Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs an indirect conversion between two currencies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCurrencyCode">The source currency</param>
        /// <param name="targetCurrencyCode">The target currency</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The conversion amount</param>
        /// <param name="date">The conversion date</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="FXConversion"/> with the result of the conversion</returns>
        private async Task <ServiceResponse <FXConversion> > ConvertIndirect(string sourceCurrencyCode, string targetCurrencyCode, decimal amount, string date)
            var response = new ServiceResponse <FXConversion>();

            var sourceToBaseRecord = await _fxServiceBackend.GetFXData(sourceCurrencyCode, _fxServiceBackend.BaseCurrencyCode, date);

            if (sourceToBaseRecord == null)
                return(response.Fail(FXErrorCode.RecordNotFoundForDate, $"No exchange rate was found for source currency '{sourceCurrencyCode}' and target currency '{_fxServiceBackend.BaseCurrencyCode}' on date '{date}'."));

            // Convert from source to base
            var sourceToBaseValue = amount * sourceToBaseRecord.ExchangeRate;

            var baseToTargetRecord = await _fxServiceBackend.GetFXData(_fxServiceBackend.BaseCurrencyCode, targetCurrencyCode, date);

            if (baseToTargetRecord == null)
                return(response.Fail(FXErrorCode.RecordNotFoundForDate, $"No exchange rate was found for source currency '{_fxServiceBackend.BaseCurrencyCode}' and target currency '{targetCurrencyCode}' on date '{date}'."));

            // Convert from base to target
            var baseToTargetValue = sourceToBaseValue * baseToTargetRecord.ExchangeRate;

            // Derive the exchange rate
            decimal exchangeRate = Math.Round(baseToTargetValue / amount, 4);

            var conversion = new FXConversion
                SourceCurrencyCode = sourceToBaseRecord.SourceCurrencyCode,
                TargetCurrencyCode = baseToTargetRecord.TargetCurrencyCode,
                Amount             = amount,
                ExchangeRate       = exchangeRate,
                Value  = amount * exchangeRate, // we do not use baseToTargetValue here because we rounded the exchange rate after deriving baseToTargetValue
                Date   = baseToTargetRecord.Date,
                Direct = false

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a direct conversion between two currencies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCurrencyCode">The source currency</param>
        /// <param name="targetCurrencyCode">The target currency</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The conversion amount</param>
        /// <param name="date">The conversion date</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="FXConversion"/> with the result of the conversion</returns>
        private async Task <ServiceResponse <FXConversion> > ConvertDirect(string sourceCurrencyCode, string targetCurrencyCode, decimal amount, string date)
            var response = new ServiceResponse <FXConversion>();

            var fxRecord = await _fxServiceBackend.GetFXData(sourceCurrencyCode, targetCurrencyCode, date);

            if (fxRecord == null)
                return(response.Fail(FXErrorCode.RecordNotFoundForDate, $"No exchange rate was found for source currency '{sourceCurrencyCode}' and target currency '{targetCurrencyCode}' on date '{date}'."));

            var conversion = new FXConversion
                SourceCurrencyCode = fxRecord.SourceCurrencyCode,
                TargetCurrencyCode = fxRecord.TargetCurrencyCode,
                Amount             = amount,
                ExchangeRate       = fxRecord.ExchangeRate,
                Value  = amount * fxRecord.ExchangeRate,
                Date   = fxRecord.Date,
                Direct = true
