Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of a mobile from the provided template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mobTemplate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CharData CreateMobile( MobTemplate mobTemplate )
            int count;

            if( !mobTemplate )
                Log.Error("CreateMobile: null MobTemplate.", 0);
                throw new NullReferenceException();

            CharData mob = new CharData();

            mob.MobileTemplate = mobTemplate;
            mob.Followers = null;
            mob.Name = mobTemplate.PlayerName;
            mob.ShortDescription = mobTemplate.ShortDescription;
            mob.FullDescription = mobTemplate.FullDescription;
            mob.Description = mobTemplate.Description;
            mob.SpecialFunction = mobTemplate.SpecFun;
            mob.SpecialFunctionNames = mobTemplate.SpecFunNames;
            mob.CharacterClass = mobTemplate.CharacterClass;
            mob.Level = MUDMath.FuzzyNumber( mobTemplate.Level );
            mob.ActionFlags = mobTemplate.ActionFlags;
            mob.CurrentPosition = mobTemplate.DefaultPosition;
            mob.ChatterBotName = mobTemplate.ChatterBotName;
            // TODO: Look up the chatter bot name and load a runtime bot into the variable.
            mob.ChatBot = null;
            for( count = 0; count < Limits.NUM_AFFECT_VECTORS; ++count )
                mob.AffectedBy[ count ] = mobTemplate.AffectedBy[ count ];
            mob.Alignment = mobTemplate.Alignment;
            mob.Gender = mobTemplate.Gender;
            mob.SetPermRace( mobTemplate.Race );
            mob.CurrentSize = Race.RaceList[ mob.GetRace() ].DefaultSize;
            if (mob.HasActionBit(MobTemplate.ACT_SIZEMINUS))
            if (mob.HasActionBit(MobTemplate.ACT_SIZEPLUS))

            mob.CastingSpell = 0;
            mob.CastingTime = 0;
            mob.PermStrength = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermIntelligence = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermWisdom = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermDexterity = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermConstitution = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 7;
            mob.PermAgility = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermCharisma = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermPower = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.PermLuck = MUDMath.Dice( 2, 46 ) + 8;
            mob.ModifiedStrength = 0;
            mob.ModifiedIntelligence = 0;
            mob.ModifiedWisdom = 0;
            mob.ModifiedDexterity = 0;
            mob.ModifiedConstitution = 0;
            mob.ModifiedAgility = 0;
            mob.ModifiedCharisma = 0;
            mob.ModifiedPower = 0;
            mob.ModifiedLuck = 0;
            mob.Resistant = mobTemplate.Resistant;
            mob.Immune = mobTemplate.Immune;
            mob.Susceptible = mobTemplate.Susceptible;
            mob.Vulnerable = mobTemplate.Vulnerable;
            mob.MaxMana = mob.Level * 10;
            if( Race.RaceList[mobTemplate.Race].Coins )
                int level = mobTemplate.Level;
                mob.ReceiveCopper( MUDMath.Dice( 12, level ) / 32 );
                mob.ReceiveSilver( MUDMath.Dice( 9, level ) / 32 );
                mob.ReceiveGold( MUDMath.Dice( 5, level ) / 32 );
                mob.ReceivePlatinum( MUDMath.Dice( 2, level ) / 32 );
                mob.SetCoins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            mob.ArmorPoints = MUDMath.Interpolate( mob.Level, 100, -100 );

            // * MOB HITPOINTS *
            // Was level d 8, upped it to level d 13
            // considering mobs *still* won't have as many hitpoints as some players until
            // at least level 10, this shouldn't be too big an upgrade.
            // Mob hitpoints are not based on constitution *unless* they have a
            // constitution modifier from an item, spell, or other affect

