ReadAsJObject() private method

private ReadAsJObject ( string name ) : Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject
name string
return Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject
Esempio n. 1
        public void KuduNotification_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject          data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.KuduMessage.json");
            KuduNotification expected = new KuduNotification
                Id                 = "ff17489fbcb7e2dda9012ec285811b9b751ebb5e",
                Status             = "success",
                StatusText         = string.Empty,
                AuthorEmail        = "*****@*****.**",
                Author             = "Henrik Frystyk Nielsen",
                Message            = "initial commit\n",
                Progress           = string.Empty,
                Deployer           = "HenrikN",
                ReceivedTime       = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-26T04:26:53.8736751Z"),
                StartTime          = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-26T04:26:54.2486694Z"),
                EndTime            = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-26T04:26:55.6393049Z"),
                LastSuccessEndTime = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-26T04:26:55.6393049Z"),
                Complete           = true,
                SiteName           = "test",

            // Act
            KuduNotification actual = data.ToObject <KuduNotification>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected, _serializerSettings);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Bitbucket_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject       data         = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketUser expectedUser = new BitbucketUser
                UserType    = "user",
                DisplayName = "Henrik Nielsen",
                UserName    = "******",
                UserId      = "{73498d6a-711f-4d29-90cd-a13281674474}",

            expectedUser.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("avatar", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketUser actualUser = data["actor"].ToObject <BitbucketUser>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedUser);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualUser);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 3
        public void BitbucketAuthor_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject         data           = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketAuthor expectedAuthor = new BitbucketAuthor
                Raw  = "Henrik Frystyk Nielsen <*****@*****.**>",
                User = new BitbucketUser
                    UserType    = "user",
                    DisplayName = "HenrikN",
                    UserName    = "******",
                    UserId      = "{534d978b-53c8-401b-93b7-ee1f98716edd}",

            expectedAuthor.User.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedAuthor.User.Links.Add("avatar", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedAuthor.User.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketAuthor actualAuthor = data["push"]["changes"][0]["new"]["target"]["author"].ToObject <BitbucketAuthor>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedAuthor);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualAuthor);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 4
        public void StripeEvent_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject     data          = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.StripeEvent.json");
            StripeEvent expectedEvent = new StripeEvent
                Id         = "evt_17Y0a62eZvKYlo2CfDvB2QrJ",
                Object     = "event",
                ApiVersion = "2015-10-16",
                Created    = _testTime,
                Data       = new StripeEventData
                    Object             = JObject.Parse("{ \"id\": \"12345\", \"object\": \"card\" }"),
                    PreviousAttributes = JObject.Parse("{ \"balance\": null, \"next\": 1340924237, \"closed\": false }")
                LiveMode        = true,
                PendingWebHooks = 10,
                Request         = "req_7nbnyKCObIkSXC",
                EventType       = "customer.source.created",

            // Act
            StripeEvent actualEvent = data.ToObject <StripeEvent>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedEvent);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualEvent);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 5
        public void BitbucketParent_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject         data           = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketParent expectedParent = new BitbucketParent
                Operation = "commit",
                Hash      = "b05057cd04921697c0f119ca40fe4a5afa481074",

            expectedParent.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedParent.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketParent actualParent = data["push"]["changes"][0]["new"]["target"]["parents"][0].ToObject <BitbucketParent>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedParent);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualParent);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 6
        public void SlackSlashResponse_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject         data = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.SlashResponse.json");
            SlackAttachment att1 = new SlackAttachment
                Fallback   = "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
                Color      = "#36a64f",
                Pretext    = "Optional text that appears above the attachment block",
                AuthorName = "Bobby Tables",
                AuthorLink = new Uri(""),
                AuthorIcon = new Uri(""),
                Title      = "Slack API Documentation",
                TitleLink  = new Uri(""),
                Text       = "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
                ImageLink  = new Uri(""),
                ThumbLink  = new Uri(""),

            att1.Fields.Add(new SlackField("Priority", "High")
                Short = true
            att1.Fields.Add(new SlackField("Importance", "Low")
                Short = false

            SlackAttachment att2 = new SlackAttachment
                Fallback  = "New ticket from Andrea Lee - Ticket #1943: Can't rest my password - https://groove.hq/path/to/ticket/1943",
                Color     = "#7CD197",
                Pretext   = "New ticket from Andrea Lee",
                Title     = "Ticket #1943: Can't reset my password",
                TitleLink = new Uri("https://groove.hq/path/to/ticket/1943"),
                Text      = "Help! I tried to reset my password but nothing happened!",

