Esempio n. 1
        public PlacementNode UpdateMiddleTrapezoid(Trapezoid oldTrap, HalfEdge edge, ref Trapezoid lNeighborTop, ref Trapezoid lNeighborBottom)
            (var belowFace, var aboveFace) = GetFaces(edge);

            Trapezoid above, below;
            TrapNode  aboveNode, belowNode;

            Debug.Assert(oldTrap.LeftTop == null ^ oldTrap.LeftBottom == null);

            if (oldTrap.LeftTop == null)
                // Left side originates above so merge bottom trapezoids
                below          = lNeighborBottom;
                belowNode      = below.Node;
                below.RightVtx = oldTrap.RightVtx;
                below = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = oldTrap.RightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = oldTrap.LeftVtx,
                    LeftTop        = lNeighborBottom,
                    BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                    TopEdge        = edge,
                    ContainingFace = belowFace
                belowNode = new TrapNode(below);
                lNeighborBottom.RightTop = below;

            if (oldTrap.LeftBottom == null)
                above          = lNeighborTop;
                aboveNode      = above.Node;
                above.RightVtx = oldTrap.RightVtx;
                above = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = oldTrap.RightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = oldTrap.LeftVtx,
                    BottomEdge     = edge,
                    TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                    ContainingFace = aboveFace
                aboveNode = new TrapNode(above);
                lNeighborTop.RightBottom = above;

            lNeighborTop    = above;
            lNeighborBottom = below;
            return(new YNode(edge.InitVertex.Position, edge.NextVertex.Position, aboveNode, belowNode));
Esempio n. 2
        ///  <summary>	Updates the Trapezoid which an endpoint of the edge is located in. </summary>
        ///  <remarks>	Note - we presume the caller is modifying trapezoids intersected by the side from
        ///             left to right.  The lNeighborTop and lNeighborBottom are the top and bottom
        ///             trapezoids created by the edge splitting in the trapezoid to our left.  This is
        ///             so we can merge one of our upper or lower traps with the one on the left. Generally
        ///                 we can't merge right traps into left ones because the right trapezoids haven't been
        ///                 created yet.
        ///                 Darrell Plank, 2/12/2018. </remarks>
        ///  <param name="oldTrap">	The trapNode which contains the left endpoint. </param>
        ///  <param name="edge">	    The edge whose left endpoint is in the trapezoid. </param>
        /// <param name="lNeighborTop"> The left neighbor's top trapezoid </param>
        /// <param name="lNeighborBottom"> The left neighbor's bottom trapezoid </param>
        public PlacementNode  UpdateEndTrapezoid(Trapezoid oldTrap, HalfEdge edge, ref Trapezoid lNeighborTop, ref Trapezoid lNeighborBottom)
            (var belowFace, var aboveFace) = GetFaces(edge);

            // The edge splits some portion of our trapezoid vertically.  Determine the extent of that
            // region and which vertices bound it.
            var trapLeft  = oldTrap.LeftVtx.X;
            var trapRight = oldTrap.RightVtx.X;
            var edgeLeft  = edge.InitVertex.X;
            var edgeRight = edge.NextVertex.X;

            // "meets" in this context means the side shares a previously established vertex.
            // "exceeds" means "goes past" which means it splits through
            // the side of the trap.  If neither of these is true, it ends in the proper
            // interior of the trapezoid.

            // We can use equality here since these will be coming from a shared vertex
            // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var meetsLeft  = trapLeft == edgeLeft;
            var meetsRight = trapRight == edgeRight;
            // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var exceedsLeft   = trapLeft > edgeLeft;
            var exceedsRight  = trapRight < edgeRight;
            var interiorLeft  = trapLeft < edgeLeft;
            var interiorRight = trapRight > edgeRight;

            var midRightVtx = meetsRight || exceedsRight ? oldTrap.RightVtx : edge.NextVertex;
            var midLeftVtx  = meetsLeft || exceedsLeft ? oldTrap.LeftVtx : edge.InitVertex;

            // The newly created traps to be inserted into the map
            Trapezoid above, below, left, right;

            // Create left trapezoid if necessary
            if (interiorLeft)
                left = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = midLeftVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = oldTrap.LeftVtx,
                    LeftTop        = oldTrap.LeftTop,
                    LeftBottom     = oldTrap.LeftBottom,
                    BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                    TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                    ContainingFace = oldTrap.ContainingFace
                oldTrap.LeftBottom?.LinkTo(oldTrap, left, true);
                oldTrap.LeftTop?.LinkTo(oldTrap, left, true);
                left = null;

