TypeCheck.cs. This is the only function that is externalized. This function traverses the program declarations and performs
        public static void PerformYieldTypeChecking(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
            Program          yieldTypeCheckedProgram = moverTypeChecker.program;
            YieldTypeChecker regExprToAuto           = new YieldTypeChecker();

            foreach (var decl in yieldTypeCheckedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations)
                Implementation impl = decl as Implementation;
                if (impl == null)
                int phaseNumSpecImpl = moverTypeChecker.FindPhaseNumber(impl.Proc);

                YieldTypeCheckerCore     yieldTypeCheckerPerImpl = new YieldTypeCheckerCore(moverTypeChecker);
                List <Tuple <int, int> > phaseIntervals          = ComputePhaseIntervals(impl, phaseNumSpecImpl, moverTypeChecker); // Compute intervals

                for (int i = 0; i < phaseIntervals.Count; i++)                                                                      // take current phase check num from each interval
                    int yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum = phaseIntervals[i].Item1;
                    Automaton <BvSet> yieldTypeCheckAutoPerPhase = yieldTypeCheckerPerImpl.YieldTypeCheckAutomaton(impl, phaseNumSpecImpl, yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum);
                    if (!IsYieldTypeSafe(yieldTypeCheckAutoPerPhase, impl, moverTypeChecker, i))
                        moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, "\n Body of " + impl.Proc.Name + " is not yield type safe " + "\n");
Esempio n. 2
         * ComputePhaseIntervals :
         * 1.1 Input parameters :
         * 1.1.1 Implementation impl : Implementation whose body is being YTS checked.
         * 1.1.2 int specPhaseNumImpl : Phase number in which procedure of implementation, impl, reaches its specification,{A,R,L,B}
         * 1.1.3 MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker : moverTypeChecker is the integration point of YieldTypeChecker to OG class. moverTypeChecker has functions enables YieldTypeChecker to find phaseNum and spec of procedures.
         * 1.2 Return value : is a list of tuples(phase interval start,phase interval end). Every tuple in this list is representing an interval formed by callCmds' phase numbers inside impl.
         * 1.3 Action : This function first traverses the blocks inside impl, collects all CallCmds inside it into a HashSet ,callCmdsInImpl.
         *      Then it puts all these callCmds' phase numbers into a HashSet,callCmdPhaseNumSet.
         *     After adding all callCmds' phase numbers' it adds phase number of procedure of impl into the set.
         *     It sorts all numbers in this set and creates [-inf...n-1] [n...k-1] [k  PhaseNumProcOfImpl] disjoint intervals.
        private static List <Tuple <int, int> > ComputePhaseIntervals(Implementation impl, int specPhaseNumImpl, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
            HashSet <CallCmd>        callCmdsInImpl = new HashSet <CallCmd>();        //  callCmdsInImpl[Implementation] ==> Set = { call1, call2, call3 ... }
            List <Tuple <int, int> > phaseIntervals = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); // [MinValue ph0 ] [ph0 ph1] [ph1 ph2] ..... [phk phk+1] intervals

            // Compute CallCmds inside impl
            foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Cmds.Count; i++)
                    CallCmd callCmd = b.Cmds[i] as CallCmd;
                    if (callCmd == null)

            //Collect phase numbers of CallCmds inside impl
            HashSet <int> callCmdPhaseNumSet = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (CallCmd callCmd in callCmdsInImpl)
                int tmpPhaseNum = moverTypeChecker.FindPhaseNumber(callCmd.Proc);

            List <int> callCmdPhaseNumList = callCmdPhaseNumSet.ToList();


            //Create Phase Intervals
            for (int i = 0; i < callCmdPhaseNumList.Count; i++)
                //create the initial phase (-inf leastPhaseNum]
                if (i == 0)
                    Tuple <int, int> initTuple = new Tuple <int, int>(int.MinValue, callCmdPhaseNumList[i]);
                else // create other phase intervals
                    Tuple <int, int> intervalToInsert = new Tuple <int, int>(callCmdPhaseNumList[i - 1] + 1, callCmdPhaseNumList[i]);
            Console.Write("\n Number of phases is " + phaseIntervals.Count.ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < phaseIntervals.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("\n Phase " + i.ToString() + "[" + phaseIntervals[i].Item1.ToString() + "," + phaseIntervals[i].Item2.ToString() + "]" + "\n");
Esempio n. 3
         ComputePhaseIntervals :
         1.1 Input parameters : 
           1.1.1 Implementation impl : Implementation whose body is being YTS checked.
           1.1.2 int specPhaseNumImpl : Phase number in which procedure of implementation, impl, reaches its specification,{A,R,L,B}
           1.1.3 MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker : moverTypeChecker is the integration point of YieldTypeChecker to OG class. moverTypeChecker has functions enables YieldTypeChecker to find phaseNum and spec of procedures.