            // In light of recent player dissatisfaction with the
            // mob hitpoints, I'm implementing a log curve, using
            //  hp = exp( 2.15135 + level*0.151231)
            // This will will result in the following hp matrix:
            //     Level    Hitpoints
            //      20        175
            //      30        803
            //      40        3643
            //      50        16528
            //      55        35207
            //      60        75000
            mob.MaxHitpoints = MUDMath.Dice( mob.Level, 13 ) + 1;
            // Mob hps are non-linear above level 10.
            if( mob.Level > 20 )
                int upper = (int)Math.Exp( 1.85 + mob.Level * 0.151231 );
                int lower = (int)Math.Exp( 1.80 + mob.Level * 0.151231 );
                mob.MaxHitpoints += MUDMath.NumberRange( lower, upper );
            else if (mob.Level > 10)
                mob.MaxHitpoints += MUDMath.NumberRange(mob.Level * 2, ((mob.Level - 8) ^ 2 * mob.Level) / 2);

            // Demons/devils/dragons gain an extra 30 hitpoints per level (+1500 at lvl 50).
            if (mob.GetRace() == Race.RACE_DEMON || mob.GetRace() == Race.RACE_DEVIL || mob.GetRace() == Race.RACE_DRAGON)
                mob.MaxHitpoints += (mob.Level * 30);

            mob.Hitpoints = mob.GetMaxHit();

            // Horses get more moves, necessary for mounts.
            if(Race.RaceList[ mob.GetRace() ].Name.Equals( "Horse", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ))
                mob.MaxMoves = 290 + MUDMath.Dice( 4, 5 );
                mob.CurrentMoves = mob.MaxMoves;
            mob.LoadRoomIndexNumber = 0;

            // Insert in list.
            CharList.Add( mob );
            // Increment count of in-game instances of mob.
            return mob;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a duplicate of a mobile minus its inventory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <param name="clone"></param>
        public static void CloneMobile( CharData parent, CharData clone )
            int i;

            if( parent == null || clone == null || !parent.IsNPC() )

            // Fix values.
            clone.Name = parent.Name;
            clone.ShortDescription = parent.ShortDescription;
            clone.FullDescription = parent.FullDescription;
            clone.Description = parent.Description;
            clone.Gender = parent.Gender;
            clone.CharacterClass = parent.CharacterClass;
            clone.SetPermRace( parent.GetRace() );
            clone.Level = parent.Level;
            clone.TrustLevel = 0;
            clone.SpecialFunction = parent.SpecialFunction;
            clone.SpecialFunctionNames = parent.SpecialFunctionNames;
            clone.Timer = parent.Timer;
            clone.Wait = parent.Wait;
            clone.Hitpoints = parent.Hitpoints;
            clone.MaxHitpoints = parent.MaxHitpoints;
            clone.CurrentMana = parent.CurrentMana;
            clone.MaxMana = parent.MaxMana;
            clone.CurrentMoves = parent.CurrentMoves;
            clone.MaxMoves = parent.MaxMoves;
            clone.SetCoins( parent.GetCopper(), parent.GetSilver(), parent.GetGold(), parent.GetPlatinum() );
            clone.ExperiencePoints = parent.ExperiencePoints;
            clone.ActionFlags = parent.ActionFlags;
            clone.Affected = parent.Affected;
            clone.CurrentPosition = parent.CurrentPosition;
            clone.Alignment = parent.Alignment;
            clone.Hitroll = parent.Hitroll;
            clone.Damroll = parent.Damroll;
            clone.Wimpy = parent.Wimpy;
            clone.Deaf = parent.Deaf;
            clone.Hunting = parent.Hunting;
            clone.Hating = parent.Hating;
            clone.Fearing = parent.Fearing;
            clone.Resistant = parent.Resistant;
            clone.Immune = parent.Immune;
            clone.Susceptible = parent.Susceptible;
            clone.CurrentSize = parent.CurrentSize;
            clone.PermStrength = parent.PermStrength;
            clone.PermIntelligence = parent.PermIntelligence;
            clone.PermWisdom = parent.PermWisdom;
            clone.PermDexterity = parent.PermDexterity;
            clone.PermConstitution = parent.PermConstitution;
            clone.PermAgility = parent.PermAgility;
            clone.PermCharisma = parent.PermCharisma;
            clone.PermPower = parent.PermPower;
            clone.PermLuck = parent.PermLuck;
            clone.ModifiedStrength = parent.ModifiedStrength;
            clone.ModifiedIntelligence = parent.ModifiedIntelligence;
            clone.ModifiedWisdom = parent.ModifiedWisdom;
            clone.ModifiedDexterity = parent.ModifiedDexterity;
            clone.ModifiedConstitution = parent.ModifiedConstitution;
            clone.ModifiedAgility = parent.ModifiedAgility;
            clone.ModifiedCharisma = parent.ModifiedCharisma;
            clone.ModifiedPower = parent.ModifiedPower;
            clone.ModifiedLuck = parent.ModifiedLuck;
            clone.ArmorPoints = parent.ArmorPoints;
            //clone._mpactnum = parent._mpactnum;