            SlackSlashResponse expected = new SlackSlashResponse("It's 80 degrees right now.")
                ResponseType = "in_channel"


            // Act
            SlackSlashResponse actual = data.ToObject <SlackSlashResponse>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 7
        public void AlertContext_SubscriptionIdIsRequired()
            // Arrange
            var data = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.AlertMessage3.json");

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data["context"], _serializerSettings);

            // Act / Assert
            Assert.Throws <JsonSerializationException>(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AzureAlertContext>(json));
Esempio n. 8
        public void AlertContextForWebTest_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            var expectedContext = new AzureAlertContext
                Condition = new AzureAlertCondition
                    FailureDetails  = string.Empty,
                    MetricName      = "Failed Locations",
                    MetricUnit      = "locations",
                    MetricValue     = "0",
                    Operator        = "GreaterThan",
                    Threshold       = "3",
                    TimeAggregation = "Sum",
                    WebTestName     = "testazuretestaboutpage-azuretest20170922040158",
                    WindowSize      = "5",
                ConditionType = "Webtest",
                Description   = string.Empty,
                Id            = "/subscriptions/6e0cb82e-37c4-473b-bb45-8b546cfc01b6/resourceGroups/resources/providers/" +
                                "microsoft.insights/alertrules/testazuretestaboutpage-azuretest20170922040158-47970367-464e-" +

                Name       = "testazuretestaboutpage-azuretest20170922040158-47970367-464e-4bf0-b870-b72aa668b591",
                PortalLink = "" +
                             "bb45-8b546cfc01b6&resourceGroup=resources&resourceType=webtests&resourceName=" +
                             "testazuretestaboutpage-azuretest20170922040158&tc=ZAMAAB-LCAAAAAAABADFkltLw0AQhc-fcV8kJdlN2-" +
                             "RRBEH0SQuCb5umN7xEelHw1_vtpNY-FJ8EWWYye-ZyJieJcrrQtR40U6OlOs4TWMR6bIvf4B1xVK6pagXiRhlRVKWSqCQzk" +
                             "idq8LXGRC21cxVU5xpiDbcZGUem004LkJ3xf_Jck5vsuTzVBZU5k7zdSkOGsLnDRvHQ94M0NnmrN-IFaHai6v-" +
                             "mZ4aXRB4NKpTJTJvWciX3wtSsUKrlpPrInDnW0hPJFzbL6QO7AlnpGeZW57pluynIFqzTK9s4bEXujMkR75nU-7_" +
                             "6lgO9w7BBg8ge6f131Cb-AR2dXvZ8HR0bOtbUH2-YkJUp19fdMPv4FFja5A7mALO3-5gzsr0moBVxbT7wzO0dLk_iv-_" +

                ResourceGroupName = "resources",
                ResourceId        = "/subscriptions/6e0cb82e-37c4-473b-bb45-8b546cfc01b6/resourceGroups/resources/" +

                ResourceName   = "AzureTest20170922040158",
                ResourceType   = "components",
                SubscriptionId = "6e0cb82e-37c4-473b-bb45-8b546cfc01b6",
                Timestamp      = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2017 20:53:57Z"),
            var expectedString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedContext, _serializerSettings);
            var json           = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.AzureAlert.WebTest.json");

            // Act
            var actualContext = json["context"].ToObject <AzureAlertContext>();

            // Assert
            var actualString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualContext, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedString, actualString);
Esempio n. 9
        public void AlertContext_ParsesMessages(string fileName, string expected)
            // Arrange
            string  filePath = "Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages." + fileName;
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject(filePath);

