Esempio n. 1
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.isTrigger)
                return;                                         //just collapse when is a collider what we are hitting
            enemy = other.GetComponentInParent <IMDamagable>(); //Get the Animal on the Other collider

            if (enemy != null)                                  //if the other does'nt have the animal script skip
                if (myAnimal.GetComponent <IMDamagable>() == enemy)
                    return;                                                                  //Don't Hit yourself
                Vector3 direction = myAnimal.transform.position -;       //Calculate the direction of the attack

                DamageValues DV = new DamageValues(direction, damageMultiplier * (myAnimal ? myAnimal.attackStrength : 1));

                if (other.attachedRigidbody && PushForce != 0)        //If the other has a riggid body and it can be pushed
                    other.attachedRigidbody.AddForce((other.transform.position - transform.position).normalized * PushForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the direction hit vector and send it to the Damage Behavior with DamageValues
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void getDamaged(DamageValues DV)
            if (Death)
                return;                                             //skip if is Death.
            if (isTakingDamage)
                return;                                             //If is already taking damage skip...
            if (inmune)
                return;                                             //skip if is imnune.
            float damageTaken = DV.Amount - defense;

            life = life - damageTaken;                              //Remove some life

            actionID = -1;                                          //If it was doing an action Stop!;

            if (life > 0)                                           //If I have some life left play the damage Animation
                damaged = true;                                     //Activate the damage so it can be seted on the Animator
                StartCoroutine(IsTakingDamageTime(damageDelay));    //Prevent to take other hit after a time.

                _hitDirection = DV.Direction;
                Death = true;
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.transform.root == transform.root)
                return;                                                              //Don't hit yourself
            Vector3 direction = + GetComponent <Collider>();

            DamageValues DV = new DamageValues(direction, damageMultiplier * (myAnimal ? myAnimal.attackStrength : 1));

            if (other.isTrigger)
                return;                  // just collapse when is a collider what we are hitting
            if (myAnimal)
                if (myAnimal.IsAttacking)
                    myAnimal.IsAttacking = false;

                    other.transform.SendMessageUpwards("getDamaged", DV, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                other.transform.SendMessageUpwards("getDamaged", DV, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Esempio n. 4
        /// Find the direction hit vector and send it to the Damage Behavior with DamageValues
        public virtual void getDamaged(DamageValues DV)
            if (isTakingDamage)
                return;                                     //If is already taking damage skip...
            //   if (DV.Mycenter == DV.Theircenter) return;      //If Im hitting MySelf skip...

            life = life - (DV.Amount - defense);            //Remove some life

            if (life > 0)                                   //If I have some life left play the damage Animation
                damaged = true;                             //Activate the damage so it can be seted on the Animator
                StartCoroutine(isTakingDamageTime(0.2f));   //Prevent to take other hit in 0.2f

                // hitDirection = (-DV.Mycenter + DV.Theircenter).normalized; //Gets the Hit Direction Vector

                hitDirection = DV.Direction;
Esempio n. 5
 public virtual void getDamaged(DamageValues DV)
     if (animal)
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.transform.root == transform.root)
                return;                                                              //Don't hit yourself
            Vector3 direction = +;

            DamageValues DV = new DamageValues(direction, damageMultiplier);

            if (other.isTrigger)
                return;                  // just collapse when is a collider what we are hitting
            IMDamagable Enemy = other.GetComponentInParent <IMDamagable>();

            if (Enemy != null)
Esempio n. 7
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            otherAnimal = other.GetComponentInParent <Animal>();                 //Get the Animal on the Other collider

            if (!otherAnimal)
                return;                                                         //if the other does'nt have the animal script skip
            if (myAnimal == otherAnimal)
                return;                                                            //Don't Hit yourself
            Vector3 direction = myAnimal.transform.position -; //Calculate the direction of the attack

            DamageValues DV = new DamageValues(direction, damageMultiplier * (myAnimal ? myAnimal.attackStrength : 1));

            if (other.isTrigger)
                return;                                                         //just collapse when is a collider what we are hitting
Esempio n. 8
        /// Find the direction hit vector and send it to the Damage Behavior without DamageValues
        public virtual void getDamaged(Vector3 Mycenter, Vector3 Theircenter, float Amount = 0)
            DamageValues DV = new DamageValues(Mycenter - Theircenter, Amount);
