Esempio n. 1
        // Solve the maze using a depth-first traversal algorithm
        public void SolveMaze()
            //System.Random rand2 = new System.Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            if (!gen) return;

            // Check if the maze has been solved
            if (solutionPath != null) solutionPath = null;

            Stack<Cell> PathStack = new Stack<Cell>();
            int r, c;
            Cell EndCell, CurrentCell, SelectedCell;

            EndCell.row = endR;
            EndCell.col = nC - 1;
            EndCell.visited = false;
            CurrentCell.row = startR;
            CurrentCell.col = 0;
            CurrentCell.visited = false;
            visited[startR, 0] = true;

            for (r = 0; r < nR; r++)
                for (c = 0; c < nC; c++)
                    visited[r, c] = false;
            visited[startR, 0] = true;

            int nvisited = 0;   // for search performance measure

            int visitedIndex;
            Cell[] T = new Cell[4];

            r = CurrentCell.row;
            c = CurrentCell.col;
            while ((CurrentCell.row != EndCell.row) || (CurrentCell.col != EndCell.col))
                visitedIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    T[i].visited = true;
                //check north cell
                if (r != (nR - 1))
                    if ((!northWall[r, c]) && (!visited[r + 1, c]))
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r + 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                if (c != (nC - 1))
                    //check east cell
                    if ((!eastWall[r, c]) && (!visited[r, c + 1]))
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c + 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                if (c != 0)
                    //check west cell
                    if ((!eastWall[r, c - 1]) && (!visited[r, c - 1]))
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c - 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                if (r != 0)
                    //check south cell
                    if ((!northWall[r - 1, c]) && (!visited[r - 1, c]))
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r - 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;

                if (visitedIndex > 0)
                    //If there is at least one cell unvisited, randomly select one 
                    SelectedCell = T[rand.Next() % visitedIndex];

                    //push the current cell onto the stack
                    //choose the selected cell as current cell
                    CurrentCell = SelectedCell;
                    r = CurrentCell.row;
                    c = CurrentCell.col;
                    CurrentCell.visited = true;
                    visited[r, c] = true;
                    // If there is no cell unvisited, pop cell from the stack;
                    // The poped cell is not part of the solution path.
                    CurrentCell = PathStack.Pop();
                    r = CurrentCell.row;
                    c = CurrentCell.col;
                    CurrentCell.visited = true;
                    visited[r, c] = true;
            if (PathStack.Count > 0)
                solutionPath = new Cell[PathStack.Count];
                PathStack.CopyTo(solutionPath, 0);  // Solution path is in reversed order

            Debug.Log("SolotuonPath : Number of nodes visited = " + nvisited.ToString());
            Debug.Log("SolutionPath : Path length = " + solutionPath.Length.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        // Generate a maze using a depth-first search algorithm with more horizontal influence
        public void GenerateMaze2()
            //System.Random rand2 = new System.Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            Stack<Cell> CellStack = new Stack<Cell>();
            int TotalCells = nR * nC;
            Cell CurrentCell, SelectedCell;
            int VisitedCells;

            // Randomly select one cell as current cell
            int r = rand.Next() % nR;
            int c = rand.Next() % nC;

            CurrentCell.row = r;
            CurrentCell.col = c;
            CurrentCell.visited = false;
            visited[r, c] = true;
            VisitedCells = 1;

            int visitedIndex;
            Cell[] T = new Cell[4];

            bool isEast = false;
            int indexEast = 0;
            bool isWest = false;
            int indexWest = 0;
            while (VisitedCells < TotalCells)
                visitedIndex = 0;

                isEast = false;
                isWest = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    T[i].visited = true;
                // Check north cell
                if (r != (nR - 1))
                    if (!visited[r + 1, c])
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r + 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                // Check west cell
                if (c != 0)
                    if (!visited[r, c - 1])
                        isWest = true;
                        indexWest = visitedIndex;

                        T[visitedIndex].row = r;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c - 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                // Check south cell
                if (r != 0)
                    if (!visited[r - 1, c])
                        T[visitedIndex].row = r - 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;
                // Check east cell
                if (c != nC - 1)
                    if (!visited[r, c + 1])
                        isEast = true;
                        indexEast = visitedIndex;

                        T[visitedIndex].row = r;
                        T[visitedIndex].col = c + 1;
                        T[visitedIndex].visited = false;

                if (visitedIndex > 0)
                    // Select East or West unvisited cell first if there is any;
                    // otherwiese randomly select one
                    if (isWest)
                        SelectedCell = T[indexWest];
                    //else if (isEast)
                    //    SelectedCell = T[indexEast];
                    else // If there is at least one cell unvisited, randomly select one.
                        SelectedCell = T[rand.Next() % visitedIndex];

                    // Knock down the wall between these two cells.
                    // Note: (r,c) is the CurrentCell.
                    if ((SelectedCell.row == (r + 1)) && (SelectedCell.col == c))
                        northWall[r, c] = false;
                    if ((SelectedCell.row == r) && (SelectedCell.col == (c - 1)))
                        eastWall[r, c - 1] = false;
                    if ((SelectedCell.row == (r - 1)) && (SelectedCell.col == c))
                        northWall[r - 1, c] = false;
                    if ((SelectedCell.row == r) && (SelectedCell.col == (c + 1)))
                        eastWall[r, c] = false;


                    // Choose the selected cell as the current cell
                    CurrentCell = SelectedCell;
                    r = CurrentCell.row;
                    c = CurrentCell.col;
                    visited[r, c] = true;
                    //If there is no cell unvisited, pop cell from the stack		
                    CurrentCell = CellStack.Pop();
                    r = CurrentCell.row;
                    c = CurrentCell.col;
                    visited[r, c] = true;

            // Randomly select the start and end cell
            startR = rand.Next() % nR;
            endR = rand.Next() % (nR - 1) + 1;
            //endR = rand.Next() % nR;
            eastWall[endR, (nC - 1)] = false;


            // Set the gen flag and clear the solution path
            gen = true;
            solutionPath = null;
            path = null;