         1.2 Return value : is a list of tuples(phase interval start,phase interval end). Every tuple in this list is representing an interval formed by callCmds' phase numbers inside impl.			   
         1.3 Action : This function first traverses the blocks inside impl, collects all CallCmds inside it into a HashSet ,callCmdsInImpl. 
                *      Then it puts all these callCmds' phase numbers into a HashSet,callCmdPhaseNumSet. 
                *     After adding all callCmds' phase numbers' it adds phase number of procedure of impl into the set. 
                *     It sorts all numbers in this set and creates [-inf...n-1] [n...k-1] [k  PhaseNumProcOfImpl] disjoint intervals.
        private static List<Tuple<int, int>> ComputePhaseIntervals(Implementation impl, int specPhaseNumImpl, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
            HashSet<CallCmd> callCmdsInImpl = new HashSet<CallCmd>(); //  callCmdsInImpl[Implementation] ==> Set = { call1, call2, call3 ... }
            List<Tuple<int, int>> phaseIntervals = new List<Tuple<int, int>>(); // [MinValue ph0 ] [ph0 ph1] [ph1 ph2] ..... [phk phk+1] intervals

            // Compute CallCmds inside impl
            foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Cmds.Count; i++)
                    CallCmd callCmd = b.Cmds[i] as CallCmd;
                    if (callCmd == null) continue;

            //Collect phase numbers of CallCmds inside impl
            HashSet<int> callCmdPhaseNumSet = new HashSet<int>();
            foreach (CallCmd callCmd in callCmdsInImpl)
                int tmpPhaseNum = moverTypeChecker.FindPhaseNumber(callCmd.Proc);

            List<int> callCmdPhaseNumList = callCmdPhaseNumSet.ToList();

            //Create Phase Intervals
            for (int i = 0; i < callCmdPhaseNumList.Count; i++)
                //create the initial phase (-inf leastPhaseNum]
                if (i == 0)
                    Tuple<int, int> initTuple = new Tuple<int, int>(int.MinValue, callCmdPhaseNumList[i]);
                else // create other phase intervals 
                    Tuple<int, int> intervalToInsert = new Tuple<int, int>(callCmdPhaseNumList[i - 1] + 1, callCmdPhaseNumList[i]);
            Console.Write("\n Number of phases is " + phaseIntervals.Count.ToString());
            for (int i = 0;i<phaseIntervals.Count ; i++) {
                Console.Write("\n Phase " + i.ToString() + "[" + phaseIntervals[i].Item1.ToString() + "," + phaseIntervals[i].Item2.ToString() + "]" + "\n");
            return phaseIntervals;
Esempio n. 4
        private bool IsCallCmdExitPoint(Cmd cmd, int yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum)
            if (cmd is CallCmd)
                CallCmd callee          = cmd as CallCmd;
                int     phaseSpecCallee = moverTypeChecker.FindPhaseNumber(callee.Proc);
                if (phaseSpecCallee >= yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum)
                    Console.Write("\nCall Cmd Check is " + callCmd.Proc.Name + "\n");
Esempio n. 5
PerformYieldTypeChecking : 
 3.1 Input parameters :
   3.1.1 MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker : 
 3.2 Action : This function is called in TypeCheck.cs. This is the only function that is externalized. This function traverses the program declarations and performs
        public static void PerformYieldTypeChecking(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
            Program yieldTypeCheckedProgram = moverTypeChecker.program;
            YieldTypeChecker regExprToAuto = new YieldTypeChecker();
            foreach (var decl in yieldTypeCheckedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations)
                Implementation impl = decl as Implementation;
                if (impl == null) continue;
                int phaseNumSpecImpl = moverTypeChecker.FindPhaseNumber(impl.Proc);

                YieldTypeCheckerCore yieldTypeCheckerPerImpl = new YieldTypeCheckerCore(moverTypeChecker);
                List<Tuple<int, int>> phaseIntervals = ComputePhaseIntervals(impl, phaseNumSpecImpl, moverTypeChecker); // Compute intervals

                for (int i = 0; i < phaseIntervals.Count; i++) // take current phase check num from each interval
                    int yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum = phaseIntervals[i].Item1;
                    Automaton<BvSet> yieldTypeCheckAutoPerPhase = yieldTypeCheckerPerImpl.YieldTypeCheckAutomaton(impl, phaseNumSpecImpl, yTypeCheckCurrentPhaseNum);
                    if (!IsYieldTypeSafe(yieldTypeCheckAutoPerPhase, impl, moverTypeChecker, i))
                        moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, "\n Body of " + impl.Proc.Name + " is not yield type safe " + "\n");