Esempio n. 1
        public static HMXImage FromStream(Stream input)
            /* Header size = 32 bytes
             * ======================
             * BYTE  - Always 1
             * BYTE  - Bits Per Pixel - Can be 4, 8, 24, or 32 (But usually either 4 or 8)
             * INT32 - Image Format/Encoding
             * BYTE  - MipMaps count
             * INT16 - Width
             * INT16 - Height
             * INT16 - Bytes Per Line
             * BYTES - 19 bytes of zero'd data

            /* Header size = 16 bytes
             * ======================
             * BYTE  - Always 0
             * BYTE  - Bits Per Pixel - Can be 4, 8, 24, or 32 (But usually either 4 or 8)
             * BYTE  - Always 0 (Image Format/Encoding)
             * BYTE  - Awlays 0 MipMaps count
             * INT16 - Width
             * INT16 - Height
             * INT16 - Bytes Per Line
             * BYTES - 6 bytes of zero'd data
            if (input.Position == input.Length)
                return(null);                                // End of stream;
            using (AwesomeReader ar = new AwesomeReader(input))
                ImageEncoding encoding;
                bool          valid;
                uint          bpp, width, height, bpl, mipmap;

                byte firstByte = ar.ReadByte();

                if (firstByte != 0 && firstByte != 1)

                bpp = ar.ReadByte();

                switch (bpp)
                case 4:
                case 8:
                case 24:
                case 32:

                    return(null);    // Probably should do something else

                if (firstByte == 1)
                    // Guesses endianess
                    ar.BigEndian = DetermineEndianess(ar.ReadBytes(4), out encoding, out valid);
                    if (!valid)
                        return(null);        // Maybe do something else later
                    // Reads rest of header
                    mipmap = ar.ReadByte(); // Mipmap count
                    // Xbox OG texture
                    encoding = ImageEncoding.BMP;
                    ar.BaseStream.Position += 2;
                    mipmap = 0;

                width  = ar.ReadUInt16();
                height = ar.ReadUInt16();
                bpl    = ar.ReadUInt16();

                ar.BaseStream.Position += (firstByte == 1) ? 19 : 6;

                // Decodes image
                var      magic = Decode(ar, encoding, bpp, mipmap, width, height, bpl, firstByte == 1);
                HMXImage image = new HMXImage(magic);
                image.Encoding  = encoding;
                image.BigEndian = ar.BigEndian;

        private static MagickImage DecodeDXT(AwesomeReader ar, uint bpp, uint width, uint height, ImageEncoding encoding, bool x360 = true)
            uint   imageSize;
            string compression;

            switch (encoding)
            case ImageEncoding.DXT1:
                imageSize   = (width * height) / 2;   // 4bpp
                compression = "DXT1";

            case ImageEncoding.DXT5:
                imageSize   = width * height;   // 8bpp
                compression = "DXT5";

            case ImageEncoding.ATI2:
                imageSize   = width * height;   // 8bpp
                compression = "ATI2";

            if (encoding == ImageEncoding.DXT1)
                const int PIXELS_PER_BLOCK = 16;
                int       blockSize        = (PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * (int)bpp) / 8;

                byte[] data = ar.ReadBytes((int)imageSize);
                if (x360)

                Color FromRGB565(int c) => Color.FromArgb(
                    (c & 0b1111_1000_0000_0000) >> 8,
                    (c & 0b0000_0111_1110_0000) >> 3,
                    (c & 0b0000_0000_0001_1111) << 3);

                Color MultiplyColor(Color c, float mult) => Color.FromArgb(
                    (int)(c.A * mult),
                    (int)(c.R * mult),
                    (int)(c.G * mult),
                    (int)(c.B * mult));

                Color AddColors(Color a, Color b) => Color.FromArgb(
                    a.A + b.A,
                    a.R + b.R,
                    a.G + b.G,
                    a.B + b.B);

                int idx    = 0;
                var colors = new Color[4];
                var pixels = new Color[16];

                int w, h;
                var imageBytes = new byte[width * height * 4]; // 32-bit color

                for (int y = 0; y < (height >> 2); y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < (width >> 2); x++)
                        // Colors - 4 bytes
                        colors[0] = FromRGB565(data[idx] | data[idx + 1] << 8);
                        colors[1] = FromRGB565(data[idx + 2] | data[idx + 3] << 8);
                        colors[2] = AddColors(MultiplyColor(colors[0], 0.66f), MultiplyColor(colors[1], 0.33f));
                        colors[3] = AddColors(MultiplyColor(colors[0], 0.33f), MultiplyColor(colors[1], 0.66f));
                        //colors[2] = AddColors(MultiplyColor(colors[0], 0.5f), MultiplyColor(colors[1], 0.5f));
                        //colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(0);

                        // Indices - 4 bytes (16 pixels)
                        pixels[0] = colors[(data[idx + 4] & 0b00_00_00_11)];       // Row 1