Esempio n. 1
        public JpegDecoder(Stream input)
            jpegReader = new JPEGBinaryReader(input);

            if (jpegReader.GetNextMarker() != JPEGMarker.SOI)
                throw new Exception("Failed to find SOI marker.");
Esempio n. 2
        public void DecodeScanBaseline(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            // Set the decode function for all the components
            for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                comp.Decode = comp.DecodeBaseline;

            DecodeScan(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
Esempio n. 3
        public void DecodeScanProgressive(byte successiveApproximation, byte startSpectralSelection, byte endSpectralSelection, 
                                          byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            byte successiveHigh = (byte)(successiveApproximation >> 4);
            byte successiveLow = (byte)(successiveApproximation & 0x0f);

            if ((startSpectralSelection > endSpectralSelection) || (endSpectralSelection > 63))
                throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection.");

            bool dcOnly = startSpectralSelection == 0;
            bool refinementScan = (successiveHigh != 0);

            if (dcOnly) // DC scan
                if (endSpectralSelection != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection for DC only scan.");
            else // AC scan
                if (numberOfComponents > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Too many components for AC scan!");

            // Set the decode function for all the components
            // TODO: set this for the scan and let the component figure it out
            for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                comp.successiveLow = successiveLow;

                if (dcOnly)
                    if (refinementScan) // DC refine
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCRefine;
                    else  //               DC first
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCFirst;
                    comp.spectralStart = startSpectralSelection;
                    comp.spectralEnd = endSpectralSelection;

                    if (refinementScan) // AC refine
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACRefine;
                    else  //               AC first
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACFirst;

            DecodeScan(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Figure F.16 - Reads the huffman code bit-by-bit.</summary>
        public int Decode(JPEGBinaryReader JPEGStream)
            int   i    = 0;
            short code = (short)JPEGStream.ReadBits(1);

            while (code > maxcode[i])
                code <<= 1;
                code  |= (short)JPEGStream.ReadBits(1);
            int val = huffval[code + (valptr[i])];

            if (val < 0)
                val = 256 + val;
Esempio n. 5
        public void DecodeACFirst(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] zz)
            if (stream.eob_run > 0)

            for (int k = spectralStart; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                int s = ACTable.Decode(stream);
                int r = s >> 4;
                s &= 15;

                if (s != 0)
                    k += r;

                    r     = (int)stream.ReadBits(s);
                    s     = (int)HuffmanTable.Extend(r, s);
                    zz[k] = s << successiveLow;
                    if (r != 15)
                        stream.eob_run = 1 << r;

                        if (r != 0)
                            stream.eob_run += stream.ReadBits(r);



                    k += 15;
Esempio n. 6
        public void DecodeACRefine(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] dest)
            int p1 = 1 << successiveLow;
            int m1 = (-1) << successiveLow;

            int k = spectralStart;

            if (stream.eob_run == 0)
                for (; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                    #region Decode and check S

                    int s = ACTable.Decode(stream);
                    int r = s >> 4;
                    s &= 15;

                    if (s != 0)
                        if (s != 1)
                            throw new Exception("Decode Error");

                        if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                            s = p1;
                            s = m1;
                        if (r != 15)
                            stream.eob_run = 1 << r;

                            if (r > 0)
                                stream.eob_run += stream.ReadBits(r);

                    } // if (s != 0)


                    // Apply the update
                        if (dest[k] != 0)
                            if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                                if (((int)dest[k] & p1) == 0)
                                    if (dest[k] >= 0)
                                        dest[k] += p1;
                                        dest[k] += m1;
                            if (--r < 0)


                    } while (k <= spectralEnd);

                    if( (s != 0) && k < 64)
                        dest[k] = s;
                } // for k = start ... end

            if (stream.eob_run > 0)
                for (; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                    if (dest[k] != 0)
                        if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                            if (((int)dest[k] & p1) == 0)
                                if (dest[k] >= 0)
                                    dest[k] += p1;
                                    dest[k] += m1;

