private void ParseChilds(IWzObject SourceObject) { if (SourceObject == null) throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot create a null WzNode"); Tag = SourceObject; SourceObject.HRTag = this; if (SourceObject is WzFile) SourceObject = ((WzFile)SourceObject).WzDirectory; if (SourceObject is WzDirectory) { foreach (WzDirectory dir in ((WzDirectory)SourceObject).WzDirectories) Nodes.Add(new WzNode(dir)); foreach (WzImage img in ((WzDirectory)SourceObject).WzImages) Nodes.Add(new WzNode(img)); } else if (SourceObject is WzImage) { if (((WzImage)SourceObject).Parsed) foreach (IWzImageProperty prop in ((WzImage)SourceObject).WzProperties) Nodes.Add(new WzNode(prop)); } else if (SourceObject is IPropertyContainer) { foreach (IWzImageProperty prop in ((IPropertyContainer)SourceObject).WzProperties) Nodes.Add(new WzNode(prop)); } }
internal static IWzImageProperty[] ParsePropertyList(uint offset, WzBinaryReader reader, IWzObject parent, WzImage parentImg) { List<IWzImageProperty> properties = new List<IWzImageProperty>(); int entryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { string name = reader.ReadStringBlock(offset); byte ptype = reader.ReadByte(); switch (ptype) { case 0: properties.Add(new WzNullProperty(name, i) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 0x0B: case 2: properties.Add(new WzUnsignedShortProperty(name, reader.ReadUInt16()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 3: properties.Add(new WzCompressedIntProperty(name, reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 4: byte type = reader.ReadByte(); if (type == 0x80) properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, reader.ReadSingle()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); else if (type == 0) properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, 0f) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 5: properties.Add(new WzDoubleProperty(name, reader.ReadDouble()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 8: properties.Add(new WzStringProperty(name, reader.ReadStringBlock(offset)) { Parent = parent }); break; case 9: int eob = (int)(reader.ReadUInt32() + reader.BaseStream.Position); WzExtendedProperty exProp = new WzExtendedProperty(offset, eob, name); exProp.Parent = parent; exProp.ParentImage = parentImg; exProp.ParseExtendedProperty(reader); properties.Add(exProp); if (reader.BaseStream.Position != eob) reader.BaseStream.Position = eob; break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Unknown type: {0} | {1}", ptype, name); break; } } } return properties.ToArray(); }
private void addObjInternal(IWzObject obj) { IWzObject TaggedObject = (IWzObject)Tag; if (TaggedObject is WzFile) TaggedObject = ((WzFile)TaggedObject).WzDirectory; if (TaggedObject is WzDirectory) { if (obj is WzDirectory) ((WzDirectory)TaggedObject).AddDirectory((WzDirectory)obj); else if (obj is WzImage) ((WzDirectory)TaggedObject).AddImage((WzImage)obj); else return; } else if (TaggedObject is WzImage) { if (!((WzImage)TaggedObject).Parsed) ((WzImage)TaggedObject).ParseImage(); if (obj is IWzImageProperty) ((WzImage)TaggedObject).AddProperty((IWzImageProperty)obj); else return; } else if (TaggedObject is IPropertyContainer) { if (obj is IWzImageProperty) ((IPropertyContainer)TaggedObject).AddProperty((IWzImageProperty)obj); else return; } else return; }
public WzNode(IWzObject SourceObject) : base(SourceObject.Name) { ParseChilds(SourceObject); }
private void ShowObjectValue(IWzObject obj) { mp3Player.SoundProperty = null; nameBox.Text = obj is WzFile ? ((WzFile)obj).Header.Copyright : obj.Name; nameBox.ButtonEnabled = false; if (obj is WzFile || obj is WzDirectory || obj is WzImage || obj is WzNullProperty || obj is WzSubProperty || obj is WzConvexProperty) { nameBox.Visible = true; canvasPropBox.Visible = false; pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false; textPropBox.Visible = false; mp3Player.Visible = false; vectorPanel.Visible = false; applyChangesButton.Visible = false; changeImageButton.Visible = false; saveImageButton.Visible = false; changeSoundButton.Visible = false; saveSoundButton.Visible = false; } else if (obj is WzCanvasProperty) { nameBox.Visible = true; canvasPropBox.Visible = true; pictureBoxPanel.Visible = true; textPropBox.Visible = false; mp3Player.Visible = false; canvasPropBox.Image = (Bitmap)obj; vectorPanel.Visible = false; applyChangesButton.Visible = false; changeImageButton.Visible = true; saveImageButton.Visible = true; changeSoundButton.Visible = false; saveSoundButton.Visible = false; } else if (obj is WzSoundProperty) { nameBox.Visible = true; canvasPropBox.Visible = false; pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false; textPropBox.Visible = false; mp3Player.Visible = true; mp3Player.SoundProperty = (WzSoundProperty)obj; vectorPanel.Visible = false; applyChangesButton.Visible = false; changeImageButton.Visible = false; saveImageButton.Visible = false; changeSoundButton.Visible = true; saveSoundButton.Visible = true; } else if (obj is WzStringProperty || obj is WzCompressedIntProperty || obj is WzDoubleProperty || obj is WzByteFloatProperty || obj is WzUnsignedShortProperty || obj is WzUOLProperty) { nameBox.Visible = true; canvasPropBox.Visible = false; pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false; textPropBox.Visible = true; mp3Player.Visible = false; textPropBox.Text = (string)obj; vectorPanel.Visible = false; applyChangesButton.Visible = true; changeImageButton.Visible = false; saveImageButton.Visible = false; changeSoundButton.Visible = false; saveSoundButton.Visible = false; } else if (obj is WzVectorProperty) { nameBox.Visible = true; canvasPropBox.Visible = false; pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false; textPropBox.Visible = false; mp3Player.Visible = false; vectorPanel.Visible = true; vectorPanel.X = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).X.Value; vectorPanel.Y = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).Y.Value; applyChangesButton.Visible = true; changeImageButton.Visible = false; saveImageButton.Visible = false; changeSoundButton.Visible = false; saveSoundButton.Visible = false; } else { } }
public BackgroundInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, string bS, bool ani, string no, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { _bS = bS; _ani = ani; _no = no; }
public PortalInfo(PortalType type, Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { this.type = type; }
public MapleDrawableInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, IWzObject parentObject) { this.image = image; this.origin = origin; this.parentObject = parentObject; }
internal static IWzImageProperty[] ParsePropertyList(uint offset, WzBinaryReader reader, IWzObject parent, WzImage parentImg) { List <IWzImageProperty> properties = new List <IWzImageProperty>(); int entryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { string name = reader.ReadStringBlock(offset); byte ptype = reader.ReadByte(); switch (ptype) { case 0: properties.Add(new WzNullProperty(name, i) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 0x0B: case 2: properties.Add(new WzUnsignedShortProperty(name, reader.ReadUInt16()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 3: properties.Add(new WzCompressedIntProperty(name, reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 4: byte type = reader.ReadByte(); if (type == 0x80) { properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, reader.ReadSingle()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); } else if (type == 0) { properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, 0f) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); } break; case 5: properties.Add(new WzDoubleProperty(name, reader.ReadDouble()) { Parent = parent, ParentImage = parentImg }); break; case 8: properties.Add(new WzStringProperty(name, reader.ReadStringBlock(offset)) { Parent = parent }); break; case 9: int eob = (int)(reader.ReadUInt32() + reader.BaseStream.Position); WzExtendedProperty exProp = new WzExtendedProperty(offset, eob, name); exProp.Parent = parent; exProp.ParentImage = parentImg; exProp.ParseExtendedProperty(reader); properties.Add(exProp); if (reader.BaseStream.Position != eob) { reader.BaseStream.Position = eob; } break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Unknown type: {0} | {1}", ptype, name); break; } } } return(properties.ToArray()); }
