Esempio n. 1
        private AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector CreateAvailabilityResultAsyncCollector(AvailabilityTestResultAttribute attribute, ValueBindingContext valueBindingContext)
            // A function is defined as an Availability Test iff is has a return value marked with [AvailabilityTestResult].
            // If that is the case, this method will be invoked as some point to construct a collector for the return value.
            // Depending on the kind of the function, this will happen in different ways:
            //  - For .Net functions (in-proc), this method runs BEFORE function filters:
            //     a) We will register this function as an Availability Test in the Functions registry (this is a NoOp for all,
            //        except the very first invocation).
            //     b) We will create new invocation state bag and register it with the Invocations registry.
            //     c) We will instantiate a result collector and attach it to the state bag.
            //     d) Later on, BEFORE the function body runs, the runtime execute the pre-function filter. At that point we will:
            //         ~ Initialize an Availablity Test Scope and attach it to the invocation state bag;
            //         ~ Link the results collector and the test scope.
            //     e) Subsequently, AFTER the function body runs the result will be set in one of two ways:
            //         ~ If no error:        the runtime will add the return value to the result collector -> the collector will Complete the Test Scope;
            //         ~ If error/exception: the runtime will invoke the post-function filter -> the filter will Complete the Test Scope.
            //  - For non-.Net functions (out-of-proc), this method runs AFTER function filters (and, potentially, even AFTER the function body has completed):
            //     a) Registering this function as an Availability Test in the Functions registry will be a NoOp.
            //     b) We will receive an existing invocation state bag; the Availablity Test Scope will be already set in the state bag.
            //     c&d) We will instantiate a result collector and link it with the test scope right away; we will attach the collector to the state bag.
            //     e) The results will be set in a simillar manner as for .Net described above.

            Validate.NotNull(attribute, nameof(attribute));
            Validate.NotNull(valueBindingContext, nameof(valueBindingContext));

            string functionName = valueBindingContext.FunctionContext.MethodName;

            using (_log.BeginScope(LogMonikers.Scopes.CreateForTestInvocation(functionName)))
                // Register this Function as an Availability Test (NoOp for all invocations of this method, except the very first one):
                _availabilityTestRegistry.Functions.Register(functionName, attribute, _log);

                // Register this particular invocation of this function:
                Guid functionInstanceId = valueBindingContext.FunctionInstanceId;
                AvailabilityTestInvocationState invocationState = _availabilityTestRegistry.Invocations.GetOrRegister(functionInstanceId, _log);

                // Create the result collector:
                var resultCollector = new AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector();

                // If the test scope is already set (out-of-proc function), then link it with the collector:
                bool isTestScopeInitialized = invocationState.TryGetTestScope(out AvailabilityTestScope testScope);
                if (isTestScopeInitialized)

                // Attache the collector to the invocation state bag:

                // Done:
Esempio n. 2
 public bool TryGetResultCollector(out AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector resultCollector)
     resultCollector = _resultCollector;
     return(resultCollector != null);
Esempio n. 3
        public void AttachResultCollector(AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector resultCollector)
            Validate.NotNull(resultCollector, nameof(resultCollector));

            _resultCollector = resultCollector;
Esempio n. 4
        private Task <IAsyncCollector <bool> > CreateBoolAsyncCollector(AvailabilityTestResultAttribute attribute, ValueBindingContext valueBindingContext)
            AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector resultCollector = CreateAvailabilityResultAsyncCollector(attribute, valueBindingContext);

            return(Task.FromResult <IAsyncCollector <bool> >(resultCollector));