Esempio n. 1
    protected void GenerateSqlStatement(bool groupByValues,
        IDictionary<MediaItemAspectMetadata, string> miamAliases,
        out string mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias,
        out IDictionary<QueryAttribute, string> attributeAliases,
        out string statementStr, out IList<BindVar> bindVars)
      Namespace ns = new Namespace();
      BindVarNamespace bvNamespace = new BindVarNamespace();

      // Contains a mapping of each queried (=selected or filtered) attribute to its request attribute instance
      // data (which holds its requested query table instance)
      IDictionary<QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute> requestedAttributes = new Dictionary<QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute>();
      attributeAliases = new Dictionary<QueryAttribute, string>();

      // Contains a list of qualified attribute names for all select attributes - needed for GROUP BY-expressions
      ICollection<string> qualifiedGroupByAliases = new List<string>();

      // Contains a list of compiled select attribute declarations. We need this in a separate list (in contrast to using
      // the selectAttributes list together with the compiledAttributes map) because it might be the case that
      // an attribute is requested twice. In that rare case, we need a new alias name for it.
      IList<string> selectAttributeDeclarations = new List<string>();

      // Dictionary containing as key the requested MIAM instance OR attribute specification of cardinality MTO,
      // mapped to the table query data to request its contents.
      IDictionary<object, TableQueryData> tableQueries = new Dictionary<object, TableQueryData>();

      // Contains the same tables as the tableQueries variable, but in order and enriched with table join data
      IList<TableJoin> tableJoins = new List<TableJoin>();

      // Contains all table query data for MIA type tables
      IDictionary<MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> miaTypeTableQueries = new Dictionary<MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData>();

      // Albert, 2012-01-29: Optimized query, don't join with media items table, if we have necessary requested MIAs. In that case,
      // we can use one of their media item ids.
      //// First create the request table query data for the MIA main table and the request attribute for the MIA ID.
      //// We'll need the requested attribute as join attribute soon.
      //TableQueryData miaTableQuery = new TableQueryData(MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_TABLE_NAME);
      //RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(miaTableQuery, MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME);

      RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute = null; // Lazy initialized below

      // Contains CompiledSortInformation instances for each sort information instance
      IList<CompiledSortInformation> compiledSortInformation = null;

      // Ensure that the tables for all necessary MIAs are requested first (INNER JOIN)
      foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _necessaryRequestedMIAs)
        if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
          // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary MIA, so optimize redundant entry
        TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
        miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
        RequestedAttribute ra;
        // The first table join has invalid join attributes because miaIdAttribute is still null - but only the join table attribute is necessary
        // for the the first table - see below
        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", tqd,
            ra = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));
        if (miaIdAttribute == null)
          miaIdAttribute = ra;

      if (miaIdAttribute == null)
      { // If we didn't request any necessary MIA types, we have to add an artificial table for the miaIdAttribute
        TableQueryData miaTableQuery = new TableQueryData(MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_TABLE_NAME);
        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", miaTableQuery, null, null)); // First table join has invalid join attributes - not needed for first table
        miaIdAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(miaTableQuery, MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME);

      // Ensure that the tables for all optional MIAs are requested first (LEFT OUTER JOIN)
      // That is necessary to make empty optional MIA types available in the result
      foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _optionalRequestedMIAs)
        if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
          // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary or optional MIA, so optimize redundant entry
        TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
        miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd,
            new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));

      // Build table query data for each selected Inline and MTO attribute
      // + select query attribute
      // + add alias to selectAttributeDeclarations
      foreach (QueryAttribute attr in _selectAttributes)
        RequestedAttribute ra;
        RequestSimpleAttribute(attr, tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes, miaTypeTableQueries,
            miaIdAttribute, out ra);
        string alias;
        selectAttributeDeclarations.Add(_selectProjectionFunction == null ?
            ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out alias) :
            ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, _selectProjectionFunction, out alias));
        attributeAliases.Add(attr, alias);