            // Act
            AzureAlertNotification actual = data.ToObject <AzureAlertNotification>();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Status);
Esempio n. 10
        public void BitbucketRepository_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject       data         = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketUser expectedUser = new BitbucketUser
                UserType    = "user",
                DisplayName = "Henrik Nielsen",
                UserName    = "******",
                UserId      = "{73498d6a-711f-4d29-90cd-a13281674474}",

            expectedUser.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("avatar", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            BitbucketRepository expectedRepository = new BitbucketRepository
                FullName       = "henrikfrystyknielsen/henrikntest01",
                Name           = "henrikntest01",
                IsPrivate      = true,
                ItemType       = "repository",
                RepositoryType = "git",
                RepositoryId   = "{d9898aea-edda-4f50-8f5f-5a8bfc819ab8}",
                Owner          = expectedUser

            expectedRepository.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedRepository.Links.Add("avatar", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedRepository.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketRepository actualRepository = data["repository"].ToObject <BitbucketRepository>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedRepository);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualRepository);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void AlertNotification_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.AlertMessage2.json");
            AzureAlertNotification expected = new AzureAlertNotification
                Status  = "Activated",
                Context = new AzureAlertContext
                    Id            = "/subscriptions/aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee/resourceGroups/WebHookReceivers/providers/microsoft.insights/alertrules/henrikntest01",
                    Name          = "henrikntest01",
                    Description   = "Requests",
                    ConditionType = "Metric",
                    Condition     = new AzureAlertCondition
                        MetricName      = "Http 2xx",
                        MetricUnit      = "Count",
                        MetricValue     = "8",
                        Threshold       = "1",
                        WindowSize      = "5",
                        TimeAggregation = "Total",
                        Operator        = "GreaterThan",
                    SubscriptionId    = "aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee",
                    ResourceGroupName = "WebHookReceivers",
                    Timestamp         = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-30T03:02:33.4147662Z").ToUniversalTime(),
                    ResourceName      = "webhookreceivers",
                    ResourceType      = "microsoft.web/sites",
                    ResourceId        = "/subscriptions/aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee/resourceGroups/WebHookReceivers/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/WebHookReceivers",
                    ResourceRegion    = "West US",
                    PortalLink        = "",

            expected.Properties.Add("prop1", "value1");
            expected.Properties.Add("prop2", 12345.00);

            // Act
            AzureAlertNotification actual = data.ToObject <AzureAlertNotification>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected, _serializerSettings);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void BitbucketLink_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject       data         = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketLink expectedLink = new BitbucketLink
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketLink actualLink = data["repository"]["links"]["html"].ToObject <BitbucketLink>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedLink);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualLink);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void InstagramSubscription_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.SubscriptionMessage.json");
            InstagramSubscription expectedSubscription = new InstagramSubscription
                Id       = "19985884",
                Object   = "tag",
                ObjectId = "mytag",
                Callback = new Uri(""),

            // Act
            InstagramSubscription actualPost = data.ToObject <InstagramSubscription>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedSubscription);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualPost);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 14
        public void AlertContext_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            var data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.AlertMessage1.json");
            var expected = new AzureAlertContext
                Id            = "/subscriptions/aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee/resourceGroups/tests123/providers/microsoft.insights/alertrules/HenriknTest02",
                Name          = "HenriknTest02",
                Description   = "Test",
                ConditionType = "Metric",
                Condition     = new AzureAlertCondition
                    MetricName      = "CPU percentage",
                    MetricUnit      = "Count",
                    MetricValue     = "2.716631",
                    Threshold       = "10",
                    WindowSize      = "5",
                    TimeAggregation = "Average",
                    Operator        = "LessThan",
                SubscriptionId    = "aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee",
                ResourceGroupName = "tests123",
                Timestamp         = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-30T03:55:30.7037012Z").ToUniversalTime(),
                ResourceName      = "testmachine",
                ResourceType      = "microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines",
                ResourceRegion    = "West US",
                ResourceId        = "/subscriptions/aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee/resourceGroups/tests123/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/testmachine",
                PortalLink        = "",

            // Act
            var actual = data["context"].ToObject <AzureAlertContext>();

            // Assert
            var expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected, _serializerSettings);
            var actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 15
        public void AlertCondition_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject             data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.AlertMessage1.json");
            AzureAlertCondition expected = new AzureAlertCondition
                MetricName      = "CPU percentage",
                MetricUnit      = "Count",
                MetricValue     = "2.716631",
                Threshold       = "10",
                WindowSize      = "5",
                TimeAggregation = "Average",
                Operator        = "LessThan",

