public unsafe virtual void ReadFrom(ref byte* Buffer)
            InlineVariable var;
            string strval;
            int intval;
            uint uintval;
            int index;
            List<Tuple<string, int>> stringliterals = new List<Tuple<string, int>>();

            resourceID = *((uint*)Buffer);
            Buffer += TypeSizes.INT;

            // resolve root resource id
            if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(resourceID, out resourceName))
                resourceName = String.Empty;

            // build string
            fullString = String.Copy(resourceName);
            index = HasVariable(fullString);
            while (index > -1)
                // which type of inline var
                switch (fullString[index + 1])
                    // %i or %d are 4 byte integers. Their value should be inserted as a string.
                    case INTEGERFLAG:
                    case INTEGERFLAG2:
                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Integer, ref Buffer);
                        intval  = (int)var.Data;


                        // remove the %i, %d and insert the integer directly
                        fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                        fullString = fullString.Insert(index, intval.ToString());

                    // %q is a server-sent string which is directly attached to the message and not looked up from rsb
                    // if it contains any %vars itself, these MUST NOT be resolved further (won't be available in params)
                    case EMBEDDEDSTRINGLITERALFLAG:
                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.String, ref Buffer);
                        strval  = (string)var.Data;


                        // remove the %q, save string and position for insert later
                        // this position won't invalidate, because the string grows to the right of this index only
                        fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                        stringliterals.Add(new Tuple<string, int>(strval, index));

                    // %s is a server-sent string resource id. It must be resolved from .rsb
                    // if it contains any %vars itself, these MUST NOT be resolved further (won't be available in params)
                    case STRINGRESOURCELITERALFLAG:
                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
                        uintval = (uint)var.Data;


                        if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval))
                            strval = String.Empty;

                        // remove the %s, save string and position for insert later
                        // this position won't invalidate, because the string grows to the right of this index only
                        fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                        stringliterals.Add(new Tuple<string, int>(strval, index));

            #if !VANILLA
                    // %r is a server-sent string resource id. It must be resolved from .rsb
                    // if it contains any %vars itself, these MUST be resolved before any next var.
                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
                        uintval = (uint)var.Data;


                        if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval))
                            strval = String.Empty;

                        // remove the %r, immediately insert the content (so we process it next)
                        fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                        fullString = fullString.Insert(index, strval);

                // check if there is more inline vars (may start loop again)
                index = HasVariable(fullString);

            // Now finally add the %q and %s stringliterals:
            // MUST iterate backwards (right to left in string)
            // so these inserts don't invalidate the other indices
            for(int i = stringliterals.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                fullString = fullString.Insert(stringliterals[i].Item2, stringliterals[i].Item1);

            // extract and remove the inline styles (~B ...)
            Styles = ChatStyle.GetStyles(fullString, chatMessageType);
            fullString = ChatStyle.RemoveInlineStyles(fullString);
Esempio n. 2
        public unsafe virtual void ReadFrom(ref byte *Buffer)
            resourceID = *((uint *)Buffer);
            Buffer    += TypeSizes.INT;

            string resourceName;

            stringResources.TryGetValue(resourceID, out resourceName);
            this.resourceName = resourceName;

            // start filling up variables (example: %s) with values
            // their values are attached to the packet/buffer and make it a variable length
            // also there might be more than one iteration necessary as varibles may be nested into variable-strings
            fullString = String.Copy(resourceName);

            int index = HasVariable(fullString);

            while (index > -1)
                // which type of inline var
                switch (fullString[index + 1])
                case INTEGERFLAG:
                case INTEGERFLAG2:
                    InlineVariable var1 = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Integer, ref Buffer);

                    int j = (int)var1.Data;

                    // remove the %i and insert the integer
                    fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                    fullString = fullString.Insert(index, j.ToString());

                case EMBEDDEDSTRINGFLAG:
                    InlineVariable var2 = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.String, ref Buffer);

                    string s = (string)var2.Data;

                    // remove the %q and insert the string
                    fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                    fullString = fullString.Insert(index, s);

                case STRINGRESOURCEFLAG:
                    InlineVariable var3 = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);

                    uint resourceid = (uint)var3.Data;

                    // try to get it from strings
                    string resourcestr;
                    stringResources.TryGetValue(resourceid, out resourcestr);

                    // still null? use dummy
                    if (resourcestr == null)
                        resourcestr = String.Empty;

                    // remove the %s and insert the resourcestr
                    fullString = fullString.Remove(index, 2);
                    fullString = fullString.Insert(index, resourcestr);


                // check if there is more inline vars (may start loop again)
                index = HasVariable(fullString);

