private int PrivateHowManySongs(BasicSection thisS, int songCount)
            int temps = songCount.MultiplyPercentage(thisS.Percent);

            if (thisS.HowManySongs == 0)
                thisS.ChooseAll = true;

            if (thisS.ChooseAll == true)
                if (thisS.Percent == 0)

            if (thisS.HowManySongs > temps)

        public async Task AddSectionAsync(BasicSection thisSection) //now can be all async since the console supports async.
            await Task.Run(() =>
                _alreadyHad   = true;
                var firstList = thisSection.SongList !.ToCustomBasicList();
                if (firstList.Count == 0)
                    throw new BasicBlankException("When getting custom list, can't have 0 songs");

                _pList           = new CustomBasicList <IBaseSong>();
                var howManySongs = PrivateHowManySongs(thisSection, firstList.Count);
                if (howManySongs == 0)
                    throw new BasicBlankException("PrivateHowManySongs Can't Return 0 Songs");

                firstList.ShuffleList(howManySongs); //i think
                if (firstList.Count == 0)
                    throw new BasicBlankException("Can't have 0 songs after shuffling.  Rethink");

                firstList.ForEach(items =>
                    SongsChosen.Add(items.ID); //i think
                _pList = firstList;