            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                clone.SavingThrows[i] = parent.SavingThrows[i];

            // Now add the affects.
            foreach (Affect affect in parent.Affected)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Deliver a killing blow to the victim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="victim"></param>
        public static void KillingBlow( CharData ch, CharData victim )
            Event eventdata;
            Room room;
            bool noCorpse = false;

            StopFighting( victim, true );

            if( victim.GroupLeader || victim.NextInGroup )
                victim.RemoveFromGroup( victim );
            if( ch != victim )
                if( victim.IsNPC() && victim.MobileTemplate.DeathFun.Count > 0 )
                    victim.MobileTemplate.DeathFun[0].SpecFunction( victim, MobFun.PROC_NORMAL );
                //        prog_death_trigger( victim );
            if( victim.IsNPC() && victim.DeathFunction != null )
                noCorpse = victim.DeathFunction.SpecFunction( victim, MobFun.PROC_DEATH );
            if( !noCorpse )
                MakeCorpse( victim );

            /* Strip all event-spells from victim! */
            for( int i = (Database.EventList.Count - 1); i >= 0; i-- )
                eventdata = Database.EventList[i];

                if( eventdata.Type == Event.EventType.immolate || eventdata.Type == Event.EventType.acid_arrow )
                    if( (CharData)eventdata.Target2 == victim )
                        Database.EventList.Remove( eventdata );

            if( victim.Rider )
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n dies suddenly, and you topple to the &n&+yground&n.", victim, null, victim.Rider, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                victim.Rider.Riding = null;
                victim.Rider.CurrentPosition = Position.resting;
                victim.Rider = null;

            if( victim.Riding )
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n topples from you, &+Ldead&n.", victim, null, victim.Riding, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                victim.Riding.Rider = null;
                victim.Riding = null;

            if (!victim.IsNPC() && victim.IsAffected(Affect.AFFECT_VAMP_BITE))
                victim.SetPermRace( Race.RACE_VAMPIRE );

            for (int i = (victim.Affected.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                /* Keep the ghoul affect */
                if (!victim.IsNPC() && victim.IsAffected(Affect.AFFECT_WRAITHFORM))


            if( victim.IsNPC() )
                // This may invalidate the char list.
                CharData.ExtractChar( victim, true );
            CharData.ExtractChar( victim, false );
            //save corpses, don't wait til next save_corpse event
            // Character has died in combat, extract them to repop point and put
            // them at the menu.
                 * Pardon crimes once justice system is complete
            // This is where we send them to the menu.
            victim.DieFollower( victim.Name );

            if( victim.InRoom )
                room = victim.InRoom;
                List<RepopulationPoint> repoplist = victim.GetAvailableRepops();
                if( repoplist.Count < 1 )
                    victim.SendText( "There is no RepopPoint entry for your race and class.  Sending you to limbo.\r\n" );
                    room = Room.GetRoom( StaticRooms.GetRoomNumber("ROOM_NUMBER_START") );
                    // Drop them at the first repop point in the list.  We may want to be fancier about this later, such as dropping them
                    // at the repop for class none if their particular class isn't found.
                    room = Room.GetRoom(repoplist[0].Room);
                    if( !room )
                        victim.SendText( "The repop point for your race/class does not exist.  Please bug this.  Sending you to limbo.\r\n" );
                        room = Room.GetRoom( StaticRooms.GetRoomNumber("ROOM_NUMBER_START") );
                    if( !victim.IsNPC() && Room.GetRoom( ( (PC)victim ).CurrentHome ) )
                        room = Room.GetRoom( ( (PC)victim ).CurrentHome );
            if( room )
                victim.InRoom = room;

            // Put them in the correct body
            if( victim.Socket && victim.Socket.Original )
                CommandType.Interpret(victim, "return");

            // Reset reply pointers - handled by CharData.ExtractChar.