            // extract and remove the inline styles (~B ...)
            Styles     = ChatStyle.GetStyles(fullString, chatMessageType);
            fullString = ChatStyle.RemoveInlineStyles(fullString);
        public unsafe virtual void ReadFrom(ref byte *Buffer)
            InlineVariable var;
            string         strval;
            string         tempstr;
            int            intval;
            uint           uintval;
            int            index;

            // read root resource ID
            resourceID = *((uint *)Buffer);
            Buffer    += TypeSizes.INT;

            // This is the parser-iteration in which we go through the string-building process,
            // but only do enough of it to get the info we need to read parameters from buffer.
            // Parameters are ordered on the buffer like they appear in ENGLISH.
            // Todo: Change serverside to specify amount and type of parameters to be read.

            // get root resource-string in english
            if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(resourceID, out tempstr, LanguageCode.English))
                tempstr = String.Empty;

            // string building process
            index = HasVariable(tempstr);
            while (index > -1)
                while (index > -1)
                    // which type of inline var
                    switch (tempstr[index + 1])
                    // %% in string is literal %, remove one.
                    case VARIABLEFLAG:
                        tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 1);

                    case INTEGERFLAG:
                    case INTEGERFLAG2:
                        var    = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Integer, ref Buffer);
                        intval = (int)var.Data;


                        // remove the %i, %d, no handling pass 1
                        tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);

                    case EMBEDDEDSTRINGLITERALFLAG:
                        var    = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.String, ref Buffer);
                        strval = (string)var.Data;


                        // remove the %q, no handling in pass 1
                        tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);

                    case STRINGRESOURCELITERALFLAG:
                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
                        uintval = (uint)var.Data;


                        if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval, LanguageCode.English))
                            strval = String.Empty;

                        // remove the %s, and insert the string,
                        // but skip its content in this inner while()
                        tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);
                        tempstr = tempstr.Insert(index, strval);

                        // skip
                        index += strval.Length;

                        var     = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
                        uintval = (uint)var.Data;


                        if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval, LanguageCode.English))
                            strval = String.Empty;

                        // remove the %r, insert the content (so we process it next)
                        tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);
                        tempstr = tempstr.Insert(index, strval);

                    // see if there is more inline vars to the right of current index
                    // this makes sure we don't yet process nested and already inserted %s
                    index = HasVariable(tempstr, index);

                // start from the beginning again, this will process nested %s
                index = HasVariable(tempstr);

            // now build the user-language based FullString using parameters
Esempio n. 4
        public unsafe virtual void ReadFrom(ref byte* Buffer)
			InlineVariable var;
			string strval;
			string tempstr;
			int intval;
			uint uintval;
			int index;

			// read root resource ID
			resourceID = *((uint*)Buffer);
			Buffer += TypeSizes.INT;

			// This is the parser-iteration in which we go through the string-building process,
			// but only do enough of it to get the info we need to read parameters from buffer.
			// Parameters are ordered on the buffer like they appear in ENGLISH.
			// Todo: Change serverside to specify amount and type of parameters to be read.

			// get root resource-string in english
			if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(resourceID, out tempstr, LanguageCode.English))
				tempstr = String.Empty;

			// string building process
			index = HasVariable(tempstr);
			while (index > -1)
				while (index > -1)
					// which type of inline var
					switch (tempstr[index + 1])
						case INTEGERFLAG:
						case INTEGERFLAG2:
							var = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Integer, ref Buffer);
							intval = (int)var.Data;


							// remove the %i, %d, no handling pass 1
							tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);

							var = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.String, ref Buffer);
							strval = (string)var.Data;


							// remove the %q, no handling in pass 1
							tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);

							var = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
							uintval = (uint)var.Data;


							if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval, LanguageCode.English))
								strval = String.Empty;

							// remove the %s, and insert the string,
							// but skip its content in this inner while()                     
							tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);
							tempstr = tempstr.Insert(index, strval);

							// skip
							index += strval.Length;

							var = new InlineVariable(InlineVariableType.Resource, ref Buffer);
							uintval = (uint)var.Data;


							if (!stringResources.TryGetValue(uintval, out strval, LanguageCode.English))
								strval = String.Empty;

							// remove the %r, insert the content (so we process it next)
							tempstr = tempstr.Remove(index, 2);
							tempstr = tempstr.Insert(index, strval);

					// see if there is more inline vars to the right of current index
					// this makes sure we don't yet process nested and already inserted %s
					index = HasVariable(tempstr, index);

				// start from the beginning again, this will process nested %s
				index = HasVariable(tempstr);

			// now build the user-language based FullString using parameters