Esempio n. 7
        private void DecodeScan(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            //TODO: not necessary
            jpegReader.eob_run = 0;

            int mcuIndex = 0;
            int mcuTotalIndex = 0;

            // This loops through until a MarkerTagFound exception is
            // found, if the marker tag is a RST (Restart Marker) it
            // simply skips it and moves on this system does not handle
            // corrupt data streams very well, it could be improved by
            // handling misplaced restart markers.

            int h = 0, v = 0;
            int x = 0;

            long lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;

            //TODO: replace this with a loop which knows how much data to expect
            while (true)
                #region Inform caller of decode progress

                if (ProgressUpdateMethod != null)
                    if (jpegReader.BaseStream.Position >= lastPosition + JpegDecoder.ProgressUpdateByteInterval)
                        lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;


                    // Loop though capturing MCU, instruct each
                    // component to read in its necessary count, for
                    // scaling factors the components automatically
                    // read in how much they need

                    // Sec A.2.2 from CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
                    bool interleaved = !(numberOfComponents == 1);

                    if (!interleaved)
                        JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[0]);


                        comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, h, v);

                        int mcus_per_line = mcus_per_row(comp);
                        int blocks_per_line = (int) Math.Ceiling((double)this.Width / (8 * comp.factorH));

                        // TODO: Explain the non-interleaved scan ------

                        h++; x++;

                        if (h == comp.factorH)
                            h = 0; mcuIndex++;

                        if( (x % mcus_per_line) == 0)
                            x = 0;

                            if (v == comp.factorV)
                                if (h != 0) { mcuIndex++; h = 0; }
                                v = 0;
                                mcuIndex -= blocks_per_line;

                                // we were mid-block
                                if (h != 0) { mcuIndex++; h = 0; }

                        // -----------------------------------------------

                    else // Components are interleaved
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                            for (int j = 0; j < comp.factorV; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < comp.factorH; i++)
                                    comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, i, j);

                // We've found a marker, see if the marker is a restart
                // marker or just the next marker in the stream. If
                // it's the next marker in the stream break out of the
                // while loop, if it's just a restart marker skip it
                catch (JPEGMarkerFoundException ex)
                    marker = ex.Marker;

                    // Handle JPEG Restart Markers, this is where the
                    // count of MCU's per interval is compared with
                    // the count actually obtained, if it's short then
                    // pad on some MCU's ONLY for components that are
                    // greater than one. Also restart the DC prediction
                    // to zero.
                    if (marker == JPEGMarker.RST0
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST1
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST2
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST3
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST4
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST5
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST6
                        || marker == JPEGMarker.RST7)
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                            if (compIndex > 1)
                                comp.padMCU(mcuTotalIndex, resetInterval - mcuIndex);

                        mcuTotalIndex += (resetInterval - mcuIndex);
                        mcuIndex = 0;
                        break; // We're at the end of our scan, exit out.
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generated from text on F-23, F.13 - Huffman decoded of AC coefficients
        /// on ISO DIS 10918-1. Requirements and Guidelines.
        /// </summary>
        internal void decode_ac_coefficients(JPEGBinaryReader JPEGStream, float[] zz)
            for (int k = 1; k < 64; k++)
                int s = ACTable.Decode(JPEGStream);
                int r = s >> 4;
                s &= 15;

                if (s != 0)
                    k += r;