            CharData.SavePlayer( victim );

            // Remove from char list: handled by CharData.ExtractChar.


            if( victim.Socket != null )
                victim.Socket.ConnectionStatus =;

            // Just died flag used for safe time after re-login.
            victim.SetActionBit( PC.PLAYER_JUST_DIED );

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a damage message to a player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="victim"></param>
        /// <param name="damage"></param>
        /// <param name="skill"></param>
        /// <param name="weapon"></param>
        /// <param name="immune"></param>
        static void SendDamageMessage( CharData ch, CharData victim, int damage, string skill, ObjTemplate.WearLocation weapon, bool immune )
            if( victim.CurrentPosition == Position.sleeping )
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n has a rude awakening!", victim, null, null, );
                victim.CurrentPosition = Position.resting;
                SetFighting( victim, ch );

            if (skill == "bash")
                SocketConnection.Act( "You send $N&n crashing to the &n&+yground&n with your powerful bash.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's powerful bash sends you sprawling!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n sends $N&n sprawling with a powerful bash!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );

            if (skill == "headbutt")
                if( ch != victim && damage > victim.Hitpoints + 10 )
                    // a killing blow needs some nice verbage
                    SocketConnection.Act( "You swiftly split $N&n's skull with your forehead, sending &+Rblood&n&+r and brains&n flying!",
                        ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n rears back and splits $N&n's skull with $s forehead!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.everyone_but_victim );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "&+RBlood&n&+r and brains&n splatter everywhere as $N&n goes limp and collapses.",
                        ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.everyone_but_victim );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's forehead smashes into you, crushing your skull and bringing on a wave of &+Lblackness&n.",
                        ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                    //deal some decent damage
                else if( ch != victim && damage > 100 )
                    // a pretty nasty headbutt
                    SocketConnection.Act( "Your headbutt smashes into $N&n's skull.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's headbutt smashes into $N&n's skull.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.everyone_but_victim );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's head smashes into you, sending you reeling.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                    //deal some decent damage
                else if( ch != victim )
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's headbutt leaves a red welt on $N&n's forehead.", ch,
                        null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.everyone_but_victim );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "Your headbutt leaves a red welt on $N&n's forehead.", ch,
                        null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                    SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n's headbutt leaves a red welt on your forehead.", ch,
                        null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );

                /* left the damage to self messages in the Command.Headbutt() function
                * because they are a little too tricky to implement through
                * this function */

            if (skill == "bodyslam" && ch != victim)
                SocketConnection.Act( "You bodyslam $N&n!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n bodyslams you!\r\nYou are stunned!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n bodyslams $N&n.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );

            if (skill == "instant kill")
                switch( MUDMath.NumberRange( 1, 3 ) )
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You place your weapon in the back of $N&n, resulting in some strange noises, some blood, and a corpse!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You realize you should have kept your vital organs somewhere safe as $n&n stabs you to death.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n places $s weapon in the back of $N&n, resulting in some strange noises, some blood, and a corpse!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );
                    case 3:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You place your weapon in the back of $N&n with such force that it comes out the other side!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n ends your life with a well-placed backstab.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n places $s weapon in the back of $N&n with such force that it comes out the other side!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );

            // Multiple backstab messages, feel free to add more.
            if (skill == "backstab" && damage > 0)
                switch( MUDMath.NumberRange( 1, 4 ) )
                    case 1:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$N&n howls in agony as you pierce $S backbone!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You howl in agony as you feel &+rpain&n in your back!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$N&N howls in agony as $n&n pierces $S backbone!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );
                    case 2:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You place your $p&n silently and skillfully through the spine of $N&n.", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "Your spine feels $p&n neatly slicing through it.", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n places $s $p&n into $N&n's back!", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );
                    case 3:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "Blood flies everywhere as you stab $N&n in the back!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You feel a sharp stabbing sensation in your back!", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "Blood flies everywhere as $n&n places $s $p&n into $N&n's back!", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );
                    case 4:
                        SocketConnection.Act( "You smile with perverse pleasure as your $p&n plunges through $N&n's soft tissue, piercing vital organs.", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n smiles with perverse pleasure as $s $p&n plunges through $N&n's soft tissue, piercing vital organs.", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim );
                        SocketConnection.Act( "$n&n smile with perverse pleasure as $s $p&n plunges through $N&n's soft tissue, piercing vital organs.", ch, Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( ch, weapon ), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict );

            if (skill == "poison weapon" || skill == "poison"
                    || skill == "poison bite")

            string vp1;
            string attack;
            string buf1;
            string buf2;
            string buf3;
            string buf4;
            string buf5;

            // Adjectives based on amount of damage done.
            string adjective = String.Empty;
            if( damage > 100 )
                adjective = " godly";
            else if( damage > 75 )
                adjective = " devastating";
            else if( damage > 55 )
                adjective = " mighty";
            else if( damage > 40 )
                adjective = " awesome";
            else if( damage > 25 )
                adjective = " powerful";
            else if( damage > 4 )
                adjective = String.Empty;
            }  // no message modifier for normal hits
            else if( damage > 2 )
                adjective = " mediocre";
            else if( damage > 0 )
                adjective = " feeble";

            string vp2 = String.Empty;
            if( damage == 0 )
                vp1 = "misses";
                vp2 = String.Empty;
                damage *= 100;
                if( victim.Hitpoints > 0 )
                    damage /= victim.Hitpoints;

                if( damage <= 1 )
                    vp1 = "scratches";
                else if( damage <= 2 )
                    vp1 = "grazes";
                else if( damage <= 3 )
                    vp1 = "hits";
                else if( damage <= 4 )
                    vp1 = "hits";
                    vp2 = " hard";
                else if( damage <= 5 )
                    vp1 = "hits";
                    vp2 = " very hard";
                else if( damage <= 10 )
                    vp1 = "mauls";
                else if( damage <= 15 )
                    vp1 = "decimates";
                else if( damage <= 20 )
                    vp1 = "makes";
                    vp2 = " stagger in pain";
                else if( damage <= 25 )
                    vp1 = "maims";
                else if( damage <= 30 )
                    vp1 = "mutilates";
                else if( damage <= 40 )
                    vp1 = "disembowels";
                else if( damage <= 50 )
                    vp1 = "eviscerates";
                else if( damage <= 75 )
                    vp1 = "enshrouds";
                    vp2 = " in a mist of blood";
                    vp1 = "beats the crap out of";

            string punct = ( damage <= 40 ) ? "." : "!";

            if (skill == "barehanded fighting")
                if( ch.GetRace() >= Race.RaceList.Length )
                    Log.Error( "SendDamageMessage:  {0} invalid race", ch.GetRace() );
                    ch.SetPermRace( 0 );

                attack = Race.RaceList[ ch.GetRace() ].DamageMessage;

                buf1 = String.Format( "Your{0} {1} {2} $N&n{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct );
                buf2 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} you{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                buf3 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} $N&n{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                buf4 = String.Format("You{0} {1} {2} yourself{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                buf5 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} $m{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(skill))
                    attack = Skill.SkillList[skill].DamageText;
                    string buf = String.Format( "SendDamageMessage: bad damage type {0} for {1} damage caused by {2} to {3} with weapon {4}.",
                                                weapon );
                    Log.Error( buf, 0 );
                    skill = "barehanded fighting";
                    attack = AttackType.Table[ 0 ].Name;

                if( immune )
                    buf1 = String.Format("$N&n seems unaffected by your {0}!", attack);
                    buf2 = String.Format("$n&n's {0} seems powerless against you.", attack);
                    buf3 = String.Format("$N&n seems unaffected by $n&n's {0}!", attack);
                    buf4 = String.Format("Luckily, you seem immune to {0}.", attack);
                    buf5 = String.Format("$n&n seems unaffected by $s own {0}.", attack);
                    if (skill != "barehanded fighting" && IsWieldingPoisoned(ch, weapon))
                        buf1 = String.Format("Your poisoned {0} {1} $N&n{2}{3}", attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf2 = String.Format("$n&n's poisoned {0} {1} you{2}{3}", attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf3 = String.Format("$n&n's poisoned {0} {1} $N&n{2}{3}", attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf4 = String.Format("Your poisoned {0} {1} you{2}{3}", attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf5 = String.Format("$n&n's poisoned {0} {1} $m{2}{3}", attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf1 = String.Format("Your{0} {1} {2} $N&n{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf2 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} you{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf3 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} $N&n{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf4 = String.Format("You{0} {1} {2} yourself{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);
                        buf5 = String.Format("$n&n's{0} {1} {2} $m{3}{4}", adjective, attack, vp1, vp2, punct);