            // Act
            AzureAlertCondition actual = data["context"]["condition"].ToObject <AzureAlertCondition>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected, _serializerSettings);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 16
        public void GitPushPayload_Roundtrips()
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.git.push.json");
            var     expected = new GitPushPayload
                CreatedDate     = "2016-06-26T18:10:31.3603573Z".ToDateTime(),
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage()
                    Html     = "John Smith pushed 1 commit to branch <a href=\\\"\\\">master</a> of <a href=\\\"\\\">Project</a>\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n<li>A meaningful commit message. <a href=\\\"\\\">c8e823a6</a></li>\\r\\n</ul>",
                    Markdown = "John Smith pushed 1 commit to branch [master]( of [Project](\\r\\n* A meaningful commit message. [c8e823a6](",
                    Text     = "John Smith pushed 1 commit to branch master of Project\\r\\n - A meaningful commit message. c8e823a6 ("
                EventType = "git.push",
                Id        = "cd159468-0509-48d9-960d-6f3ba627fd06",
                Message   = new PayloadMessage()
                    Html     = "John Smith pushed updates to branch <a href=\\\"\\\">master</a> of <a href=\\\"\\\">Project</a>",
                    Markdown = "John Smith pushed updates to branch [master]( of [Project](",
                    Text     = "John Smith pushed updates to branch master of Project\\r\\n("
                NotificationId = 9,
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Resource       = new GitPushResource()
                    Commits = new List <GitCommit>()
                        new GitCommit()
                            Author = new GitUserInfo()
                                Date  = "2016-06-26T18:10:21Z".ToDateTime(),
                                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                                Name  = "John Smith"
                            Comment   = "A meaningful commit message.",
                            CommitId  = "c8e823a60a85381732726d6a9b6a276e71e6ce12",
                            Committer = new GitUserInfo()
                                Date  = "2016-06-26T18:10:21Z".ToDateTime(),
                                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                                Name  = "John Smith"
                            Url = new Uri("")
                    Date  = "2016-06-26T18:10:30.065511Z".ToDateTime(),
                    Links = new GitPushLinks()
                        Commits = new GitLink()
                            Href = new Uri("")
                        Pusher = new GitLink()
                            Href = new Uri("")
                        Refs = new GitLink()
                            Href = new Uri("")
                        Repository = new GitLink()
                            Href = new Uri("")
                        Self = new GitLink()
                            Href = new Uri("")
                    PushedBy = new GitUser()
                        DisplayName = "John Smith",
                        Id          = "458616a4-6252-4cd9-accd-38538e7c9c33",
                        ImageUrl    = new Uri(""),
                        UniqueName  = "jsmith",
                        Url         = new Uri("")
                    PushId     = 1168,
                    RefUpdates = new List <GitRefUpdate>()
                        new GitRefUpdate()
                            Name        = "refs/heads/master",
                            NewObjectId = "c8e823a60a85381732726d6a9b6a276e71e6ce12",
                            OldObjectId = "61b7353aa151d2d7d4e4dac8f701b0d82ff87703"
                    Repository = new GitRepository()
                        DefaultBranch = "refs/heads/master",
                        Id            = "7aa31685-abcf-40be-8c18-aaa45067d7bb",
                        Name          = "Project",
                        Project       = new GitProject()
                            Id    = "65e40c52-3c5d-487c-8a45-6b852de287a8",
                            Name  = "Project",
                            State = "wellFormed",
                            Url   = new Uri("")
                        RemoteUrl = new Uri(""),
                        Url       = new Uri("")
                    Url = new Uri("")
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers()
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer()
                        Id = "d11e28a5-859e-4fd6-841d-a3ee54815568"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer()
                        Id = "65e40c52-3c5d-487c-8a45-6b852de287a8"
                ResourceVersion = "1.0",
                SubscriptionId  = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

            // Actual
            var actual = data.ToObject <GitPushPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void CodeCheckedInPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.tfvc.checkin.json");
            var     expected = new CodeCheckedInPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 2,
                Id             = "f9b4c23e-88dd-4516-b04d-849787304e32",
                EventType      = "tfvc.checkin",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "John Smith checked in changeset 18: Dropping in new Java sample",
                    Html     = "John Smith checked in changeset <a href=\";cs=18\">18</a>: Dropping in new Java sample",
                    Markdown = "John Smith checked in changeset [18]( Dropping in new Java sample"
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "John Smith checked in changeset 18: Dropping in new Java sample",
                    Html     = "John Smith checked in changeset <a href=\";cs=18\">18</a>: Dropping in new Java sample",
                    Markdown = "John Smith checked in changeset [18]( Dropping in new Java sample"
                Resource = new CodeCheckedInResource
                    ChangesetId = 18,
                    Url         = new Uri(""),
                    Author      = new ResourceUser
                        Id          = "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db",
                        DisplayName = "John Smith",
                        UniqueName  = "*****@*****.**"
                    CheckedInBy = new ResourceUser
                        Id          = "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db",
                        DisplayName = "John Smith",
                        UniqueName  = "*****@*****.**"
                    CreatedDate = "2014-05-12T22:41:16Z".ToDateTime(),
                    Comment     = "Dropping in new Java sample"
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:01:11.7056821Z".ToDateTime()

