Esempio n. 1
        public bool GapInPath(IPath path, out Vector2 ipt, out LineSegment gap)
            foreach (IPathSegment ps in path)
                foreach (LineSegment ls in ThreateningGaps)
                    LineSegment s = new LineSegment(ps.Start, ps.End);

                    if (ls.Intersect(s, out ipt))
                        gap = ls;
                        return true;

            ipt = default(Vector2);
            gap = default(LineSegment);
            return false;
Esempio n. 2
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || pose == null)

            double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2);
            double theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) + Math.PI / 2;

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));

            Vector2 goalPointGlobal = ((goal1.X - * (goal1.X - + (goal1.Y - * (goal1.Y -
                < (goal2.X - * (goal2.X - + (goal2.Y - * (goal2.Y - ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw);
            goalPoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds gaps between polygon objects indiscriminately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polys">List of polygons to find gaps between</param>
        /// <returns>List of LineSegment objects representing gaps found</returns>
        private List<LineSegment> FindAllGaps(List<Polygon> polys, RobotPose pose)
            List<LineSegment> gaps = new List<LineSegment>();
            for (int i = 0; i < polys.Count; i++)
                Polygon poly1 = polys[i];
                for (int j = i + 1; j < polys.Count; j++)
                    Polygon poly2 = polys[j];
                    LineSegment gap = poly1.ShortestLineToOther(poly2);
                    if (gap.Length <= ignoreabovethis)
                        Vector2 startGlobal = new Vector2(Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.X - Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.Y + pose.x,
                            Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.X + Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.Y + pose.y);

                        Vector2 endGlobal = new Vector2(Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.X - Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.Y + pose.x,
                            Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.X + Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.Y + pose.y);

                        LineSegment gapGlobal = new LineSegment(startGlobal, endGlobal);

            return gaps;
Esempio n. 4
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0) return;

            /*double dist = 0.45;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal =;
            double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);
            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);*/

            double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X)/2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y)/2);
            double theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X);

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal = (goal1.DistanceTo( < goal2.DistanceTo( ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);
            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);

            /*double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            double goal1Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
            double goal1X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
            Vector2 goal1 = new Vector2(goal1X, goal1Y);

            double goal2Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
            double goal2X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
            Vector2 goal2 = new Vector2(goal2X, goal2Y);

            goalpoint = (goal1.DistanceTo( < goal2.DistanceTo( ? goal1 : goal2;*/
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Check obstacle avoidance by intersecting the line segment between two nodes
 /// </summary>
 private bool CheckObstacles(SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> nodeOne, SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> nodeTwo)
     bool isSafe = true;
     LineSegment ls = new LineSegment(nodeOne.Value, nodeTwo.Value);
     foreach (Polygon poly in bloatedObstacles)
         if (poly.DoesIntersect(ls))
             isSafe = false;
     return isSafe;
Esempio n. 6
 public bool Intersect(LineSegment l, out Vector2 pts, out Vector2 K)
     return(l.Intersect(this, out pts, out K));
Esempio n. 7
        private bool DoSegmentsCollide(IPathSegment seg1, IPathSegment seg2, out double collideDist1, out double collideDist2)
            bool doesIntersect = false;
            Vector2 intersectPoint;
            Vector2[] p = new Vector2[4];

            collideDist1 = Double.MaxValue;
            collideDist2 = Double.MaxValue;

            LineSegment ls1 = new LineSegment(seg1.Start, seg1.End);
            LineSegment ls2 = new LineSegment(seg2.Start, seg2.End);

            doesIntersect = ls1.Intersect(ls2, out intersectPoint);

            p[0] = ls1.ClosestPoint(seg2.Start);
            p[1] = ls1.ClosestPoint(seg2.End);
            p[2] = ls2.ClosestPoint(seg1.Start);
            p[3] = ls2.ClosestPoint(seg1.End);

            if (doesIntersect)
                collideDist1 = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(intersectPoint);
                collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(intersectPoint);

