public void Render(Graphics g, Vector2D translation) { Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(color)); Vector2D z = new Vector2D((float)Math.Sqrt(RADIUS * RADIUS - RADIUS * Math.Sin(ToRadians(60))), (float)(RADIUS * Math.Sin(ToRadians(60)))); Vector2D upRight = new Vector2D(z.X, 2 * -z.Y); Vector2D horRight = new Vector2D(2 * z.X, 0); Vector2D botRight = new Vector2D(z.X, 2 * z.Y); Vector2D botLeft = new Vector2D(-z.X, 2 * z.Y); Vector2D horLeft = new Vector2D(-2 * z.X, 0); Vector2D upLeft = new Vector2D(-z.X, 2 * -z.Y); Vector2D posUpRight = center + upRight + translation; Vector2D posHorRight = center + horRight + translation; Vector2D posBotRight = center + botRight + translation; Vector2D posBotLeft = center + botLeft + translation; Vector2D posHorLeft = center + horLeft + translation; Vector2D posUpLeft = center + upLeft + translation; PointF[] points = new PointF[] { new PointF(posUpRight.X, posUpRight.Y), new PointF(posHorRight.X, posHorRight.Y), new PointF(posBotRight.X, posBotRight.Y), new PointF(posBotLeft.X, posBotLeft.Y), new PointF(posHorLeft.X, posHorLeft.Y), new PointF(posUpLeft.X, posUpLeft.Y) }; g.DrawPolygon(pen, points); }
public Cell(Vector2D center, Vector2D translation) { = new Vector2D(center.X * DIAMETER, center.Y * DIAMETER); += translation; this.color = PickRandomColor(); }
public bool Collides(Vector2D hitterPosition) { Vector2D worldPosition = CoordinateSystemConverter.PixelsToWorld(hitterPosition); LayeredWorld world = (LayeredWorld)WorldManager.Worlds["first_world"]; return world.Collides(worldPosition, 0); }
public HexagonalGrid(Vector2D size, HexagonalCell[] cells, int iteration) { this.size = new Point((int)size.X, (int)size.Y); this.cells = cells; this.iteration = iteration; this.copy = new HexagonalCell[Width * Height]; }
public Player(Vector2D position) { this.speed = new Vector2D(3, 3); this.position = CoordinateSystemConverter.WorldToPixels(position); this.sprite = AnimationManager.GetAnimation("character"); Program.RenderWindow.KeyPressed += RenderWindow_KeyPressed; Program.RenderWindow.KeyReleased += RenderWindow_KeyReleased; }
public static Vector2D GetDirectionVector(Direction direction, Vector2D extra) { if (direction == Direction.Up) return new Vector2D(0, -extra.Y); if (direction == Direction.Down) return new Vector2D(0, extra.Y); if (direction == Direction.Left) return new Vector2D(-extra.X, 0); return new Vector2D(extra.X, 0); }
public HexagonalCell(Vector2D position, Vector2D translation, bool alive) { this.alive = alive; this.gridCenter = position; = new Vector2D(position.X * DIAMETER, position.Y * DIAMETER); += translation; this.color = PickRandomColor(); DetermineColorFromLifeState(); }
public Player() { this.speed = new Vector2D(3, 3); this.position = new Vector2D(10, 10); animation = AnimationGroupManager.GetAnimationGroup("player_animation"); animation.SetCurrentAnimation("player_up"); Program.RenderWindow.KeyPressed += RenderWindow_KeyPressed; Program.RenderWindow.KeyReleased += RenderWindow_KeyReleased; }
///--------------------------\ //| p(x,y) = p(i) | //| p(i) = wy + x | //\--------------------------/ public static int PlaneToLine(Vector2D worldCoords, int width) { int y = (int)worldCoords.Y; int x = (int)worldCoords.X; if (x < 0 || x > width) return -1; // If x is not in the grid, return // a negative value that won't be // processed downward. ;-) int line = width * y + x; return line; }