                    r = (int)JPEGStream.ReadBits(s);
                    s = (int)HuffmanTable.Extend(r, s);
                    zz[k] = s;
                    if (r != 15)
                        //throw new JPEGMarkerFoundException();
                    k += 15;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Generated from text on F-22, F.2.2.1 - Huffman decoding of DC
 /// coefficients on ISO DIS 10918-1. Requirements and Guidelines.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="JPEGStream">Stream that contains huffman bits</param>
 /// <returns>DC coefficient</returns>
 public float decode_dc_coefficient(JPEGBinaryReader JPEGStream)
     int t = DCTable.Decode(JPEGStream);
     float diff = JPEGStream.ReadBits(t);
     diff = HuffmanTable.Extend((int)diff, t);
     diff = (previousDC + diff);
     previousDC = diff;
     return diff;
Esempio n. 10
 public void DecodeMCU(JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, int i, int j)
     Decode(jpegReader, scanMCUs[i,j]);
Esempio n. 11
 public void DecodeDCRefine(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] dest)
     if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
         dest[0] = (int)dest[0] | (1 << successiveLow);
Esempio n. 12
        public void DecodeDCFirst(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] dest)
            float[] datablock = new float[64];
            int s = DCTable.Decode(stream);
            int r = stream.ReadBits(s);
            s = HuffmanTable.Extend(r, s);
            s = (int)previousDC + s;
            previousDC = s;

            dest[0] = s << successiveLow;
Esempio n. 13
        public void DecodeACFirst(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] zz)
            if (stream.eob_run > 0)

            for (int k = spectralStart; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                int s = ACTable.Decode(stream);
                int r = s >> 4;
                s &= 15;

                if (s != 0)
                    k += r;

                    r = (int)stream.ReadBits(s);
                    s = (int)HuffmanTable.Extend(r, s);
                    zz[k] = s << successiveLow;
                    if (r != 15)
                        stream.eob_run = 1 << r;

                        if (r != 0)
                            stream.eob_run += stream.ReadBits(r);



                    k += 15;
Esempio n. 14
 public void DecodeMCU(JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, int i, int j)
     Decode(jpegReader, scanMCUs[i, j]);
Esempio n. 15
        public void DecodeACRefine(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] dest)
            int p1 = 1 << successiveLow;
            int m1 = (-1) << successiveLow;

            int k = spectralStart;

            if (stream.eob_run == 0)
                for (; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                    #region Decode and check S

                    int s = ACTable.Decode(stream);
                    int r = s >> 4;
                    s &= 15;

                    if (s != 0)
                        if (s != 1)
                            throw new Exception("Decode Error");

                        if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                            s = p1;
                            s = m1;
                        if (r != 15)
                            stream.eob_run = 1 << r;

                            if (r > 0)
                                stream.eob_run += stream.ReadBits(r);
                    } // if (s != 0)


                    // Apply the update
                        if (dest[k] != 0)
                            if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                                if (((int)dest[k] & p1) == 0)
                                    if (dest[k] >= 0)
                                        dest[k] += p1;
                                        dest[k] += m1;
                            if (--r < 0)

                    } while (k <= spectralEnd);

                    if ((s != 0) && k < 64)
                        dest[k] = s;
                } // for k = start ... end
            if (stream.eob_run > 0)
                for (; k <= spectralEnd; k++)
                    if (dest[k] != 0)
                        if (stream.ReadBits(1) == 1)
                            if (((int)dest[k] & p1) == 0)
                                if (dest[k] >= 0)
                                    dest[k] += p1;
                                    dest[k] += m1;

Esempio n. 16
        private void DecodeScan(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            //TODO: not necessary
            jpegReader.eob_run = 0;

            int mcuIndex      = 0;
            int mcuTotalIndex = 0;

            // This loops through until a MarkerTagFound exception is
            // found, if the marker tag is a RST (Restart Marker) it
            // simply skips it and moves on this system does not handle
            // corrupt data streams very well, it could be improved by
            // handling misplaced restart markers.

            int h = 0, v = 0;
            int x = 0;

            long lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;

            //TODO: replace this with a loop which knows how much data to expect
            while (true)
                #region Inform caller of decode progress

                if (ProgressUpdateMethod != null)
                    if (jpegReader.BaseStream.Position >= lastPosition + JpegDecoder.ProgressUpdateByteInterval)
                        lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;


                    // Loop though capturing MCU, instruct each
                    // component to read in its necessary count, for
                    // scaling factors the components automatically
                    // read in how much they need

