Esempio n. 1
        void EditorDraw(Graphics2D pDestFrame)
            Vector2 WayPointPos = m_pCurWayPoint.GetPosition();

            if (m_pParent != null)
                RGBA_Bytes LineColor = new RGBA_Bytes(128, 128, 128);
                Vector2    ParentPos = m_pParent.m_pCurWayPoint.GetPosition();
                // draw a line back to your parent
                pDestFrame.Line(WayPointPos.x, WayPointPos.y, ParentPos.x, ParentPos.y, LineColor);

            // print out the stats for this point
            int    LineSpacing = 12;
            int    LineOffset  = -LineSpacing;
            string Text        = "";

            Text.FormatWith("G: {0:0.0}", m_AccumulatedCostFromStartG);
            pDestFrame.DrawString(Text, WayPointPos.x, WayPointPos.y + LineOffset, justification: Justification.Center);
            LineOffset += LineSpacing;

            Text.FormatWith("H: {0:0.0}", m_EstimatedCostToDestH);
            pDestFrame.DrawString(Text, WayPointPos.x, WayPointPos.y + LineOffset, justification: Justification.Center);
            LineOffset += LineSpacing;

            Text.FormatWith("F: {0:0.0}", m_TotalCostForThisNodeF);
            pDestFrame.DrawString(Text, WayPointPos.x, WayPointPos.y + LineOffset, justification: Justification.Center);
            LineOffset += LineSpacing;
Esempio n. 2
        bool FindPath(CLayerPart pActor, CWayPointMap pWayPointMap, uint StartWayPointIndex, uint EndWayPointIndex,
                      CPointList pFinalList, CCollideProcessingState pCollideProcessingState)
            // here's the way it works
            // first we set the open and closed lists to nothing


            // we add the StartWayPointIndex to the Open list
            CPathWayPoint pStartWayPoint     = pWayPointMap.GetpWayPoint(StartWayPointIndex);
            CPathWayPoint pFinalDestWayPoint = pWayPointMap.GetpWayPoint(EndWayPointIndex);
            CAStarNode    pNewNode           = GetUnusedNode();

            pNewNode.Initialize(null, null, pStartWayPoint, StartWayPointIndex, pFinalDestWayPoint, 0, SegmentLengthFunc, CCollideOutputs::MIN_COST_RATIO_TO_TREAT_AS_IMPASSABLE, UclidianDistFunc);
            // put our first point in the open list

            // we processe the open list until we fill up the open list, the closed list, or we find the end
            // if we found the end we return true, else we return false
            double RadiusOfDestPosSqr = pCollideProcessingState.GetRadiusOfDestPos();

            RadiusOfDestPosSqr = RadiusOfDestPosSqr * RadiusOfDestPosSqr;
            double OneOverYToXAspectRatioOfDestPosRadius = 1.f / pCollideProcessingState.GetYToXAspectRatioOfDestPosRadius();

            CAStarNode pBestNode = null;
            bool       Done      = false;

            while (!Done)
                // we look in the open list and find the node that has the lowest m_TotalCostForThisNodeF
                pBestNode = FindBestNode();
                if (pBestNode != null)
                    CPathWayPoint pCurBestWayPoint = pBestNode.GetpCurWayPoint();
                    bool          CloseEnough      = false;
                    if (RadiusOfDestPosSqr > 0.f)
                        CFPoint FFinalDestPos, FCurBestPos;
                        double DistSqrd = GetDistSqrd(FFinalDestPos, FCurBestPos, OneOverYToXAspectRatioOfDestPosRadius);

                        if (DistSqrd < RadiusOfDestPosSqr)
                            CloseEnough = true;

                    // now that we have the best node lets see if it's the end
                    if (pCurBestWayPoint == pFinalDestWayPoint || CloseEnough)
                        Done = true;
                        // Process all the nodes that we can get to from this node (the best one).
                        // We will look at all the sub-waypoints of this one and check each
                        // against the open list and the closed list.
                        // If we find the node in the open list we check its m_TotalCostForThisNodeF if this one
                        // is lower than this path is better and we hook that node back to this one if not we move on.
                        // If we find it in the closed list we will not do anything with it.
                        // If we don't find it in either then we will add it to the open list and move on to the next one.
                        if (!AddSubWayPointsToOpenList(pActor, pWayPointMap, pBestNode, pFinalDestWayPoint, pCollideProcessingState))
                            // put the node we just tried on the closed list
                            // We ran out of space on the open list.  We are done, there is no more space in the open list

                            //Show something on screen to indicate we failed
                            // to find a path due to running out of points (search went on to long)
                            // Commented out by JCS 6-30-01 because it shows up all the time even in non-bad cases
                            //pTheGame.ShowWarningMessage("CPathAStar::FindPath() failed to find a path (Ran out of points)... This is probably what is slowing things down...");


                        // We have arrived at this way point through a minimum path and
                        // added all its possible paths to the open list, it is done, add it to the closed list.
                    // we could not find a best node because there are no more open points
                    // the path has no solution

            // So we are done and found a path to the dest.
            // Add all the positions to the pFinalList and return true
            // the list goes from the end to the start, so we need to add the list in the reverse order.

            // store each pointer
                pBestNode = pBestNode.GetpParentNode();
            } while (pBestNode != null);

            // and add them from start to end (they were backwards)
            uint NumNodes = NodeList.GetNumItems();

            for (int i = NumNodes - 1; i >= 0; i--)

Esempio n. 3
 static double UclidianDistFunc(CPathWayPoint pCurWayPoint, CPathWayPoint pFinalDestWayPoint)
     return MMSqrt((double)(pCurWayPoint.GetPosition().GetDistSqrd(pFinalDestWayPoint.GetPosition())));