      CompiledFilter compiledFilter = new CompiledFilter(_miaManagement, _filter, ns, bvNamespace, miaIdAttribute.GetQualifiedName(ns), tableJoins);

      // Build table query data for each Inline attribute which is part of a filter
      // + compile query attribute
      foreach (QueryAttribute attr in compiledFilter.RequiredAttributes)
        if (attr.Attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.Inline && attr.Attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.ManyToOne)
        // Tables of Inline and MTO attributes, which are part of a filter, are joined with main table
        RequestedAttribute ra;
        RequestSimpleAttribute(attr, tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes,
            miaTypeTableQueries, miaIdAttribute, out ra);
      // Build table query data for each sort attribute
      if (_sortInformation != null)
        compiledSortInformation = new List<CompiledSortInformation>();
        foreach (SortInformation sortInformation in _sortInformation)
          MediaItemAspectMetadata.AttributeSpecification attr = sortInformation.AttributeType;
          if (attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.Inline && attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.ManyToOne)
            // Sorting can only be done for Inline and MTO attributes
          RequestedAttribute ra;
          RequestSimpleAttribute(new QueryAttribute(attr), tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes,
              miaTypeTableQueries, miaIdAttribute, out ra);
          compiledSortInformation.Add(new CompiledSortInformation(ra, sortInformation.Direction));
      StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

      string groupClause = StringUtils.Join(", ", qualifiedGroupByAliases.Select(alias => "V." + alias));
      if (groupByValues)
        mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias = "C";
        // Create an additional COUNT expression for the MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID in the GROUP BY-statement
        result.Append("COUNT(V.C) ");
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupClause))
          result.Append(", ");
        result.Append(" FROM (");
        result.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
        result.Append(" C");
        // Append plain attribute MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID if no GROUP BY-statement is requested
        result.Append(miaIdAttribute.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias));

        // System attributes: Necessary to evaluate if a requested MIA is present for the media item
        foreach (KeyValuePair<MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> kvp in miaTypeTableQueries)
          result.Append(", ");
          string miamColumn = kvp.Value.GetAlias(ns) + "." + MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME;
          string miamAlias = ns.GetOrCreate(miamColumn, "A");
          result.Append(" ");
          if (miamAlias != null)
            miamAliases.Add(kvp.Key, miamAlias);

      // Selected attributes
      foreach (string selectAttr in selectAttributeDeclarations)
        result.Append(", ");

      string whereStr = compiledFilter.CreateSqlFilterCondition(ns, requestedAttributes, out bindVars);

      result.Append(" FROM ");

      bool firstJoinTable = true;
      // Other joined tables
      foreach (TableJoin tableJoin in tableJoins)
        if (firstJoinTable)
          firstJoinTable = false;
        result.Append(' ');

      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereStr))
        result.Append("WHERE ");
      if (groupByValues)
        result.Append(") V");
        if (qualifiedGroupByAliases.Count > 0)
          result.Append(" GROUP BY ");
        if (compiledSortInformation != null && compiledSortInformation.Count > 0)
          IEnumerable<string> sortCriteria = compiledSortInformation.Select(csi => csi.GetSortDeclaration(ns));
          result.Append("ORDER BY ");
          result.Append(StringUtils.Join(", ", sortCriteria));

      statementStr = result.ToString();
        protected void GenerateSqlStatement(bool groupByValues,
                                            IDictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, string> miamAliases,
                                            out string mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias,
                                            out IDictionary <QueryAttribute, string> attributeAliases,
                                            out string statementStr, out IList <BindVar> bindVars)
            Namespace        ns          = new Namespace();
            BindVarNamespace bvNamespace = new BindVarNamespace();

            // Contains a mapping of each queried (=selected or filtered) attribute to its request attribute instance
            // data (which holds its requested query table instance)
            IDictionary <QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute> requestedAttributes = new Dictionary <QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute>();

            attributeAliases = new Dictionary <QueryAttribute, string>();

