public static void GetLongestWordData()
            var myWordMngr = new WordManager();//this is an instance of WordManager

            string userInput;

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendLine("Thanks for choosing the Longest Word Exercise.");


                Console.Write("Please enter a list of words separated by a space: ");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            } while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", userInput));

            #region Old user input code
            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    longest1 = Console.ReadLine();
            //} while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", longest1));

            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    longest2 = Console.ReadLine();
            //} while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", longest2));

        public static void GetWordFreqData()
            var wordMngr = new WordManager(); //this is an instance of WordManager class

            string userInput;

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendLine("Thanks for choosing the Word Frequency Exercise.");


                Console.Write("Please enter a list of words separated by a space: ");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            }while (userInput == "");

            #region Old userinput code
            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    freq2 = Console.ReadLine();
            //while (freq2 == "");

            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    freq3 = Console.ReadLine();
            //while (freq3 == "");

            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    freq1 = Console.ReadLine();
            //while (freq4 == "");

            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    freq1 = Console.ReadLine();
            //while (freq5 == "");

        public static void GetLongWordData()    //has notes about logging output to console for a non-static method (see WordManager)
            var myWordMngr = new WordManager(); //instance of class WordManager; WordManager = class, and we're creating a new type

            string length;
            string userInput;

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendLine("Thanks for choosing the Longest Word Compared to an Integer Exercise.");


                Console.Write("Please enter a number: ");
                length = Console.ReadLine();//can't convert user input to integer
            }while (!Utilities.IsValidInput(length));

                Console.Write("Please enter a list of words separated by a space: ");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            } while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", userInput));

            #region Old code for user input
            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    word2 = Console.ReadLine();
            //} while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", word2));

            //    Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
            //    word3 = Console.ReadLine();
            //} while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", word3));

            Console.WriteLine(myWordMngr.longestInteger(Convert.ToInt32(length), userInput));//converted length that was a string because of user input to integer
            //longestInteger = name of method; (length, word1, etc...) = method inputs
        public static void GetPalindromeData()
            var myWordMgr = new WordManager(); //this is an instance of class WordManager

            string palin1;                     //empty variable

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendLine("Thanks for choosing Palindrome Exercise. Enter a word below:");


                Console.Write("Please enter a word: ");
                palin1 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); //makes all characters lowercase
            } while (!Utilities.IsValidInputAlpha("Alpha", palin1));

            Console.WriteLine("Your word is a Palindrome: " + myWordMgr.Palindrome(palin1));