/// <summary>
            /// sets up the initial structure for commodity nodes
            /// </summary>
            internal void SetupCommodityTree()
                // instantiate a fake session with proper credentials
                ClientSession ses = this.backend.GetLoopbackSession(RMCommands.CommanderDigest);

                    List <Acl> acls = null;

                    // now, build the tree
                    RequestResponse resp;

                    // try to create the path to the bulkwatcher node
                    string path = BulkOperation.GetBulkWatcherName(null);
                    resp = this.backend.ProcessMessage(new RequestCreate(path, null, null, acls, CreateMode.PersistentAllowPathCreation, null), ses);

                    Trace.TraceInformation("SetupCommodityTree: create({0})-->{1}", path, resp == null ? Code.Unknown : (Code)resp.ResultCode);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Trace.TraceWarning("SetupCommodityTree: ignorable error {0}", e.Message);
                    if (ses != null)
            /// <summary>
            /// sets up the tree for commands, with the given Acls and structure
            /// </summary>
            internal void SetupCommandTree()
                // instantiate a fake session with proper credentials
                ClientSession ses = this.backend.GetLoopbackSession(RMCommands.CommanderDigest);

                    // extract the digest from Auth, and build Acls
                    string[] digestieces = ses.Auth.ClientDigest.Split(':');

                    List <Acl> acls = null;
                    if (digestieces.Length == 2)
                        acls = new List <Acl>()
                            new Acl((int)Perm.ALL, new Id(digestieces[0], digestieces[1]))

                    // now, build the tree
                    RequestResponse resp;

                    // try to create the path to the commands node, with the Acls
                    resp = this.backend.ProcessMessage(new RequestCreate(this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, null, null, acls, CreateMode.PersistentAllowPathCreation, null), ses);
                    Trace.TraceInformation("SetupCommandTree: create({0})-->{1}", this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, (Code)resp.ResultCode);

                    bool needsAcl = true;

                    // try to override the ACls, in case those were wrong
                    Stat anyStat = new Stat();
                    anyStat.Aversion = anyStat.Cversion = anyStat.Version = -1;
                    resp             = this.backend.ProcessMessage(new RequestGetAcl(this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, null, anyStat, null), ses);

                    if (resp != null && resp.ResultCode == (int)Code.Ok)
                        IList <Acl> prevAcl = resp.Content as IList <Acl>;

                        if (EqualityHelper.Equals(acls, prevAcl))
                            needsAcl = false;

                    if (needsAcl)
                        // try to override the ACls, in case those were wrong
                        resp = this.backend.ProcessMessage(new RequestSetAcl(this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, null, acls, -1, null), ses);
                        Trace.TraceInformation("SetupCommandTree: setacl({0})-->{1}", this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, (Code)resp.ResultCode);
                        Trace.TraceInformation("SetupCommandTree: setacl({0})-->{1}", this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix, "not needed");

                    // now we add the paths we need to have
                    List <string> paths = new List <string>()

                    // append the instance command nodes
                    foreach (ClusterMember m in this.backend.Factory.GetAgreedMembers())
                        paths.Add(this.backend.ReplicaCommandPathPrefix + "/$$" + m.MemberId);

                    // create the command nodes
                    foreach (string path in paths)
                        resp = this.backend.ProcessMessage(new RequestCreate(path, null, null, null, CreateMode.Persistent, null), ses);
                        Trace.TraceInformation("SetupCommandTree: create({0})-->{1}", path, (Code)resp.ResultCode);
                    if (ses != null)