            // Contains a list of qualified attribute names for all select attributes - needed for GROUP BY-expressions
            ICollection <string> qualifiedGroupByAliases = new List <string>();

            // Contains a list of compiled select attribute declarations. We need this in a separate list (in contrast to using
            // the selectAttributes list together with the compiledAttributes map) because it might be the case that
            // an attribute is requested twice. In that rare case, we need a new alias name for it.
            IList <string> selectAttributeDeclarations = new List <string>();

            // Dictionary containing as key the requested MIAM instance OR attribute specification of cardinality MTO,
            // mapped to the table query data to request its contents.
            IDictionary <object, TableQueryData> tableQueries = new Dictionary <object, TableQueryData>();

            // Contains the same tables as the tableQueries variable, but in order and enriched with table join data
            IList <TableJoin> tableJoins = new List <TableJoin>();

            // Contains all table query data for MIA type tables
            IDictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> miaTypeTableQueries = new Dictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData>();

            // Albert, 2012-01-29: Optimized query, don't join with media items table, if we have necessary requested MIAs. In that case,
            // we can use one of their media item ids.
            //// First create the request table query data for the MIA main table and the request attribute for the MIA ID.
            //// We'll need the requested attribute as join attribute soon.
            //TableQueryData miaTableQuery = new TableQueryData(MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_TABLE_NAME);
            //RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(miaTableQuery, MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME);

            RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute = null; // Lazy initialized below

            // Contains CompiledSortInformation instances for each sort information instance
            IList <CompiledSortInformation> compiledSortInformation = null;

            List <BindVar> sqlVars = new List <BindVar>();

            // Ensure that the tables for all necessary MIAs are requested first (INNER JOIN)
            foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _necessaryRequestedMIAs)
                if (miaType.IsTransientAspect)
                if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
                    // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary MIA, so optimize redundant entry

                TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
                miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
                RequestedAttribute ra;
                // The first table join has invalid join attributes because miaIdAttribute is still null - but only the join table attribute is necessary
                // for the the first table - see below
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", tqd,
                                             ra = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));
                if (miaIdAttribute == null)
                    miaIdAttribute = ra;

            if (miaIdAttribute == null)
            {                                                                           // If we didn't request any necessary MIA types, we have to add an artificial table for the miaIdAttribute
                TableQueryData miaTableQuery = new TableQueryData(MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_TABLE_NAME);
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", miaTableQuery, null, null)); // First table join has invalid join attributes - not needed for first table
                miaIdAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(miaTableQuery, MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME);

            // Ensure that the tables for all optional MIAs are requested first (LEFT OUTER JOIN)
            // That is necessary to make empty optional MIA types available in the result
            foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _optionalRequestedMIAs)
                if (miaType.IsTransientAspect)
                if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
                    // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary or optional MIA, so optimize redundant entry
                TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
                miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd,
                                             new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));

            // Build table query data for each selected Inline and MTO attribute
            // + select query attribute
            // + add alias to selectAttributeDeclarations
            foreach (QueryAttribute attr in _selectAttributes)
                if (attr.Attr.ParentMIAM.IsTransientAspect)
                RequestedAttribute ra;
                RequestSimpleAttribute(attr, tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes, miaTypeTableQueries,
                                       miaIdAttribute, out ra);
                string alias;
                selectAttributeDeclarations.Add(_selectProjectionFunction == null ?
                                                ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out alias) :
                                                ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, _selectProjectionFunction, out alias));
                attributeAliases.Add(attr, alias);

            CompiledFilter compiledFilter = CreateCompiledFilter(ns, bvNamespace, miaIdAttribute.GetQualifiedName(ns), tableJoins);

