public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex) { int arraylength = -1; bool hasmetacomponents = false; object __thing; int piecesize = 0; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; IntPtr h; //header header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex); //status piecesize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)); h = IntPtr.Zero; if (serializedMessage.Length - currentIndex != 0) { h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(piecesize); Marshal.Copy(serializedMessage, currentIndex, h, piecesize); } if (h == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Memory allocation failed"); } status = (int)Marshal.PtrToStructure(h, typeof(int)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(h); currentIndex += piecesize; //details details = ""; piecesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += 4; details = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize); currentIndex += piecesize; }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); if (Header == null) { Header = new std_msgs.Header(); } pieces.Add(Header.Serialize(true)); if (GoalStatus == null) { GoalStatus = new actionlib_msgs.GoalStatus(); } pieces.Add(GoalStatus.Serialize(true)); if (Content == null) { Content = new T(); } pieces.Add(Content.Serialize(true)); // combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override void Randomize() { int arraylength = -1; Random rand = new Random(); int strlength; byte[] strbuf, myByte; //header header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); header.Randomize(); //status status = rand.Next(); //details strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1; strbuf = new byte[strlength]; rand.NextBytes(strbuf); //fill the whole buffer with random bytes for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++) { if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones { strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1); } } strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate details = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { tfmsg = new; Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped[] arr = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped[1]; arr[0] = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped(); tfmsg.transforms = arr; Transform trans = trackedObject.transform; emTransform ta = new emTransform(trans, ROS.GetTime(), frame_id, child_frame_id); Messages.std_msgs.Header hdr = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); hdr.frame_id = frame_id; hdr.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); if (!using_gazebo) { += 18000; } tfmsg.transforms[0].header = hdr; tfmsg.transforms[0].child_frame_id = child_frame_id; tfmsg.transforms[0].transform = new Messages.geometry_msgs.Transform(); tfmsg.transforms[0].transform.translation = ta.origin.ToMsg(); //tfmsg.transforms[0].transform.translation.z += 1.0; tfmsg.transforms[0].transform.rotation = ta.basis.ToMsg(); tfmsg.Serialized = null; tfPub.publish(tfmsg); }
public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex) { Header = new std_msgs.Header(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex); GoalStatus = new actionlib_msgs.GoalStatus(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex); //Content = (T)Activator.CreateInstance( typeof( T ), serializedMessage, currentIndex ); Content = (T)typeof(T).GetInstance(); Content.Deserialize(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex); }
public OdomSubscriberHelper (NodeHandle nh, string topic, Pose pose, Twist twist, Accel acceleration, Header header) { pose_ = pose; twist_ = twist; acceleration_ = acceleration; header_ = header; odom_sub_ = nh.subscribe<Odometry> ( topic, 1, odomCallback ); }
void Update() { if (publishtf) { _tfmsg.transforms[0].header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); _tfmsg.transforms[0] += 18000; //windows time is dumb //Debug.Log("Current time" + ROS.GetTime().data.sec); tfPub.publish(_tfmsg); } if (hj == null) { hj = GameObject.Find(frame_id); } else if (!interactableItem.IsInteracting()) { if (!startedInteracting) { //Debug.Log("Not interacting!"); Vector3 t = hj.transform.position; Quaternion q = hj.transform.rotation; transform.position = t; transform.rotation = q; } if (startedInteracting) { tfmsg = new; Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped[] arr = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped[1]; arr[0] = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped(); tfmsg.transforms = arr; //Transform trans = trackedObj.transform; emTransform ta = new emTransform(transform, ROS.GetTime(), "/world", "/look_at_frame"); Messages.std_msgs.Header hdr = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); hdr.frame_id = "/world"; hdr.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); += 18000; tfmsg.transforms[0].header = hdr; tfmsg.transforms[0].child_frame_id = "/look_at_frame"; tfmsg.transforms[0].transform = new Messages.geometry_msgs.Transform(); tfmsg.transforms[0].transform.translation = ta.origin.ToMsg(); tfmsg.transforms[0].transform.rotation = ta.basis.ToMsg(); tfmsg.Serialized = null; tfPub.publish(tfmsg); _tfmsg = tfmsg; publishtf = true; startedInteracting = false; } } else { startedInteracting = true; } }
public override void Randomize() { header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); header.Randomize(); goal_id = new Messages.actionlib_msgs.GoalID(); goal_id.Randomize(); goal = new LandingGoal(); goal.Randomize(); }
public StateSubscriberHelper (NodeHandle nh, string topic, Pose pose, Twist twist, Accel accel, Header header) { pose_ = pose; twist_ = twist; accel_ = accel; header_ = header; available_ = false; tf_sub_ = nh.subscribe<TransformStamped> ( topic, 1, tfCb ); }