                    // Sec A.2.2 from CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
                    bool interleaved = !(numberOfComponents == 1);

                    if (!interleaved)
                        JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[0]);


                        comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, h, v);

                        int mcus_per_line   = mcus_per_row(comp);
                        int blocks_per_line = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)this.Width / (8 * comp.factorH));

                        // TODO: Explain the non-interleaved scan ------

                        h++; x++;

                        if (h == comp.factorH)
                            h = 0; mcuIndex++;

                        if ((x % mcus_per_line) == 0)
                            x = 0;

                            if (v == comp.factorV)
                                if (h != 0)
                                    mcuIndex++; h = 0;
                                v = 0;
                                mcuIndex -= blocks_per_line;

                                // we were mid-block
                                if (h != 0)
                                    mcuIndex++; h = 0;

                        // -----------------------------------------------
                    else // Components are interleaved
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                            for (int j = 0; j < comp.factorV; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < comp.factorH; i++)
                                    comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, i, j);

                // We've found a marker, see if the marker is a restart
                // marker or just the next marker in the stream. If
                // it's the next marker in the stream break out of the
                // while loop, if it's just a restart marker skip it
                catch (JPEGMarkerFoundException ex)
                    marker = ex.Marker;

                    // Handle JPEG Restart Markers, this is where the
                    // count of MCU's per interval is compared with
                    // the count actually obtained, if it's short then
                    // pad on some MCU's ONLY for components that are
                    // greater than one. Also restart the DC prediction
                    // to zero.
                    if (marker == JPEGMarker.RST0 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST1 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST2 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST3 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST4 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST5 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST6 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST7)
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                            if (compIndex > 1)
                                comp.padMCU(mcuTotalIndex, resetInterval - mcuIndex);

                        mcuTotalIndex += (resetInterval - mcuIndex);
                        mcuIndex       = 0;
                        break; // We're at the end of our scan, exit out.
Esempio n. 17
        public void DecodeScanBaseline(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            // Set the decode function for all the components
            for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                comp.Decode = comp.DecodeBaseline;

            DecodeScan(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
Esempio n. 18
        public void DecodeScanProgressive(byte successiveApproximation, byte startSpectralSelection, byte endSpectralSelection,
                                          byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            byte successiveHigh = (byte)(successiveApproximation >> 4);
            byte successiveLow  = (byte)(successiveApproximation & 0x0f);

            if ((startSpectralSelection > endSpectralSelection) || (endSpectralSelection > 63))
                throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection.");

            bool dcOnly         = startSpectralSelection == 0;
            bool refinementScan = (successiveHigh != 0);

            if (dcOnly) // DC scan
                if (endSpectralSelection != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection for DC only scan.");
            else // AC scan
                if (numberOfComponents > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Too many components for AC scan!");

            // Set the decode function for all the components
            // TODO: set this for the scan and let the component figure it out
            for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                comp.successiveLow = successiveLow;

                if (dcOnly)
                    if (refinementScan) // DC refine
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCRefine;
                    else  //               DC first
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCFirst;
                    comp.spectralStart = startSpectralSelection;
                    comp.spectralEnd   = endSpectralSelection;

                    if (refinementScan) // AC refine
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACRefine;
                    else  //               AC first
                        comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACFirst;

            DecodeScan(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>Figure F.16 - Reads the huffman code bit-by-bit.</summary>
 public int Decode(JPEGBinaryReader JPEGStream)
     int i = 0;
     short code = (short)JPEGStream.ReadBits(1);
     while (code > maxcode[i])
         code <<= 1;
         code |= (short)JPEGStream.ReadBits(1);
     int val = huffval[code + (valptr[i])];
     if (val < 0)
         val = 256 + val;
     return val;
Esempio n. 20
 public void DecodeBaseline(JPEGBinaryReader stream, float[] dest)
     float dc = decode_dc_coefficient(stream);
     decode_ac_coefficients(stream, dest);
     dest[0] = dc;