            if( victim != ch )
                SocketConnection.Act( buf1, ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character, true );
                SocketConnection.Act( buf2, ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim, true );
                SocketConnection.Act( buf3, ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.room_vict, true );
                SocketConnection.Act( buf4, ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character, true );
                SocketConnection.Act( buf5, ch, null, victim,, true );

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a character based on an object. Used for animate-object-type spells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CharData CreateCharacterFromObject( ref Object obj )
            int count;

            MobTemplate mobTemplate = Database.GetMobTemplate( StaticMobs.MOB_NUMBER_OBJECT );
            if( !mobTemplate )
                Log.Error( "CreateCharacterFromObject: null object template.", 0 );
                return null;

            CharData mob = new CharData();

            mob.MobileTemplate = mobTemplate;
            mob.Name = obj._name;
            mob.ShortDescription = obj._shortDescription;
            mob.FullDescription = obj._fullDescription;
            mob.Description = obj._fullDescription;
            mob.CharacterClass = mobTemplate.CharacterClass;
            mob.Level = Math.Max( obj._level, 1 );
            mob.ActionFlags = mobTemplate.ActionFlags;
            mob.CurrentPosition = mobTemplate.DefaultPosition;
            for( count = 0; count < Limits.NUM_AFFECT_VECTORS; ++count )
                mob.AffectedBy[ count ] = mobTemplate.AffectedBy[ count ];
            mob.Alignment = mobTemplate.Alignment;
            mob.Gender = mobTemplate.Gender;
            mob.SetPermRace( mobTemplate.Race );
            mob.CurrentSize = Race.RaceList[ mob.GetRace() ].DefaultSize;
            if (mob.HasActionBit(MobTemplate.ACT_SIZEMINUS))
            if (mob.HasActionBit(MobTemplate.ACT_SIZEPLUS))

            mob.CastingSpell = 0;
            mob.CastingTime = 0;
            mob.PermStrength = 55;
            mob.PermIntelligence = 55;
            mob.PermWisdom = 55;
            mob.PermDexterity = 55;
            mob.PermConstitution = 55;
            mob.PermAgility = 55;
            mob.PermCharisma = 55;
            mob.PermPower = 55;
            mob.PermLuck = 55;
            mob.ModifiedStrength = 0;
            mob.ModifiedIntelligence = 0;
            mob.ModifiedWisdom = 0;
            mob.ModifiedDexterity = 0;
            mob.ModifiedConstitution = 0;
            mob.ModifiedAgility = 0;
            mob.ModifiedCharisma = 0;
            mob.ModifiedPower = 0;
            mob.ModifiedLuck = 0;
            mob.Resistant = mobTemplate.Resistant;
            mob.Immune = mobTemplate.Immune;
            mob.Susceptible = mobTemplate.Susceptible;
            mob.Vulnerable = mobTemplate.Vulnerable;
            mob.SetCoins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            mob.ArmorPoints = MUDMath.Interpolate( mob.Level, 100, -100 );

            // * MOB HITPOINTS *
            // Was level d 8, upped it to level d 13
            // considering mobs *still* won't have as many hitpoints as some players until
            // at least lvl 10, this shouldn't be too big an upgrade.
            // Mob hitpoints are not based on constitution *unless* they have a
            // constitution modifier from an item, spell, or other affect

            mob.MaxHitpoints = mob.Level * 100;
            mob.Hitpoints = mob.GetMaxHit();

            * Insert in list.
            Database.CharList.Add( mob );
            // Increment in-game count of mob.
            mob.AddToRoom( obj._inRoom );
            return mob;