Esempio n. 1
        public void SelectAll()
            this.SetPosition(0, 0, true, false);
            DiffViewPosition endPos = this.GetDocumentEndPosition();

            this.SetSelectionEnd(endPos.Line, endPos.Column, false);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!this.Focused && this.CanFocus)

            if (e.X >= this.gutterWidth)
                DiffViewPosition pos = this.GetPosFromPoint(e.X, e.Y);

                // Only change pos if non-right-click or right-click not in selection
                if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right || !this.InSelection(pos))
                    this.SetPosition(pos.Line, pos.Column);

                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                    this.Capture       = true;
                    this.capturedMouse = true;

Esempio n. 3
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            // Update the mouse cursor to be an IBeam if we're not in the gutter.
            this.Cursor = (e.X < this.gutterWidth) ? Cursors.Default : Cursors.IBeam;

            if (this.capturedMouse && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                // Determine if we're at or above the first visible line
                // or at or below the last visible line.  If so, then
                // auto-scroll.  Similarly, if we're on the first or last
                // character or beyond, then auto-scroll.
                Rectangle r = new(this.gutterWidth, 0, this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height);
                r.Inflate(-this.charWidth, -this.lineHeight);
                if (!r.Contains(e.X, e.Y))
                    this.verticalAutoScrollAmount = 0;
                    if (e.Y < r.Y)
                        this.verticalAutoScrollAmount = -1;
                    else if (e.Y > r.Bottom)
                        this.verticalAutoScrollAmount = 1;

                    this.horizontalAutoScrollAmount = 0;
                    if (e.X < r.X)
                        this.horizontalAutoScrollAmount = -1;
                    else if (e.X > r.Right)
                        this.horizontalAutoScrollAmount = 1;

                    this.autoScrollTimer.Enabled = true;
                    this.autoScrollTimer.Enabled = false;

                // Set the selection end to the current mouse position
                // if the new position is different from the caret position.
                DiffViewPosition pos = this.GetPosFromPoint(e.X, e.Y);
                if (pos != this.position)
                    this.SetSelectionEnd(pos.Line, pos.Column);
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)
            // Select the identifier at the double-clicked position.
            DiffViewPosition pos = this.Position;
            int startColumn      = this.FindCurrentTokenStart(pos, true);
            int endColumn        = this.FindCurrentTokenEnd(pos, false);

            this.SetPosition(pos.Line, startColumn);
            if (endColumn != startColumn)
                this.SetSelectionEnd(pos.Line, endColumn);

Esempio n. 5
        public void ScrollToCaret()
            if (this.caret != null)
                // Assume the caret is always at this.Position.
                // It would be nice if we had:
                // Debug.Assert(this.Position.Line == CaretPos.Line && this.Position.Column == CaretPos.Column);
                // but that fails on occasion because of rounding problems
                // between calling GetPointFromPos and then GetPosFromPoint.
                DiffViewPosition caretPos   = this.position;
                Point            caretPoint = this.GetPointFromPos(caretPos.Line, caretPos.Column);

                // Make sure that position is on the screen by
                // scrolling the minimal number of lines and characters.
                int firstVisibleLine = this.FirstVisibleLine;
                int lastVisibleLine  = firstVisibleLine + this.VisibleLineCount - 1;

                if (caretPos.Line < firstVisibleLine)
                    this.VScrollPos -= firstVisibleLine - caretPos.Line;
                else if (caretPos.Line > lastVisibleLine)
                    this.VScrollPos += caretPos.Line - lastVisibleLine;

                // This is tricky because we might not have a monospaced font.
                // We have to figure out the number of pixels we need to scroll
                // and then translate that into characters (i.e. CharWidths).
                int firstVisibleX = this.gutterWidth - GutterSeparatorWidth;
                int lastVisibleX  = this.ClientSize.Width - this.caret.Size.Width;
                if (caretPoint.X < firstVisibleX)
                    int scrollPixels = caretPoint.X - firstVisibleX;
                    this.HScrollPos += (int)Math.Floor(scrollPixels / (double)this.charWidth);
                else if (caretPoint.X > lastVisibleX)
                    int scrollPixels = caretPoint.X - lastVisibleX;
                    this.HScrollPos += (int)Math.Ceiling(scrollPixels / (double)this.charWidth);
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)

