public bool createSite(Matter matter, string templateFilePath)
            bool result = false;

            log.addInformation("Creating New Litigation Matter site for " + matter.LMNumber + ".");
            if (importSpWeb(parentWebUrl, matter.LMNumber, templateFilePath))
                result = true;
        public void generateInitialTasks(Matter matter, string taskListLocation)
            StringBuilder tasksCreated = new StringBuilder();  // Grab the tasks created for log output.

            // read LitigationTasks.config (custom XML file) to dataset for value retrieval.
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            try { ds.ReadXml("LitigationTasks.config"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { log.addError(ex.ToString()); }

            #region Get the litigation manager user as SPFieldUserValue
            // This strange articulation must be done because the task list is located in a different web, and therefore the user object has a different key/id
            // While SharePoint could perform an internal cast of SPUser.ToString(), it seems retrival from the hashtable using the addListItem method prevents this.
            SPFieldUserValue taskAssignedTo = null;
                using (SPWeb tasksWeb = new SPSite(taskListLocation).OpenWeb())
                    // Ensure the Litigation Manager has access to the web containing tasks, or SharePoint might kibby and die.
                    SPUser user = tasksWeb.EnsureUser(matter.LitigationManagerSPUser.ToString());
                    taskAssignedTo = new SPFieldUserValue(tasksWeb, user.ID, user.LoginName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.addWarning("Unable to determine an appropriate user to assign tasks to for matter " + matter.LMNumber + ", so they will need to be assigned manually." +
                               "  The Exception was: " + ex.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow task in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                var description   = task["description"];
                var associatedURL = task["url"];
                var daysUntilDue  = Convert.ToInt32(task["daysuntildue"]);

                Hashtable taskFields = new Hashtable();
                taskFields.SetProperty("Due Date", DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysUntilDue));
                taskFields.SetProperty("Matter Name", matter.MatterName);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Task Description", description);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Assigned To", taskAssignedTo);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Allow Manual Completion", true);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Related URL", associatedURL);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Associated Site ID", matter.LMNumber);
                taskFields.SetProperty("Data Source", "LitMatterSyncService");
                taskFields.SetProperty("Additional Source Information", "Provisioned with Site");

                addListItem(taskListLocation, taskFields);
                tasksCreated.AppendLine(description.ToString() + "(Due in " + daysUntilDue.ToString() + " days)");
            log.addInformation("Generated the following initial tasks for matter " + matter.LMNumber + "\n" + tasksCreated);
        public bool createSiteFromTemplateSolution(Matter matter, string templateSolutionName)
            bool result = false;

            using (SPWeb web = new SPSite(parentWebUrl).OpenWeb())
                string template = GetTemplate(templateSolutionName, web.Site);
                web.Webs.Add(matter.LMNumber, "Temporary, Generated from template on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("F"),
                             template, true, false);
                result = true;
        public Matter matterFromDataRow(DataRow row)
            Matter matter = new Matter
                AccountName             = row["AccountName"].ToString(),
                Affiliate               = row["Affiliate"].ToString(),
                CaseCaption             = row["CaseCaption"].ToString(),
                Country                 = row["Country"].ToString(),
                DocketNumber            = row["DocketNumber"].ToString(),
                IsMatterActive          = Boolean.Parse(row["IsMatterActive"].ToString()),
                IsMatterProcessed       = Boolean.Parse(row["IsMatterProcessed"].ToString()),
                LitigationManagerName   = row["LitigationManager"].ToString(),
                LitigationManagerUserId = row["LMUserID"].ToString(),
                LitigationType          = row["LitigationType"].ToString(),
                LMNumber                = row["trg_MatterNumber"].ToString(),
                MatterName              = row["MatterName"].ToString(),
                MatterStatus            = row["MatterStatus"].ToString(),
                SiteNeeded              = false,
                StateFiled              = row["StateFiled"].ToString(),
                SysCreateDate           = row["Sys_Create_Dt"].ToString(),
                Venue          = row["Venue"].ToString(),
                WorkMatterType = row["WorkMatterType"].ToString()

