Esempio n. 1
        // The main monitoring engine.  This method runs continuously until the monitor
        // is disposed.  Each time round the loop it calls the Batch service to get task
        // metrics, then waits for the monitoring interval before going round the loop
        // again.
        private async Task Run()
            while (!this.runCancel.IsCancellationRequested)
                CurrentMetrics = await CollectMetricsAsync();

                await TaskHelpers.CancellableDelay(this.monitorInterval, this.runCancel.Token);
        // Calls the Batch service to get metrics for a single job.  The first time the
        // MetricMonitor sees a job, it creates a TaskStateCache to hold task state information,
        // and queries the states of *all* tasks in the job. Subsequent times, it queries
        // only for tasks whose states have changed since the previous query -- this significant
        // reduces download volumes for large jobs. In either case, it then updates the
        // cached task states and aggregates them into a TaskStateCounts object.
        private async Task CollectTaskMetricsAsync(MetricEvent.Builder metricsBuilder, CloudJob job)
            TaskStateCache taskStateCache;

            bool firstTime = !this.jobStateCache.ContainsKey(job.Id);
            if (firstTime)
                taskStateCache = new TaskStateCache();
                this.jobStateCache.Add(job.Id, taskStateCache);
                taskStateCache = this.jobStateCache[job.Id];

            // If the monitor API is called for the first time, it has to issue a query to enumerate all the tasks once to get its state.
            // This is a relatively slow query.
            // Subsequent calls to the monitor API will only look for changes to the task state since the last time the query was issued and 
            // a clock skew (which is within 30 seconds approximately for Azure). Thus if the monitoring API periodicity is 1 minute, then the query 
            // should look for changes in the last minute and 30 seconds.

            // TODO: it would be better to record the time at which the last query was issued and use that,
            // rather than subtracting the monitor interval from the current time
            DateTime since = DateTime.UtcNow - (this.monitorInterval + MaximumClockSkew);
            var tasksToList = firstTime ? DetailLevels.IdAndState.AllEntities : DetailLevels.IdAndState.OnlyChangedAfter(since);

            var listTasksTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var tasks = await job.ListTasks(tasksToList).ToListAsync(this.runCancel.Token);

            var listTasksLatency = listTasksTimer.Elapsed;

            foreach (var task in tasks)
                taskStateCache.UpdateTaskState(task.Id, task.State.Value);

            var taskStateCounts = taskStateCache.GetTaskStateCounts();

            metricsBuilder.JobStats.Add(job.Id, new JobMetrics(listTasksLatency, taskStateCounts));
 // The main monitoring engine.  This method runs continuously until the monitor
 // is disposed.  Each time round the loop it calls the Batch service to get task
 // metrics, then waits for the monitoring interval before going round the loop
 // again.
 private async Task Run()
     while (!this.runCancel.IsCancellationRequested)
         CurrentMetrics = await CollectMetricsAsync();
         await TaskHelpers.CancellableDelay(this.monitorInterval, this.runCancel.Token);
Esempio n. 4
        private static string FormatMetricsBody(MetricEvent metrics)
            if (metrics.IsError)
                var error = metrics.Error;
                return error.GetType().Name + ": " + error.Message;

            if (!metrics.JobIds.Any())
                return "No jobs in account";

            var jobIdFormatLength = metrics.JobIds.Max(id => id.Length);
            var jobInfos = metrics.JobIds.Select(id => FormatJobMetrics(id, metrics.GetMetrics(id), jobIdFormatLength));
            return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, jobInfos);
Esempio n. 5
 private static string FormatMetricsCollectionRange(MetricEvent metrics)
     return string.Format("Collected from {0:HH:mm:ss} to {1:HH:mm:ss}",
Esempio n. 6
        // The next set of methods format a MetricEvent for compact display in the console.  The format
        // used in this sample is:
        // Collected from 11:44:57 to 11:45:02
        // sample-job-1:  Act= 14  Pre=  1  Run= 17  Com=155
        // sample-job-2:  Act=308  Pre=  0  Run=  8  Com= 43
        // where Act, Pre, Run and Com represent the number of tasks in the Active, Preparing, Running
        // and Completed states.  In a real application you might represent these visually or
        // output them to a CSV file for display in a spreadsheet or data visualisation tool.

        private static string FormatMetrics(MetricEvent metrics)
            return FormatMetricsCollectionRange(metrics) + Environment.NewLine + FormatMetricsBody(metrics);