Esempio n. 1
        public static Form GetFormWithData()
            // create fields
            var description = new Literal
                Key = "description",
                Template = String.Format("<p>{0}</p>", PlaceHolders.Literal),
                DisplayOrder = 10,
                Html = "This is a dynamically generated form. All of the input fields on this form are generated at runtime."

            description.AddDataValue("Description", "This is a test description", true);

            var name = new TextBox
                ResponseTitle = "Name",
                Prompt = "Enter your full name:",
                DisplayOrder = 20,
                Required = true,
                RequiredMessage = "Your full name is required"
            name.AddDataValue("Name", "Vishal Sharma",true);

            var gender = new RadioList
                DisplayOrder = 30,
                ResponseTitle = "Gender",
                Prompt = "Select your gender:",
                Required = true,
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
            gender.AddChoices("Male,Female", ",");
            gender.AddDataValue("Gender", "Male", true);

            var email = new TextBox
                DisplayOrder = 25,
                ResponseTitle = "Email Address",
                Prompt = "Enter your email address:",
                Required = true,
                RegexMessage = "Must be a valid email address",
                RegularExpression = @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$"

            email.AddDataValue("EmailAddress", "*****@*****.**", true);

            var sports = new CheckBoxList
                DisplayOrder = 40,
                ResponseTitle = "Favorite Sports",
                Prompt = "What are your favorite sports?",
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
            sports.AddChoices("Baseball,Football,Soccer,Basketball,Tennis,Boxing,Golf", ",");
            sports.AddDataValue("Favorite Sports", "Cricket", true);

            var states = new Select
                DisplayOrder = 50,
                ResponseTitle = "Visited States",
                MultipleSelection = true,
                Size = 10,
                Prompt = "What US states have you visited? (Use the ctrl key to select multiple states.)"
            states.AddChoices("Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming", ",");
            states.AddDataValue("Visited States", "New York", true);

            var bio = new TextArea
                DisplayOrder = 60,
                ResponseTitle = "Bio",
                Prompt = "Describe yourself:"
            bio.InputHtmlAttributes.Add("cols", "40");
            bio.InputHtmlAttributes.Add("rows", "6");

            bio.AddDataValue("Bio", "I am a software engineer.", true);

            var month = new Select
                DisplayOrder = 70,
                ResponseTitle = "Month Born",
                Prompt = "What month were you born in?",
                ShowEmptyOption = true,
                EmptyOption = "- Select One - "
            month.AddChoices("January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December", ",");
            month.AddDataValue("Month Born", "May", true);

            var agree = new CheckBox
                DisplayOrder = 80,
                ResponseTitle = "Agrees To Terms",
                Prompt = "I agree to all of the terms in the EULA.",
                Required = true,
                RequiredMessage = "You must agree to the EULA!"
            agree.AddDataValue("Agree To Terms", "Yes", true);

            var eula = new Literal
                DisplayOrder = 75,
                Html = string.Format(@"<textarea readonly=""readonly"" rows=""8"" cols=""60"">{0}</textarea>", GetEULA())

            var file = new FileUpload
                Prompt = "Your photo",
                InvalidExtensionError = "Image files only.",
                ValidExtensions = ".jpg,.gif,.png",
                DisplayOrder = 73,
            file.Validated += new ValidatedEventHandler(file_Validated);
            file.Posted += new FilePostedEventHandler(file_Posted);

            var hidden = new Hidden
                ResponseTitle = "A Hidden Field",
                Value = "some value"

            // create form and add fields to it
            var form = new Form();
            form.AddFields(description, name, gender, email, sports, states, bio, month, agree, eula, file, hidden);