            if ((p[0] - seg2.Start).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[0]))
                    collideDist1 = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[0]);
                    collideDist2 = 0;
                    doesIntersect = true;

            if ((p[1] - seg2.End).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[1]))
                    collideDist1 = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[1]);
                    collideDist2 = seg2.Length;
                    doesIntersect = true;

            if ((p[2] - seg1.Start).Length < collideThreshold)
                collideDist1 = 0;
                collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(p[2]);

            if ((p[3] - seg1.End).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Length)
                    collideDist1 = seg1.Length;
                    collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(p[3]);

            return doesIntersect;
Esempio n. 8
 public bool Intersect(LineSegment l, out Vector2 pt)
     Vector2 K;
     return Intersect(l, out pt, out K);
Esempio n. 9
 public bool Equals(LineSegment other)
     return P0.Equals(other.P0) && P1.Equals(other.P1);
Esempio n. 10
        public bool Intersect(LineSegment l, out Vector2 pt, out Vector2 K)
            Vector2 P = P1 - P0;
            Vector2 S = l.P1 - l.P0;

            Matrix2 A = new Matrix2(P.X, -S.X, P.Y, -S.Y);

            if (Math.Abs(A.Determinant()) < 1e-10) {
                pt = default(Vector2);
                K = default(Vector2);
                return false;

            K = A.Inverse()*(l.P0 - P0);

            if (K.X >= 0 && K.X <= 1 && K.Y >= 0 && K.Y <= 1) {
                pt = P0 + P*K.X;
                return true;
            else {
                pt = default(Vector2);
                return false;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goalPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="foundPath"></param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="closestNode"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the node was added to the tree (i.e. didnt hit crap)</returns>
        private RRTNode ExtendNode(ref Vector2 goalPoint, List<Polygon> obstacles, ref RRTNode goal, ref bool foundPath, ref Vector2 samplePoint, RRTNode closestNode, Random rand)
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate

            // velocity distribution

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution vDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(closestNode.State.Command.velocity, vSigma);

            // turn-rate biased
            double mixingSample = rand.NextDouble();
            double wMean = 0;
            if (mixingSample > mixingProportion)
                double angleToClosestNode = Math.Atan2((samplePoint.Y - closestNode.Point.Y), (samplePoint.X - closestNode.Point.X));
                //wMean = -kPwSample * angleToClosestNode;
                wMean = ((angleToClosestNode - closestNode.State.Pose.yaw)) * 180.0 / Math.PI / timeStep;
                if (wMean > MAX_TURN - 20)
                    wMean = MAX_TURN - 20;
                if (wMean < MIN_TURN + 20)
                    wMean = MIN_TURN + 20;
                wMean = 0;

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution wDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(wMean, wSigma);

            double velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            double wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();
            while (velSampled > MAX_VEL || velSampled < MIN_VEL)
                velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            while (wSampled > MAX_TURN || wSampled < MIN_TURN)
                wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();

            // 4) Predict a node
            RRTNode predictedNode = CalculateNextNode(closestNode, velSampled, wSampled, obstacles);
            if (predictedNode != null)
                //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.
                //Polygon goalPolygon = Polygon.VehiclePolygonWithRadius(0.5, goalPoint);
                Circle c = new Circle(.5, goalPoint);
                LineSegment nodeToParent = new LineSegment(predictedNode.Point, predictedNode.Parent.Point);
                Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[2];
                if (c.Intersect(nodeToParent, out pts))
                    foundPath = true;
                    goal = predictedNode;
                //if (predictedNode.DistanceTo(goalPoint) < goalTolerance)
                //    foundPath = true;
                //    goal = predictedNode;
                return predictedNode;
            return null;
Esempio n. 12
        private Boolean IsClear(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, List<Polygon> obstacles)
            Vector2[] temp;
            LineSegment line = new LineSegment(start, end);

            foreach (Polygon p in obstacles)
                if (p.Intersect(line, out temp))
                    return false;

            return true;