internal bool EnqueueMessage(MessageAndSerializerFunc holder) { lock (gate) { if (Dropped) { return(false); } } uint seq = IncrementSequence(); if (HasHeader) { object h = holder.msg.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetField("header").GetValue(holder.msg); std_msgs.Header header; if (h == null) { header = new std_msgs.Header(); } else { header = (std_msgs.Header)h; } header.seq = seq; if (header.stamp == null) { header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); } if (header.frame_id == null) { header.frame_id = ""; } holder.msg.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetField("header").SetValue(holder.msg, header); } holder.msg.connection_header = connectionHeader.Values; lock (gate) { foreach (SubscriberLink link in subscriberLinks) { link.EnqueueMessage(holder); } } if (Latch) { lastMessage = new MessageAndSerializerFunc(holder.msg, holder.serfunc, false, true); } return(true); }
void tfCb (TransformStamped transform) { header_ = transform.header; pose_.position.x = transform.transform.translation.x; pose_.position.y = transform.transform.translation.y; pose_.position.z = transform.transform.translation.z; pose_.orientation = transform.transform.rotation; diff_.updateAndEstimate ( header_.Stamp, pose_, twist_, accel_ ); available_ = true; }
internal bool EnqueueMessage(MessageAndSerializerFunc holder) { lock (subscriber_links_mutex) { if (Dropped) { return(false); } } uint seq = incrementSequence(); if (HasHeader) { object h = holder.msg.GetType().GetField("header").GetValue(holder.msg); m.Header header; if (h == null) { header = new m.Header(); } else { header = (m.Header)h; } header.Seq = seq; if (header.Stamp == null) { header.Stamp = ROS.GetTime(); } if (header.Frame_id == null) { header.Frame_id = ""; } holder.msg.GetType().GetField("header").SetValue(holder.msg, header); } holder.msg.connection_header = connection_header.Values; lock (subscriber_links_mutex) foreach (SubscriberLink sub_link in subscriber_links) { sub_link.enqueueMessage(holder); } if (Latch) { last_message = new MessageAndSerializerFunc(holder.msg, holder.serfunc, false, true); } return(true); }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; IntPtr ptr; int x__size; //header if (header == null) { header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); } pieces.Add(header.Serialize(true)); //status scratch1 = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))]; h = GCHandle.Alloc(scratch1, GCHandleType.Pinned); Marshal.StructureToPtr(status, h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false); h.Free(); pieces.Add(scratch1); //details if (details == null) { details = ""; } scratch1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)details); thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4]; scratch2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4); pieces.Add(thischunk); // combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public bool EnqueueMessage(IRosMessage msg) { lock (subscriber_links_mutex) { if (Dropped) { return(false); } } uint seq = incrementSequence(); if (HasHeader) { object h = msg.GetType().GetField("header").GetValue(msg); m.Header header; if (h == null) { header = new m.Header(); } else { header = (m.Header)h; } header.seq = seq; header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); header.frame_id = new m.String(); msg.GetType().GetField("header").SetValue(msg, header); } msg.connection_header = connection_header.Values; lock (subscriber_links_mutex) foreach (SubscriberLink sub_link in subscriber_links) { sub_link.enqueueMessage(msg, true, false); } if (Latch) { last_message = msg; } return(true); }
void odomCallback (Odometry odom) { // calculate acceleration if ( () != 0.0 && () != 0.0 ) { double acceleration_time_constant = 0.1; double dt = ( ( odom.header.Stamp - header_.Stamp ).data.toSec () ); if ( dt > 0.0 ) { acceleration_.linear.x = ( ( odom.twist.twist.linear.x - twist_.linear.x ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.linear.x ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); acceleration_.linear.y = ( ( odom.twist.twist.linear.y - twist_.linear.y ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.linear.y ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); acceleration_.linear.z = ( ( odom.twist.twist.linear.z - twist_.linear.z ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.linear.z ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); acceleration_.angular.x = ( ( odom.twist.twist.angular.x - twist_.angular.x ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.angular.x ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); acceleration_.angular.y = ( ( odom.twist.twist.angular.y - twist_.angular.y ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.angular.y ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); acceleration_.angular.z = ( ( odom.twist.twist.angular.z - twist_.angular.z ) + acceleration_time_constant * acceleration_.angular.z ) / ( dt + acceleration_time_constant ); } } header_ = odom.header; pose_ = odom.pose.pose; twist_ = odom.twist.twist; }
internal bool EnqueueMessage(MessageAndSerializerFunc holder) { lock (subscriber_links_mutex) { if (Dropped) return false; } uint seq = incrementSequence(); if (HasHeader) { object h = holder.msg.GetType().GetField("header").GetValue(holder.msg); m.Header header; if (h == null) header = new m.Header(); else header = (m.Header) h; header.seq = seq; if (header.stamp == null) { header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); } if (header.frame_id == null) { header.frame_id = ""; } holder.msg.GetType().GetField("header").SetValue(holder.msg, header); } holder.msg.connection_header = connection_header.Values; lock (subscriber_links_mutex) foreach (SubscriberLink sub_link in subscriber_links) { sub_link.enqueueMessage(holder); } if (Latch) { last_message = new MessageAndSerializerFunc(holder.msg, holder.serfunc, false, true); } return true; }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; IntPtr ptr; int x__size; //header if (header == null) { header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); } pieces.Add(header.Serialize(true)); //system_status scratch1 = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))]; h = GCHandle.Alloc(scratch1, GCHandleType.Pinned); Marshal.StructureToPtr(system_status, h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false); h.Free(); pieces.Add(scratch1); //topics hasmetacomponents |= false; if (topics == null) { topics = new string[0]; } pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(topics.