Esempio n. 1
        private static void SetDataToPath(int pathID)
            DualQuaternion[]   pathsCDH     = Database.PathsDisplacementQuaternions[pathID];
            DisplacementData[] movementPath = new DisplacementData[pathsCDH.Length];
            float3[]           spline       = new float3[pathsCDH.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < pathsCDH.Length; i++)
                float4 movementPoint = DisplacementMovement(pathsCDH[i]);
                float4 rotationPoint = DisplacementRotation(pathsCDH[i], movementPoint);
                spline[i]       = new float3(movementPoint.x, movementPoint.y, movementPoint.z);
                movementPath[i] = new DisplacementData(
                    new quaternion(pathsCDH[i].Wt)
                    //(rotationPoint.x, rotationPoint.y, rotationPoint.z)
            // Conncet Traveler with Trajectory
            if (Database.ObjectMovementPath.ContainsKey(pathID))
                Database.ObjectMovementPath[pathID] = movementPath;
                Database.MovementProgress.Add(pathID, 0);
                Database.ObjectMovementPath.Add(pathID, movementPath);
            // Update LineRenderer
            LineRendererSystem.SetPolygonPoints(pathID, spline);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            if (!done)
                EntityManager em = World.Active.GetOrCreateManager <EntityManager>();
                for (int pth = 0; pth < _chunks.Length; pth++) // Paths
                    Transform     pathTransform = _chunks.T[pth];
                    List <float3> pathPoints    = new List <float3>();

                    foreach (Transform curveTrans in pathTransform) // Curves
                        if (curveTrans.tag == "Trajectory")
                            PosAndRotArrs cpsData = GetPointsPosAndRot(curveTrans);
                            quaternion[]  cpsRot  = cpsData.rotArr;
                            float3[]      cpsPos  = cpsData.posArr;

                            // dummy test data:
                            quaternion v0 = new quaternion(3f, 4f, 1f, 0f);
                            quaternion v1 = new quaternion(2f, 2f, 0f, 0f);
                            float3     p0 = new float3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                            float3     p1 = new float3(.6f, .8f, .5f);

                            float3 postumis = new float3(1, 2, -2);
                            p0 += postumis;
                            p1 += postumis;

                            Transform p0T = curveTrans.GetChild(0);
                            Transform p1T = curveTrans.GetChild(1);
                            // changing transform to mock data
                            p0T.position = p0;
                            p1T.position = p1;

                            p0T.rotation = v0;
                            p1T.rotation = v1;

                            // quaternion[] RFrames = GetRFrames(cpsRot[0], cpsRot[1]); // how should be

                            // USE THIS ONE
                            float4[] RFrames = GetRFrames(v0, v1);
                            p0T.rotation = H.Float4ToQuat(RFrames[0]);
                            p1T.rotation = H.Float4ToQuat(RFrames[1]);
                            //quaternion[] RFrames = GetRFramesWithMatrix(q0, q1); // correct with mock data
                            //quaternion[] RFramesX = GetRFramesOld(q0, q1); // correct with mock data

                            // Debug.Log(RFrames[0]);s
                            // Debug.Log(RFrames[1]);
                            // Debug.Log(RFrames[2]);

                            // GetPHCUrve(cpsPos[0], cpsRot[0], cpsPos[1], cpsRot[1], ref pathPoints);

                            // SITAS
                            GetPHCUrve(p0, RFrames[0], p1, RFrames[1], ref pathPoints);
                    LineRendererSystem.SetPolygonPoints(_chunks.lrs[pth], pathPoints);
                    done = true;