private void RenderWindow_KeyPressed(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { Vector2D position = new Vector2D(view.Center.X, view.Center.Y); if (e.Code == Keyboard.Key.Q) position.X -= 10; if (e.Code == Keyboard.Key.D) position.X += 10; if (e.Code == Keyboard.Key.Z) position.Y -= 10; if (e.Code == Keyboard.Key.S) position.Y += 10; view.Center = position.InternalVector; }
public static IntRect CreateHitbox(Vector2D position, bool useTextureSize = false) { int w = (int)TextureManager.TextureSize.X; int h = (int)TextureManager.TextureSize.Y; int x = (int)position.X; int y = (int)position.Y; if (useTextureSize) { x *= (int)TextureManager.TextureSize.X; y *= (int)TextureManager.TextureSize.Y; } IntRect hitbox = new IntRect(x, y, w, h); return hitbox; }
private void InitializeLifeGame(bool hasBitmap = true, bool hasGrid = false) { working = false; mouseDown = false; lastDrawnPosition = Vector2D.Zero; view = new Rectangle(0, 0, pb_Ozone.Width, pb_Ozone.Height); if (!hasGrid) CreateGrid(); if (!hasBitmap) CreateBitmap(); SetScrollBarsMaximums(); }
public static Vector2D GetDirectionVector(Direction direction) { Vector2D extra = new Vector2D(1, 1); return GetDirectionVector(direction, extra); }
public static Vector2D WorldToPixels(Vector2D worldCoords) { int x = (int)(worldCoords.X * Textures.TextureManager.TextureSize.X); int y = (int)(worldCoords.Y * Textures.TextureManager.TextureSize.Y); return new Vector2D(x, y); }
public void Render(Graphics graphics, Vector2D translation) { Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(color)); Vector2D posUpRight = center + upRight + translation; Vector2D posHorRight = center + horRight + translation; Vector2D posBotRight = center + botRight + translation; Vector2D posBotLeft = center + botLeft + translation; Vector2D posHorLeft = center + horLeft + translation; Vector2D posUpLeft = center + upLeft + translation; PointF[] points = new PointF[] { new PointF(posUpRight.X, posUpRight.Y), new PointF(posHorRight.X, posHorRight.Y), new PointF(posBotRight.X, posBotRight.Y), new PointF(posBotLeft.X, posBotLeft.Y), new PointF(posHorLeft.X, posHorLeft.Y), new PointF(posUpLeft.X, posUpLeft.Y) }; graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, points); }
private void DrawRow(Graphics g, int y, Vector2D translation) { for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { int i = CoordinateSystemConverter.PlaneToLine(new Vector2D(x, y), Width); if (x % 2 != 0) { Vector2D totalTranslation = new Vector2D(x * Cell.RADIUS, -Cell.DIAMETER); totalTranslation += translation; cells[i].Render(g, totalTranslation); } else { Vector2D totalTranslation = new Vector2D(x * Cell.RADIUS, 0); totalTranslation += translation; cells[i].Render(g, totalTranslation); } } }
private void pb_Ozone_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (grid != null && mouseDown) lastDrawnPosition = ReverseCellStateAndRender(e); }
public virtual void ReverseCellLifeState(Vector2D position) { int i = CoordinateSystemConverter.PlaneToLine(position, Width); if (IsInBounds(i)) cells[i].ReverseLife(); }
private Vector2D ReverseCellStateAndRender(MouseEventArgs e) { Vector2D position = new Vector2D(e.X / Cell.CELL_SIZE, e.Y / Cell.CELL_SIZE); if (!lastDrawnPosition.Equals(position)) { grid.ReverseCellLifeState(position); Render(); } return position; }
public HexagonalGrid(Vector2D size) { this.size = new Point((int)size.X, (int)size.Y); CreateCells(); }
public bool Equals(Vector2D b) { return b.X == X && b.Y == Y; }
public static Vector2D PixelsToWorld(Vector2D pixelCoords) { int x = (int)(pixelCoords.X / Textures.TextureManager.TextureSize.X); int y = (int)(pixelCoords.Y / Textures.TextureManager.TextureSize.Y); return new Vector2D(x, y); }