            // Get Litigation Manager as SPUser.  If it can't be retrieved, use the service user so the
            // process can continue, but log an error.
            using (SPWeb web = new SPSite(parentWebUrl).OpenWeb())
                matter.LitigationManagerSPUser = getLitigationManagerSPUser(matter.LitigationManagerUserId, web);
                if (matter.LitigationManagerSPUser == null)
                    matter.LitigationManagerSPUser = web.CurrentUser;
                    log.addError("There was an error trying to establish the Manager for site " + matter.LMNumber + ". " +
                                 "The site will still be created, but needs to have a valid user assigned to the matter.");
        public List <Matter> mattersToProcess(DataTable table, List <string> validUsers)
            StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder();

            //Take the table passed in, check each row against SharePoint to determine if a site is needed and build a Matter instance accordingly.
            List <Matter> matters = new List <Matter>();

            if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    if (row != null)
                        Matter matter = matterFromDataRow(row);
                        if (!(validUsers.Contains(matter.LitigationManagerUserId, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        { // Skip Matters which have a user not found in the valid members list.
                                String.Format("{0}, ({1}), is not a valid member. {2} is being ignored.",
                                              matter.LitigationManagerName, matter.LitigationManagerUserId, matter.LMNumber));
                            matter.IsMatterProcessed = true;
                            matter.SiteNeeded = (!siteExists(matter.LMNumber));
            if (logMessage.Length > 0)
        public void updateProperties(Matter matter)
            // Given a matter, this method will create properties of a new site or or replace all properties of an existing site.
                log.addInformation("Attempting to update the properties on " + matter.LMNumber);
                // Get all new properties to a hashtable required in setWebProperties method
                Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
                properties.SetProperty("Matter_Number", matter.LMNumber);
                properties.SetProperty("Affiliate", matter.Affiliate);
                properties.SetProperty("Case_Caption", matter.CaseCaption);
                properties.SetProperty("Matter_Name", matter.MatterName);
                properties.SetProperty("Account_Name", matter.AccountName);
                properties.SetProperty("Litigation_Manager", matter.LitigationManagerName);
                properties.SetProperty("LMUserID", matter.LitigationManagerUserId);
                properties.SetProperty("Matter_Status", matter.MatterStatus);
                properties.SetProperty("Docket_Number", matter.DocketNumber);
                properties.SetProperty("Litigation_Type", matter.LitigationType);
                properties.SetProperty("State_Filed", matter.StateFiled);
                properties.SetProperty("Venue", matter.Venue);
                properties.SetProperty("Country", matter.Country);
                properties.SetProperty("Work_Matter_Type", matter.WorkMatterType);
                properties.SetProperty("Last_Synchronized", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"));
                properties.SetProperty("isMatterActive", matter.IsMatterActive);
                properties.SetProperty("isLinkedMatter", matter.IsLinkedMatter);

                using (SPWeb web = safelyGetWeb(parentWebUrl, matter.LMNumber))
                    // Set (or reset) the site's title
                    string siteTitle = (string)properties.GetProperty("Matter_Name");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteTitle))
                        siteTitle = (string)properties.GetProperty("Account_Name");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteTitle))
                        siteTitle = matter.LMNumber;
                    web.Title = siteTitle;

                    // Determine if this matter is being closed during this transaction.
                    if (matter.MatterStatus.ToLower() == "closed" && !web.AllProperties.ContainsKey("Close_Requested"))
                        log.addWarning(matter.LMNumber + " is being closed during this transaction.");
                        properties.SetProperty("Close_Requested", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"));