public IWzObject GetObjectFromPath(string path) { string[] seperatedPath = path.Split("/".ToCharArray()); if (seperatedPath[0].ToLower() != && seperatedPath[0].ToLower() !=, - 3).ToLower()) { return(null); } if (seperatedPath.Length == 1) { return(WzDirectory); } IWzObject curObj = WzDirectory; for (int i = 1; i < seperatedPath.Length; i++) { if (curObj == null) { return(null); } switch (curObj.ObjectType) { case WzObjectType.Directory: curObj = ((WzDirectory)curObj)[seperatedPath[i]]; continue; case WzObjectType.Image: curObj = ((WzImage)curObj)[seperatedPath[i]]; continue; case WzObjectType.Property: switch (((IWzImageProperty)curObj).PropertyType) { case WzPropertyType.Canvas: curObj = ((WzCanvasProperty)curObj)[seperatedPath[i]]; continue; case WzPropertyType.Convex: curObj = ((WzConvexProperty)curObj)[seperatedPath[i]]; continue; case WzPropertyType.SubProperty: curObj = ((WzSubProperty)curObj)[seperatedPath[i]]; continue; case WzPropertyType.Vector: if (seperatedPath[i] == "X") { return(((WzVectorProperty)curObj).X); } else if (seperatedPath[i] == "Y") { return(((WzVectorProperty)curObj).Y); } else { return(null); } default: // Wut? return(null); } } } if (curObj == null) { return(null); } return(curObj); }
internal static List<IWzImageProperty> ParsePropertyList(uint offset, WzBinaryReader reader, IWzObject parent, WzImage parentImg) { int entryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); List<IWzImageProperty> properties = new List<IWzImageProperty>(entryCount); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { string name = reader.ReadStringBlock(offset); switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0: properties.Add(new WzNullProperty(name) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 0x0B: case 2: properties.Add(new WzUnsignedShortProperty(name, reader.ReadUInt16()) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 3: properties.Add(new WzCompressedIntProperty(name, reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 4: byte type = reader.ReadByte(); if (type == 0x80) properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, reader.ReadSingle()) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); else if (type == 0) properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, 0f) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 5: properties.Add(new WzDoubleProperty(name, reader.ReadDouble()) { Parent = parent/*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 8: properties.Add(new WzStringProperty(name, reader.ReadStringBlock(offset)) { Parent = parent }); break; case 9: int eob = (int)(reader.ReadUInt32() + reader.BaseStream.Position); IWzImageProperty exProp = ParseExtendedProp(reader, offset, eob, name, parent, parentImg); properties.Add(exProp); if (reader.BaseStream.Position != eob) reader.BaseStream.Position = eob; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown property type at ParsePropertyList"); } } return properties; }
internal static IExtended ParseExtendedProp(WzBinaryReader reader, uint offset, int endOfBlock, string name, IWzObject parent, WzImage imgParent) { switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0x1B: return ExtractMore(reader, offset, endOfBlock, name, reader.ReadStringAtOffset(offset + reader.ReadInt32()), parent, imgParent); case 0x73: return ExtractMore(reader, offset, endOfBlock, name, "", parent, imgParent); default: throw new System.Exception("Invlid byte read at ParseExtendedProp"); } }
internal static IExtended ExtractMore(WzBinaryReader reader, uint offset, int eob, string name, string iname, IWzObject parent, WzImage imgParent) { if (iname == "") iname = reader.ReadString(); switch (iname) { case "Property": WzSubProperty subProp = new WzSubProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; reader.BaseStream.Position += 2; subProp.AddProperties(IWzImageProperty.ParsePropertyList(offset, reader, subProp, imgParent)); return subProp; case "Canvas": WzCanvasProperty canvasProp = new WzCanvasProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; reader.BaseStream.Position++; if (reader.ReadByte() == 1) { reader.BaseStream.Position += 2; canvasProp.AddProperties(IWzImageProperty.ParsePropertyList(offset, reader, canvasProp, imgParent)); } canvasProp.PngProperty = new WzPngProperty(reader, imgParent.parseEverything) { Parent = canvasProp }; return canvasProp; case "Shape2D#Vector2D": WzVectorProperty vecProp = new WzVectorProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; vecProp.X = new WzCompressedIntProperty("X", reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = vecProp }; vecProp.Y = new WzCompressedIntProperty("Y", reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = vecProp }; return vecProp; case "Shape2D#Convex2D": WzConvexProperty convexProp = new WzConvexProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; int convexEntryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); convexProp.WzProperties.Capacity = convexEntryCount; //performance thing for (int i = 0; i < convexEntryCount; i++) { convexProp.AddProperty(ParseExtendedProp(reader, offset, 0, name, convexProp, imgParent)); } return convexProp; case "Sound_DX8": WzSoundProperty soundProp = new WzSoundProperty(name, reader, imgParent.parseEverything) { Parent = parent }; return soundProp; case "UOL": reader.BaseStream.Position++; switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0: return new WzUOLProperty(name, reader.ReadString()) { Parent = parent }; case 1: return new WzUOLProperty(name, reader.ReadStringAtOffset(offset + reader.ReadInt32())) { Parent = parent }; } throw new Exception("Unsupported UOL type"); default: throw new Exception("Unknown iname: " + iname); } }
private bool ValidAnimation(IWzObject prop) { if (!(prop is WzSubProperty)) return false; WzSubProperty castedProp = (WzSubProperty)prop; List<WzCanvasProperty> props = new List<WzCanvasProperty>(castedProp.WzProperties.Count); int foo; foreach (IWzImageProperty subprop in castedProp.WzProperties) { if (!(subprop is WzCanvasProperty)) continue; if (!int.TryParse(subprop.Name, out foo)) return false; props.Add((WzCanvasProperty)subprop); } if (props.Count < 2) return false; props.Sort(new Comparison<WzCanvasProperty>(AnimationBuilder.PropertySorter)); for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++) if (i.ToString() != props[i].Name) return false; return true; }
public ObjectInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, string oS, string l0, string l1, string l2, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { this._oS = oS; this._l0 = l0; this._l1 = l1; this._l2 = l2; }
internal static List <IWzImageProperty> ParsePropertyList(uint offset, WzBinaryReader reader, IWzObject parent, WzImage parentImg) { int entryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); List <IWzImageProperty> properties = new List <IWzImageProperty>(entryCount); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { string name = reader.ReadStringBlock(offset); switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0: properties.Add(new WzNullProperty(name) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 0x0B: case 2: properties.Add(new WzUnsignedShortProperty(name, reader.ReadUInt16()) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 3: properties.Add(new WzCompressedIntProperty(name, reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 4: byte type = reader.ReadByte(); if (type == 0x80) { properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, reader.ReadSingle()) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); } else if (type == 0) { properties.Add(new WzByteFloatProperty(name, 0f) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); } break; case 5: properties.Add(new WzDoubleProperty(name, reader.ReadDouble()) { Parent = parent /*, ParentImage = parentImg*/ }); break; case 8: properties.Add(new WzStringProperty(name, reader.ReadStringBlock(offset)) { Parent = parent }); break; case 9: int eob = (int)(reader.ReadUInt32() + reader.BaseStream.Position); IWzImageProperty exProp = ParseExtendedProp(reader, offset, eob, name, parent, parentImg); properties.Add(exProp); if (reader.BaseStream.Position != eob) { reader.BaseStream.Position = eob; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown property type at ParsePropertyList"); } } return(properties); }
public TileInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, string tS, string u, string no, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { this._tS = tS; this._u = u; this._no = no; }
internal static IExtended ParseExtendedProp(WzBinaryReader reader, uint offset, int endOfBlock, string name, IWzObject parent, WzImage imgParent) { switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0x1B: return(ExtractMore(reader, offset, endOfBlock, name, reader.ReadStringAtOffset(offset + reader.ReadInt32()), parent, imgParent)); case 0x73: return(ExtractMore(reader, offset, endOfBlock, name, "", parent, imgParent)); default: throw new System.Exception("Invlid byte read at ParseExtendedProp"); } }
public NpcInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, string id, string name, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { = id; = name; }
internal static IExtended ExtractMore(WzBinaryReader reader, uint offset, int eob, string name, string iname, IWzObject parent, WzImage imgParent) { if (iname == "") { iname = reader.ReadString(); } switch (iname) { case "Property": WzSubProperty subProp = new WzSubProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; reader.BaseStream.Position += 2; subProp.AddProperties(IWzImageProperty.ParsePropertyList(offset, reader, subProp, imgParent)); return(subProp); case "Canvas": WzCanvasProperty canvasProp = new WzCanvasProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; reader.BaseStream.Position++; if (reader.ReadByte() == 1) { reader.BaseStream.Position += 2; canvasProp.AddProperties(IWzImageProperty.ParsePropertyList(offset, reader, canvasProp, imgParent)); } canvasProp.PngProperty = new WzPngProperty(reader, imgParent.parseEverything) { Parent = canvasProp }; return(canvasProp); case "Shape2D#Vector2D": WzVectorProperty vecProp = new WzVectorProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; vecProp.X = new WzCompressedIntProperty("X", reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = vecProp }; vecProp.Y = new WzCompressedIntProperty("Y", reader.ReadCompressedInt()) { Parent = vecProp }; return(vecProp); case "Shape2D#Convex2D": WzConvexProperty convexProp = new WzConvexProperty(name) { Parent = parent }; int convexEntryCount = reader.ReadCompressedInt(); convexProp.WzProperties.Capacity = convexEntryCount; //performance thing for (int i = 0; i < convexEntryCount; i++) { convexProp.AddProperty(ParseExtendedProp(reader, offset, 0, name, convexProp, imgParent)); } return(convexProp); case "Sound_DX8": WzSoundProperty soundProp = new WzSoundProperty(name, reader, imgParent.parseEverything) { Parent = parent }; return(soundProp); case "UOL": reader.BaseStream.Position++; switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 0: return(new WzUOLProperty(name, reader.ReadString()) { Parent = parent }); case 1: return(new WzUOLProperty(name, reader.ReadStringAtOffset(offset + reader.ReadInt32())) { Parent = parent }); } throw new Exception("Unsupported UOL type"); default: throw new Exception("Unknown iname: " + iname); } }
public ReactorInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, string id, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { = id; }
public bool AddObject(IWzObject obj, UndoRedoManager undoRedoMan) { if (CanNodeBeInserted(this, obj.Name)) { TryParseImage(); addObjInternal(obj); WzNode node = new WzNode(obj); Nodes.Add(node); if (node.Tag is IWzImageProperty) ((IWzImageProperty)node.Tag).ParentImage.Changed = true; undoRedoMan.AddUndoBatch(new System.Collections.Generic.List<UndoRedoAction> { UndoRedoManager.ObjectAdded(this, node) }); node.EnsureVisible(); return true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot insert object \"" + obj.Name + "\" because an object with the same name already exists. Skipping.", "Skipping Object", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return false; } }
public MapleExtractableInfo(Bitmap image, System.Drawing.Point origin, IWzObject parentObject) : base(image, origin, parentObject) { }
public ContextMenuStrip CreateMenu(IWzObject Tag) { ContextMenuStrip menu = null; if (Tag is WzImage || Tag is IPropertyContainer) { if (Tag is WzSubProperty) { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { AddPropsSubMenu, /*export, import,*/Remove }); } else { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { AddPropsSubMenu, /*export, import,*/Remove }); } } else if (Tag is IWzImageProperty) { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { /*export, import,*/Remove }); } else if (Tag is WzDirectory) { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { AddDirsSubMenu, /*export, import,*/Remove }); } else if (Tag is WzFile) { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { AddDirsSubMenu, SaveFile, Unload, Reload }); } else if (Tag is WzListFile) { menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { AddListSubMenu, SaveFile, Unload, Reload }); } return menu; }