            // Build table query data for each Inline attribute which is part of a filter
            // + compile query attribute
            foreach (QueryAttribute attr in compiledFilter.RequiredAttributes)
                if (attr.Attr.ParentMIAM.IsTransientAspect)
                if (attr.Attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.Inline && attr.Attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.ManyToOne)
                // Tables of Inline and MTO attributes, which are part of a filter, are joined with main table
                RequestedAttribute ra;
                RequestSimpleAttribute(attr, tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes,
                                       miaTypeTableQueries, miaIdAttribute, out ra);
            // Build table query data for each sort attribute
            if (_sortInformation != null)
                compiledSortInformation = new List <CompiledSortInformation>();
                BindVar userVar = null;
                foreach (ISortInformation sortInformation in _sortInformation)
                    AttributeSortInformation attributeSort = sortInformation as AttributeSortInformation;
                    if (attributeSort != null)
                        if (attributeSort.AttributeType.ParentMIAM.IsTransientAspect)
                        MediaItemAspectMetadata.AttributeSpecification attr = attributeSort.AttributeType;
                        if (attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.Inline && attr.Cardinality != Cardinality.ManyToOne)
                            // Sorting can only be done for Inline and MTO attributes
                        RequestedAttribute ra;
                        RequestSimpleAttribute(new QueryAttribute(attr), tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes,
                                               miaTypeTableQueries, miaIdAttribute, out ra);
                        compiledSortInformation.Add(new CompiledSortInformation(ra, attributeSort.Direction));

                    DataSortInformation dataSort = sortInformation as DataSortInformation;
                    if (dataSort != null && _userProfileId.HasValue)
                        TableQueryData     tqd = new TableQueryData(UserProfileDataManagement.UserProfileDataManagement_SubSchema.USER_MEDIA_ITEM_DATA_TABLE_NAME);
                        RequestedAttribute ra  = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, UserProfileDataManagement.UserProfileDataManagement_SubSchema.USER_DATA_VALUE_COL_NAME);
                        compiledSortInformation.Add(new CompiledSortInformation(ra, dataSort.Direction));

                        if (userVar == null)
                            userVar = new BindVar("UID", _userProfileId.Value, typeof(Guid));
                        TableJoin join = new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd, new RequestedAttribute(tqd, UserProfileDataManagement.UserProfileDataManagement_SubSchema.USER_PROFILE_ID_COL_NAME), "@" + userVar.Name);
                        join.AddCondition(new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute);
                        join.AddCondition(new RequestedAttribute(tqd, UserProfileDataManagement.UserProfileDataManagement_SubSchema.USER_DATA_KEY_COL_NAME), $"'{dataSort.UserDataKey}'");
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

            string groupClause = StringUtils.Join(", ", qualifiedGroupByAliases.Select(alias => "V." + alias));

            if (groupByValues)
                mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias = "C";
                // Create an additional COUNT expression for the MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID in the GROUP BY-statement
                result.Append("COUNT(V.C) ");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupClause))
                    result.Append(", ");
                result.Append(" FROM (");
                result.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
                result.Append(" C");
                // Append plain attribute MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID if no GROUP BY-statement is requested
                result.Append(miaIdAttribute.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias));

                // System attributes: Necessary to evaluate if a requested MIA is present for the media item
                foreach (KeyValuePair <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> kvp in miaTypeTableQueries)
                    result.Append(", ");
                    string miamColumn = kvp.Value.GetAlias(ns) + "." + MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME;
                    string miamAlias = ns.GetOrCreate(miamColumn, "A");
                    result.Append(" ");
                    if (miamAlias != null)
                        miamAliases.Add(kvp.Key, miamAlias);

            // Selected attributes
            foreach (string selectAttr in selectAttributeDeclarations)
                result.Append(", ");

            string whereStr = compiledFilter.CreateSqlFilterCondition(ns, requestedAttributes, out bindVars);

            foreach (BindVar bv in sqlVars)

            result.Append(" FROM ");

            bool firstJoinTable = true;

            // Other joined tables
            foreach (TableJoin tableJoin in tableJoins)
                if (firstJoinTable)
                    firstJoinTable = false;
                result.Append(' ');

