Esempio n. 1
        private void AddUserFor( RegistrationRequest request )
            var user = new User();
            user.Name = request.UserName;

            var credentials = new UserCredentials
                EmailAddress = request.EmailAddress,
                EncryptedPassword = passwordEncryptor.Encrypt( request.Password1 ),
                AuthId = Guid.NewGuid()
            database.AddUser( user, credentials );
Esempio n. 2
        public RegistrationModule( IDatabase database, IEmailAddressFormatValidator emailAddressFormatValidator, IPasswordEncryptor passwordEncryptor )
            this.database = database;
            this.passwordEncryptor = passwordEncryptor;

            Get[Route.Register] = o =>
                var model = new RegistrationRequest();

                return View[Route.Register, model];

            Post[Route.Register] = o =>
                RegistrationRequest request = this.Bind<RegistrationRequest>();

                    if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.UserName) || !App.Settings.UserNameSizeRange.Contains( request.UserName.Length ) )
                        throw new Exception( string.Format( "User name must be between {0} and {1} characters long", App.Settings.UserNameSizeRange.Min, App.Settings.UserNameSizeRange.Max ) );

                    if ( !request.UserName.IsAlphanumeric() )
                        throw new Exception( "User name can contain only alphanumeric characters" );

                    if ( null != database.GetUserByName( request.UserName ) )
                        throw new Exception("An account with that name already exists");

            //					if ( !emailAddressFormatValidator.IsValidFormat(request.EmailAddress) )
            //					{
            //						throw new Exception("Invalid email address");
            //					}
            //					if ( null != database.GetUserCredentialsByEmailAddress( request.EmailAddress ) )
            //					{
            //						throw new Exception("That email address is already in use");
            //					}

                    var result = PasswordValidator.Validate( request.Password1 );
                    if ( !result.IsValid )
                        throw new Exception( string.Join( ", ", result.ValidationErrors ) );

                    if ( request.Password1 != request.Password2 )
                        throw new Exception( "Passwords do not match" );

                    AddUserFor( request );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    return View[Route.Register, request];

                this.AddUserMessage("Registration successful");
                return Response.AsRedirect( Route.SelectGames );