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < topics.Length; i++) { //topics[i] if (topics[i] == null) { topics[i] = ""; } scratch1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)topics[i]); thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4]; scratch2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4); pieces.Add(thischunk); } //err_code hasmetacomponents |= false; if (err_code == null) { err_code = new int[0]; } pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(err_code.Length)); // Start Xamla //err_code x__size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * err_code.Length; scratch1 = new byte[x__size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(err_code, 0, scratch1, 0, x__size); pieces.Add(scratch1); // End Xamla //topic_msg hasmetacomponents |= false; if (topic_msg == null) { topic_msg = new string[0]; } pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(topic_msg.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < topic_msg.Length; i++) { //topic_msg[i] if (topic_msg[i] == null) { topic_msg[i] = ""; } scratch1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)topic_msg[i]); thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4]; scratch2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4); pieces.Add(thischunk); } // combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override void Randomize() { int arraylength = -1; Random rand = new Random(); int strlength; byte[] strbuf, myByte; //header header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); header.Randomize(); //system_status system_status = rand.Next(); //topics arraylength = rand.Next(10); if (topics == null) { topics = new string[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref topics, arraylength); } for (int i = 0; i < topics.Length; i++) { //topics[i] strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1; strbuf = new byte[strlength]; rand.NextBytes(strbuf); //fill the whole buffer with random bytes for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++) { if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones { strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1); } } strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate topics[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf); } //err_code arraylength = rand.Next(10); if (err_code == null) { err_code = new int[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref err_code, arraylength); } for (int i = 0; i < err_code.Length; i++) { //err_code[i] err_code[i] = rand.Next(); } //topic_msg arraylength = rand.Next(10); if (topic_msg == null) { topic_msg = new string[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref topic_msg, arraylength); } for (int i = 0; i < topic_msg.Length; i++) { //topic_msg[i] strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1; strbuf = new byte[strlength]; rand.NextBytes(strbuf); //fill the whole buffer with random bytes for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++) { if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones { strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1); } } strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate topic_msg[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf); } }
public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex) { int arraylength = -1; bool hasmetacomponents = false; object __thing; int piecesize = 0; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; IntPtr h; //header header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex); //system_status piecesize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)); h = IntPtr.Zero; if (serializedMessage.Length - currentIndex != 0) { h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(piecesize); Marshal.Copy(serializedMessage, currentIndex, h, piecesize); } if (h == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Memory allocation failed"); } system_status = (int)Marshal.PtrToStructure(h, typeof(int)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(h); currentIndex += piecesize; //topics hasmetacomponents |= false; arraylength = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32)); if (topics == null) { topics = new string[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref topics, arraylength); } for (int i = 0; i < topics.Length; i++) { //topics[i] topics[i] = ""; piecesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += 4; topics[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize); currentIndex += piecesize; } //err_code hasmetacomponents |= false; arraylength = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32)); if (err_code == null) { err_code = new int[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref err_code, arraylength); } // Start Xamla //err_code piecesize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * err_code.Length; if (currentIndex + piecesize > serializedMessage.Length) { throw new Exception("Memory allocation failed: Ran out of bytes to read."); } Buffer.BlockCopy(serializedMessage, currentIndex, err_code, 0, piecesize); currentIndex += piecesize; // End Xamla //topic_msg hasmetacomponents |= false; arraylength = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32)); if (topic_msg == null) { topic_msg = new string[arraylength]; } else { Array.Resize(ref topic_msg, arraylength); } for (int i = 0; i < topic_msg.Length; i++) { //topic_msg[i] topic_msg[i] = ""; piecesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex); currentIndex += 4; topic_msg[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize); currentIndex += piecesize; } }
public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex) { header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex); goal_id = new Messages.actionlib_msgs.GoalID(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex); goal = new LandingGoal(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex); }