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <CodeCheckedInPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 18
        public void TeamRoomMessagePostedPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.message.posted.json");
            var     expected = new TeamRoomMessagePostedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 3,
                Id             = "daae438c-296b-4512-b08e-571910874e9b",
                EventType      = "message.posted",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room\r\nHello",
                    Html     = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room\r\nHello",
                    Markdown = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room\r\nHello"
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room\r\nHello",
                    Html     = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room<p>Hello</p>",
                    Markdown = "Jamal Hartnett posted a message to Northward-Fiber-Git Team Room\r\nHello"
                Resource = new TeamRoomMessagePostedResource
                    Id           = 0,
                    Content      = "Hello",
                    MessageType  = "normal",
                    PostedTime   = "2014-05-02T19:17:13.3309587Z".ToDateTime(),
                    PostedRoomId = 1,
                    PostedBy     = new ResourceUser
                        Id          = "*****@*****.**",
                        DisplayName = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        UniqueName  = "Windows Live ID\\[email protected]"
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:13:40.8417653Z".ToDateTime()

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <TeamRoomMessagePostedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void BitbucketTarget_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject       data         = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PushMessage.json");
            BitbucketUser expectedUser = new BitbucketUser
                UserType    = "user",
                DisplayName = "HenrikN",
                UserName    = "******",
                UserId      = "{534d978b-53c8-401b-93b7-ee1f98716edd}",

            expectedUser.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("avatar", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedUser.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            BitbucketAuthor expectedAuthor = new BitbucketAuthor
                User = expectedUser,
                Raw  = "Henrik Frystyk Nielsen <*****@*****.**>",

            BitbucketTarget expectedTarget = new BitbucketTarget
                Message   = "update\n",
                Operation = "commit",
                Hash      = "8339b7affbd7c70bbacd0276f581d1ca44df0853",
                Author    = expectedAuthor,
                Date      = DateTime.Parse("2015-09-30T18:48:38+00:00").ToUniversalTime(),

            BitbucketParent expectedParent = new BitbucketParent
                Operation = "commit",
                Hash      = "b05057cd04921697c0f119ca40fe4a5afa481074",

            expectedParent.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedParent.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            expectedTarget.Links.Add("html", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""
            expectedTarget.Links.Add("self", new BitbucketLink {
                Reference = ""

            // Act
            BitbucketTarget actualTarget = data["push"]["changes"][0]["new"]["target"].ToObject <BitbucketTarget>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedTarget, _serializerSettings);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualTarget, _serializerSettings);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
Esempio n. 20
        public void BuildCompletedPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("");

            var expected = new BuildCompletedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 1,
                Id             = "4a5d99d6-1c75-4e53-91b9-ee80057d4ce3",
                EventType      = "build.complete",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Build ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2 succeeded",
                    Html     = "Build <a href=\";builduri=vstfs%3a%2f%2f%2fBuild%2fBuild%2f3\">ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2</a> succeeded",
                    Markdown = "Build [ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2]( succeeded"
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Build ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2 succeeded",
                    Html     = "Build <a href=\";builduri=vstfs%3a%2f%2f%2fBuild%2fBuild%2f3\">ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2</a> succeeded",
                    Markdown = "Build [ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.2]( succeeded"