                    // Determine if this matter was previously closed and is being re-opened during this transaction.
                    if (matter.MatterStatus.ToLower() != "closed" && web.AllProperties.ContainsKey("Close_Requested"))
                        if (web.AllProperties["Close_Requested"].ToString().Length > 1) // ensure there's something in the field, before we report.
                            log.addWarning(matter.LMNumber + ", which was previously requested to be closed on "
                                           + web.AllProperties["Close_Requested"].ToString() + ", has had its status changed from "
                                           + web.AllProperties["Matter_Status"].ToString() + " to " + matter.MatterStatus + ".");
                        web.AllProperties.Remove("Close_Requested");  // remove the Close_Requested property, since this matter isn't closed.
                    log.addInformation("The site properties for Litigation Matter \"" + siteTitle + "\", (" + matter.LMNumber + "), were updated " +
                                       "as follows: \n\n" + setWebProperties(web, properties, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.addError("Unable to set the Properties for " + matter.LMNumber + ".  Exception:" + ex.ToString() +
                             "Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException.ToString() + ex.Data);
        public void setSiteSecurity(Matter matter, string SiteOwnersGroupName, string SiteManagerGroupName, string SiteReadOnlyUsersGroupName, string SiteAdditionalContributorsGroupName)
            using (SPWeb web = safelyGetWeb(parentWebUrl, matter.LMNumber))
                // break any existing Security role inheritance and don't copy permissions from the parent.

                // Remove any groups already on the site, start with a clean slate.

                // Create or attach existing Security Groups.

                #region Logic: Site Owners Group
                string ownersGroupName = SiteOwnersGroupName;
                // Generally, the owners group is global to the collection, so check to see if it exists first.
                // if it doesn't, assume it should be site-specific and prepend LM Number to it.
                    SPGroup owners = web.SiteGroups[SiteOwnersGroupName]; // It Existed, add it as is.
                    setupWebUserGroup(web, ownersGroupName, SPRoleType.Administrator);
                    // It didn't exist.  Make a new site-specific group.
                    ownersGroupName = matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteOwnersGroupName; // LM0001234 - Site Owners
                    setupWebUserGroup(web, ownersGroupName, SPRoleType.Administrator, "Site Owners for " + matter.LMNumber);

                #region Logic: Site Manager Group
                string managerGroupName = matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteManagerGroupName; // LM0001234 - Site Manager
                setupWebUserGroup(web, managerGroupName, SPRoleType.Contributor, "This group should contain ONLY ONE " +
                                  "user who is designated as the manager of " + matter.LMNumber);

                // Ensure only the current Litigation Manager is placed inside the intended security group.
                // Reset Site Manager groups which contain more than one person.

                SPGroup siteManagerGroup = web.SiteGroups[managerGroupName];
                if (siteManagerGroup.Users.Count > 1)
                    log.addWarning("Conflicting assignments exist in the '" + siteManagerGroup.Name + "' group for site " + matter.LMNumber +
                                   ". If the matter is currently being reassigned, this is normal. The group membership has been reset to contain only [" +
                                   matter.LitigationManagerSPUser.Name + "].  Additional participants, (rare), should be added to one of the following security groups:\n\n" +
                                   matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteAdditionalContributorsGroupName + " (Contribute Access)\n" + matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteReadOnlyUsersGroupName + " (Read-Only Access)\n" +
                                   SiteOwnersGroupName + " (Administrators Only)");
                    // Empty the group, and put only the site manager back in.

                #region Logic: Read Only Users Group
                string readOnlyUsersGroupName = matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteReadOnlyUsersGroupName; // LM0001234 - Read Only Users
                setupWebUserGroup(web, readOnlyUsersGroupName, SPRoleType.Reader, "This group contains users with Read-Only access to " + matter.LMNumber);

                #region Logic: Additional Contributors Group
                string additionalContributorsGroupName = matter.LMNumber + " - " + SiteAdditionalContributorsGroupName; //LM0001234 - Additional Contributors
                setupWebUserGroup(web, additionalContributorsGroupName, SPRoleType.Contributor, "This group contains users, who, in addition to the Site Manager, can contribute to " + matter.LMNumber +
                                  ". Use of this group should be limited to rare exceptions where more than one person requires control of the site.");
                // Save Changes and close out