            bool ctrlShiftPressed  = e.Modifiers == (Keys.Control | Keys.Shift);
            bool ctrlPressed       = e.Modifiers == Keys.Control;
            bool shiftPressed      = e.Modifiers == Keys.Shift;
            bool noModifierPressed = e.Modifiers == 0;

            if (ctrlShiftPressed || ctrlPressed || shiftPressed || noModifierPressed)
                switch (e.KeyCode)
                case Keys.A:
                    if (ctrlPressed)


                case Keys.C:
                    if (ctrlPressed && this.HasSelection)
                        Clipboard.SetDataObject(this.SelectedText, true);


                case Keys.Up:
                    this.HandleArrowUpDown(-1, ctrlPressed, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.Down:
                    this.HandleArrowUpDown(+1, ctrlPressed, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.Left:
                    this.HandleArrowLeft(ctrlShiftPressed, ctrlPressed, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.Right:
                    this.HandleArrowRight(ctrlShiftPressed, ctrlPressed, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.PageUp:
                    this.HandlePageUpDown(-1, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.PageDown:
                    this.HandlePageUpDown(+1, shiftPressed, noModifierPressed);

                case Keys.Home:
                    if (ctrlShiftPressed)
                        this.SetSelectionEnd(0, 0);
                    else if (ctrlPressed)
                        this.SetPosition(0, 0);
                    else if (shiftPressed)
                        this.ExtendSelection(0, -this.Position.Column);
                    else if (noModifierPressed)
                        this.SetPosition(this.Position.Line, 0);


                case Keys.End:
                    if (ctrlShiftPressed)
                        DiffViewPosition endPos = this.GetDocumentEndPosition();
                        this.SetSelectionEnd(endPos.Line, endPos.Column);
                    else if (ctrlPressed)
                        DiffViewPosition endPos = this.GetDocumentEndPosition();
                        this.SetPosition(endPos.Line, endPos.Column);
                    else if (shiftPressed)
                        this.ExtendSelection(0, this.GetDisplayLineLength(this.Position.Line) - this.Position.Column);
                    else if (noModifierPressed)
                        int line = this.Position.Line;
                        this.SetPosition(line, this.GetDisplayLineLength(line));

Esempio n. 7
        public bool FindPrevious(FindData data)
            bool result = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Text))
                data.SearchUp = true;
                result        = this.Find(data);
                int numLines = this.LineCount;
                if (numLines > 0)
                    string text = data.Text;
                    if (!data.MatchCase)
                        text = text.ToUpper();

                    DiffViewPosition startPosition = this.GetFindStartPosition(true);
                    int lastLineLastColumn         = startPosition.Column;

                    // Use <= so we check the start line again from the end
                    for (int i = 0; i <= numLines; i++)
                        // Use % so we wrap around at the end.
                        int lineNumber = (startPosition.Line - i + numLines) % numLines;

                        // This needs to search the original text.
                        DisplayLine displayLine = this.GetDisplayLine(lineNumber);
                        string      line        = displayLine.OriginalText;

                        if (!data.MatchCase)
                            line = line.ToUpper();

                        const int StartAtEndColumn = -1;
                        if (startPosition.Column == StartAtEndColumn)
                            startPosition = new DiffViewPosition(startPosition.Line, Math.Max(0, displayLine.GetDisplayTextLength()));

                        int index;
                        if (i == numLines)
                            // We're rechecking the start line from the end.
                            int startIndex = displayLine.GetTextIndexFromDisplayColumn(startPosition.Column);
                            int lastIndex  = displayLine.GetTextIndexFromDisplayColumn(lastLineLastColumn);
                            index = line.LastIndexOf(text, startIndex, startIndex - lastIndex + 1);
                            index = line.LastIndexOf(text, displayLine.GetTextIndexFromDisplayColumn(startPosition.Column));

                        if (index >= 0)
                            this.GoToPosition(lineNumber, displayLine.GetDisplayColumnFromTextIndex(index));
                            this.ExtendSelection(0, text.Length);
                            result = true;

                        // On all lines but the first, we need to start at the end
                        startPosition = new DiffViewPosition(startPosition.Line, StartAtEndColumn);

                if (!result)
                    string message = string.Format("'{0}' was not found.", data.Text);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, message, nameof(this.Find), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