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereStr))
                result.Append(" WHERE ");
            if (groupByValues)
                result.Append(") V");
                if (qualifiedGroupByAliases.Count > 0)
                    result.Append(" GROUP BY ");
                if (compiledSortInformation != null && compiledSortInformation.Count > 0)
                    IEnumerable <string> sortCriteria = compiledSortInformation.Select(csi => csi.GetSortDeclaration(ns));
                    result.Append(" ORDER BY ");
                    result.Append(StringUtils.Join(", ", sortCriteria));
            statementStr = result.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
        protected void GenerateSingleMIASqlStatement(bool groupByValues,
                                                     IDictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, string> miamAliases,
                                                     out string mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias,
                                                     out IDictionary <QueryAttribute, string> attributeAliases,
                                                     out string statementStr, out IList <BindVar> bindVars)
            Namespace        ns          = new Namespace();
            BindVarNamespace bvNamespace = new BindVarNamespace();

            // Contains a mapping of each queried (=selected or filtered) attribute to its request attribute instance
            // data (which holds its requested query table instance)
            IDictionary <QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute> requestedAttributes = new Dictionary <QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute>();

            attributeAliases = new Dictionary <QueryAttribute, string>();

            // Contains a list of qualified attribute names for all select attributes - needed for GROUP BY-expressions
            ICollection <string> qualifiedGroupByAliases = new List <string>();

            // Contains a list of compiled select attribute declarations. We need this in a separate list (in contrast to using
            // the selectAttributes list together with the compiledAttributes map) because it might be the case that
            // an attribute is requested twice. In that rare case, we need a new alias name for it.
            IList <string> selectAttributeDeclarations = new List <string>();

            // Dictionary containing as key the requested MIAM instance OR attribute specification of cardinality MTO,
            // mapped to the table query data to request its contents.
            IDictionary <object, TableQueryData> tableQueries = new Dictionary <object, TableQueryData>();

            // Contains the same tables as the tableQueries variable, but in order and enriched with table join data
            IList <TableJoin> tableJoins = new List <TableJoin>();

            // Contains all table query data for MIA type tables
            IDictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> miaTypeTableQueries = new Dictionary <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData>();

            //Used to check whether a required MulpleMIA exists
            IList <TableQueryData> miaExistsTables = new List <TableQueryData>();

            RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute = null; // Lazy initialized below

            // Contains CompiledSortInformation instances for each sort information instance
            IList <CompiledSortInformation> compiledSortInformation = null;

            // Ensure that the tables for all necessary MIAs are requested first (INNER JOIN)
            foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _necessaryRequestedMIAs)
                if (miaType.IsTransientAspect)
                if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
                    // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary MIA, so optimize redundant entry
                if (miaType is MultipleMediaItemAspectMetadata)
                    miaExistsTables.Add(TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType));

                TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
                miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
                RequestedAttribute ra;
                // The first table join has invalid join attributes because miaIdAttribute is still null - but only the join table attribute is necessary
                // for the the first table - see below
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", tqd,
                                             ra = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));
                if (miaIdAttribute == null)
                    miaIdAttribute = ra;

            if (miaIdAttribute == null)
            {                                                                           // If we didn't request any necessary MIA types, we have to add an artificial table for the miaIdAttribute
                TableQueryData miaTableQuery = new TableQueryData(MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_TABLE_NAME);
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("INNER JOIN", miaTableQuery, null, null)); // First table join has invalid join attributes - not needed for first table
                miaIdAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(miaTableQuery, MediaLibrary_SubSchema.MEDIA_ITEMS_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME);

            // Ensure that the tables for all optional MIAs are requested first (LEFT OUTER JOIN)
            // That is necessary to make empty optional MIA types available in the result
            foreach (MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType in _optionalRequestedMIAs)
                if (miaType.IsTransientAspect)
                if (tableQueries.ContainsKey(miaType))
                    // We only come here if miaType was already queried as necessary or optional MIA, so optimize redundant entry
                if (miaType is MultipleMediaItemAspectMetadata)

                TableQueryData tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
                miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
                tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd,
                                             new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), miaIdAttribute));