                Resource = new BuildCompletedResource
                    Uri          = new Uri("vstfs:///Build/Build/2"),
                    Id           = 2,
                    BuildNumber  = "ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.1",
                    Url          = new Uri(""),
                    StartTime    = "2015-04-07T18:04:06.83Z".ToDateTime(),
                    FinishTime   = "2015-04-07T18:06:10.69Z".ToDateTime(),
                    Reason       = "manual",
                    Status       = "succeeded",
                    DropLocation = "#/3/drop",
                    Drop         = new BuildCompletedDrop
                        Location    = "#/3/drop",
                        DropType    = "container",
                        Url         = new Uri(""),
                        DownloadUrl = new Uri("$format=zip&downloadFileName=ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.1_drop")
                    Log = new BuildCompletedLog
                        LogType     = "container",
                        Url         = new Uri(""),
                        DownloadUrl = new Uri("$format=zip&downloadFileName=ConsumerAddressModule_20150407.1_logs")
                    SourceGetVersion = "LG:refs/heads/master:600c52d2d5b655caa111abfd863e5a9bd304bb0e",
                    LastChangedBy    = new ResourceUser
                        Id          = "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db",
                        DisplayName = "John Smith",
                        UniqueName  = "*****@*****.**",
                        Url         = new Uri(""),
                        ImageUrl    = new Uri("")
                    RetainIndefinitely = false,
                    HasDiagnostics     = true,
                    Definition         = new BuildCompletedDefinition
                        BatchSize      = 1,
                        TriggerType    = "none",
                        DefinitionType = "xaml",
                        Id             = 2,
                        Name           = "ConsumerAddressModule",
                        Url            = new Uri("")
                    Queue = new BuildCompletedQueueDefinition
                        QueueType = "buildController",
                        Id        = 4,
                        Name      = "Hosted Build Controller",
                        Url       = new Uri("")
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:00:39.5893296Z".ToDateTime()

            expected.Resource.Requests.Add(new BuildCompletedRequest
                Id           = 1,
                Url          = new Uri(""),
                RequestedFor = new ResourceUser
                    Id          = "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db",
                    DisplayName = "John Smith",
                    UniqueName  = "*****@*****.**",
                    Url         = new Uri(""),
                    ImageUrl    = new Uri("")

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <BuildCompletedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void WorkItemCreatedPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.workitem.created.json");
            var     expected = new WorkItemCreatedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 5,
                Id             = "d2d46fb1-dba5-403c-9373-427583f19e8c",
                EventType      = "workitem.created",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(",
                    Html     = "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett."
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(\r\n\r\n- State: New\r\n- Assigned to: \r\n- Comment: \r\n- Severity: 3 - Medium\r\n",
                    Html     = "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.<ul>\r\n<li>State: New</li>\r\n<li>Assigned to: </li>\r\n<li>Comment: </li>\r\n<li>Severity: 3 - Medium</li></ul>",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n\r\n* State: New\r\n* Assigned to: \r\n* Comment: \r\n* Severity: 3 - Medium\r\n"
                Resource = new WorkItemCreatedResource
                    Id             = 5,
                    RevisionNumber = 1,
                    Fields         = new WorkItemFields
                        SystemAreaPath          = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                        SystemTeamProject       = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                        SystemIterationPath     = "GoodCompanyCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
                        SystemWorkItemType      = "Bug",
                        SystemState             = "New",
                        SystemReason            = "New defect reported",
                        SystemCreatedDate       = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                        SystemCreatedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        SystemChangedDate       = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                        SystemChangedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        SystemTitle             = "Some great new idea!",
                        MicrosoftCommonSeverity = "3 - Medium",
                        KanbanColumn            = "New"
                    Links = new WorkItemLinks
                        Self = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        WorkItemUpdates = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        WorkItemRevisions = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        WorkItemType = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        Fields = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                    Url = new Uri("")
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:16:25.6251162Z".ToDateTime()