            // Create right trapezoid if necessary
            if (interiorRight)
                right = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = oldTrap.RightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = midRightVtx,
                    RightBottom    = oldTrap.RightBottom,
                    LeftBottom     = oldTrap.LeftBottom,
                    BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                    TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                    ContainingFace = oldTrap.ContainingFace
                oldTrap.RightBottom?.LinkTo(oldTrap, right, false);
                oldTrap.RightTop?.LinkTo(oldTrap, right, false);
                right = null;

            TrapNode aboveNode = null, belowNode = null;

            // Create top/bottom trapezoids (which is always necessary)
            if (exceedsLeft)
                // These assumptions need to be met when merging below.  This should all compile out
                // in the release build.
                Debug.Assert(oldTrap.LeftTop == null ^ oldTrap.LeftBottom == null);
                Debug.Assert(lNeighborBottom != null && lNeighborTop != null);

                if (oldTrap.LeftBottom == null)
                    // Old trap's left side comes up from vertex below and we're cutting it off so merge top traps
                    above          = lNeighborTop;
                    above.RightVtx = midRightVtx;
                    aboveNode      = above.Node;

                    // Create new bottom trap
                    below = new Trapezoid
                        RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                        LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                        LeftTop        = lNeighborBottom,
                        TopEdge        = edge,
                        BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                        ContainingFace = belowFace
                    lNeighborBottom.RightTop = below;
                    // Merge bottom traps
                    below          = lNeighborBottom;
                    below.RightVtx = midRightVtx;
                    belowNode      = below.Node;

                    // Create new top trap
                    above = new Trapezoid
                        RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                        LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                        LeftBottom     = lNeighborTop,
                        BottomEdge     = edge,
                        TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                        ContainingFace = aboveFace
                    lNeighborTop.RightBottom = above;
            else if (meetsLeft)
                var leftOfTopTrap    = oldTrap.LeftTop;
                var leftOfBottomTrap = oldTrap.LeftBottom;

                above = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                    LeftTop        = leftOfTopTrap,
                    TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                    BottomEdge     = edge,
                    ContainingFace = aboveFace

                below = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                    LeftBottom     = leftOfBottomTrap,
                    BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                    TopEdge        = edge,
                    ContainingFace = belowFace

                oldTrap.LeftTop?.LinkTo(oldTrap, above, true);
                oldTrap.LeftBottom?.LinkTo(oldTrap, below, true);
                // Interior on left - i.e., we created a left trapezoid within the old trapezoid
                above = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                    LeftTop        = left,
                    TopEdge        = oldTrap.TopEdge,
                    BottomEdge     = edge,
                    ContainingFace = aboveFace

                below = new Trapezoid
                    RightVtx       = midRightVtx,
                    LeftVtx        = midLeftVtx,
                    LeftBottom     = left,
                    BottomEdge     = oldTrap.BottomEdge,
                    TopEdge        = edge,
                    ContainingFace = belowFace
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                left.RightTop    = above;
                left.RightBottom = below;

            if (meetsRight)
                above.RightTop    = oldTrap.RightTop;
                above.RightBottom = null;
                below.RightTop    = null;
                below.RightBottom = oldTrap.RightBottom;
                oldTrap.RightTop?.LinkTo(oldTrap, above, false);
                oldTrap.RightBottom?.LinkTo(oldTrap, below, false);
            else if (interiorRight)
                above.RightTop    = right;
                above.RightBottom = null;
                below.RightTop    = null;
                below.RightBottom = right;
                right.LeftTop     = above;
                right.LeftBottom  = below;
            // If exceedRight then we'll be backpatched in the next trap to the right.

            if (aboveNode == null)
                aboveNode = new TrapNode(above);

            if (belowNode == null)
                belowNode = new TrapNode(below);

            lNeighborTop    = above;
            lNeighborBottom = below;

            // Okay - finally done with the map.  Now to deal with the tree.
            // We always have the edge split to concern ourselves with
            PlacementNode repl = new YNode(edge.InitVertex.Position, edge.NextVertex.Position, aboveNode, belowNode);

            // Do we split off a right trap?
            if (interiorRight)
                repl = new XNode(repl, new TrapNode(right), right.LeftVtx);
                //repl = new XNode(repl, new TrapNode(right), midRight);

            // How about splitting off a left trap?
            if (interiorLeft)
                repl = new XNode(new TrapNode(left), repl, left.RightVtx);
                //repl = new XNode(new TrapNode(left), repl, midLeft);