            // Build table query data for each selected Inline and MTO attribute
            // + select query attribute
            // + add alias to selectAttributeDeclarations
            foreach (QueryAttribute attr in _selectAttributes)
                if (attr.Attr.ParentMIAM.IsTransientAspect)
                //Multiple MIAs will be handled later
                if (attr.Attr.ParentMIAM is MultipleMediaItemAspectMetadata)

                RequestedAttribute ra;
                RequestSimpleAttribute(attr, tableQueries, tableJoins, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", requestedAttributes, miaTypeTableQueries,
                                       miaIdAttribute, out ra);
                string alias;
                selectAttributeDeclarations.Add(_selectProjectionFunction == null ?
                                                ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out alias) :
                                                ra.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, _selectProjectionFunction, out alias));
                attributeAliases.Add(attr, alias);

            string subSql;

            GenerateSubSelectSqlStatement(bvNamespace, out subSql, out bindVars);

            // Build table query data for each sort attribute
            if (_sortInformation != null)
                compiledSortInformation = new List <CompiledSortInformation>();
                BindVar userVar = null;
                foreach (ISortInformation sortInformation in _sortInformation)
                    if (AddAttributeSortInformation(sortInformation, miaIdAttribute, requestedAttributes, miaTypeTableQueries, tableQueries, tableJoins, compiledSortInformation))
                    if (AddChildAggregateAttributeSortInformation(sortInformation, ns, bvNamespace, miaIdAttribute, tableJoins, compiledSortInformation, bindVars))
                    if (AddDataSortInformation(sortInformation, miaIdAttribute, tableJoins, compiledSortInformation, bindVars, ref userVar))

            //Build sql statement
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

            string groupClause = StringUtils.Join(", ", qualifiedGroupByAliases.Select(alias => "V." + alias));

            if (groupByValues)
                mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias = "C";
                // Create an additional COUNT expression for the MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID in the GROUP BY-statement
                result.Append("COUNT(V.C) ");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupClause))
                    result.Append(", ");
                result.Append(" FROM (");
                result.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
                result.Append(" C");
                // Append plain attribute MEDIA_ITEMS.MEDIA_ITEM_ID if no GROUP BY-statement is requested
                result.Append(miaIdAttribute.GetDeclarationWithAlias(ns, out mediaItemIdOrGroupSizeAlias));

                // System attributes: Necessary to evaluate if a requested MIA is present for the media item
                foreach (KeyValuePair <MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> kvp in miaTypeTableQueries)
                    result.Append(", ");
                    string miamColumn = kvp.Value.GetAlias(ns) + "." + MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME;
                    string miamAlias = ns.GetOrCreate(miamColumn, "A");
                    result.Append(" ");
                    if (miamAlias != null)
                        miamAliases.Add(kvp.Key, miamAlias);

            // Selected attributes
            foreach (string selectAttr in selectAttributeDeclarations)
                result.Append(", ");

            result.Append(" FROM ");

            bool firstJoinTable = true;

            // Other joined tables
            foreach (TableJoin tableJoin in tableJoins)
                if (firstJoinTable)
                    firstJoinTable = false;
                result.Append(' ');

            bool whereAdded = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subSql))
                result.Append(" WHERE ");
                result.Append($" IN({subSql}) ");
                whereAdded = true;

            if (miaExistsTables.Count > 0)
                foreach (TableQueryData tqd in miaExistsTables)
                    if (!whereAdded)
                        result.Append(" WHERE ");
                        result.Append(" AND ");
                    whereAdded = true;
                    result.Append("EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ");
                    result.Append(" WHERE ");

            if (groupByValues)
                result.Append(") V");
                if (qualifiedGroupByAliases.Count > 0)
                    result.Append(" GROUP BY ");
                if (compiledSortInformation != null && compiledSortInformation.Count > 0)
                    IEnumerable <string> sortCriteria = compiledSortInformation.Select(csi => csi.GetSortDeclaration(ns));
                    result.Append(" ORDER BY ");
                    result.Append(StringUtils.Join(", ", sortCriteria));
            statementStr = result.ToString();