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <WorkItemCreatedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void GitPullRequestMergeCommitCreatedPayload_Roundtrips()
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.git.pullrequest.merged.json");
            var     expected = new GitPullRequestMergeCommitCreatedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 9,
                Id             = "6872ee8c-b333-4eff-bfb9-0d5274943566",
                EventType      = "git.pullrequest.merged",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit",
                    Html     = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit",
                    Markdown = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit"
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit\r\n\r\n- Merge status: Succeeded\r\n- Merge commit: eef717(\r\n",
                    Html     = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Merge status: Succeeded</li>\r\n<li>Merge commit: <a href=\"\">eef717</a></li>\r\n</ul>",
                    Markdown = "Jamal Hartnett has created a pull request merge commit\r\n\r\n+ Merge status: Succeeded\r\n+ Merge commit: [eef717](\r\n"
                Resource = new GitPullRequestMergeCommitCreatedResource
                    Repository = new GitRepository
                        Id      = "4bc14d40-c903-45e2-872e-0462c7748079",
                        Name    = "Fabrikam",
                        Url     = new Uri(""),
                        Project = new GitProject
                            Id    = "6ce954b1-ce1f-45d1-b94d-e6bf2464ba2c",
                            Name  = "Fabrikam",
                            Url   = new Uri(""),
                            State = "wellFormed"
                        DefaultBranch = "refs/heads/master",
                        RemoteUrl     = new Uri("")
                    PullRequestId = 1,
                    Status        = "completed",
                    CreatedBy     = new GitUser()
                        Id          = "54d125f7-69f7-4191-904f-c5b96b6261c8",
                        DisplayName = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        UniqueName  = "*****@*****.**",
                        Url         = new Uri(""),
                        ImageUrl    = new Uri("")
                    CreationDate          = "2014-06-17T16:55:46.589889Z".ToDateTime(),
                    ClosedDate            = "2014-06-30T18:59:12.3660573Z".ToDateTime(),
                    Title                 = "my first pull request",
                    Description           = " - test2\r\n",
                    SourceRefName         = "refs/heads/mytopic",
                    TargetRefName         = "refs/heads/master",
                    MergeStatus           = "succeeded",
                    MergeId               = "a10bb228-6ba6-4362-abd7-49ea21333dbd",
                    LastMergeSourceCommit = new GitMergeCommit
                        CommitId = "53d54ac915144006c2c9e90d2c7d3880920db49c",
                        Url      = new Uri("")
                    LastMergeTargetCommit = new GitMergeCommit
                        CommitId = "a511f535b1ea495ee0c903badb68fbc83772c882",
                        Url      = new Uri("")
                    LastMergeCommit = new GitMergeCommit
                        CommitId = "eef717f69257a6333f221566c1c987dc94cc0d72",
                        Url      = new Uri("")
                    Url = new Uri("")
                CreatedDate = "2017-08-30T14:21:16.8515903Z".ToDateTime()

                new GitReviewer
                Vote        = 0,
                Id          = "2ea2d095-48f9-4cd6-9966-62f6f574096c",
                DisplayName = "[Mobile]\\Mobile Team",
                UniqueName  = "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/f0811a3b-8c8a-4e43-a3bf-9a049b4835bd\\Mobile Team",
                Url         = new Uri(""),
                ImageUrl    = new Uri(""),
                IsContainer = true
                new GitCommit
                CommitId = "53d54ac915144006c2c9e90d2c7d3880920db49c",
                Url      = new Uri("")

            // Actual
            var actual = data.ToObject <GitPullRequestUpdatedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void WorkItemUpdatedPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.workitem.updated.json");
            var     expected = new WorkItemUpdatedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 8,
                Id             = "27646e0e-b520-4d2b-9411-bba7524947cd",
                EventType      = "workitem.updated",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(",
                    Html     = "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett.",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett."
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(\r\n\r\n- New State: Approved\r\n",
                    Html     = "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett.<ul>\r\n<li>New State: Approved</li></ul>",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) updated by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n\r\n* New State: Approved\r\n"
                Resource = new WorkItemUpdatedResource
                    Id             = 2,
                    WorkItemId     = 0,
                    RevisionNumber = 2,
                    RevisedBy      = null,
                    RevisedDate    = "0001-01-01T00:00:00".ToDateTime(),
                    Fields         = new WorkItemUpdatedFields
                        SystemRev = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            OldValue = "1",
                            NewValue = "2"
                        SystemAuthorizedDate = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <DateTime>
                            OldValue = "2014-07-15T16:48:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                            NewValue = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime()
                        SystemRevisedDate = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <DateTime>
                            OldValue = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                            NewValue = "9999-01-01T00:00:00Z".ToDateTime()
                        SystemState = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            OldValue = "New",
                            NewValue = "Approved"
                        SystemReason = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            OldValue = "New defect reported",
                            NewValue = "Approved by the Product Owner"
                        SystemAssignedTo = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            NewValue = "Jamal Hartnet"
                        SystemChangedDate = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <DateTime>
                            OldValue = "2014-07-15T16:48:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                            NewValue = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime()
                        SystemWatermark = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            OldValue = "2",
                            NewValue = "5"
                        MicrosoftCommonSeverity = new WorkItemUpdatedFieldValue <string>
                            OldValue = "3 - Medium",
                            NewValue = "2 - High"
                    Links = new WorkItemLinks
                        Self = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        Parent = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        WorkItemUpdates = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                    Url      = new Uri(""),
                    Revision = new WorkItemUpdatedRevision
                        Id     = 5,
                        Rev    = 2,
                        Fields = new WorkItemFields
                            SystemAreaPath          = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                            SystemTeamProject       = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                            SystemIterationPath     = "GoodCompanyCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
                            SystemWorkItemType      = "Bug",
                            SystemState             = "New",
                            SystemReason            = "New defect reported",
                            SystemCreatedDate       = "2014-07-15T16:48:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                            SystemCreatedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                            SystemChangedDate       = "2014-07-15T16:48:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                            SystemChangedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                            SystemTitle             = "Some great new idea!",
                            MicrosoftCommonSeverity = "3 - Medium",
                            KanbanColumn            = "New"
                        Url = new Uri("")
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:19:12.8836446Z".ToDateTime()

