Esempio n. 1
        void MapSubMatrixIndexedToUnchecked <TU>(DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <TU> target, Func <int, int, T, TU> f,
                                                 int sourceRowIndex, int targetRowIndex, int rowCount,
                                                 int sourceColumnIndex, int targetColumnIndex, int columnCount,
                                                 Zeros zeros, ExistingData existingData)
            where TU : struct, IEquatable <TU>, IFormattable
            var processZeros = zeros == Zeros.Include || !Zero.Equals(f(0, 1, Zero));

            if (existingData == ExistingData.Clear && !processZeros)
                target.ClearUnchecked(targetRowIndex, rowCount, targetColumnIndex, columnCount);

            if (processZeros)
                CommonParallel.For(0, columnCount, Math.Max(4096 / rowCount, 32), (a, b) =>
                    int sourceColumn = sourceColumnIndex + a;
                    int targetColumn = targetColumnIndex + a;
                    for (int j = a; j < b; j++)
                        int targetIndex = targetRowIndex + (j + targetColumnIndex) * target.RowCount;
                        int sourceRow   = sourceRowIndex;
                        int targetRow   = targetRowIndex;
                        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                            target.Data[targetIndex++] = f(targetRow++, targetColumn, sourceRow++ == sourceColumn ? Data[sourceColumn] : Zero);
                if (sourceRowIndex > sourceColumnIndex && sourceColumnIndex + columnCount > sourceRowIndex)
                    // column by column, but skip resulting zero columns at the beginning

                    int columnInit = sourceRowIndex - sourceColumnIndex;
                    int offset     = (columnInit + targetColumnIndex) * target.RowCount + targetRowIndex;
                    int step       = target.RowCount + 1;
                    int count      = Math.Min(columnCount - columnInit, rowCount);

                    for (int k = 0, j = offset; k < count; j += step, k++)
                        target.Data[j] = f(targetRowIndex + k, targetColumnIndex + columnInit + k, Data[sourceRowIndex + k]);
                else if (sourceRowIndex < sourceColumnIndex && sourceRowIndex + rowCount > sourceColumnIndex)
                    // row by row, but skip resulting zero rows at the beginning

                    int rowInit = sourceColumnIndex - sourceRowIndex;
                    int offset  = targetColumnIndex * target.RowCount + rowInit + targetRowIndex;
                    int step    = target.RowCount + 1;
                    int count   = Math.Min(columnCount, rowCount - rowInit);

                    for (int k = 0, j = offset; k < count; j += step, k++)
                        target.Data[j] = f(targetRowIndex + rowInit + k, targetColumnIndex + k, Data[sourceColumnIndex + k]);
                    int offset = targetColumnIndex * target.RowCount + targetRowIndex;
                    int step   = target.RowCount + 1;
                    var count  = Math.Min(columnCount, rowCount);

                    for (int k = 0, j = offset; k < count; j += step, k++)
                        target.Data[j] = f(targetRowIndex + k, targetColumnIndex + k, Data[sourceRowIndex + k]);