            return form;
Esempio n. 2
 static void file_Posted(FileUpload fileUploadField, EventArgs e)
     // here, you can do something with the posted file
     // (save it, email it, etc, or test it and report back to the user)
     // this event gets fired as soon as the dynamic form is model bound
Esempio n. 3
        public static Form GetForm()
             * This method sets up the Form and Field objects that
             * are needed to dynamically generate html forms at runtime.
             * Of course, there are other ways of going about defining your forms and their fields.
             * I used a static class in this demo application for simplicity.
             * In the real world, you could store your field definitions anywhere.
             * For example, you could create a database table to store all
             * of the data needed to create the form fields below.
             * Some of your end users could have access to some kind of interface to create, update,
             * or delete the form field definitions in the database.
             * This described scenario was actually the inspiration for this project.
             * There are 7 different Field types that can be used to construct the form:
             *  - TextBox (single line text input)
             *  - Textarea (multi line text input)
             *  - Checkbox
             *  - CheckboxList
             *  - RadioList
             *  - Select (Drop down lists and List boxes)
             *  - Literal (Any custom html at all. For display purposes only (no user input))
             * Each Field type have a few things in common:
             *  - Title property: Used when storing end user's responses.
             *  - Prompt property: Question asked to the user for each field.
             *  - DisplayOrder property: The order that the field is displayed to the user.
             *  - Required property: Is the user required to complete the field?
             *  - InputHtmlAttributes: Allows the developer to set the input elements html attributes
             * There are other properties and behaviors that some Field types do not share with each other.
             * Take a look through the members of each Type to see what you can do.
             * Much of each type's unique functionality is demonstrated below.
             * Feel free to tinker around in this file, changing and adding fields.
             * Don't forget to add newly created fields to the Form.
             * The Form object is the object that contains all of your Field objects,
             * triggers validation and rendering, and lets the developer access user responses.
             * When constructing your form, you can use Form.AddFields() to get your Fields
             * into the form (imagine that!).
             * Check out
             *    /Controllers/HomeController.cs
             *    /Views/Home/Demo.aspx
             *    /Views/Home/Responses.aspx
             * to learn how to use the Form object in your web application.

            // create fields
            var description = new Literal
                Key = "description",
                Template = String.Format("<p>{0}</p>", PlaceHolders.Literal),
                DisplayOrder = 10,
                Html = "This is a dynamically generated form. All of the input fields on this form are generated at runtime."

            var name = new TextBox
                ResponseTitle = "Name",
                Prompt = "Enter your full name:",
                DisplayOrder = 20,
                Required = true,
                RequiredMessage = "Your full name is required"

            var gender = new RadioList
                DisplayOrder = 30,
                ResponseTitle = "Gender",
                Prompt = "Select your gender:",
                Required = true,
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
            gender.AddChoices("Male,Female", ",");

            var email = new TextBox
                DisplayOrder = 25,
                ResponseTitle = "Email Address",
                Prompt = "Enter your email address:",
                Required = true,
                RegexMessage = "Must be a valid email address",
                RegularExpression = @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$"

            var sports = new CheckBoxList
                DisplayOrder = 40,
                ResponseTitle = "Favorite Sports",
                Prompt = "What are your favorite sports?",
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
            sports.AddChoices("Baseball,Football,Soccer,Basketball,Tennis,Boxing,Golf", ",");

            var states = new Select
                DisplayOrder = 50,
                ResponseTitle = "Visited States",
                MultipleSelection = true,
                Size = 10,
                Prompt = "What US states have you visited? (Use the ctrl key to select multiple states.)"
            states.AddChoices("Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming", ",");

            var bio = new TextArea
                DisplayOrder = 60,
                ResponseTitle = "Bio",
                Prompt = "Describe yourself:"
            bio.InputHtmlAttributes.Add("cols", "40");
            bio.InputHtmlAttributes.Add("rows", "6");

            var month = new Select
                DisplayOrder = 70,
                ResponseTitle = "Month Born",
                Prompt = "What month were you born in?",
                ShowEmptyOption = true,
                EmptyOption = "- Select One - "
            month.AddChoices("January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December", ",");

            var agree = new CheckBox
                DisplayOrder = 80,
                ResponseTitle = "Agrees To Terms",
                Prompt = "I agree to all of the terms in the EULA.",
                Required = true,
                RequiredMessage = "You must agree to the EULA!"

            var eula = new Literal
                DisplayOrder = 75,
                Html = string.Format(@"<textarea readonly=""readonly"" rows=""8"" cols=""60"">{0}</textarea>", GetEULA())

            var file = new FileUpload
                Prompt = "Your photo",
                InvalidExtensionError = "Image files only.",
                ValidExtensions = ".jpg,.gif,.png",
                Required = true,
                DisplayOrder = 73,
            file.Validated += new ValidatedEventHandler(file_Validated);
            file.Posted += new FilePostedEventHandler(file_Posted);

            var hidden = new Hidden
                 ResponseTitle = "A Hidden Field",
                 Value = "some value"

            // create form and add fields to it
            var form = new Form();
            form.AddFields(description, name, gender, email, sports, states, bio, month, agree, eula, file, hidden);

            return form;