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <WorkItemUpdatedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void InstagramPost_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject       data         = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.PostMessage.json");
            InstagramPost expectedPost = new InstagramPost
                Id          = "1077852647225486162_194771465",
                Link        = new Uri(""),
                CreatedTime = _testTime,
                MediaType   = "video",
                Location    = new InstagramLocation
                    Id        = 225623404,
                    Name      = "Equinox At The High Line",
                    Latitude  = 40.7437744,
                    Longitude = -74.0068283
                Images = new InstagramImages
                    Thumbnail = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 150,
                        Height  = 150,
                    LowResolution = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 320,
                        Height  = 320
                    StandardResolution = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 640,
                        Height  = 640
                Videos = new InstagramVideos
                    LowBandwidth = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 480,
                        Height  = 270,
                    LowResolution = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 480,
                        Height  = 270
                    StandardResolution = new InstagramMedia
                        Address = new Uri(""),
                        Width   = 640,
                        Height  = 360
                Caption = new InstagramCaption
                    CreatedTime = _testTime,
                    Id          = "1077852735856538330",
                    Text        = "#handstand #drill #compilation",
                    From        = new InstagramUser
                        UserName       = "******",
                        ProfilePicture = new Uri(""),
                        FullName       = "Some User",
                        Id             = "194771423"
                User = new InstagramUser
                    Id             = "194771423",
                    FullName       = "Some User",
                    UserName       = "******",
                    ProfilePicture = new Uri(""),


            // Act
            InstagramPost actualPost = data.ToObject <InstagramPost>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedPost);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualPost);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);
        public void WorkItemDeletedPayload_Roundtrips()
            // Arrange
            JObject data     = EmbeddedResource.ReadAsJObject("Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Messages.workitem.deleted.json");
            var     expected = new WorkItemDeletedPayload
                SubscriptionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                NotificationId = 6,
                Id             = "72da0ade-0709-40ee-beb7-104287bf7e84",
                EventType      = "workitem.deleted",
                PublisherId    = "tfs",
                Message        = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett.",
                    Html     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett.",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5] (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett."
                DetailedMessage = new PayloadMessage
                    Text     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n\r\n- State: New\r\n",
                    Html     = "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett.<ul>\r\n<li>State: New</li></ul>",
                    Markdown = "[Bug #5] (Some great new idea!) deleted by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n\r\n* State: New\r\n"
                Resource = new WorkItemDeletedResource
                    Id             = 5,
                    RevisionNumber = 1,
                    Fields         = new WorkItemFields
                        SystemAreaPath          = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                        SystemTeamProject       = "GoodCompanyCloud",
                        SystemIterationPath     = "GoodCompanyCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
                        SystemWorkItemType      = "Bug",
                        SystemState             = "New",
                        SystemReason            = "New defect reported",
                        SystemCreatedDate       = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                        SystemCreatedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        SystemChangedDate       = "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z".ToDateTime(),
                        SystemChangedBy         = "Jamal Hartnett",
                        SystemTitle             = "Some great new idea!",
                        MicrosoftCommonSeverity = "3 - Medium",
                        KanbanColumn            = "New"
                    Links = new WorkItemLinks
                        Self = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        WorkItemType = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                        Fields = new WorkItemLink {
                            Href = ""
                    Url = new Uri("")
                ResourceVersion    = "1.0",
                ResourceContainers = new PayloadResourceContainers
                    Collection = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
                    Account = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
                    Project = new PayloadResourceContainer {
                        Id = "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
                CreatedDate = "2016-05-02T19:17:28.3644564Z".ToDateTime()

            // Act
            var actual = data.ToObject <WorkItemDeletedPayload>();

            // Assert
            string expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
            string actualJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJson, actualJson);